"This time the Jade Cloud Sect has had a great harvest, and two disciples have become the core!"

"From now on, the Blue Cloud Sect will be in the alliance, and its status will be higher than that of you and me. Only the Lingfeng Sect and the Hongshen Sect can surpass us!"

As Ye Yun became the last core disciple, other forces shook their heads one after another, their disappointment dissipated, and the cultivators who broke the fairyland stayed one by one. At a glance, there are more than 300 cultivators who broke the fairyland in the Yunji Mountain Range.

For a comprehension force, it is not a weak force to have so many immortal monks.

"Junior brother, congratulations, I never thought you and I could stand here at the same time!"

When Ye Yun ascended the temple generously, all kinds of eyes were met with sarcasm, all of them were hostile eyes, none of them were friendly, especially those masters who became the core of Hongshenzong, I really wanted to eat Ye Yun raw Only by killing them alive can the resentment be eliminated.

This time Ye Yun made Hongshenzong lose face, and made Yanshanzong's whole plan come to nothing. Ye Yun has obviously become Hongshenzong's biggest enemy at present.

But what made Ye Yun quite gratified was that Wen Jing greeted him heartily, thanking and being grateful in front of Ye Yun, in short, he didn't treat Ye Yun as an outsider at all.

"The core disciples will stay here temporarily, and after a while, follow the leader to the main altar of the alliance!"

Xia Yuanhou Chunfeng said to everyone proudly, and then followed the leader Lu Xu, protected the Dharma with Yanshanzong, and entered the temple together with ten deputy leaders.

The remaining 300 strong immortals were first recorded by an old man.

"Young Master Xia, Young Master Jinhua..."

"From now on, we are all core disciples. Naturally, we have to form an alliance, do things well, gather strength, and twist into one rope, so that we can stand upright in front of the leader!"

Almost all the core disciples started to take the initiative to build relationships with the top ten young masters, showing courtesy, giving big gifts, talking and laughing, but four of them remained indifferent, two were disciples of the Hongshen Sect, and the other two were Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin.

Just the four of them were openly hostile by the sixteen core disciples headed by the top ten sons. Naturally, the Hongshenzong would not be subordinated to the Lingfeng Shengzong. If the top ten sons are not given face, the two forces are fighting openly and secretly.

Wen Jingxin is like an ice beauty, all kinds of lewd eyes make her very uncomfortable, she said to Ye Yun: "Junior Brother, from now on, you and I will be more careful when we are with these wolves, tigers and leopards, I don't know what the leader will give us. I don't have any hope for any kind of power, as long as the alliance can be stabilized, I will leave with my master and my brothers and sisters!"

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop..."

Ye Yun sighed softly, hiding his secrets, looked at Wen Jingxin, and said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, you and I can't be alone here, look at these people, which one is good, they will definitely treat you and me Let's attack and reject dissidents. Instead of doing this, it's better for you and me to strike first, find an opportunity, and kill one less. This matter not only concerns you and me, but also affects the entire sect. Have a great day!"

"You and me? Kill them, these immortal masters?"

Wen Jingxin couldn't believe her ears. She felt that she had heard correctly. Is it possible for the two monks of the Heaven-reaching Realm to fight against the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm?

This competition for core disciples allowed Wen Jingxin to fully understand what the concept of breaking the fairyland is, and how far it is from the Tongtian realm. Relying on a fairy weapon with the heart is also a dead end.

Ye Yun also began to show his true self, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I will naturally do what I am sure of. To be honest, I still have a lot of ancient talismans on me. It is more than enough to kill these people!"


This made Wen Jing heartbroken. It is conceivable how shocked she was when she knew the news. A talisman with such power can be dealt with even at the third level of Poxian.

Now that Ye Yun has so many talismans in his hands, his status is different. He is comparable to a strong man who breaks through the fairyland. Wen Jingxin really can't believe it. With a lot of treasures in his body, he can practice alone and freely, and he can even join a cultivation force that is a hundred times stronger than the Jade Cloud Sect, but he is willing to live in the little Jade Cloud Sect, and it is still the most difficult time for the Jade Cloud Sect.

All of this happened so suddenly that Wen Jing was full of doubts.

"Brothers, Hongshenzong seems to be arrogant, and he doesn't want to join us!"

The top ten sons headed by Xia Yingjie, Fang Buddha has long been in collusion and supported by a group of people, and now they are eyeing the two masters of the Hongshenzong, as well as Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin, but they did not let Ye Yun go. In the eyes of the two cultivators of the Heaven-reaching Realm, in the eyes of the Po Immortal Realm, they are nothing.

Now, these disciples who are respected by the ten sons have reached an agreement long ago. Which of them don't understand that Hongshenzong and Lingfeng Shengzong can elect the leader, so naturally the relationship with the leader is not simple, and the ten sons have a relationship with Lingfeng Shengzong Best, naturally want to draw up the relationship.

Eliminate dissidents so that they can thrive in the alliance.

Mr. Yinzhe smiled evilly: "Brother Xia, you and I, brothers, will sooner or later be the ones who will do great things. Don't worry too much. Now you are just waiting for time. The sky is also carved by time, and the same is true for immortal power!"

These words were very unobtrusive, let the two masters of Hongshenzong hear, not to mention how angry they are, now they are in a dilemma, they are very embarrassed, and they ran to enjoy the cool.

Then there were other immortal masters who also took the opportunity to go to make friends with the ten young masters. It seems that the ten young masters really do everything they can in the Yunji mountain range.

It took about three days for the top ten deputy alliance leaders to show up from the main hall and lead their disciples to leave one by one.


Wen Biyun finally came out of the hall. She didn't have much contact with the other leaders, and Fangfo was also rejected by the other leaders. At this time, Wen Jingxin and Ye Yun took the initiative to go up to greet her.

"Jingxin, you go to the side and wait, Han Yu, come with me!"

Wen Biyun still didn't say much, and swept the surrounding people slightly, leaving Wen Jingxin aside, and then led Ye Yun towards the corner of the square and palace.

Passing through layers of corridors, stairs, and buildings, the two came to a circular isolated platform. In front of them, there were bottomless mountains, forests, and layers of clouds on the left and right, putting Buddha in a fairyland.

Wen Biyun looked at Ye Yun slowly: "The scenery here is not bad, what do you think?"

"Master, if you have anything to say, just say it, the disciple knows everything without saying anything!"

Ye Yun came to Xuanhuang Star this time, not to practice on vacation, but to deal with the Yan Sect. Now he has joined the Jade Cloud Sect and successfully won a core disciple. All of this is entirely based on his identity as a Jade Cloud Sect disciple. Yes, if Wen Biyun doesn't see the slightest clue, then she is not worthy of being the head of a sect.

So, at this juncture, Ye Yun could only get straight to the point, he would hit seven inches when he hit a snake, and the time was running out to deal with the Yan Sect, so he had to strike decisively.

"It's only been a year since you joined Jade Cloud Sect. What's going on with Jade Cloud Zong? You're not a lunatic. You must be very aware of this. You have hidden a treasure, become a core disciple, and become a blockbuster...I want to listen to the truth, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the light in Wen Biyun's eyes suddenly gathered.

This made Ye Yun feel that Wen Biyun would attack him at any time. It seems that Wen Biyun really began to suspect, Ye Yun said decisively: "Master Wen, to be honest, I joined Biyun Sect for a reason."

Wen Biyun suddenly showed the demeanor of a school leader: "You don't need to talk nonsense about this. I just want to know what your purpose is. If it is not good for my sect, I will kill you without hesitation!"

Ye Yun felt that Wen Biyun would indeed attack him, and he dared not neglect: "Master Wen, all the forces in the Yunji Mountain Range want to elect a leader too suddenly. You must have noticed this and even understood it. All the key lies in one person..."

"You mean Meng...?" Wen Biyun's murderous aura suddenly stopped.

"The head of the sect is really careful. It is indeed him. He suddenly appeared and let Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong elect him as the leader. In addition, he has a high level of cultivation. Lu Xu's true cultivation?" Ye Yun looked over seriously after finishing speaking.

Wen Biyun said: "The fourth level of breaking the immortal!"

"Wrong, big mistake, Sect Leader, Lu Xu's cultivation is unfathomably high. Only a cultivator in the Immortal Realm can tell that his cultivation is at the fourth level of Immortal Disruption, but his real cultivation is far beyond!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yun uttered a sentence deeply: "His cultivation base is... the sixth rank of Poxian!"

"Sixth level of Poxian!!! Han Yu, don't be alarmist. At the sixth level of Poxian, I am afraid that there is no one in the entire Xuanhuang star. How can such a person value the Xiaoxiaoyunji Mountain Range? He has long been the overlord of a planet !"

In an instant, Wen Biyun lost his sense of stability as the head of the sect, and was extremely surprised. He didn't believe Ye Yun's words at all. Lu Xu was a sixth-level Poxian, which surprised Wen Biyun too much.

Ye Yun seemed to know that Wen Biyun didn't believe it, so he suddenly smiled deeply, opened his hands and said, "Then sect master, can you see my cultivation?"

"Could it be...!"

Suddenly, Wen Biyun stayed in place like a log, she released her divine light again, looked at Ye Yun's body from top to bottom, and still only saw that Ye Yun was at the eighth level of cultivation, and asked back: "You also hide your strength ?”

"Senior, please see!"

Facing the void, a talisman appeared in Ye Yun's palm, which immediately attracted Wen Biyun's attention. She could tell that the prisoner was the talisman that Ye Yun released, beheaded, and could not move.

Before she had time to look more, with a puzzled look on her face, Ye Yun flicked his finger slightly, and the talisman turned into a stream of true energy and entered into the meridians in the palm of his hand. Then, Ye Yun moved slightly again, and dozens of talismans appeared Talisman!

"This... this!!! Who are you?"

Instantly absorbing the talisman that can kill the second-order powerhouse of breaking the immortal, and grabbing it with one hand, she can create this kind of talisman again. Wen Biyun was stunned to see Ye Yun as a heavenly being, and now she has no doubts about Ye Yun's strength , I also believe a lot of what Ye Yun said.

"To be honest, I came to the Yunji Mountain Range this time to deal with the lord Lu Xu. This person is highly cultivated and powerful. I don't know if the leader has heard of the Yan Sect." Ye Yun asked with his hands down. .

Wen Biyun was stunned: "Yanjiao? I have heard of it, but now there is a lot of trouble. It comes from the center of the Shenzhou Starfield, saying that this Yanjiao is openly fighting against the Three Great Immortals!"

Then, Ye Yun exploded another shocking bomb: "I suspect that Lu Xu is a member of the Yan Sect!"

"Lu Xu is a member of the Yan Sect!!!"

Now, Wen Biyun is restless. Not only is Lu Xu highly cultivated, he is really the legendary Yan Sect. Then she and Biyun Sect will never be out of Lu Xu's control, and the Yan Sect is now the enemy of the three great immortals. Climbing up the relationship, wouldn't it also become the public enemy of the three great immortals.

Wen Biyun is very clear about what the Three Great Immortal Courts represent, and even if she had 1 guts, she wouldn't dare to go against the Three Great Immortal Courts.

"Master Wen, I am actually a student of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. This is my token. I believe you have seen it before, and you can tell the real from the fake!" In order to convince Wen Biyun, Ye Yun immediately grabbed the Shenzhou token.

When Wen Biyun saw the token, she knew it was real. The Shenzhou token can be verified anywhere, and she has seen it countless times. She began to hide her aura slightly, and asked again: "You... a student of the fairy?"

"I am Ye Yun, a student of Immortals. I am not Han Yu. Han Yu is just my pseudonym. Master Wen, Lu Xu is 100% a member of the Yan Sect. Our Xianyuan has already found out that the Yan Sect established a branch altar in Somewhere in the Yunji Mountain Range, that's why I came here on an adventure to destroy the branch of the Yan Sect, cooperate with the masters of the Immortal Academy, and wipe out all the Yan Sect followers on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Now that Biyunzong has recognized Lu Xu as the leader, you are no longer inseparable from Yanjiao. Even if you are not afraid of our Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Tianjun Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy will not let you go!"

Ye Yun suddenly became earnest, and looked deeply at Wen Biyun: "You know how powerful the three great fairy courtyards are. Thousands of disciples of the Biyun sect, Jing Xin, Jiang Yu... will all fall one by one with the anger of the three great fairy courtyards. Believe me , you don’t want to see this scene!”

"It all happened so suddenly that I don't have time to think about it. Your Shenzhou Xianyuan will attack Lu Xu at any time..."

Hearing Ye Yun's sincere words, Wen Biyun became completely silent. She knew very well that the situation was urgent. If she didn't make a choice, she would be destroyed along with the Yanjiao branch. Wen Biyun suddenly looked at Ye Yun, releasing fiery eyes: "Ye Yun, my own safety is irrelevant, but my disciples..."

Ye Yun said: "Although I am a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, but now I am a disciple of Biyun Sect, head Wen, don't worry, I tell you the truth just to let you cooperate with me, don't make my identity suspicious, Let Lu Xu know, as for how to deal with the Yanjiao sub-forum, you don't need to participate in this, I have now become a core disciple, the next step is naturally to follow Lu Xu, find out where the sub-forum is, and then do it, behead Lu Xu, With my testimony, the Green Cloud Sect will not have any problems, as for the forces of the Lingfeng Sect, they will naturally be destroyed!"

"Okay, I choose to believe in you. The fate of all the disciples in my sect is entrusted to you. I can cooperate with you in anything, as long as you can ensure the safety of all the disciples!" Wen Biyun made this decision heavily, and after finishing speaking, She felt completely relaxed.

"Lu Xu is indeed too powerful, but I have the means to deal with him. You go and do what Lu Xu told you first. I am still your disciple Han Yu. After a while, Lu Xu must summon our core disciples and let them Becoming a member of the Yan Sect, don't worry, I will protect Eldest Sister!"

"After all these matters are resolved, all the forces in the Yunji Mountain Range will be wiped out. From then on, there will only be one sect, the Green Cloud Sect. Don't worry about survival anymore. Sect Leader, let's say goodbye first!"

After saying this, Ye Yun turned around and walked towards the main hall.

"Hmm..." Wen Biyun took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that every breath was so heavy, as if a huge rock was pressing on his heart, making him unable to breathe. "This time the Jade Cloud Sect has had a great harvest, and two disciples have become the core!"

"From now on, the Blue Cloud Sect will be in the alliance, and its status will be higher than that of you and me. Only the Lingfeng Sect and the Hongshen Sect can surpass us!"

As Ye Yun became the last core disciple, other forces shook their heads one after another, their disappointment dissipated, and the cultivators who broke the fairyland stayed one by one. At a glance, there are more than 300 cultivators who broke the fairyland in the Yunji Mountain Range.

For a comprehension force, it is not a weak force to have so many immortal monks.

"Junior brother, congratulations, I never thought you and I could stand here at the same time!"

When Ye Yun ascended the temple generously, all kinds of eyes were met with sarcasm, all of them were hostile eyes, none of them were friendly, especially those masters who became the core of Hongshenzong, I really wanted to eat Ye Yun raw Only by killing them alive can the resentment be eliminated.

This time Ye Yun made Hongshenzong lose face, and made Yanshanzong's whole plan come to nothing. Ye Yun has obviously become Hongshenzong's biggest enemy at present.

But what made Ye Yun quite gratified was that Wen Jing greeted him heartily, thanking and being grateful in front of Ye Yun, in short, he didn't treat Ye Yun as an outsider at all.

"The core disciples will stay here temporarily, and after a while, follow the leader to the main altar of the alliance!"

Xia Yuanhou Chunfeng said to everyone proudly, and then followed the leader Lu Xu, protected the Dharma with Yanshanzong, and entered the temple together with ten deputy leaders.

The remaining 300 strong immortals were first recorded by an old man.

"Young Master Xia, Young Master Jinhua..."

"From now on, we are all core disciples. Naturally, we have to form an alliance, do things well, gather strength, and twist into one rope, so that we can stand upright in front of the leader!"

Almost all the core disciples started to take the initiative to build relationships with the top ten young masters, showing courtesy, giving big gifts, talking and laughing, but four of them remained indifferent, two were disciples of the Hongshen Sect, and the other two were Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin.

Just the four of them were openly hostile by the sixteen core disciples headed by the top ten sons. Naturally, the Hongshenzong would not be subordinated to the Lingfeng Shengzong. If the top ten sons are not given face, the two forces are fighting openly and secretly.

Wen Jingxin is like an ice beauty, all kinds of lewd eyes make her very uncomfortable, she said to Ye Yun: "Junior Brother, from now on, you and I will be more careful when we are with these wolves, tigers and leopards, I don't know what the leader will give us. I don't have any hope for any kind of power, as long as the alliance can be stabilized, I will leave with my master and my brothers and sisters!"

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop..."

Ye Yun sighed softly, hiding his secrets, looked at Wen Jingxin, and said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, you and I can't be alone here, look at these people, which one is good, they will definitely treat you and me Let's attack and reject dissidents. Instead of doing this, it's better for you and me to strike first, find an opportunity, and kill one less. This matter not only concerns you and me, but also affects the entire sect. Have a great day!"

"You and me? Kill them, these immortal masters?"

Wen Jingxin couldn't believe her ears. She felt that she had heard correctly. Is it possible for the two monks of the Heaven-reaching Realm to fight against the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm?

This competition for core disciples allowed Wen Jingxin to fully understand what the concept of breaking the fairyland is, and how far it is from the Tongtian realm. Relying on a fairy weapon with the heart is also a dead end.

Ye Yun also began to show his true self, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I will naturally do what I am sure of. To be honest, I still have a lot of ancient talismans on me. It is more than enough to kill these people!"


This made Wen Jing heartbroken. It is conceivable how shocked she was when she knew the news. A talisman with such power can be dealt with even at the third level of Poxian.

Now that Ye Yun has so many talismans in his hands, his status is different. He is comparable to a strong man who breaks through the fairyland. Wen Jingxin really can't believe it. With a lot of treasures in his body, he can practice alone and freely, and he can even join a cultivation force that is a hundred times stronger than the Jade Cloud Sect, but he is willing to live in the little Jade Cloud Sect, and it is still the most difficult time for the Jade Cloud Sect.

All of this happened so suddenly that Wen Jing was full of doubts.

"Brothers, Hongshenzong seems to be arrogant, and he doesn't want to join us!"

The top ten sons headed by Xia Yingjie, Fang Buddha has long been in collusion and supported by a group of people, and now they are eyeing the two masters of the Hongshenzong, as well as Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin, but they did not let Ye Yun go. In the eyes of the two cultivators of the Heaven-reaching Realm, in the eyes of the Po Immortal Realm, they are nothing.

Now, these disciples who are respected by the ten sons have reached an agreement long ago. Which of them don't understand that Hongshenzong and Lingfeng Shengzong can elect the leader, so naturally the relationship with the leader is not simple, and the ten sons have a relationship with Lingfeng Shengzong Best, naturally want to draw up the relationship.

Eliminate dissidents so that they can thrive in the alliance.

Mr. Yinzhe smiled evilly: "Brother Xia, you and I, brothers, will sooner or later be the ones who will do great things. Don't worry too much. Now you are just waiting for time. The sky is also carved by time, and the same is true for immortal power!"

These words were very unobtrusive, let the two masters of Hongshenzong hear, not to mention how angry they are, now they are in a dilemma, they are very embarrassed, and they ran to enjoy the cool.

Then there were other immortal masters who also took the opportunity to go to make friends with the ten young masters. It seems that the ten young masters really do everything they can in the Yunji mountain range.

It took about three days for the top ten deputy alliance leaders to show up from the main hall and lead their disciples to leave one by one.


Wen Biyun finally came out of the hall. She didn't have much contact with the other leaders, and Fangfo was also rejected by the other leaders. At this time, Wen Jingxin and Ye Yun took the initiative to go up to greet her.

"Jingxin, you go to the side and wait, Han Yu, come with me!"

Wen Biyun still didn't say much, and swept the surrounding people slightly, leaving Wen Jingxin aside, and then led Ye Yun towards the corner of the square and palace.

Passing through layers of corridors, stairs, and buildings, the two came to a circular isolated platform. In front of them, there were bottomless mountains, forests, and layers of clouds on the left and right, putting Buddha in a fairyland.

Wen Biyun looked at Ye Yun slowly: "The scenery here is not bad, what do you think?"

"Master, if you have anything to say, just say it, the disciple knows everything without saying anything!"

Ye Yun came to Xuanhuang Star this time, not to practice on vacation, but to deal with the Yan Sect. Now he has joined the Jade Cloud Sect and successfully won a core disciple. All of this is entirely based on his identity as a Jade Cloud Sect disciple. Yes, if Wen Biyun doesn't see the slightest clue, then she is not worthy of being the head of a sect.

So, at this juncture, Ye Yun could only get straight to the point, he would hit seven inches when he hit a snake, and the time was running out to deal with the Yan Sect, so he had to strike decisively.

"It's only been a year since you joined Jade Cloud Sect. What's going on with Jade Cloud Zong? You're not a lunatic. You must be very aware of this. You have hidden a treasure, become a core disciple, and become a blockbuster...I want to listen to the truth, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the light in Wen Biyun's eyes suddenly gathered.

This made Ye Yun feel that Wen Biyun would attack him at any time. It seems that Wen Biyun really began to suspect, Ye Yun said decisively: "Master Wen, to be honest, I joined Biyun Sect for a reason."

Wen Biyun suddenly showed the demeanor of a school leader: "You don't need to talk nonsense about this. I just want to know what your purpose is. If it is not good for my sect, I will kill you without hesitation!"

Ye Yun felt that Wen Biyun would indeed attack him, and he dared not neglect: "Master Wen, all the forces in the Yunji Mountain Range want to elect a leader too suddenly. You must have noticed this and even understood it. All the key lies in one person..."

"You mean Meng...?" Wen Biyun's murderous aura suddenly stopped.

"The head of the sect is really careful. It is indeed him. He suddenly appeared and let Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong elect him as the leader. In addition, he has a high level of cultivation. Lu Xu's true cultivation?" Ye Yun looked over seriously after finishing speaking.

Wen Biyun said: "The fourth level of breaking the immortal!"

"Wrong, big mistake, Sect Leader, Lu Xu's cultivation is unfathomably high. Only a cultivator in the Immortal Realm can tell that his cultivation is at the fourth level of Immortal Disruption, but his real cultivation is far beyond!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yun uttered a sentence deeply: "His cultivation base is... the sixth rank of Poxian!"

"Sixth level of Poxian!!! Han Yu, don't be alarmist. At the sixth level of Poxian, I am afraid that there is no one in the entire Xuanhuang star. How can such a person value the Xiaoxiaoyunji Mountain Range? He has long been the overlord of a planet !"

In an instant, Wen Biyun lost his sense of stability as the head of the sect, and was extremely surprised. He didn't believe Ye Yun's words at all. Lu Xu was a sixth-level Poxian, which surprised Wen Biyun too much.

Ye Yun seemed to know that Wen Biyun didn't believe it, so he suddenly smiled deeply, opened his hands and said, "Then sect master, can you see my cultivation?"

"Could it be...!"

Suddenly, Wen Biyun stayed in place like a log, she released her divine light again, looked at Ye Yun's body from top to bottom, and still only saw that Ye Yun was at the eighth level of cultivation, and asked back: "You also hide your strength ?”

"Senior, please see!"

Facing the void, a talisman appeared in Ye Yun's palm, which immediately attracted Wen Biyun's attention. She could tell that the prisoner was the talisman that Ye Yun released, beheaded, and could not move.

Before she had time to look more, with a puzzled look on her face, Ye Yun flicked his finger slightly, and the talisman turned into a stream of true energy and entered into the meridians in the palm of his hand. Then, Ye Yun moved slightly again, and dozens of talismans appeared Talisman!

"This... this!!! Who are you?"

Instantly absorbing the talisman that can kill the second-order powerhouse of breaking the immortal, and grabbing it with one hand, she can create this kind of talisman again. Wen Biyun was stunned to see Ye Yun as a heavenly being, and now she has no doubts about Ye Yun's strength , I also believe a lot of what Ye Yun said.

"To be honest, I came to the Yunji Mountain Range this time to deal with the lord Lu Xu. This person is highly cultivated and powerful. I don't know if the leader has heard of the Yan Sect." Ye Yun asked with his hands down. .

Wen Biyun was stunned: "Yanjiao? I have heard of it, but now there is a lot of trouble. It comes from the center of the Shenzhou Starfield, saying that this Yanjiao is openly fighting against the Three Great Immortals!"

Then, Ye Yun exploded another shocking bomb: "I suspect that Lu Xu is a member of the Yan Sect!"

"Lu Xu is a member of the Yan Sect!!!"

Now, Wen Biyun is restless. Not only is Lu Xu highly cultivated, he is really the legendary Yan Sect. Then she and Biyun Sect will never be out of Lu Xu's control, and the Yan Sect is now the enemy of the three great immortals. Climbing up the relationship, wouldn't it also become the public enemy of the three great immortals.

Wen Biyun is very clear about what the Three Great Immortal Courts represent, and even if she had 1 guts, she wouldn't dare to go against the Three Great Immortal Courts.

"Master Wen, I am actually a student of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. This is my token. I believe you have seen it before, and you can tell the real from the fake!" In order to convince Wen Biyun, Ye Yun immediately grabbed the Shenzhou token.

When Wen Biyun saw the token, she knew it was real. The Shenzhou token can be verified anywhere, and she has seen it countless times. She began to hide her aura slightly, and asked again: "You... a student of the fairy?"

"I am Ye Yun, a student of Immortals. I am not Han Yu. Han Yu is just my pseudonym. Master Wen, Lu Xu is 100% a member of the Yan Sect. Our Xianyuan has already found out that the Yan Sect established a branch altar in Somewhere in the Yunji Mountain Range, that's why I came here on an adventure to destroy the branch of the Yan Sect, cooperate with the masters of the Immortal Academy, and wipe out all the Yan Sect followers on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Now that Biyunzong has recognized Lu Xu as the leader, you are no longer inseparable from Yanjiao. Even if you are not afraid of our Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Tianjun Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy will not let you go!"

Ye Yun suddenly became earnest, and looked deeply at Wen Biyun: "You know how powerful the three great fairy courtyards are. Thousands of disciples of the Biyun sect, Jing Xin, Jiang Yu... will all fall one by one with the anger of the three great fairy courtyards. Believe me , you don’t want to see this scene!”

"It all happened so suddenly that I don't have time to think about it. Your Shenzhou Xianyuan will attack Lu Xu at any time..."

Hearing Ye Yun's sincere words, Wen Biyun became completely silent. She knew very well that the situation was urgent. If she didn't make a choice, she would be destroyed along with the Yanjiao branch. Wen Biyun suddenly looked at Ye Yun, releasing fiery eyes: "Ye Yun, my own safety is irrelevant, but my disciples..."

Ye Yun said: "Although I am a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, but now I am a disciple of Biyun Sect, head Wen, don't worry, I tell you the truth just to let you cooperate with me, don't make my identity suspicious, Let Lu Xu know, as for how to deal with the Yanjiao sub-forum, you don't need to participate in this, I have now become a core disciple, the next step is naturally to follow Lu Xu, find out where the sub-forum is, and then do it, behead Lu Xu, With my testimony, the Green Cloud Sect will not have any problems, as for the forces of the Lingfeng Sect, they will naturally be destroyed!"

"Okay, I choose to believe in you. The fate of all the disciples in my sect is entrusted to you. I can cooperate with you in anything, as long as you can ensure the safety of all the disciples!" Wen Biyun made this decision heavily, and after finishing speaking, She felt completely relaxed.

"Lu Xu is indeed too powerful, but I have the means to deal with him. You go and do what Lu Xu told you first. I am still your disciple Han Yu. After a while, Lu Xu must summon our core disciples and let them Becoming a member of the Yan Sect, don't worry, I will protect Eldest Sister!"

"After all these matters are resolved, all the forces in the Yunji Mountain Range will be wiped out. From then on, there will only be one sect, the Green Cloud Sect. Don't worry about survival anymore. Sect Leader, let's say goodbye first!"

After saying this, Ye Yun turned around and walked towards the main hall.

"Hmm..." Wen Biyun took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that every breath was so heavy, as if a huge rock was pressing on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

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