"Brother, what did you talk to the master about? Why didn't the master come back?"

As soon as he returned to the main entrance of the temple, Ye Yun met Wen Biyun and hurried forward, and asked with concern.

Ye Yun nodded with a smile and said: "The head has already returned to the sect, the leader has explained many things, the head is responsible to the brothers and sisters of the sect, master sister, the master let you feel at ease to practice with the leader!"

"So that's it, as long as the master is fine!" Wen Jing relaxed slightly after hearing this.

"Everyone, the lord summons everyone, come in quickly!"

Yan Shanzong came out of the hall with a cold expression on his face, Mo Ran shouted at everyone.

The top ten young masters entered the main hall recklessly, and the other disciples dared to follow. Ye Yun and Wen Jing walked quietly at the end of the line without making any changes.

In the majestic, spacious and majestic hall, the floor is polished white jade, like a mirror, everyone stood upright, bowed to the majestic Lu Xu on the throne, and shouted: "Leader!"

"Everyone get up!"

The lofty Lu Xu was full of domineering aura. The prestige of the lord was shown in his eyes and aura, which intimidated people. The fourth-order aura of breaking the immortal was released directly. Even Yanshanzong and Xia Yuanhou couldn't help but tremble a few times.

The twenty core disciples, all of whom were masters of the first to second ranks of Poxian, were terrified. They felt that if Lu Xu got angry, he could instantly kill them all.

Lu Xu swept through everyone one by one: "You are all good, but you are still weak if you want to climb to a higher level and possess great power. This seat will let you go to the dojo and let you meditate. Those who can break through can become the closed disciples of this seat!"

After finishing speaking, no one at the scene dared to object, and they were very respectful. Lu Xu was very satisfied, and looked at Xia Yuanhou: "Old Xia Yuan, have you explained everything clearly to the deputy leader?"

"I have explained everything clearly, all monks in the Yunji Mountain Range will not be able to retreat and wait for the leader's order!" Xia Yuanhou immediately came out and answered.

"Okay, all of you enter my dojo, including Mr. Xia. As for Mr. Yan, you stay here to take charge of the overall situation. These are the three pills of seizing Yuan, practice hard!" Lu Xu suddenly grabbed at the void, and one The jade bottle appeared from the void and slowly flew towards Yanshanzong.

"Thank you lord!!!" Yan Shanzong seemed to know how precious the Duoyuan Pill was, and he bowed and spread his hands to welcome the jade bottle. After getting it, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

"You don't need to resist, enter this altar, you can practice hard, and when you reach this dojo, I will let you out!" Lu Xu suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, a wave of nothingness swept everyone away instantly ,Disappear.

"This is where!?"

"It's such a strong heaven and earth vitality, my God, it's such a high-level energy, even the Three Great Immortals can't compare to it!"

In the blink of an eye, the 21 people felt that the world had changed. They appeared in a wonderful and completely special rocky space. In the rocky soil, strong high-level energy oozes out. When touched, the skin is very cool and comfortable.

Xia Yuanhou waved his hand, letting the Buddha come here: "This is the altar of the lord of the alliance. It's really amazing. I don't know how it was built. Don't miss the opportunity, practice quickly!"

"Yes, the elder is right, this is a golden opportunity!"

Almost all of them sat cross-legged, began to revive their luck, absorbed the wonderful energy of the rock space, and absorbed it lightly, and the whole body was boiling with true energy.

"What an adventure!!!"

Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin sat on one side, Wen Jingxin was already absorbing super energy crazily, and would not let go of such a good opportunity, and among all the people, only Ye Yun closed his eyes, but paid attention to all directions with his spiritual thoughts: "If Lu Xu noticed something, it would be extremely dangerous to kill me in his altar!"

The rock space is exactly the dharma altar refined by Lu Xu. It is used for cultivation and is also an independent space. Under the powerful strength of the sixth-order Poxian, the entire dharma altar is not only huge, but also forms an independent space, creating endless energy.

As for people like Ye Yun, they became prey and were imprisoned in the altar. If Lu Xu wanted to kill them, as long as he moved his mind, he could kill them all without any effort.

For Ye Yun, this is really a big adventure. Once entering other people's altar, once a crisis breaks out, it will be a fatal danger. The key is that Lu Xu's cultivation base is so powerful, even if Ye Yun has extraordinary supernatural powers, it is also in danger.

"If it comes, it will be safe. This kind of energy is also very useful to me!" Ye Yun began to calm down, and if danger really came, he would not be afraid at all.

"This seat will bestow more powerful energy to cut your hair and wash your marrow!"

Suddenly, in the void of the altar, Lu Xu's tall projection appeared, like an invincible emperor, entrenched in the void, shocking, powerless, and


Immediately afterwards, a wave of emptiness that does not belong to the mortal world filled the sky and ground, and began to descend from the void. One by one, the monks, as soon as they came into contact with this energy, their bodies began to explode, as expected, they were cutting hair and washing their marrow.

"What a wonderful energy, I want to break through!"

A first-order Poxian disciple stood up first. He had already reached the peak of the first-order, but now under the powerful energy of Lu Xu, a slight induction allowed him to break through the shackles of the first-order, start to break through, and achieve the second-order.

"Thank you lord, the disciple is willing to follow you forever!"

Another second-level cultivator of Poxian, at this moment, directly broke through the second level and achieved the third level. The power of the third level of Poxian is really inconceivable. However, everyone worships and envies him, and all his power is released by Lu Xu The mysterious energy, if replaced, will allow him to break through to the second order.

"Fortunately, before I came here, I had already used the Yanjiao energy I got from Wang Chuantian to cultivate a sea of ​​Qi, so I don't have to worry about the repulsion of the two!"

"Lu Xu, Lu Xu, you are directly increasing my energy. Thank you so much. If you knew that I was going to attack you, I don't know what to think!"

At this moment, Ye Yun never expected that there would be such benefits. The sixth-level master of Poxian directly poured power into it. Ye Yunru was in need of power, and it was just in time to break through the Immortal Realm as soon as possible.

Get lucky immediately, seal all the sea of ​​​​qi in yourself, and then slowly release the same energy of the sea of ​​​​Qi from the Yanjiao, slowly, not too fast, otherwise, Lu Xu will see the clues, an ordinary monk, what is going on in his body? Has the power of Yanjiao.


Just as Ye Yun came into contact with Lu Xu's powerful energy, he felt that there was a very mysterious and deeply hidden seal of will in it. Once he accepted this will, it meant that he was completely controlled by Lu Xu. Like control, life and death cannot be controlled by oneself.

"But for me, my current strength is really a sea of ​​energy. Lu Xu's will energy has little effect on me. Even an immortal can't control my soul, let alone a sixth-order half-immortal! "Ye Yun snorted and laughed a few times, and then began to accept Lu Xu's energy.


As soon as Lu Xu's wonderful energy entered Ye Yun's body, it brought about earth-shaking changes. How powerful Ye Yun's body is, how can a sea of ​​Qi be enough? Now absorbing so much high-level power, it is a big profit for Ye Yun. The high-level power surged wildly in the physical body, and the energy of the Yanjiao cultivated by Ye Yun began to fuse.

"Take this opportunity to transform this power, and bless your own Qi Sea, you should be able to break through to the fourth level of the sky immediately..." Feeling the wonderful and rapid increase in body strength, Ye Yun smiled from ear to ear.

At first, like ants moving house, he carefully inhaled Lu Xu's profound energy into his own sea of ​​qi. Suddenly, countless seas of qi were absorbed frantically, and the physical body seemed to respond, and a sense of ascension gradually emerged.

"Sure enough, Tongtian Tier [-], let's break through!!!"

A few days later, after stealing a large amount of Lu Xu's energy, Ye Yun finally stepped into the peak of the third-order sky-reaching, and immediately used this momentum to directly start the breakthrough, and did not cause the slightest noise, because the breakthrough weather was strongly suppressed by Ye Yun Come down, who made him too angry.

"The weather of the ninth level of Tongtian, show it to me!"

In order to prevent outsiders from seeing the flaws, Ye Yun began to change his physical appearance after absorbing so much energy without breaking through, directly rising from the eighth level of Tongtian to the ninth level of Tongtian, and burst into a breakthrough momentum.

"It's only been a short month, and I don't know how many opportunities I can devour Lu Xu's energy in the future. Go on, I want to use Lu Xu's high-level immortal-breaking energy to directly break through to the fifth level of Tongtian!"

Ye Yun is very ambitious now, this kind of good opportunity cannot be let go for nothing, if someone comes up on his own initiative, there is no reason to reject him, don't just reject it for nothing.

Now Ye Yunqihai has completely released all the energy of the Yan Sect. Like other monks, his body is full of the energy of the Yan Sect, and he feels like he has become a follower of the Yan Sect.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, come on!" Ye Yun was like an ancient monster, endlessly absorbing Lu Xu's high-level energy to prepare himself for breaking through the fifth level of the sky.

"Haha, thank you, leader, for helping this disciple break through to the third level of Poxian!"

Suddenly, Xia Yingjie, the leader among the top ten young masters, slowly floated up. He slowly opened his eyes, and everyone sensed it and looked at him one after another.

Xia Yingjie hit the void one after another, and his body began to explode crazily, even blood gushing out. Every time he exploded, Xia Yingjie's power increased crazily. This powerful momentum was seen by other core disciples, Ashamed of himself, he deserves to be the head of the top ten sons, and he is also the son of Xia Yuanhou.

"My good son, become stronger. You will be valued by the Altar Master. In the future, you will be able to control the entire Taixing plane!" Xia Yuanhou was very pleased to see this scene.

"Xia Yingjie, your aptitude is good, you should be the first to become the closed disciple of this seat, and this seat will bestow even stronger power on you alone!"

Lu Xu's tall projection suddenly spoke, and a flash of spiritual light shot out directly from the phantom and fell into Xia Yingjie's body.


A high-level Poxian aura erupted from Xia Yingjie's body, making everyone move. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the third level of Poxian, and the energy contained in it was even comparable to the fourth level of Poxian.

"Thank you, master!!!" Xia Yingjie received the blessing of strength, broke through the third level of Poxian, and came to the ranks of the peak powerhouses, proudly projecting a salute to the void.

Ye Yun was below, and said with a sneer: "Xia Yingjie, what are you so proud of, you father and son will sooner or later become a feast for me!"

"Breaking the fairyland... breaking!"

Suddenly, the people who hadn't calmed down found a Possession Immortal aura was born. Everyone looked in this direction, and saw Wen Jingxin was coiled in the void, his hands kept pinching out mysterious discoveries, and a Possession of Immortal Possession flowed from his body released from within.

Then a burst of immortal aura rushed directly into the void, Wen Jingxin slowly opened her eyes, her aura changed instantly, her skin became as translucent as jade, tender and tender.

"Wen Jingxin really got benefits, breaking through the Immortal Realm, allowing her to enter the Immortal Realm a thousand years earlier..." Ye Yun smiled slightly, Wen Jingxin became stronger, which benefited him a lot.

"Everyone has made a breakthrough, I have reached the peak of the fourth-order sky, hurry up!"

For some reason, Ye Yun felt that this opportunity was about to end. Once it was over, Ye Yun would have to break through to the fifth level of the sky by himself, so he accelerated the absorption of high-level energy.

Lu Xu publicly selected the closed disciples one by one, a total of ten people, half of them were the top ten young masters, and Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin naturally did not get involved.

"Almost... the fourth level of Tongtian, break it for me!"

Ye Yun opened his eyes suddenly, sealed the air sea, and began to explode, the same thing happened in his physical body, he pressed his hands one after another, and all the breakthrough atmosphere was suppressed.

From the outside, Ye Yun just absorbed too much energy, and after a slight vibration, he could no longer detect anything, while Ye Yun unknowingly stepped into a big pass of the Tongtian Realm, the fifth level of Tongtian.

Once breaking through the fifth level of Tongtian, Ye Yun will come to the sixth level of Tongtian. With his own strength, he can also kill the fourth level of Poxian. strong.

Even Xia Yuanhou, Xia Yingjie, the third-level Poxian, Ye Yun didn't need much effort, and he could kill the third-level Poxian with his own tyrannical strength without using three moves.

This kind of strength is really abnormal. If it is spread on the Taixing plane, I don't know how many strong people want to kill Ye Yun, even if someone like Qianshang, they may also start to pay attention to the unpredictable danger of Ye Yun.

Suddenly -.

Suddenly, the scene of disillusionment instantly changed to an underground palace, and the black air was filled with flames. Everyone felt that the energy here was also very high-level.

"This is the dojo of this seat, and there are many other disciples. You will meditate here in the future. This seat hopes that you can all become the closed disciples of this seat. In this way, this seat can decide to let you join this seat Among the real powers, not to mention a little Xuanhuang star, even the three great fairy courtyards are not the opponents of this seat!"

Lu Xu suddenly appeared, sitting at the highest point of the underground palace, with his hands on the throne. "Brother, what did you talk to the master about? Why didn't the master come back?"

As soon as he returned to the main entrance of the temple, Ye Yun met Wen Biyun and hurried forward, and asked with concern.

Ye Yun nodded with a smile and said: "The head has already returned to the sect, the leader has explained many things, the head is responsible to the brothers and sisters of the sect, master sister, the master let you feel at ease to practice with the leader!"

"So that's it, as long as the master is fine!" Wen Jing relaxed slightly after hearing this.

"Everyone, the lord summons everyone, come in quickly!"

Yan Shanzong came out of the hall with a cold expression on his face, Mo Ran shouted at everyone.

The top ten young masters entered the main hall recklessly, and the other disciples dared to follow. Ye Yun and Wen Jing walked quietly at the end of the line without making any changes.

In the majestic, spacious and majestic hall, the floor is polished white jade, like a mirror, everyone stood upright, bowed to the majestic Lu Xu on the throne, and shouted: "Leader!"

"Everyone get up!"

The lofty Lu Xu was full of domineering aura. The prestige of the lord was shown in his eyes and aura, which intimidated people. The fourth-order aura of breaking the immortal was released directly. Even Yanshanzong and Xia Yuanhou couldn't help but tremble a few times.

The twenty core disciples, all of whom were masters of the first to second ranks of Poxian, were terrified. They felt that if Lu Xu got angry, he could instantly kill them all.

Lu Xu swept through everyone one by one: "You are all good, but you are still weak if you want to climb to a higher level and possess great power. This seat will let you go to the dojo and let you meditate. Those who can break through can become the closed disciples of this seat!"

After finishing speaking, no one at the scene dared to object, and they were very respectful. Lu Xu was very satisfied, and looked at Xia Yuanhou: "Old Xia Yuan, have you explained everything clearly to the deputy leader?"

"I have explained everything clearly, all monks in the Yunji Mountain Range will not be able to retreat and wait for the leader's order!" Xia Yuanhou immediately came out and answered.

"Okay, all of you enter my dojo, including Mr. Xia. As for Mr. Yan, you stay here to take charge of the overall situation. These are the three pills of seizing Yuan, practice hard!" Lu Xu suddenly grabbed at the void, and one The jade bottle appeared from the void and slowly flew towards Yanshanzong.

"Thank you lord!!!" Yan Shanzong seemed to know how precious the Duoyuan Pill was, and he bowed and spread his hands to welcome the jade bottle. After getting it, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

"You don't need to resist, enter this altar, you can practice hard, and when you reach this dojo, I will let you out!" Lu Xu suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, a wave of nothingness swept everyone away instantly ,Disappear.

"This is where!?"

"It's such a strong heaven and earth vitality, my God, it's such a high-level energy, even the Three Great Immortals can't compare to it!"

In the blink of an eye, the 21 people felt that the world had changed. They appeared in a wonderful and completely special rocky space. In the rocky soil, strong high-level energy oozes out. When touched, the skin is very cool and comfortable.

Xia Yuanhou waved his hand, letting the Buddha come here: "This is the altar of the lord of the alliance. It's really amazing. I don't know how it was built. Don't miss the opportunity, practice quickly!"

"Yes, the elder is right, this is a golden opportunity!"

Almost all of them sat cross-legged, began to revive their luck, absorbed the wonderful energy of the rock space, and absorbed it lightly, and the whole body was boiling with true energy.

"What an adventure!!!"

Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin sat on one side, Wen Jingxin was already absorbing super energy crazily, and would not let go of such a good opportunity, and among all the people, only Ye Yun closed his eyes, but paid attention to all directions with his spiritual thoughts: "If Lu Xu noticed something, it would be extremely dangerous to kill me in his altar!"

The rock space is exactly the dharma altar refined by Lu Xu. It is used for cultivation and is also an independent space. Under the powerful strength of the sixth-order Poxian, the entire dharma altar is not only huge, but also forms an independent space, creating endless energy.

As for people like Ye Yun, they became prey and were imprisoned in the altar. If Lu Xu wanted to kill them, as long as he moved his mind, he could kill them all without any effort.

For Ye Yun, this is really a big adventure. Once entering other people's altar, once a crisis breaks out, it will be a fatal danger. The key is that Lu Xu's cultivation base is so powerful, even if Ye Yun has extraordinary supernatural powers, it is also in danger.

"If it comes, it will be safe. This kind of energy is also very useful to me!" Ye Yun began to calm down, and if danger really came, he would not be afraid at all.

"This seat will bestow more powerful energy to cut your hair and wash your marrow!"

Suddenly, in the void of the altar, Lu Xu's tall projection appeared, like an invincible emperor, entrenched in the void, shocking, powerless, and


Immediately afterwards, a wave of emptiness that does not belong to the mortal world filled the sky and ground, and began to descend from the void. One by one, the monks, as soon as they came into contact with this energy, their bodies began to explode, as expected, they were cutting hair and washing their marrow.

"What a wonderful energy, I want to break through!"

A first-order Poxian disciple stood up first. He had already reached the peak of the first-order, but now under the powerful energy of Lu Xu, a slight induction allowed him to break through the shackles of the first-order, start to break through, and achieve the second-order.

"Thank you lord, the disciple is willing to follow you forever!"

Another second-level cultivator of Poxian, at this moment, directly broke through the second level and achieved the third level. The power of the third level of Poxian is really inconceivable. However, everyone worships and envies him, and all his power is released by Lu Xu The mysterious energy, if replaced, will allow him to break through to the second order.

"Fortunately, before I came here, I had already used the Yanjiao energy I got from Wang Chuantian to cultivate a sea of ​​Qi, so I don't have to worry about the repulsion of the two!"

"Lu Xu, Lu Xu, you are directly increasing my energy. Thank you so much. If you knew that I was going to attack you, I don't know what to think!"

At this moment, Ye Yun never expected that there would be such benefits. The sixth-level master of Poxian directly poured power into it. Ye Yunru was in need of power, and it was just in time to break through the Immortal Realm as soon as possible.

Get lucky immediately, seal all the sea of ​​​​qi in yourself, and then slowly release the same energy of the sea of ​​​​Qi from the Yanjiao, slowly, not too fast, otherwise, Lu Xu will see the clues, an ordinary monk, what is going on in his body? Has the power of Yanjiao.


Just as Ye Yun came into contact with Lu Xu's powerful energy, he felt that there was a very mysterious and deeply hidden seal of will in it. Once he accepted this will, it meant that he was completely controlled by Lu Xu. Like control, life and death cannot be controlled by oneself.

"But for me, my current strength is really a sea of ​​energy. Lu Xu's will energy has little effect on me. Even an immortal can't control my soul, let alone a sixth-order half-immortal! "Ye Yun snorted and laughed a few times, and then began to accept Lu Xu's energy.


As soon as Lu Xu's wonderful energy entered Ye Yun's body, it brought about earth-shaking changes. How powerful Ye Yun's body is, how can a sea of ​​Qi be enough? Now absorbing so much high-level power, it is a big profit for Ye Yun. The high-level power surged wildly in the physical body, and the energy of the Yanjiao cultivated by Ye Yun began to fuse.

"Take this opportunity to transform this power, and bless your own Qi Sea, you should be able to break through to the fourth level of the sky immediately..." Feeling the wonderful and rapid increase in body strength, Ye Yun smiled from ear to ear.

At first, like ants moving house, he carefully inhaled Lu Xu's profound energy into his own sea of ​​qi. Suddenly, countless seas of qi were absorbed frantically, and the physical body seemed to respond, and a sense of ascension gradually emerged.

"Sure enough, Tongtian Tier [-], let's break through!!!"

A few days later, after stealing a large amount of Lu Xu's energy, Ye Yun finally stepped into the peak of the third-order sky-reaching, and immediately used this momentum to directly start the breakthrough, and did not cause the slightest noise, because the breakthrough weather was strongly suppressed by Ye Yun Come down, who made him too angry.

"The weather of the ninth level of Tongtian, show it to me!"

In order to prevent outsiders from seeing the flaws, Ye Yun began to change his physical appearance after absorbing so much energy without breaking through, directly rising from the eighth level of Tongtian to the ninth level of Tongtian, and burst into a breakthrough momentum.

"It's only been a short month, and I don't know how many opportunities I can devour Lu Xu's energy in the future. Go on, I want to use Lu Xu's high-level immortal-breaking energy to directly break through to the fifth level of Tongtian!"

Ye Yun is very ambitious now, this kind of good opportunity cannot be let go for nothing, if someone comes up on his own initiative, there is no reason to reject him, don't just reject it for nothing.

Now Ye Yunqihai has completely released all the energy of the Yan Sect. Like other monks, his body is full of the energy of the Yan Sect, and he feels like he has become a follower of the Yan Sect.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, come on!" Ye Yun was like an ancient monster, endlessly absorbing Lu Xu's high-level energy to prepare himself for breaking through the fifth level of the sky.

"Haha, thank you, leader, for helping this disciple break through to the third level of Poxian!"

Suddenly, Xia Yingjie, the leader among the top ten young masters, slowly floated up. He slowly opened his eyes, and everyone sensed it and looked at him one after another.

Xia Yingjie hit the void one after another, and his body began to explode crazily, even blood gushing out. Every time he exploded, Xia Yingjie's power increased crazily. This powerful momentum was seen by other core disciples, Ashamed of himself, he deserves to be the head of the top ten sons, and he is also the son of Xia Yuanhou.

"My good son, become stronger. You will be valued by the Altar Master. In the future, you will be able to control the entire Taixing plane!" Xia Yuanhou was very pleased to see this scene.

"Xia Yingjie, your aptitude is good, you should be the first to become the closed disciple of this seat, and this seat will bestow even stronger power on you alone!"

Lu Xu's tall projection suddenly spoke, and a flash of spiritual light shot out directly from the phantom and fell into Xia Yingjie's body.


A high-level Poxian aura erupted from Xia Yingjie's body, making everyone move. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the third level of Poxian, and the energy contained in it was even comparable to the fourth level of Poxian.

"Thank you, master!!!" Xia Yingjie received the blessing of strength, broke through the third level of Poxian, and came to the ranks of the peak powerhouses, proudly projecting a salute to the void.

Ye Yun was below, and said with a sneer: "Xia Yingjie, what are you so proud of, you father and son will sooner or later become a feast for me!"

"Breaking the fairyland... breaking!"

Suddenly, the people who hadn't calmed down found a Possession Immortal aura was born. Everyone looked in this direction, and saw Wen Jingxin was coiled in the void, his hands kept pinching out mysterious discoveries, and a Possession of Immortal Possession flowed from his body released from within.

Then a burst of immortal aura rushed directly into the void, Wen Jingxin slowly opened her eyes, her aura changed instantly, her skin became as translucent as jade, tender and tender.

"Wen Jingxin really got benefits, breaking through the Immortal Realm, allowing her to enter the Immortal Realm a thousand years earlier..." Ye Yun smiled slightly, Wen Jingxin became stronger, which benefited him a lot.

"Everyone has made a breakthrough, I have reached the peak of the fourth-order sky, hurry up!"

For some reason, Ye Yun felt that this opportunity was about to end. Once it was over, Ye Yun would have to break through to the fifth level of the sky by himself, so he accelerated the absorption of high-level energy.

Lu Xu publicly selected the closed disciples one by one, a total of ten people, half of them were the top ten young masters, and Ye Yun and Wen Jingxin naturally did not get involved.

"Almost... the fourth level of Tongtian, break it for me!"

Ye Yun opened his eyes suddenly, sealed the air sea, and began to explode, the same thing happened in his physical body, he pressed his hands one after another, and all the breakthrough atmosphere was suppressed.

From the outside, Ye Yun just absorbed too much energy, and after a slight vibration, he could no longer detect anything, while Ye Yun unknowingly stepped into a big pass of the Tongtian Realm, the fifth level of Tongtian.

Once breaking through the fifth level of Tongtian, Ye Yun will come to the sixth level of Tongtian. With his own strength, he can also kill the fourth level of Poxian. strong.

Even Xia Yuanhou, Xia Yingjie, the third-level Poxian, Ye Yun didn't need much effort, and he could kill the third-level Poxian with his own tyrannical strength without using three moves.

This kind of strength is really abnormal. If it is spread on the Taixing plane, I don't know how many strong people want to kill Ye Yun, even if someone like Qianshang, they may also start to pay attention to the unpredictable danger of Ye Yun.

Suddenly -.

Suddenly, the scene of disillusionment instantly changed to an underground palace, and the black air was filled with flames. Everyone felt that the energy here was also very high-level.

"This is the dojo of this seat, and there are many other disciples. You will meditate here in the future. This seat hopes that you can all become the closed disciples of this seat. In this way, this seat can decide to let you join this seat Among the real powers, not to mention a little Xuanhuang star, even the three great fairy courtyards are not the opponents of this seat!"

Lu Xu suddenly appeared, sitting at the highest point of the underground palace, with his hands on the throne.

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