In the sub-altar of the Yan Sect, Ye Yun, who was like a rock, slowly opened his eyes. In the void of the black veil, it was like a ray of dawn. Xu relies heavily on it.

"That guy Chi Yun, he is very generous when he makes a move, and he has subdued hundreds of godsons, he really has him!!"

Ye Yun shook his head helplessly, next time he wants Chi Yun to do something, he has to think twice, this guy is worthy of being a demon king, he will either do nothing, or he will shake the world.

"Fix Xia Yuanhou, it is imminent to deal with the Yan Sect..."

Plan to break through the last pass, get Xia Yuanhou done, and use his identity to get close to Lu Xu, especially the upcoming important meeting, which will definitely be attended by important people from the branch, and then give him a pot.

If it was Ye Yun himself who wanted to destroy the Yanjiao branch this time, he wouldn't have to go through such trouble, and he would directly fight in with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Who can stop the killing, even Lu Xu, is not enough for Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's finger, I'm afraid As long as Chiyun Mozun lightly touches it, Lu Xu will be turned into powder.

These are all delusions. Ye Yun is now bringing the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to carry out the mission. Once Chiyun Demon Venerable joins in, the identities of Chiyun Demon Venerable and Ye Yun are likely to be leaked, attracting the attention of all parties. The gains outweigh the losses, and a rebellious and strong man like Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would not care about it at all. Once he made a move, it would definitely shake the sky, for fear that others would not know that he was the Demon Lord.

When a powerful Demon Lord appeared, people like Qiu Qianshang and Tai Dayan should be treated as strong enemies. At that time, Ye Yun could only fight hard with these people.

Furthermore, against Lu Xu, Ye Yun is full of confidence, and he doesn't need the Chiyun Demon Venerable at all. The Chiyun Demon Venerable is almost Ye Yun's biggest killer now, and he will only use it against really strong enemies, a little Po Xian A sixth-order monk, in front of Ye Yun, still can't make waves.

After thinking about it, Ye Yun continued to practice. The energy inside the underground palace was very strong. Others took the time to practice and made a huge improvement, and Ye Yun also gained a lot. Now he is quickly entering the middle of the fifth level of Tongtian, and he is no longer far away from the peak. .

A few days later, all the disciples who practiced in meditation suddenly stopped practicing.

A projection of nothingness slowly landed on the throne of the underground palace, all the disciples stood up respectfully, and then, from the entrance of the underground palace, came a figure, it was Xia Yuanhou.

"The ally!!!"

When Xia Yuanhou entered the underground palace, he saluted Lu Xu who appeared on the throne with everyone.

"In a short period of time, it's not bad for you to have this improvement, but there is still a long way to go from what I expected. I will give you another three years. After three years, I will pass on your supreme fairy art. There is also the broken elixir, let you break through to the third and fourth ranks one by one!"

"Broken Immortal Dao!!!"

After each disciple heard this, their blood surged and their fists creaked. The Supreme Immortal Technique only made their eyelids twitch.

Broken elixir can only be refined if it has reached the fourth level of Poxian and above. The low-level monks in the broken fairyland can only sigh helplessly. , for the monks of the first, second and third ranks of Poxian, the broken elixir is the best way to improve their cultivation base.

"Broken elixir is not a problem for me at all. The question is whether you are worthy of a broken elixir and cultivate here. Deputy Xia, you must hurry up and choose the second batch!" The altar master Lu Xu suddenly appeared , After saying this sentence, he moved his body and disappeared.


As Lu Xu disappeared, everyone felt suddenly enlightened and breathed smoothly, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

These disciples immediately came up to please Xia Yuanhou: "Congratulations, Deputy Envoy!!!"

As deputy envoys that the leader valued so much, everyone knew that there were only advantages and no disadvantages in wooing Xia Yuanhou, and Xia Yingjie was his precious son, so these people naturally became Xia Yuanhou's subordinates.

"Yingjie, take everyone to practice hard, look around for father, don't be half-slack!" Xia Yuanhou's expression was extremely stern, he waved his hand at everyone, and ordered that even Xia Yingjie obediently went down to sit cross-legged to practice .

Elder Sister Wen Jingxin and Ye Yun came to the side alone: ​​"Junior Brother Han, let's continue to practice, I have now consolidated the golden core, and have successfully stepped into the first level of Poxian!"

"Congratulations, sister!"

Ye Yun swept his mind, and he saw the golden pill in Wen Jingxin's dantian, which was full of powerful and immortal atmosphere, and there were many cracks on it, which seemed to be healing and growing infinitely.


At this time, Xia Yuanhou suddenly came in front of Ye Yun, his eyes glared sharply, but his expression was a bit complicated, he looked around and nodded towards Ye Yun.

Ye Yun also nodded, still saluting symbolically, but he sent out a divine thought, which shot directly into Xia Yuanhou's body: "Master Deputy Envoy!"

Obtaining this divine sense, Xia Yuanhou fully grasped Ye Yun's plan, and then left pretending nothing happened.

"Everything is ready, it's only due to Dongfeng... There is still more than a month... I want to condense the most powerful Holy Spear of Light, and give a fatal blow to the masters of Yanjiao. Now I can notify the high-level officials of Xianyuan to get them ready. My purpose is not to kill Killing Lu Xu, but those broken elixir and spirit weapons, as long as the news is passed on, I have completed the task!"

Ye Yun immediately began to secretly create a series of magic seals, released them, and passed them on to the high-level officials of Shenzhou Xianyuan, as well as Yunchenhang in Lingzhou City. Threats also require a certain amount of time and effort.

For a monk, one month passed in a snap of the fingers.

In the central castle of the Yanjiao sub-altar, a third-rank and fourth-rank godson of Poxian began to pour in from all directions. The fourth-rank monks were the most, and Xia Yuanhou was also among them. Xia Yuanhou was a little different today, and he looked a little uneasy However, a strange breath was released in his body, which forced him to calm down.

"Master, come here..."

In the underground palace, Ye Yun suddenly moved and flashed beside Wen Jingxin, frightening Wen Jingxin who was practicing, almost screaming, Wen Jingxin cautiously followed Ye Yun to the side, Ye Yun waved his hand directly, a wave of Misty space power wrapped the two of them and disappeared directly into the underground palace.

Outside the Fushen Mountains, amidst the infinite sea of ​​clouds and heavy mountains, one after another the immortal masters of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy wearing Venus white robes began to ride the clouds and hide around the Fushen Mountains.

"Old Fu, Old Yu!"

In the void above the Fushen mountain range, two projections appeared, which turned out to be Fu Daoji, and next to him was an old man with white hair and eyebrows, whose aura was deeper than Fu Daoji.

Then, behind the two people, two people appeared on the left and right sides. The two on the left are the principals Qiu Shuihan and Bai Wudao, and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement are on the right. By.

The four of them respect Fu Daoji and that "Old Yu" very much. After all, Fu Daoji and Yu Lao are the members of the elders with the highest power in Shenzhou Xianyuan. However, the elders group is above both sides, and the elders are all invincible characters of the sixth or even seventh rank of Poxian.

The Shenzhou Xianyuan sent a total of six peerless figures of high status. The six stood in the void, calmly, and brought the greatest confidence to the students below. Yu Lao suddenly looked at Fu Daoji: "Fu Lao, the leader The valued student, is the news passed on reliable?"

Fu Daoji nodded slightly: "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, every time Ye Yun sends a message, we will check it. If there is no accident, the news he sends is accurate. Let's do it!"

Mr. Yu immediately looked at the four of them, and said in a stern tone, "Two principals, two palace masters, go down and lead the students, wait for the signal, and once the signal appears, attack the Yanjiao branch!"

"Yes!" Qiu Shuihan, Bai Wudao and the two palace masters immediately turned into nothingness and flew towards the earth.

"Brother Fu, I have already sensed the sixth-level master of the Yanjiao branch. I dare not go deep, otherwise he will find out that he is indeed a peerless master. Brother Fu is in charge of other things. Leave him to me!"

The cold wind in the void blew wildly, and the sea of ​​clouds churned. The projections of the two elders sometimes disappeared, and they didn't know where they really were. They were really invincible.

"Junior brother, what is this place!!!?"

In the Shenluo domain, Wen Jingxin never expected that she would come out with Ye Yun, and in the blink of an eye, she would appear in a domain that made her shudder and unable to compete.

"Senior sister, don't worry, this is my domain. The reason why I brought you in is because I and the leader have already planned to attack the leader Lu Xu. The leader Lu Xu is also a legendary cult, a powerful godson of Yanjiao. I won't be able to make it clear for a while, I've left what I want to say in the field, you can take your time, once the matter is over, I will pick you up!"

Before Wen Jingxin understood, Ye Yun disappeared, leaving Wen Jingxin alone, and began to accept a divine thought, with a shocked expression gradually appearing on his face.

Dividing the altar into the void, Ye Yun appeared from the void. No one could sense his aura. His whole body was protected by the Daqian Shentu, and he could travel through the space at any time without anyone being able to stop him.

"Fu Daoji actually became a patriarch... There is also a patriarch named Yu Yuanting, whose cultivation is actually the sixth rank of Poxian. It seems that he is here to deal with Lu Xu. Bai Wudao also came, okay, okay, since you want to kill me , don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Bai Wudao, I'm afraid you came this time to deal with me. The last time I sent my disciple Wu Tianhuang to deal with me, I will let you master and apprentice come and go!"

"Shenzhou Immortal Academy sent two elders, it is not easy to deal with Yanjiao's branch forces, and the opponent also has a fifth-level master of breaking immortals, it is best to lose both..."

His eyes fell on the central castle, and then he paid attention to the movement outside the floating mountain range. With his strong spiritual sense, he could already feel that a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan were hiding in the dark. The castle where the broken elixir was refined slowly flew away.

Seizing pills, spirit weapons, and countless magic weapons is Ye Yun's top priority. As for Lu Xu, he will leave it to Fu Daoji and Yu Yuanting to deal with them.

"Yes, yes, tens of thousands of refined broken elixir are sealed here. I don't know how many shattered elixir and magic weapons Lu Xu still has... By the way, let Yu Yuanting and Lu Xu fight to the death, and wait until Lu Xu is seriously injured." At the moment, I will take him again, he has too many resources, which is what Planet Taiyi lacks the most!"

In the sky above several castles, Ye Yun has already sensed the aura of powerful pills below, but it is a pity that he can't do it yet, but he has another idea in his mind, that is, Lu Xu cannot be allowed to be obtained by Shenzhou Xianyuan, and all benefits will be taken away by Shenzhou Xianyuan , he wants to snatch the baby.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him is what Ye Yun likes and is best at doing. Such a good deed is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so naturally he will not let it slip away.

Central Castle, interior.

"The Immortal Cult will last forever, and the nine heavens will return to one!"

It is estimated that there are fifty disciples of the Yan Sect, dressed in black robes of fire clouds. In front of them is Lu Xu. Facing the holy altar, they knelt down at the same time, raised their hands, kowtowed and cheered.

"Nine Heavens Leader, Nine Heavens Invincible!"

Lu Xu led the crowd and kowtowed to the divine map again. All the godchildren had a cold, solemn expression on their faces, not daring to show any blasphemy, as if the "Nine Heavens Master" they called was watching them, making them afraid.

What a uniformly dressed Yanjiao godson, kneeling at the same time, making the same move at the same time, kowtowing and bowing, it really looks like a cult, full of evil spirits.

"Get up, your sincerity, your faith, and your belief in the supreme Nine Heavens leader, have been felt!"

Lu Xu stood up first. He turned around and sat on the throne. With a big wave of his hand, the other godsons sat on both sides one after another. Their steps were very light, and no movement could be felt in the entire castle.

"Master, you have to save me!!!"

Everyone was shocked and behaved normally, but only Xia Yuanhou who was sitting in the center, his eyes flickered, and his whole body stood there like a log.

Can Xia Yuanhou not be afraid, he is going to attack Lu Xu now, Lu Xu is someone who breaks the sixth rank of immortality, but Xia Yuanhou is not afraid, because he has the more powerful Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable as his backer.

After sitting down, Lu Xuxiong swept his eyes away, making everyone fearful: "Now the development momentum of the sub-forum is good, everything is natural, especially this seat personally took down the Yunji Alliance. From then on, the Yunji Alliance will be our talisman , use this talisman to escort us, we will slowly develop the power of the Quartet, since all the deputy envoys have gathered, start reporting the progress!"

"Altar Master, this year, we have refined a total of [-] broken elixir and [-] spirit weapons!"

"Altar Master, the number of spirit stones collected by the Quartet is ten times that of the past. You don't have to worry about resource issues anymore when refining weapons and elixirs!"

The deputy envoys of the Yanjiao began to stand up and report the progress to Lu Xu.

"Okay, this time!"

Xia Yuanhou seemed to be unable to hold back any longer. Suddenly, he flew high and landed at the entrance of the castle. He gently parted his hands towards Lu Xu.

Lu Xu and the godsons didn't seem to have expected Xia Yuanhou to act like this. Lu Xu, who has extraordinary knowledge and deep knowledge in the city, immediately ordered: "Huh? Not good, take him down!!!!"


Just at the moment when Lu Xu stood up, a destructive holy light, with the power of the ancient demon world, appeared directly from behind Lu Xu like a sharp arrow. Before Lu Xu had time to react, his whole body was submerged by the holy light. Then, the power of the holy light stagnated for a moment, and immediately exploded in the castle, turning the entire central castle into dust in an instant.In the sub-altar of the Yan Sect, Ye Yun, who was like a rock, slowly opened his eyes. In the void of the black veil, it was like a ray of dawn. Xu relies heavily on it.

"That guy Chi Yun, he is very generous when he makes a move, and he has subdued hundreds of godsons, he really has him!!"

Ye Yun shook his head helplessly, next time he wants Chi Yun to do something, he has to think twice, this guy is worthy of being a demon king, he will either do nothing, or he will shake the world.

"Fix Xia Yuanhou, it is imminent to deal with the Yan Sect..."

Plan to break through the last pass, get Xia Yuanhou done, and use his identity to get close to Lu Xu, especially the upcoming important meeting, which will definitely be attended by important people from the branch, and then give him a pot.

If it was Ye Yun himself who wanted to destroy the Yanjiao branch this time, he wouldn't have to go through such trouble, and he would directly fight in with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Who can stop the killing, even Lu Xu, is not enough for Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's finger, I'm afraid As long as Chiyun Mozun lightly touches it, Lu Xu will be turned into powder.

These are all delusions. Ye Yun is now bringing the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to carry out the mission. Once Chiyun Demon Venerable joins in, the identities of Chiyun Demon Venerable and Ye Yun are likely to be leaked, attracting the attention of all parties. The gains outweigh the losses, and a rebellious and strong man like Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would not care about it at all. Once he made a move, it would definitely shake the sky, for fear that others would not know that he was the Demon Lord.

When a powerful Demon Lord appeared, people like Qiu Qianshang and Tai Dayan should be treated as strong enemies. At that time, Ye Yun could only fight hard with these people.

Furthermore, against Lu Xu, Ye Yun is full of confidence, and he doesn't need the Chiyun Demon Venerable at all. The Chiyun Demon Venerable is almost Ye Yun's biggest killer now, and he will only use it against really strong enemies, a little Po Xian A sixth-order monk, in front of Ye Yun, still can't make waves.

After thinking about it, Ye Yun continued to practice. The energy inside the underground palace was very strong. Others took the time to practice and made a huge improvement, and Ye Yun also gained a lot. Now he is quickly entering the middle of the fifth level of Tongtian, and he is no longer far away from the peak. .

A few days later, all the disciples who practiced in meditation suddenly stopped practicing.

A projection of nothingness slowly landed on the throne of the underground palace, all the disciples stood up respectfully, and then, from the entrance of the underground palace, came a figure, it was Xia Yuanhou.

"The ally!!!"

When Xia Yuanhou entered the underground palace, he saluted Lu Xu who appeared on the throne with everyone.

"In a short period of time, it's not bad for you to have this improvement, but there is still a long way to go from what I expected. I will give you another three years. After three years, I will pass on your supreme fairy art. There is also the broken elixir, let you break through to the third and fourth ranks one by one!"

"Broken Immortal Dao!!!"

After each disciple heard this, their blood surged and their fists creaked. The Supreme Immortal Technique only made their eyelids twitch.

Broken elixir can only be refined if it has reached the fourth level of Poxian and above. The low-level monks in the broken fairyland can only sigh helplessly. , for the monks of the first, second and third ranks of Poxian, the broken elixir is the best way to improve their cultivation base.

"Broken elixir is not a problem for me at all. The question is whether you are worthy of a broken elixir and cultivate here. Deputy Xia, you must hurry up and choose the second batch!" The altar master Lu Xu suddenly appeared , After saying this sentence, he moved his body and disappeared.


As Lu Xu disappeared, everyone felt suddenly enlightened and breathed smoothly, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

These disciples immediately came up to please Xia Yuanhou: "Congratulations, Deputy Envoy!!!"

As deputy envoys that the leader valued so much, everyone knew that there were only advantages and no disadvantages in wooing Xia Yuanhou, and Xia Yingjie was his precious son, so these people naturally became Xia Yuanhou's subordinates.

"Yingjie, take everyone to practice hard, look around for father, don't be half-slack!" Xia Yuanhou's expression was extremely stern, he waved his hand at everyone, and ordered that even Xia Yingjie obediently went down to sit cross-legged to practice .

Elder Sister Wen Jingxin and Ye Yun came to the side alone: ​​"Junior Brother Han, let's continue to practice, I have now consolidated the golden core, and have successfully stepped into the first level of Poxian!"

"Congratulations, sister!"

Ye Yun swept his mind, and he saw the golden pill in Wen Jingxin's dantian, which was full of powerful and immortal atmosphere, and there were many cracks on it, which seemed to be healing and growing infinitely.


At this time, Xia Yuanhou suddenly came in front of Ye Yun, his eyes glared sharply, but his expression was a bit complicated, he looked around and nodded towards Ye Yun.

Ye Yun also nodded, still saluting symbolically, but he sent out a divine thought, which shot directly into Xia Yuanhou's body: "Master Deputy Envoy!"

Obtaining this divine sense, Xia Yuanhou fully grasped Ye Yun's plan, and then left pretending nothing happened.

"Everything is ready, it's only due to Dongfeng... There is still more than a month... I want to condense the most powerful Holy Spear of Light, and give a fatal blow to the masters of Yanjiao. Now I can notify the high-level officials of Xianyuan to get them ready. My purpose is not to kill Killing Lu Xu, but those broken elixir and spirit weapons, as long as the news is passed on, I have completed the task!"

Ye Yun immediately began to secretly create a series of magic seals, released them, and passed them on to the high-level officials of Shenzhou Xianyuan, as well as Yunchenhang in Lingzhou City. Threats also require a certain amount of time and effort.

For a monk, one month passed in a snap of the fingers.

In the central castle of the Yanjiao sub-altar, a third-rank and fourth-rank godson of Poxian began to pour in from all directions. The fourth-rank monks were the most, and Xia Yuanhou was also among them. Xia Yuanhou was a little different today, and he looked a little uneasy However, a strange breath was released in his body, which forced him to calm down.

"Master, come here..."

In the underground palace, Ye Yun suddenly moved and flashed beside Wen Jingxin, frightening Wen Jingxin who was practicing, almost screaming, Wen Jingxin cautiously followed Ye Yun to the side, Ye Yun waved his hand directly, a wave of Misty space power wrapped the two of them and disappeared directly into the underground palace.

Outside the Fushen Mountains, amidst the infinite sea of ​​clouds and heavy mountains, one after another the immortal masters of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy wearing Venus white robes began to ride the clouds and hide around the Fushen Mountains.

"Old Fu, Old Yu!"

In the void above the Fushen mountain range, two projections appeared, which turned out to be Fu Daoji, and next to him was an old man with white hair and eyebrows, whose aura was deeper than Fu Daoji.

Then, behind the two people, two people appeared on the left and right sides. The two on the left are the principals Qiu Shuihan and Bai Wudao, and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement are on the right. By.

The four of them respect Fu Daoji and that "Old Yu" very much. After all, Fu Daoji and Yu Lao are the members of the elders with the highest power in Shenzhou Xianyuan. However, the elders group is above both sides, and the elders are all invincible characters of the sixth or even seventh rank of Poxian.

The Shenzhou Xianyuan sent a total of six peerless figures of high status. The six stood in the void, calmly, and brought the greatest confidence to the students below. Yu Lao suddenly looked at Fu Daoji: "Fu Lao, the leader The valued student, is the news passed on reliable?"

Fu Daoji nodded slightly: "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, every time Ye Yun sends a message, we will check it. If there is no accident, the news he sends is accurate. Let's do it!"

Mr. Yu immediately looked at the four of them, and said in a stern tone, "Two principals, two palace masters, go down and lead the students, wait for the signal, and once the signal appears, attack the Yanjiao branch!"

"Yes!" Qiu Shuihan, Bai Wudao and the two palace masters immediately turned into nothingness and flew towards the earth.

"Brother Fu, I have already sensed the sixth-level master of the Yanjiao branch. I dare not go deep, otherwise he will find out that he is indeed a peerless master. Brother Fu is in charge of other things. Leave him to me!"

The cold wind in the void blew wildly, and the sea of ​​clouds churned. The projections of the two elders sometimes disappeared, and they didn't know where they really were. They were really invincible.

"Junior brother, what is this place!!!?"

In the Shenluo domain, Wen Jingxin never expected that she would come out with Ye Yun, and in the blink of an eye, she would appear in a domain that made her shudder and unable to compete.

"Senior sister, don't worry, this is my domain. The reason why I brought you in is because I and the leader have already planned to attack the leader Lu Xu. The leader Lu Xu is also a legendary cult, a powerful godson of Yanjiao. I won't be able to make it clear for a while, I've left what I want to say in the field, you can take your time, once the matter is over, I will pick you up!"

Before Wen Jingxin understood, Ye Yun disappeared, leaving Wen Jingxin alone, and began to accept a divine thought, with a shocked expression gradually appearing on his face.

Dividing the altar into the void, Ye Yun appeared from the void. No one could sense his aura. His whole body was protected by the Daqian Shentu, and he could travel through the space at any time without anyone being able to stop him.

"Fu Daoji actually became a patriarch... There is also a patriarch named Yu Yuanting, whose cultivation is actually the sixth rank of Poxian. It seems that he is here to deal with Lu Xu. Bai Wudao also came, okay, okay, since you want to kill me , don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Bai Wudao, I'm afraid you came this time to deal with me. The last time I sent my disciple Wu Tianhuang to deal with me, I will let you master and apprentice come and go!"

"Shenzhou Immortal Academy sent two elders, it is not easy to deal with Yanjiao's branch forces, and the opponent also has a fifth-level master of breaking immortals, it is best to lose both..."

His eyes fell on the central castle, and then he paid attention to the movement outside the floating mountain range. With his strong spiritual sense, he could already feel that a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan were hiding in the dark. The castle where the broken elixir was refined slowly flew away.

Seizing pills, spirit weapons, and countless magic weapons is Ye Yun's top priority. As for Lu Xu, he will leave it to Fu Daoji and Yu Yuanting to deal with them.

"Yes, yes, tens of thousands of refined broken elixir are sealed here. I don't know how many shattered elixir and magic weapons Lu Xu still has... By the way, let Yu Yuanting and Lu Xu fight to the death, and wait until Lu Xu is seriously injured." At the moment, I will take him again, he has too many resources, which is what Planet Taiyi lacks the most!"

In the sky above several castles, Ye Yun has already sensed the aura of powerful pills below, but it is a pity that he can't do it yet, but he has another idea in his mind, that is, Lu Xu cannot be allowed to be obtained by Shenzhou Xianyuan, and all benefits will be taken away by Shenzhou Xianyuan , he wants to snatch the baby.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him is what Ye Yun likes and is best at doing. Such a good deed is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so naturally he will not let it slip away.

Central Castle, interior.

"The Immortal Cult will last forever, and the nine heavens will return to one!"

It is estimated that there are fifty disciples of the Yan Sect, dressed in black robes of fire clouds. In front of them is Lu Xu. Facing the holy altar, they knelt down at the same time, raised their hands, kowtowed and cheered.

"Nine Heavens Leader, Nine Heavens Invincible!"

Lu Xu led the crowd and kowtowed to the divine map again. All the godchildren had a cold, solemn expression on their faces, not daring to show any blasphemy, as if the "Nine Heavens Master" they called was watching them, making them afraid.

What a uniformly dressed Yanjiao godson, kneeling at the same time, making the same move at the same time, kowtowing and bowing, it really looks like a cult, full of evil spirits.

"Get up, your sincerity, your faith, and your belief in the supreme Nine Heavens leader, have been felt!"

Lu Xu stood up first. He turned around and sat on the throne. With a big wave of his hand, the other godsons sat on both sides one after another. Their steps were very light, and no movement could be felt in the entire castle.

"Master, you have to save me!!!"

Everyone was shocked and behaved normally, but only Xia Yuanhou who was sitting in the center, his eyes flickered, and his whole body stood there like a log.

Can Xia Yuanhou not be afraid, he is going to attack Lu Xu now, Lu Xu is someone who breaks the sixth rank of immortality, but Xia Yuanhou is not afraid, because he has the more powerful Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable as his backer.

After sitting down, Lu Xuxiong swept his eyes away, making everyone fearful: "Now the development momentum of the sub-forum is good, everything is natural, especially this seat personally took down the Yunji Alliance. From then on, the Yunji Alliance will be our talisman , use this talisman to escort us, we will slowly develop the power of the Quartet, since all the deputy envoys have gathered, start reporting the progress!"

"Altar Master, this year, we have refined a total of [-] broken elixir and [-] spirit weapons!"

"Altar Master, the number of spirit stones collected by the Quartet is ten times that of the past. You don't have to worry about resource issues anymore when refining weapons and elixirs!"

The deputy envoys of the Yanjiao began to stand up and report the progress to Lu Xu.

"Okay, this time!"

Xia Yuanhou seemed to be unable to hold back any longer. Suddenly, he flew high and landed at the entrance of the castle. He gently parted his hands towards Lu Xu.

Lu Xu and the godsons didn't seem to have expected Xia Yuanhou to act like this. Lu Xu, who has extraordinary knowledge and deep knowledge in the city, immediately ordered: "Huh? Not good, take him down!!!!"


Just at the moment when Lu Xu stood up, a destructive holy light, with the power of the ancient demon world, appeared directly from behind Lu Xu like a sharp arrow. Before Lu Xu had time to react, his whole body was submerged by the holy light. Then, the power of the holy light stagnated for a moment, and immediately exploded in the castle, turning the entire central castle into dust in an instant.

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