"Yu Xuanji, today's revenge will be avenged tomorrow..."

"Ye Yun, I won't kill you... I swear I won't be human..."

The anger comes from a hellish voice, echoing in every corner of Piao Miao and Shenzhou Xianyuan. Hundreds of millions of students, whether they are saints, kings, emperors, honored, or immortals, or law enforcement halls, principals, or even elders Fu Daoji, all I deeply felt that my heart was trembling, and there was a feeling of being planted with a cancerous tumor and being cursed forever.

A generation of geniuses, the proud son of the Taixing plane, and the pride of Shenzhou Xianyuan, went out completely independently today.

Insulting the law enforcers, seriously injuring the principal, confronting the principal, overpowering Yun Lao, ignoring the laws and regulations of the Immortal Academy, what Ditian did completely broke the bottom line, had nothing to do with the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and even cast a layer of endless hatred.

"Ditian, Ditian, you have today, and you have shown your power, but from now on, Shenzhou Xianyuan will oppose you, and even Tianjun Xianyuan and Gutuo Xianyuan will regard you as an enemy. In times of war, you will be squeezed out by all parties... But I will not give you a chance, just wait, you are afraid of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy and dare not do anything to me, I will not care about the emperor star, I will refine the entire planet! "

Right now Ye Yun is the happiest, he never expected that this gathering will cause Ditian and Shenzhou Xianyuan to completely oppose each other, this is the biggest gain.

One of the principals is high above, and his real body is revealed from the projection. He is a middle-aged man. He said domineeringly: "Our principal is supreme. Ditian actually seriously injured the principal Ye and then insulted the law enforcement hall. He didn't even listen to the words of the elders. He is self-inflicted!"

"Our Hall of Law Enforcement is the abbot of the Immortal Academy's legal system. Ditian is so arrogant, defiant, and has become a traitor. From now on, any student from our academy who can catch this traitor, Ditian, will be rewarded!"

Law enforcers in the Hall of Law Enforcement began to return to the Hall of Law Enforcement, and the Dharma Guardians also began to take their positions. Several Hall Masters appeared from the void, showing an incomparably fierce law-making aura.

Hundreds of millions of students deeply felt that the senior officials of the Immortal Academy were really driven mad by Ditian this time, and no one thought about what Ditian said, whether Bai Wudao was killed by Ye Yun or not.

No one believed Di Tian's words, it was because Ye Yun showed weakness from the very beginning, was seriously injured by Di Tian's attack, almost fell, and made a weak posture, which made everyone have no doubts, if Ye Yun used the strong against the strong , many people would secretly believe what Di Tian said.

"How many years have I established in the Immortal Academy, and there has never been a rebellious student like Ditian, who seriously injured the master and humiliated the Hall of Law Enforcement. As the elder, I inform all students that the elders have also decided that Ditian will no longer be a student of the Immortal Academy. It's a traitor from Xianyuan!"

Fu Daoji slowly released the majesty of the throne while Wushu was silent and shocked. All the students looked at him with great respect: "Recently, there are always major events happening in the Immortal Academy. The Yan Sect is about to move and wants to destroy my Immortal Academy. Everyone Students, go back to practice and prepare for more difficult challenges!"

With a single order, hundreds of millions of students began to disperse, the four major temples began to close one after another, and the Hall of Law Enforcement began to disappear from everyone's sight into the void.

"Masters and hall masters, you should pay attention to Ditian from now on. The second son's strength is really against the sky. He can fight with Master Xuanji a few tricks. As for Master Ye, I will hand it over to the elders. The old man will leave first!" Fu Daoji also slowly Slowly lift off.

"Brother Ye, congratulations, congratulations!!!"

The principals came forward to congratulate Ye Yun, talking and laughing, it was very lively, it seemed that the matter between Di Tian and Bai Wudao had never happened at all.

Ye Yun has now become the vice-principal. Although he is a vice-principal, he is already the chief-principal. He has begun to integrate into the camp of the chief-principal. He has begun to integrate with more than [-] principals. On the surface, everyone is familiar with him, like a family, but Ye Yun knows that he is still the vice-principal. As the principal, he is still an isolated person in the principal group.

No, at least there is Yu Xuanji.

There are a total of 36 principals in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Bai Wudao fell, and Ye Yun added it. Now there are only 29 people. The rest of the principals are in various places in the star field, or have not returned from their travels.

After some chatter, the principals also left one after another, and finally only Ye Yun and Yu Xuanji were left. Yu Xuanji waved her hand, and the two walked into a passage.

In the blink of an eye, a vast floating land appeared, with sky-blue forests, mountains, even rivers and waterfalls, like a fairyland. This floating dojo is very quiet, as if there is no one there.

"The dojo here has been opened up and has been sealed, and it will be your main dojo from now on!" A holy light flashed, and Yu Xuanji led Ye Yun to appear in the void.

Soon there was a breeze in the void, causing the sea of ​​clouds to gently swell.

Ye Yun did not appreciate the beautiful scenery, but looked at Yu Xuanji, and thanked him: "Thanks to you blocking Ditian this time, otherwise I would have suffered a lot in his hands!"

"I only knew that Ditian was very strong, but I didn't expect to hide it so deeply. His real deity is at least the fifth level of Poxian..." Yu Xuanji remembered what Ye Yun said to her back then, and now thinking of it, she sighed.

As Yu Xuanji is the chief, in her eyes, no matter how talented Ditian is, she is still a junior in her eyes, and he can't fight against her, but Ditian is so strong that even she is a little afraid.

"Master, don't worry. I'll tell you the truth. This time I'm using a trick to make him tear up his face with the Shenzhou Xianyuan and isolate him. The Yan Sect will launch an attack soon. Sooner or later, he will become a thorn in the eyes of the Yan Sect, and the Yan Sect will never die He, I will not let him go!"

"Ditian's ambitions are clearly revealed, but he has always been a genius cultivated by the Immortal Academy. This time, the elders and leaders did not show up in the disturbance of the Immortal Academy. It seems that Ditian really gave up. From then on, Emperor The position was replaced by me in just a few days, and becoming the deputy director is also part of my plan!"

"Back then, I was willing to tell you why I entered the Immortal Courtyard. You helped me this time. It seems that you are ready to stand on the same side as me?" After Ye Yun finished speaking, she looked at Yu Xuanji seriously.

Yu Xuanji stepped forward to save her, openly confronted Ditian, let her fall into a trap, and offended a powerful enemy. In addition, Ye Yun has now become the deputy chief and is in urgent need of help in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Yu Xuanji is undoubtedly Ye Yun's best in Shenzhou Xianyuan. allies.

"Di Tian is too much, I believe that if I don't make a move, the other principals or veterans and hall masters will also make a move. After all, you are already the deputy chief, and Ditian has lost trust in the high-level. Ye Yun, you want me to stand by you, Then you and I are in the same camp, I just want to know something..."

At this point, Yu Xuanji suddenly stopped, her eyes were sharp, she shot Ye Yun directly, and asked directly: "Did you kill Bai Wudao?"

"Is it necessary to talk about this even now? Believe me, that's what I did..." Ye Yun answered the question, his words flickering.

"I believe……?"

It was such a simple sentence, but Yu Xuanji smiled lightly, and Fangfo already knew the answer: "Okay, from now on, you and I are in the same camp. There are 36 principals in Shenzhou Xianyuan, and there are also battles between the principals. Even though you are the vice-principal now, the elders and leaders value you, so they should not make things difficult for you!"

"It doesn't matter if they make things difficult for me. I'm just taking advantage of my status as the principal. You should know what I said before. This time, you have also witnessed the power of the Yan Sect. The real method of the Yan Sect is even more terrifying. Shenzhou Xianyuan In the end, I'm afraid it won't be his opponent!"

"The Immortal Academy destroyed the Yanjiao sub-altar, the Yanjiao will definitely take action, you just wait and see, soon, the Taixing plane will usher in an era of war, when the time comes, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy will basically need whatever camp is in charge , Strength and means are the kingly way, I will not harm you, as long as you always believe like now, if you continue to believe, then you will be right!"

In front of the high-ranking principal, and the peerless beauty, Ye Yun showed extraordinary mysterious courage, like a giant who came from the future, insight into the secrets of heaven, and mastered reincarnation.

Yu Xuanji was also affected by Ye Yun's aura of supremacy, she immediately turned her gaze to one side, and praised: "This time is really a complete victory for you, not only enlightening Bai... but also Di Tian and Shenzhou Immortal. The court turned your face, and you have the protection of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ditian will not do anything to you!"

"Di Tian is just a little chatterbox, and he can't make any big waves. Even though he was a certain powerful person in the fairy world in his previous life, the present is not the past, and the past is not the future. Destiny and the way of heaven are constantly changing, and no one can grasp it. Heaven is delusional, and wants to become the status of a great power in the past. In this era, I will only become a small pass on my way of cultivation, and he is destined to fall!"

With a look of disdain, Ye Yun finished with a sneer, and then looked at Yu Xuanji: "Okay, now tell me about the principal and the senior management of the Immortal Academy. I want to understand, and there will be more ways to deal with the senior management in the future!"

"Okay!" Yu Xuanji and Ye Yun flew into the void of the floating dojo.

Soon, a mountain in the center of the dojo was flattened, and a resplendent and magnificent palace was soon born. After that, the principals came to congratulate him one after another, and many immortal students came to see Ye Yun. Naturally, they all came to build relationships. Now he is the vice-principal, aloof.

A few months passed quickly. During this period, Ye Yun met a large number of immortal students, law enforcement hall guardians, principals, etc., all kinds of people. I have a clear grasp of everything, and naturally it is thanks to Yu Xuanji who reminded me.

Soon, more immortal students wanted to meet Ye Yun and get in touch with each other, but they found that the dojo where Ye Yun was located was completely sealed, and they couldn't sense that Fang Buddha disappeared in the central dojo, in fact, their cultivation base was too low , only the fourth-level cultivation base of Poxian can sense it too much, and the principal has a powerful supernatural power, so it is naturally easy to seal the dojo.

"Things are progressing very smoothly. Next, we will wait for Tai Dayan's notification. He has a lot of chess pieces in Shenzhou Xianyuan. He should know the news that I have become the master soon. Now he will break through the sixth level of Tongtian!"

The main dojo, in the central palace.

A huge spirit-gathering array enveloped the palace surroundings, raising energy to move the spirit, and suddenly a large amount of heaven and earth vitality and high-level energy rushed in, and Ye Yun began to release the two energies of Bai Wudao and Yanjiao in his body. At this moment, Ye Yun's body is like a ball, quickly Crowded and exploded by tyrannical energy.

There is a huge difference between the fifth level of Tongtian and the sixth level of Tongtian. From the first level to the fifth level, it is relatively easy to break through, but the fifth level and the sixth level are a bottleneck, which requires powerful energy to break through the entrance directly.

Once you step into the sixth level of Tongtian, you will have the opportunity to step into the seventh level, and the distance from the broken fairyland is getting closer and closer, and the realm is becoming more and more difficult to break through. Normally, it takes tens of thousands of years to break through from the first level of Tongtian to the tenth level. And it takes thousands of years for a genius, such as Di Tian.

It has only been over 50 years for Ye Yun to reach the fifth level of cultivation from the Meat Fairyland. What a terrifying speed. In less than [-] years, he has cultivated to the strength of breaking the fairyland. Who would believe that such a speed makes Ye Yun Full of ambitions, intending to break through the fairyland within a hundred years.

It doesn't take thousands of years to become a fairy directly.

The energy of the whole body is like countless waterfalls, impacting every acupuncture point of the body, true energy, blood essence, and primordial spirit are all surging, and the boiling energy makes Ye Yun step into the final state of breakthrough.


Suddenly, a burning furnace, like the furnace of Taiyi God, began to appear, transformed from true energy, absorbing true energy and slowly forming a furnace, slowly formed from the bottom, and soon formed a burning furnace, turning the leaves Even the whole person is enveloped in it, releasing all the power of incineration.

The furnace is the atmosphere of Ye Yun's breakthrough, formed from the essence of energy in the body, the furnace is the atmosphere and Ye Yun's thoughts, it can protect the soul, protect the body, and assist in the breakthrough during the breakthrough.

If there is no stove, Ye Yun's breakthrough will be thrilling and powerful. Anyone can sense it. Ye Yun doesn't want others to discover his true strength. He can only use the stove seal to convert the momentum created by the breakthrough into energy for his own use. .

"The sixth level of Tongtian... broken!"

Ye Yun suddenly stood up, stretched his arms, and punched the left and right stoves, amazing flames gushed out of his body immediately, true energy gushed out like a flood, and stirred on the stove, the stove was about to shatter, and at this moment, the flames of the stove Immediately absorb and transform the aura caused by the breakthrough.

Click! ! !

With the momentum of the breakthrough, the stove finally began to crack, and then there was a crisp sound, the stove shattered like a crock pot, and the fragments immediately poured into Ye Yun's body and were sucked into countless pores.

Ye Yun's skin turned into flames, his true energy merged with the flames, and the aura of the breakthrough gradually disappeared, while Ye Yun's whole body was transformed into a holy baptism, and his transformation was astonishing. Even with sharp eyes, I am afraid that he will be obliterated in an instant.

Squeak! !

With a slight movement of the ten fingers, the joints made a rubbing sound, clanging and powerful, as if a giant scratched the sky and tore the universe apart.

"Breaking through the sixth level of Tongtian is really different. The power has been fully doubled. Now let me meet the fourth level of Poxian, and I can kill it instantly. Even the fifth level, I can kill it within a few moves. As for the sixth level, I can use my full strength If you go there, you can kill them completely, even the sixth-order old antiques like Yu Yuanting, it's the same!"

Strange, Ye Yun only has this feeling now.

The physical body feels like the ocean, and the body organs are the continents. His whole body is like a heaven and earth, containing all things and creating all things.

There are countless seas of qi born in the meridians, and Ye Yun can practice to remove the sea of ​​qi, seal the infinite energy, and make his energy endless.

"The golden core still hasn't changed much. It seems that only after breaking through the Immortal Realm can the Golden Core really change. The Immortal Realm is really close to the way of heaven. The Heavenly Reaching Realm is nothing more than communicating with the heavens!"

After breaking through, Ye Yun began to sit cross-legged in the Spirit Gathering Formation, his whole body was as light as a feather, but his whole body was like Mount Tai, with a heavy momentum. "Yu Xuanji, today's revenge will be avenged tomorrow..."

"Ye Yun, I won't kill you... I swear I won't be human..."

The anger comes from a hellish voice, echoing in every corner of Piao Miao and Shenzhou Xianyuan. Hundreds of millions of students, whether they are saints, kings, emperors, honored, or immortals, or law enforcement halls, principals, or even elders Fu Daoji, all I deeply felt that my heart was trembling, and there was a feeling of being planted with a cancerous tumor and being cursed forever.

A generation of geniuses, the proud son of the Taixing plane, and the pride of Shenzhou Xianyuan, went out completely independently today.

Insulting the law enforcers, seriously injuring the principal, confronting the principal, overpowering Yun Lao, ignoring the laws and regulations of the Immortal Academy, what Ditian did completely broke the bottom line, had nothing to do with the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and even cast a layer of endless hatred.

"Ditian, Ditian, you have today, and you have shown your power, but from now on, Shenzhou Xianyuan will oppose you, and even Tianjun Xianyuan and Gutuo Xianyuan will regard you as an enemy. In times of war, you will be squeezed out by all parties... But I will not give you a chance, just wait, you are afraid of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy and dare not do anything to me, I will not care about the emperor star, I will refine the entire planet! "

Right now Ye Yun is the happiest, he never expected that this gathering will cause Ditian and Shenzhou Xianyuan to completely oppose each other, this is the biggest gain.

One of the principals is high above, and his real body is revealed from the projection. He is a middle-aged man. He said domineeringly: "Our principal is supreme. Ditian actually seriously injured the principal Ye and then insulted the law enforcement hall. He didn't even listen to the words of the elders. He is self-inflicted!"

"Our Hall of Law Enforcement is the abbot of the Immortal Academy's legal system. Ditian is so arrogant, defiant, and has become a traitor. From now on, any student from our academy who can catch this traitor, Ditian, will be rewarded!"

Law enforcers in the Hall of Law Enforcement began to return to the Hall of Law Enforcement, and the Dharma Guardians also began to take their positions. Several Hall Masters appeared from the void, showing an incomparably fierce law-making aura.

Hundreds of millions of students deeply felt that the senior officials of the Immortal Academy were really driven mad by Ditian this time, and no one thought about what Ditian said, whether Bai Wudao was killed by Ye Yun or not.

No one believed Di Tian's words, it was because Ye Yun showed weakness from the very beginning, was seriously injured by Di Tian's attack, almost fell, and made a weak posture, which made everyone have no doubts, if Ye Yun used the strong against the strong , many people would secretly believe what Di Tian said.

"How many years have I established in the Immortal Academy, and there has never been a rebellious student like Ditian, who seriously injured the master and humiliated the Hall of Law Enforcement. As the elder, I inform all students that the elders have also decided that Ditian will no longer be a student of the Immortal Academy. It's a traitor from Xianyuan!"

Fu Daoji slowly released the majesty of the throne while Wushu was silent and shocked. All the students looked at him with great respect: "Recently, there are always major events happening in the Immortal Academy. The Yan Sect is about to move and wants to destroy my Immortal Academy. Everyone Students, go back to practice and prepare for more difficult challenges!"

With a single order, hundreds of millions of students began to disperse, the four major temples began to close one after another, and the Hall of Law Enforcement began to disappear from everyone's sight into the void.

"Masters and hall masters, you should pay attention to Ditian from now on. The second son's strength is really against the sky. He can fight with Master Xuanji a few tricks. As for Master Ye, I will hand it over to the elders. The old man will leave first!" Fu Daoji also slowly Slowly lift off.

"Brother Ye, congratulations, congratulations!!!"

The principals came forward to congratulate Ye Yun, talking and laughing, it was very lively, it seemed that the matter between Di Tian and Bai Wudao had never happened at all.

Ye Yun has now become the vice-principal. Although he is a vice-principal, he is already the chief-principal. He has begun to integrate into the camp of the chief-principal. He has begun to integrate with more than [-] principals. On the surface, everyone is familiar with him, like a family, but Ye Yun knows that he is still the vice-principal. As the principal, he is still an isolated person in the principal group.

No, at least there is Yu Xuanji.

There are a total of 36 principals in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Bai Wudao fell, and Ye Yun added it. Now there are only 29 people. The rest of the principals are in various places in the star field, or have not returned from their travels.

After some chatter, the principals also left one after another, and finally only Ye Yun and Yu Xuanji were left. Yu Xuanji waved her hand, and the two walked into a passage.

In the blink of an eye, a vast floating land appeared, with sky-blue forests, mountains, even rivers and waterfalls, like a fairyland. This floating dojo is very quiet, as if there is no one there.

"The dojo here has been opened up and has been sealed, and it will be your main dojo from now on!" A holy light flashed, and Yu Xuanji led Ye Yun to appear in the void.

Soon there was a breeze in the void, causing the sea of ​​clouds to gently swell.

Ye Yun did not appreciate the beautiful scenery, but looked at Yu Xuanji, and thanked him: "Thanks to you blocking Ditian this time, otherwise I would have suffered a lot in his hands!"

"I only knew that Ditian was very strong, but I didn't expect to hide it so deeply. His real deity is at least the fifth level of Poxian..." Yu Xuanji remembered what Ye Yun said to her back then, and now thinking of it, she sighed.

As Yu Xuanji is the chief, in her eyes, no matter how talented Ditian is, she is still a junior in her eyes, and he can't fight against her, but Ditian is so strong that even she is a little afraid.

"Master, don't worry. I'll tell you the truth. This time I'm using a trick to make him tear up his face with the Shenzhou Xianyuan and isolate him. The Yan Sect will launch an attack soon. Sooner or later, he will become a thorn in the eyes of the Yan Sect, and the Yan Sect will never die He, I will not let him go!"

"Ditian's ambitions are clearly revealed, but he has always been a genius cultivated by the Immortal Academy. This time, the elders and leaders did not show up in the disturbance of the Immortal Academy. It seems that Ditian really gave up. From then on, Emperor The position was replaced by me in just a few days, and becoming the deputy director is also part of my plan!"

"Back then, I was willing to tell you why I entered the Immortal Courtyard. You helped me this time. It seems that you are ready to stand on the same side as me?" After Ye Yun finished speaking, she looked at Yu Xuanji seriously.

Yu Xuanji stepped forward to save her, openly confronted Ditian, let her fall into a trap, and offended a powerful enemy. In addition, Ye Yun has now become the deputy chief and is in urgent need of help in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Yu Xuanji is undoubtedly Ye Yun's best in Shenzhou Xianyuan. allies.

"Di Tian is too much, I believe that if I don't make a move, the other principals or veterans and hall masters will also make a move. After all, you are already the deputy chief, and Ditian has lost trust in the high-level. Ye Yun, you want me to stand by you, Then you and I are in the same camp, I just want to know something..."

At this point, Yu Xuanji suddenly stopped, her eyes were sharp, she shot Ye Yun directly, and asked directly: "Did you kill Bai Wudao?"

"Is it necessary to talk about this even now? Believe me, that's what I did..." Ye Yun answered the question, his words flickering.

"I believe……?"

It was such a simple sentence, but Yu Xuanji smiled lightly, and Fangfo already knew the answer: "Okay, from now on, you and I are in the same camp. There are 36 principals in Shenzhou Xianyuan, and there are also battles between the principals. Even though you are the vice-principal now, the elders and leaders value you, so they should not make things difficult for you!"

"It doesn't matter if they make things difficult for me. I'm just taking advantage of my status as the principal. You should know what I said before. This time, you have also witnessed the power of the Yan Sect. The real method of the Yan Sect is even more terrifying. Shenzhou Xianyuan In the end, I'm afraid it won't be his opponent!"

"The Immortal Academy destroyed the Yanjiao sub-altar, the Yanjiao will definitely take action, you just wait and see, soon, the Taixing plane will usher in an era of war, when the time comes, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy will basically need whatever camp is in charge , Strength and means are the kingly way, I will not harm you, as long as you always believe like now, if you continue to believe, then you will be right!"

In front of the high-ranking principal, and the peerless beauty, Ye Yun showed extraordinary mysterious courage, like a giant who came from the future, insight into the secrets of heaven, and mastered reincarnation.

Yu Xuanji was also affected by Ye Yun's aura of supremacy, she immediately turned her gaze to one side, and praised: "This time is really a complete victory for you, not only enlightening Bai... but also Di Tian and Shenzhou Immortal. The court turned your face, and you have the protection of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ditian will not do anything to you!"

"Di Tian is just a little chatterbox, and he can't make any big waves. Even though he was a certain powerful person in the fairy world in his previous life, the present is not the past, and the past is not the future. Destiny and the way of heaven are constantly changing, and no one can grasp it. Heaven is delusional, and wants to become the status of a great power in the past. In this era, I will only become a small pass on my way of cultivation, and he is destined to fall!"

With a look of disdain, Ye Yun finished with a sneer, and then looked at Yu Xuanji: "Okay, now tell me about the principal and the senior management of the Immortal Academy. I want to understand, and there will be more ways to deal with the senior management in the future!"

"Okay!" Yu Xuanji and Ye Yun flew into the void of the floating dojo.

Soon, a mountain in the center of the dojo was flattened, and a resplendent and magnificent palace was soon born. After that, the principals came to congratulate him one after another, and many immortal students came to see Ye Yun. Naturally, they all came to build relationships. Now he is the vice-principal, aloof.

A few months passed quickly. During this period, Ye Yun met a large number of immortal students, law enforcement hall guardians, principals, etc., all kinds of people. I have a clear grasp of everything, and naturally it is thanks to Yu Xuanji who reminded me.

Soon, more immortal students wanted to meet Ye Yun and get in touch with each other, but they found that the dojo where Ye Yun was located was completely sealed, and they couldn't sense that Fang Buddha disappeared in the central dojo, in fact, their cultivation base was too low , only the fourth-level cultivation base of Poxian can sense it too much, and the principal has a powerful supernatural power, so it is naturally easy to seal the dojo.

"Things are progressing very smoothly. Next, we will wait for Tai Dayan's notification. He has a lot of chess pieces in Shenzhou Xianyuan. He should know the news that I have become the master soon. Now he will break through the sixth level of Tongtian!"

The main dojo, in the central palace.

A huge spirit-gathering array enveloped the palace surroundings, raising energy to move the spirit, and suddenly a large amount of heaven and earth vitality and high-level energy rushed in, and Ye Yun began to release the two energies of Bai Wudao and Yanjiao in his body. At this moment, Ye Yun's body is like a ball, quickly Crowded and exploded by tyrannical energy.

There is a huge difference between the fifth level of Tongtian and the sixth level of Tongtian. From the first level to the fifth level, it is relatively easy to break through, but the fifth level and the sixth level are a bottleneck, which requires powerful energy to break through the entrance directly.

Once you step into the sixth level of Tongtian, you will have the opportunity to step into the seventh level, and the distance from the broken fairyland is getting closer and closer, and the realm is becoming more and more difficult to break through. Normally, it takes tens of thousands of years to break through from the first level of Tongtian to the tenth level. And it takes thousands of years for a genius, such as Di Tian.

It has only been over 50 years for Ye Yun to reach the fifth level of cultivation from the Meat Fairyland. What a terrifying speed. In less than [-] years, he has cultivated to the strength of breaking the fairyland. Who would believe that such a speed makes Ye Yun Full of ambitions, intending to break through the fairyland within a hundred years.

It doesn't take thousands of years to become a fairy directly.

The energy of the whole body is like countless waterfalls, impacting every acupuncture point of the body, true energy, blood essence, and primordial spirit are all surging, and the boiling energy makes Ye Yun step into the final state of breakthrough.


Suddenly, a burning furnace, like the furnace of Taiyi God, began to appear, transformed from true energy, absorbing true energy and slowly forming a furnace, slowly formed from the bottom, and soon formed a burning furnace, turning the leaves Even the whole person is enveloped in it, releasing all the power of incineration.

The furnace is the atmosphere of Ye Yun's breakthrough, formed from the essence of energy in the body, the furnace is the atmosphere and Ye Yun's thoughts, it can protect the soul, protect the body, and assist in the breakthrough during the breakthrough.

If there is no stove, Ye Yun's breakthrough will be thrilling and powerful. Anyone can sense it. Ye Yun doesn't want others to discover his true strength. He can only use the stove seal to convert the momentum created by the breakthrough into energy for his own use. .

"The sixth level of Tongtian... broken!"

Ye Yun suddenly stood up, stretched his arms, and punched the left and right stoves, amazing flames gushed out of his body immediately, true energy gushed out like a flood, and stirred on the stove, the stove was about to shatter, and at this moment, the flames of the stove Immediately absorb and transform the aura caused by the breakthrough.

Click! ! !

With the momentum of the breakthrough, the stove finally began to crack, and then there was a crisp sound, the stove shattered like a crock pot, and the fragments immediately poured into Ye Yun's body and were sucked into countless pores.

Ye Yun's skin turned into flames, his true energy merged with the flames, and the aura of the breakthrough gradually disappeared, while Ye Yun's whole body was transformed into a holy baptism, and his transformation was astonishing. Even with sharp eyes, I am afraid that he will be obliterated in an instant.

Squeak! !

With a slight movement of the ten fingers, the joints made a rubbing sound, clanging and powerful, as if a giant scratched the sky and tore the universe apart.

"Breaking through the sixth level of Tongtian is really different. The power has been fully doubled. Now let me meet the fourth level of Poxian, and I can kill it instantly. Even the fifth level, I can kill it within a few moves. As for the sixth level, I can use my full strength If you go there, you can kill them completely, even the sixth-order old antiques like Yu Yuanting, it's the same!"

Strange, Ye Yun only has this feeling now.

The physical body feels like the ocean, and the body organs are the continents. His whole body is like a heaven and earth, containing all things and creating all things.

There are countless seas of qi born in the meridians, and Ye Yun can practice to remove the sea of ​​qi, seal the infinite energy, and make his energy endless.

"The golden core still hasn't changed much. It seems that only after breaking through the Immortal Realm can the Golden Core really change. The Immortal Realm is really close to the way of heaven. The Heavenly Reaching Realm is nothing more than communicating with the heavens!"

After breaking through, Ye Yun began to sit cross-legged in the Spirit Gathering Formation, his whole body was as light as a feather, but his whole body was like Mount Tai, with a heavy momentum.

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