The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 376 Sweeping Xuanhuang Star


The silent sub-altar valley, the towering sacred central castle, and the sudden explosion turned into dust in an instant, and the dozens of Yanjiao powerhouses were annihilated in the dust. At the same time, the explosive power turned into a big hand, The huge seal gave a violent impact.

In an instant, all the people in Yanjiao could not stand still, as if they had lost their center of gravity, and watched in horror as the central castle exploded, everything turned into nothingness, and nothing remained under the flames of the explosion.


"Kill in!"

They had been lying in ambush for a long time, and countless disciples of Shenzhou Immortal Academy saw that the front of the sea of ​​clouds suddenly brightened, and then heard Fu Daoji's order, and waved his hand, a majestic force swept directly towards the bright atmosphere, booming An explosion blasted out a hole, and through the hole, one could see the chaos inside the Yanjiao sub-altar, especially the central castle that was in ruins and burning dazzlingly.

In an instant, one after another of forces shot out from all directions, tearing the seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar directly, and a third-rank and fourth-rank powerhouse began to block the tear opening, or the hole, and someone flew into it, Some people teamed up to cast a formation, and the Chaoyan sect branch started to destroy it regardless of everything.

"Great, everything is expected. Next, I won't be able to grasp it, and I don't need to grasp it. Let Lu Xu, Yu Yuanting, and the extremely strong Fudao fight to the death. I am afraid that the entire Shenfu Mountain Range and Yunji Mountain Range will be destroyed. Gonna turn to dust... baby!"

After Ye Yun ordered Xia Yuanhou to act, and then sent out a signal for the masters of Shenzhou Xianyuan to surround the sub-altar, the two sides had already started to fight, Ye Yun's body moved, and instantly appeared in the castle for refining the elixir .

"Burn it all for me!"

Inside the castle, a master of the Yan Sect seemed to know that something was wrong, and immediately ordered his godson to pour the alchemy medicines, prescriptions, and semi-finished products of the elixir into a large cauldron. A piece of fairy artifact is not comparable to the Han Yan Ding at all.

Hundreds of Yanjiao godsons started to act, and began to take all kinds of materials for refining broken elixir, and began to pour them into the cauldron, and the raging fire instantly burned them to ashes.

"Don't be so embarrassing, give it all to me!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared from the void, standing on top of the cauldron, completely ignoring the extinguishing flames of the cauldron, grabbed the cauldron with one palm, and the entire cauldron was sucked into the vortex.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, an alchemy celestial weapon is really a treasure among treasures, it is worthy of the Yan Sect, and it is a treasure!"

Ye Yun directly collects the refining cauldron, no matter it is a fairy weapon or something, under Ye Yun's Taiyi Zhenqi, any power will be obliterated, Ye Yun looks at the Yanjiao disciples who are repaying him with murderous aura, and smiles disdainfully , and then looked at the person in charge: "Give me the broken elixir and all treasures, otherwise..."

"You are a heretic, damn it, damn it, everyone, kill me!" The person in charge was unmoved, his face was numb and cold, as if he had been brainwashed, he scolded, and hundreds of Yanjiao disciples began to attack Ye Yun came around.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you all. Don't think that you can act presumptuously in front of me just because you are a fourth-order Poxian!"

Sure enough, it was the Yan Sect, so united and united to the outside world, Ye Yun no longer cared about these people, his hands began to condense the ancient mysterious seal, and then he punched the Yan Sect's disciple who rushed towards him, just like a saint who opened up chaos: "The Divine Fist of Creation, the Creation of Chaos, Birth, and Death!"

Fang Buddha was chanting the supreme divine words. Facing hundreds of strong men, and even more than a dozen strong men who broke the fairyland, Ye Yun directly cast the Good Fortune Fist. The first form was born, and he struck out suddenly. The seal erupted instantly inside the castle, and the material of the characters began to be purified by the holy light.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

The person in charge was really stunned. He couldn't believe that a weak person who didn't even have the aura of breaking the immortal suddenly erupted with such a sacred and stalwart power. He watched the godsons die in the holy light one by one, and all of them turned into bones , as if all the energy had been emptied.

"You too die!"

In the holy light, this fourth-rank Yanjiao master who broke the immortal was unable to make a move. The holy light made him vomit blood, especially the primordial spirit. , he immediately displayed the fourth-order power of breaking the immortal, a black flame shot out from his palm, opened a tunnel, and he immediately fled towards the tunnel.

However, a sound of judgment came suddenly, and Ye Yun stepped on the passage, and with a bang, the passage shattered, and Ye Yun suddenly waved his hand to grab the fourth-level master, and the master also condensed a fierce force, as if A star blasted fiercely towards Ye Yun.

"As expected of the fourth rank... I can't kill it with all my strength. In this case, Taiyi Divine Light, blessing..."

With a flip of the palm, a holy spear of light appeared, and mottled and mysterious mantras appeared on the holy spear of light. The divine seal and the divine light of Taiyi flowed between the two. Power, mighty stabbed up.


Ye Yun is now at the fifth level of Tongtian, and it is safe to kill the third level of Poxian. It is a bit laborious to kill the fourth level, but with Taiyi Divine Light, the fourth level of Poxian has only a dead end. Inside, it was still destroyed by the power of the Good Fortune Fist. Even if Ye Yun didn't make a move, the Yan Sect master would be seriously injured or even die.

The Holy Spear of Light with the blessing of the supreme Taiyi Divine Light directly pierced the attack of Yanjiao masters, then pierced into the opponent's protective body, and then pierced through the chest.


Before the master dies, the Holy Spear of Light begins to absorb the essence of the opponent's body. The master desperately watched his life's strength being sucked away in vain. Now, he understands why everyone has become bones, all because of Ye Yun's supernatural powers. , Refined and died for life.

"Haha, this person's ring is indeed a treasure house, five thousand refined broken elixir, and countless alchemy materials... plus the alchemy cauldron, I really made a fortune. After returning, I can make Ximen break the sky Refining the broken elixir...Go and grab the spirit weapon first!"

Ye Yun got the storage ring from the Yanjiao master's skeleton, glanced at it, making Ye Yun smile from ear to ear, and then appeared above the castle where the spiritual weapon was refined in a flash.

"Destroy me directly!"

Now Ye Yun regards Yanjiao's disciples as ants, and doesn't care at all. He directly casts his deadly hand on the castle, and with a sudden grab, the whole castle is shattered. In one breath, Ye Yun instantly killed him, and Ye Yun also obtained all the spiritual weapons, countless refining materials, and a large number of spiritual stones.

"The masters from the Immortal Academy have already rushed in, Bai Wudao, you wait to die!"

Seeing that the seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar completely collapsed and disintegrated, and hundreds of thousands of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan rushed in like a flood, Ye Yun's figure flashed and disappeared.

"Master, save me, save me!"

Among the ruins of the central castle, Xia Yuanhou flew out in a panic, fleeing in panic, asking for help from Ye Yun.

"Ah, my soul... is, is..."

Before he had time to escape, Xia Yuanhou's pupils gradually lost their light. He shot his head in fear, and finally a black shadow flashed in his pupils. With a flick of his finger, Xia Yuanhou was completely silent. Fell into the ruins at high altitude.

"Xia Yuanhou, you are the kind of person who surrenders to me, but I don't like you..."

Ye Yun hid in the dark, seeing Xia Yuanhou's death, he was unmoved. This is when he informed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable to let the other party take Xia Yuanhou and the other five hundred Yan Sect godchildren. Under the supernatural power, Xia Yuanhou's soul was harvested and finally fell.

"Altar Lord!"

At this time, a passage appeared in the void, and nearly fifty masters of the Yan Sect came out one after another. They were all embarrassed and seriously injured. Under the power of the sneak attack, he and this group of masters were all seriously injured.

Lu Xu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he looked towards the void: "What a Shenzhou Xianyuan, Xia Yuanhou is actually one of them. I didn't expect that the situation of our division would be so clearly grasped by the Shenzhou Xianyuan. All these students from the Immortal Academy will be killed!"


Nearly fifty masters, all invincible powerhouses of the third and fourth ranks of Immortals, formed in small groups and began to disperse. There are so many masters of Immortals who want to fight, not to mention the small branch of Yanjiao, even the Yunji Mountain Range. To be shattered.

"Students, the masters of the Yan Sect have appeared, and all the students below the Heaven-reaching Realm have left. Immortal students will kill me, and we must not let a godson of the Yan Sect go out alive!"

On the seal that was about to be broken, two peerless masters, both veterans of the sixth rank of Poxian, Fu Daoji and Yu Yuanting appeared. He also led the immortal students respectively, and entered the Yanjiao branch from the four directions.

Immediately, the masters of breaking the fairyland finally fought against each other, and then they exploded. The powerful but riddled seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar was instantly shattered, and every castle and any building was also destroyed. Turned into dust, even the disciples of the Yan Sect's Tongtian Realm became cannon fodder in the blink of an eye.

Some strong men who have just stepped into the Immortal Realm are also following the Heaven-reaching Realm.


Both the Shenzhou Xianyuan and the Yanjiao, who broke the fairyland, shot together, and the destruction erupted at the same time, and merged together to produce a rapidly rotating and exploding destructive energy ball, which instantly destroyed the Yanjiao sub-altar, followed by a mountain in the Shenfu Mountains. Mountains, mountain ranges, and forest seas, as the energy ball continued to spread, every inch began to turn into powder and dust.

Any solid material, such as rocks and precious stones, could not hold on for a second under the power of both sides, and all of them turned into dust, and many giant beasts died in it.

After three full breaths, the energy ball of destruction swept across the ups and downs of the mountain range, turning into ruins for thousands of miles, and most of the power of the energy ball lost control and began to erupt in an instant. The Yunji mountain range also began to be destroyed and became ruins. The cultivation spheres of influence of all parties in the Yunji Alliance.

When the cultivation forces of all parties in the Yunji Alliance were about to escape, they couldn't escape the residual energy of hundreds of powerful Immortal Immortals who shot at the same time. In an instant, each of the cultivation forces was instantly destroyed, and thousands of monks became cannon fodder.

After ten breaths, the Yunji Mountain Range became a dead land, the entire mountain range was razed to the ground, and the vast territory became endless ruins. Nearly ten million monks in the Yunji Alliance, except for the strong ones who broke the fairyland, all died tragically, breaking the fairyland The strong man was also seriously injured and hid, lingering on his last breath, not daring to show up, not knowing what happened to cause such destructive power.

"Yunji Mountain Range..."

Immortal-destroying masters from all directions on Xuanhuang star felt the burst of destructive power at this moment, and they cast projections one after another, looking at the Yunji Mountain Range, wanting to know what kind of event happened, which also has something to do with Xuanhuang star.

"Oh my god! Yes, it's Shenzhou Xianyuan... Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

Thousands of Immortal Immortal Projections gathered in the ruins of the Yunji Mountains, and there were still strong Immortal Immortals coming. When they saw the ruins, they found a large number of students from the Heavenly Realm of Shenzhou Immortal Academy retreating. All the Immortal Immortal Realm experts were stunned. up.

"You all go away, this court is dealing with Yanjiao, it's none of your business!"

Suddenly, the projection of Fu Daoji descended in front of the projection of the strong man who stepped forward to break the fairyland, and waved his sleeves. A majestic force surpassed the general aura of breaking the fairyland, and instantly swept all the projections away.

"Yes... it is the sixth rank of Poxian, the supreme powerhouse!"

"It's the elders of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy who have arrived. Elders, the elders are all dispatched to deal with the Yan Sect. It seems that we have to be honest. This time, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy is serious. If you don't like it, we will also be recruited!"

These masters of breaking the fairyland are also giants of cultivation forces in Xuanhuang Star, and they don't buy the face of Shenzhou Xianyuan on weekdays, but now, Shenzhou Xianyuan has dispatched veterans, whoever is the elder, even Xuanhuang Star cannot find a single The characters who could compete against him, these giants of comprehension forces, lost their temper in an instant.

"so close!"

In the ruins of the Yunji Mountain Range, a ray of holy light suddenly appeared, and the holy light burst out suddenly. Wen Biyun, the head of the Biyun Sect, led nearly ten thousand disciples to fly out one by one.

"Master Wen, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy has already attacked Yanjiao. You should leave this place and hide in the central area of ​​Xuanhuang Star. I think one-tenth of Xuanhuang Star's territory will be turned into ruins!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun came out from the void. He was dressed in a blue robe and had not changed his identity. With a wave of his hand, he sucked the remaining holy light into his palm, feeling as if he had mastered the world.

It was Ye Yun who rescued nearly ten thousand disciples of Biyun Sect at the time of crisis.

Wen Biyun and countless disciples looked at the ruined land in dead silence, and began to tremble. The cultivation forces of all parties in the Yunji Mountain Range were instantly wiped out. What kind of method is this?

"Don't worry, head, I will let Shenzhou Xianyuan protect you. From now on, you can become a first-class force in Xuanhuang Star. Let's go!"

Seeing that he didn't have time, Ye Yun just waved his hand, and with a mighty force, Wen Biyun and nearly ten thousand disciples under his sect were easily swept away.

"The next step is the real battle. I know whether Fu Daoji, Yu Yuanting and others can kill the Yan Sect within ten years. During this period, I will kill Bai Wudao and his disciple, Wu Tianhuang. killed!"

Looking at the endless ruins, Ye Yun slowly flew into the depths like a stroll in the courtyard, planning in his mind, starting to attack Bai Wudao and Wu Tianhuang, Bai Wudao must die, otherwise Ye Yun will definitely be punished by Bai Wudao when he becomes the vice-principal in the future. Enlightenment is squeezed in all aspects, and there will be danger at any time.

It's better to deal with the threat now.

Anyway, in Yanjiao territory, anything can happen, if you want to kill Bai Wudao, you will break the fifth rank of immortality, once you kill him, no one will doubt Ye Yun, they will only think that Bai Wudao was beheaded by the supreme master of Yanjiao.

Therefore, Ye Yun became unscrupulous and began to look for Bai Wudao's aura.bang...

The silent sub-altar valley, the towering sacred central castle, and the sudden explosion turned into dust in an instant, and the dozens of Yanjiao powerhouses were annihilated in the dust. At the same time, the explosive power turned into a big hand, The huge seal gave a violent impact.

In an instant, all the people in Yanjiao could not stand still, as if they had lost their center of gravity, and watched in horror as the central castle exploded, everything turned into nothingness, and nothing remained under the flames of the explosion.


"Kill in!"

They had been lying in ambush for a long time, and countless disciples of Shenzhou Immortal Academy saw that the front of the sea of ​​clouds suddenly brightened, and then heard Fu Daoji's order, and waved his hand, a majestic force swept directly towards the bright atmosphere, booming An explosion blasted out a hole, and through the hole, one could see the chaos inside the Yanjiao sub-altar, especially the central castle that was in ruins and burning dazzlingly.

In an instant, one after another of forces shot out from all directions, tearing the seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar directly, and a third-rank and fourth-rank powerhouse began to block the tear opening, or the hole, and someone flew into it, Some people teamed up to cast a formation, and the Chaoyan sect branch started to destroy it regardless of everything.

"Great, everything is expected. Next, I won't be able to grasp it, and I don't need to grasp it. Let Lu Xu, Yu Yuanting, and the extremely strong Fudao fight to the death. I am afraid that the entire Shenfu Mountain Range and Yunji Mountain Range will be destroyed. Gonna turn to dust... baby!"

After Ye Yun ordered Xia Yuanhou to act, and then sent out a signal for the masters of Shenzhou Xianyuan to surround the sub-altar, the two sides had already started to fight, Ye Yun's body moved, and instantly appeared in the castle for refining the elixir .

"Burn it all for me!"

Inside the castle, a master of the Yan Sect seemed to know that something was wrong, and immediately ordered his godson to pour the alchemy medicines, prescriptions, and semi-finished products of the elixir into a large cauldron. A piece of fairy artifact is not comparable to the Han Yan Ding at all.

Hundreds of Yanjiao godsons started to act, and began to take all kinds of materials for refining broken elixir, and began to pour them into the cauldron, and the raging fire instantly burned them to ashes.

"Don't be so embarrassing, give it all to me!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared from the void, standing on top of the cauldron, completely ignoring the extinguishing flames of the cauldron, grabbed the cauldron with one palm, and the entire cauldron was sucked into the vortex.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, an alchemy celestial weapon is really a treasure among treasures, it is worthy of the Yan Sect, and it is a treasure!"

Ye Yun directly collects the refining cauldron, no matter it is a fairy weapon or something, under Ye Yun's Taiyi Zhenqi, any power will be obliterated, Ye Yun looks at the Yanjiao disciples who are repaying him with murderous aura, and smiles disdainfully , and then looked at the person in charge: "Give me the broken elixir and all treasures, otherwise..."

"You are a heretic, damn it, damn it, everyone, kill me!" The person in charge was unmoved, his face was numb and cold, as if he had been brainwashed, he scolded, and hundreds of Yanjiao disciples began to attack Ye Yun came around.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you all. Don't think that you can act presumptuously in front of me just because you are a fourth-order Poxian!"

Sure enough, it was the Yan Sect, so united and united to the outside world, Ye Yun no longer cared about these people, his hands began to condense the ancient mysterious seal, and then he punched the Yan Sect's disciple who rushed towards him, just like a saint who opened up chaos: "The Divine Fist of Creation, the Creation of Chaos, Birth, and Death!"

Fang Buddha was chanting the supreme divine words. Facing hundreds of strong men, and even more than a dozen strong men who broke the fairyland, Ye Yun directly cast the Good Fortune Fist. The first form was born, and he struck out suddenly. The seal erupted instantly inside the castle, and the material of the characters began to be purified by the holy light.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

The person in charge was really stunned. He couldn't believe that a weak person who didn't even have the aura of breaking the immortal suddenly erupted with such a sacred and stalwart power. He watched the godsons die in the holy light one by one, and all of them turned into bones , as if all the energy had been emptied.

"You too die!"

In the holy light, this fourth-rank Yanjiao master who broke the immortal was unable to make a move. The holy light made him vomit blood, especially the primordial spirit. , he immediately displayed the fourth-order power of breaking the immortal, a black flame shot out from his palm, opened a tunnel, and he immediately fled towards the tunnel.

However, a sound of judgment came suddenly, and Ye Yun stepped on the passage, and with a bang, the passage shattered, and Ye Yun suddenly waved his hand to grab the fourth-level master, and the master also condensed a fierce force, as if A star blasted fiercely towards Ye Yun.

"As expected of the fourth rank... I can't kill it with all my strength. In this case, Taiyi Divine Light, blessing..."

With a flip of the palm, a holy spear of light appeared, and mottled and mysterious mantras appeared on the holy spear of light. The divine seal and the divine light of Taiyi flowed between the two. Power, mighty stabbed up.


Ye Yun is now at the fifth level of Tongtian, and it is safe to kill the third level of Poxian. It is a bit laborious to kill the fourth level, but with Taiyi Divine Light, the fourth level of Poxian has only a dead end. Inside, it was still destroyed by the power of the Good Fortune Fist. Even if Ye Yun didn't make a move, the Yan Sect master would be seriously injured or even die.

The Holy Spear of Light with the blessing of the supreme Taiyi Divine Light directly pierced the attack of Yanjiao masters, then pierced into the opponent's protective body, and then pierced through the chest.


Before the master dies, the Holy Spear of Light begins to absorb the essence of the opponent's body. The master desperately watched his life's strength being sucked away in vain. Now, he understands why everyone has become bones, all because of Ye Yun's supernatural powers. , Refined and died for life.

"Haha, this person's ring is indeed a treasure house, five thousand refined broken elixir, and countless alchemy materials... plus the alchemy cauldron, I really made a fortune. After returning, I can make Ximen break the sky Refining the broken elixir...Go and grab the spirit weapon first!"

Ye Yun got the storage ring from the Yanjiao master's skeleton, glanced at it, making Ye Yun smile from ear to ear, and then appeared above the castle where the spiritual weapon was refined in a flash.

"Destroy me directly!"

Now Ye Yun regards Yanjiao's disciples as ants, and doesn't care at all. He directly casts his deadly hand on the castle, and with a sudden grab, the whole castle is shattered. In one breath, Ye Yun instantly killed him, and Ye Yun also obtained all the spiritual weapons, countless refining materials, and a large number of spiritual stones.

"The masters from the Immortal Academy have already rushed in, Bai Wudao, you wait to die!"

Seeing that the seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar completely collapsed and disintegrated, and hundreds of thousands of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan rushed in like a flood, Ye Yun's figure flashed and disappeared.

"Master, save me, save me!"

Among the ruins of the central castle, Xia Yuanhou flew out in a panic, fleeing in panic, asking for help from Ye Yun.

"Ah, my soul... is, is..."

Before he had time to escape, Xia Yuanhou's pupils gradually lost their light. He shot his head in fear, and finally a black shadow flashed in his pupils. With a flick of his finger, Xia Yuanhou was completely silent. Fell into the ruins at high altitude.

"Xia Yuanhou, you are the kind of person who surrenders to me, but I don't like you..."

Ye Yun hid in the dark, seeing Xia Yuanhou's death, he was unmoved. This is when he informed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable to let the other party take Xia Yuanhou and the other five hundred Yan Sect godchildren. Under the supernatural power, Xia Yuanhou's soul was harvested and finally fell.

"Altar Lord!"

At this time, a passage appeared in the void, and nearly fifty masters of the Yan Sect came out one after another. They were all embarrassed and seriously injured. Under the power of the sneak attack, he and this group of masters were all seriously injured.

Lu Xu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he looked towards the void: "What a Shenzhou Xianyuan, Xia Yuanhou is actually one of them. I didn't expect that the situation of our division would be so clearly grasped by the Shenzhou Xianyuan. All these students from the Immortal Academy will be killed!"


Nearly fifty masters, all invincible powerhouses of the third and fourth ranks of Immortals, formed in small groups and began to disperse. There are so many masters of Immortals who want to fight, not to mention the small branch of Yanjiao, even the Yunji Mountain Range. To be shattered.

"Students, the masters of the Yan Sect have appeared, and all the students below the Heaven-reaching Realm have left. Immortal students will kill me, and we must not let a godson of the Yan Sect go out alive!"

On the seal that was about to be broken, two peerless masters, both veterans of the sixth rank of Poxian, Fu Daoji and Yu Yuanting appeared. He also led the immortal students respectively, and entered the Yanjiao branch from the four directions.

Immediately, the masters of breaking the fairyland finally fought against each other, and then they exploded. The powerful but riddled seal of the Yanjiao sub-altar was instantly shattered, and every castle and any building was also destroyed. Turned into dust, even the disciples of the Yan Sect's Tongtian Realm became cannon fodder in the blink of an eye.

Some strong men who have just stepped into the Immortal Realm are also following the Heaven-reaching Realm.


Both the Shenzhou Xianyuan and the Yanjiao, who broke the fairyland, shot together, and the destruction erupted at the same time, and merged together to produce a rapidly rotating and exploding destructive energy ball, which instantly destroyed the Yanjiao sub-altar, followed by a mountain in the Shenfu Mountains. Mountains, mountain ranges, and forest seas, as the energy ball continued to spread, every inch began to turn into powder and dust.

Any solid material, such as rocks and precious stones, could not hold on for a second under the power of both sides, and all of them turned into dust, and many giant beasts died in it.

After three full breaths, the energy ball of destruction swept across the ups and downs of the mountain range, turning into ruins for thousands of miles, and most of the power of the energy ball lost control and began to erupt in an instant. The Yunji mountain range also began to be destroyed and became ruins. The cultivation spheres of influence of all parties in the Yunji Alliance.

When the cultivation forces of all parties in the Yunji Alliance were about to escape, they couldn't escape the residual energy of hundreds of powerful Immortal Immortals who shot at the same time. In an instant, each of the cultivation forces was instantly destroyed, and thousands of monks became cannon fodder.

After ten breaths, the Yunji Mountain Range became a dead land, the entire mountain range was razed to the ground, and the vast territory became endless ruins. Nearly ten million monks in the Yunji Alliance, except for the strong ones who broke the fairyland, all died tragically, breaking the fairyland The strong man was also seriously injured and hid, lingering on his last breath, not daring to show up, not knowing what happened to cause such destructive power.

"Yunji Mountain Range..."

Immortal-destroying masters from all directions on Xuanhuang star felt the burst of destructive power at this moment, and they cast projections one after another, looking at the Yunji Mountain Range, wanting to know what kind of event happened, which also has something to do with Xuanhuang star.

"Oh my god! Yes, it's Shenzhou Xianyuan... Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

Thousands of Immortal Immortal Projections gathered in the ruins of the Yunji Mountains, and there were still strong Immortal Immortals coming. When they saw the ruins, they found a large number of students from the Heavenly Realm of Shenzhou Immortal Academy retreating. All the Immortal Immortal Realm experts were stunned. up.

"You all go away, this court is dealing with Yanjiao, it's none of your business!"

Suddenly, the projection of Fu Daoji descended in front of the projection of the strong man who stepped forward to break the fairyland, and waved his sleeves. A majestic force surpassed the general aura of breaking the fairyland, and instantly swept all the projections away.

"Yes... it is the sixth rank of Poxian, the supreme powerhouse!"

"It's the elders of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy who have arrived. Elders, the elders are all dispatched to deal with the Yan Sect. It seems that we have to be honest. This time, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy is serious. If you don't like it, we will also be recruited!"

These masters of breaking the fairyland are also giants of cultivation forces in Xuanhuang Star, and they don't buy the face of Shenzhou Xianyuan on weekdays, but now, Shenzhou Xianyuan has dispatched veterans, whoever is the elder, even Xuanhuang Star cannot find a single The characters who could compete against him, these giants of comprehension forces, lost their temper in an instant.

"so close!"

In the ruins of the Yunji Mountain Range, a ray of holy light suddenly appeared, and the holy light burst out suddenly. Wen Biyun, the head of the Biyun Sect, led nearly ten thousand disciples to fly out one by one.

"Master Wen, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy has already attacked Yanjiao. You should leave this place and hide in the central area of ​​Xuanhuang Star. I think one-tenth of Xuanhuang Star's territory will be turned into ruins!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun came out from the void. He was dressed in a blue robe and had not changed his identity. With a wave of his hand, he sucked the remaining holy light into his palm, feeling as if he had mastered the world.

It was Ye Yun who rescued nearly ten thousand disciples of Biyun Sect at the time of crisis.

Wen Biyun and countless disciples looked at the ruined land in dead silence, and began to tremble. The cultivation forces of all parties in the Yunji Mountain Range were instantly wiped out. What kind of method is this?

"Don't worry, head, I will let Shenzhou Xianyuan protect you. From now on, you can become a first-class force in Xuanhuang Star. Let's go!"

Seeing that he didn't have time, Ye Yun just waved his hand, and with a mighty force, Wen Biyun and nearly ten thousand disciples under his sect were easily swept away.

"The next step is the real battle. I know whether Fu Daoji, Yu Yuanting and others can kill the Yan Sect within ten years. During this period, I will kill Bai Wudao and his disciple, Wu Tianhuang. killed!"

Looking at the endless ruins, Ye Yun slowly flew into the depths like a stroll in the courtyard, planning in his mind, starting to attack Bai Wudao and Wu Tianhuang, Bai Wudao must die, otherwise Ye Yun will definitely be punished by Bai Wudao when he becomes the vice-principal in the future. Enlightenment is squeezed in all aspects, and there will be danger at any time.

It's better to deal with the threat now.

Anyway, in Yanjiao territory, anything can happen, if you want to kill Bai Wudao, you will break the fifth rank of immortality, once you kill him, no one will doubt Ye Yun, they will only think that Bai Wudao was beheaded by the supreme master of Yanjiao.

Therefore, Ye Yun became unscrupulous and began to look for Bai Wudao's aura.

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