The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 385 Taidayan's ambition

At this time, in Ye Yun's dojo, there was a domineering aura of reaching the sky. As Ye Yun broke through to the sixth level of reaching the sky, the aura of reaching the sky was like a thousand swords, and even the air was trembling.

Ye Yun couldn't hide his aura of reaching the heavens. Everyone knew that he was at the eighth level of reaching the sky. Now that he has broken through step by step, he still hasn't released the aura of breaking through the fairyland.

Next, Ye Yun was like a meteorite, quietly suspended in the phantom of the spirit-gathering array, his whole body breath gradually dissipated, restrained and turned into a god, and began to meditate without moving.

"Ditian, oh Ditian, you openly resisted the law and order of the Immortal Academy. This is a complete confrontation between you and me. Don't blame me for being merciful to you from now on!"

In the Holy Land of the Universe, in the Palace of the Supreme Leader, Jiang Xiaoyun is continuing to paint the sculpture, which is the sky, the earth, the way, the law, the image, and the emptiness, and all phenomena of heaven and earth are constantly presented under Jiang Xiaoyun's holy hand .

With everything in hand, like a heart without thoughts, Jiang Xiaoyun grasps the Piaomiao Xingtian Dao, and in the blink of an eye, he can see through any corner of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"Leader, he still doesn't have that person's aura. He must have not returned to the fairy courtyard. He is afraid of enlightening the master and dare not enter the fairy courtyard again!"

"It's just that many immortal and honorable students died in the battle on Xuanhuang Star this time, so it's impossible to figure out his identity..." Suddenly, from the void of the temple, a distorted passage appeared, in the shape of a vortex, and the projection of the young scholar descended from the passage .

Jiang Xiaoyun slowly stood up straight, and the ancient carving knife in his hand turned into powder and disappeared in his palm: "This kind of person will not die easily in battle. Since we can be sure that he is not in the fairy courtyard, there is no serious problem!"

Suddenly -.

The vortex in the channel suddenly spun, sweeping through the young scholar and disappearing into the temple.

"Empty Pictograph!!!"

Jiang Xiaoyun slammed his palm on the carving, countless notches suddenly turned into the sky, and Jiang Xiaoyun entered it like a bubble, disappeared, and the carving returned to normal.


In the spirit-gathering formation, Ye Yun suddenly woke up from the ancient avenue, opened his mouth slightly, and immediately raised the corner of his mouth: "Taidayan really came to me...!"

Ye Yun stood up, shook his hand, and the Spirit Gathering Formation sank into the entire temple, and the vast dojo was also covered with a layer of holy light. Ye Yun walked into a passage and began to shuttle out of the dojo.

Outside the misty star, in the void and vast star field, meteorites flew by in pieces. If you look carefully, there is a spaceship floating in the star field. Through the transparent air hole, you can see Tai Dayan sitting cross-legged in it.

"Brother Ye, come in!"

Tai Dayan suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the air hole, a figure appeared in the star field outside, the person who came was Ye Yun who came out from Misty Star, he saw Tai Dayan waved his hand, and a suction appeared in the air hole, sucking Ye Yun in like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp in.

"Brother Tai, why are you looking for me? I've been very busy recently...but you have something to do, I'll put aside other things for the time being, and I'm here to see you."

When Ye Yun stepped into the spaceship, he acted as if he didn't know. In fact, he had expected that Tai Dayan would come to see Ye Yun the moment he knew that Ye Yun had become the head of the ship. Sure enough, everything was expected.

Standing in the spaceship, I felt a sense of restraint by space independence. If Tai Dayan wanted to kill him now, it would be a piece of cake.The spaceship is an immortal weapon, equal to Tai Dayan's magic weapon. When used, it can imprison immortals. Of course, Tai Dayan doesn't know how much threat Ye Yun is at the moment, so naturally he won't regard Ye Yun as an invincible object like Qiu Qianshang.

Tai Dayan welcomed Ye Yun very much, greeted him a few times, and then the two were as close as before, Tai Dayan said: "Brother, don't you want to meet the emissary of Yaohuangshan who is cooperating with me?"

Seeing Tai Dayan's face, he immediately understood that Tai Dayan was useful to Ye Yun now, so he was polite to Ye Yun. This kind of strong man would turn his face whenever he said he would, it was simply a ticking time bomb.

Ye Yun saw it in his eyes, but there was nothing abnormal. He still showed a sense of distance from Tai Dayan, frowned and said, "Oh, is it possible that Brother Tai is going to take brothers to meet the emissary of Yaohuang Mountain?"

"Brother is really smart. You can guess right. He is indeed going to take you and me to the Yaohuang Mountain. The emissary of Yaohuang Mountain will go down the mountain after a while. Not long ago, there was a problem with the transmission channel of the Yaohuang Star Region. Now it is about to be repaired. I ask for help, and cooperate with Yaohuang Mountain to send the first batch of strong men down!"

Just as Tai Dayan sat down with Ye Yun, you threw out a piece of news that shocked Ye Yun.

"Yaohuangshan is going to send people to Yaohuangshan so soon!!!?"

Hearing this news, Ye Yun suddenly felt that the whole situation in the Taixing plane suddenly broke out. First, the Yanjiao sub-forum was exposed, and then the strong men from Yaohuang Mountain were about to descend.

This news is really unexpected. According to the rumors, all the monster races are militants, born with supernatural powers. Among the countless races in the universe, the monster races dominate the human race, occupying countless human territories, obliterating the race, and plundering resources.

Once Yaohuangshan takes action, it will surely shock the three great immortals even more than Yanjiao. Yaohuangshan has been coveting human planets like the Taixing plane for many years. Once the passage is established, it will be the moment when Yaohuangshan officially invades.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yun frowned and asked: "Brother Tai helped Yaohuangshan repair the passage, how many troops will Yaohuangshan send this time?"

"It's not clear yet. I haven't met the 'Sedum Demon King', one of the top ten commanders of Yaohuang Mountain. He is the commander of the demon army who invaded the Thai star plane. Last time, he sent his son 'Jing Sheng' Come down, unfortunately I have never seen it before, these few times I communicated with the 'Sedum Demon King' with divine thoughts, specifically, as long as the transmission channel is successful, it will be clear!"

When Tai Dayan spoke, he showed his disdain for the Yaozu, and asked: "Brother Ye, you are the head of the Shenzhou Xianyuan now, do you know what the senior management of the Shenzhou Xianyuan has done recently? Do you know the actions of the Yaohuang Starfield?"

Hearing that Tai Dayan began to inquire about the internal activities of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun knew that this was the best way to mediate with Tai Dayan. There is a sub-forum, presumably the three great fairy schools will convene an alliance meeting soon to fight against the Yanjiao, as for the Yaohuang star field has been monitored by the three great fairy schools for so many years, in my opinion, I know more or less, so I joined the chief The group did not participate in an important meeting, and I will know any resolutions made by the top management!"

"Brother Tai, don't worry, I have established a good relationship with several principals. As long as it is a big matter, even if the fairy courtyard hides it from me, they will reveal it to me!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yun's tone suddenly became serious: "Yanjiao is a fierce tiger, Yaohuangshan is a wild beast, and the three great immortals now have tigers in the front and wild beasts in the back. I also have to choose a position. When the era of war is approaching, I can Live and live, Shenzhou Xianyuan is really alone in front of Yanjiao, Yaohuangshan, and Brother Tai, and it will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"Brother, don't worry, since you and I are cooperating, then you are standing on the united front with me. Although my power is weaker than Yanjiao, it is a piece of cake to unite with Yaohuangshan to deal with Yanjiao and the three great fairy schools. The envoys of the Yan Sect from the lower realms are not only begging for Qianshang alone, it is somewhat difficult for me to face a powerful enemy who is also an immortal, once Yaohuangshan joins in, it will be much easier to deal with the Yan Sect!"

Tai Dayan suddenly patted Ye Yun on the shoulder, his tone and expression were full of confidence, and the city was extremely deep: "The top ten demon commanders in Yaohuang Mountain are all tenth-level powerhouses who break immortals, comparable to immortals, and they are enough to sweep away any forces in the lower realm. , plus there are immortals and strongmen in Yaohuang Mountain, it will not be a problem to destroy Yanjiao!"

Ye Yun made a look of shock, and asked again: "The tenth rank of breaking the immortal! It is the demon clan again, with the power of the gods and supernatural powers. It seems that the top ten demon commanders are all immortal-level powerhouses. Naturally, there are many problems in dealing with Yanjiao. The reason is that Yaohuang Mountain finally destroyed the Yan Sect and destroyed the three great fairy courtyards. Then, brother Tai, how do you take the Taixing plane from Yaohuang Mountain? If you are not careful, you will become a plague of tiger breeding. Yaohuang Mountain is a poisonous snake that is frostbitten in winter. Be careful! Get bitten back!"

"Brother really sees the long-term, and can see the key points of victory and defeat at a glance..."

Tai Dayan didn't know if he really praised Ye Yun, or if he was surprised again and again. In short, his expression became empty and changed instantly. Although it was very secret, he was still sensed by Ye Yun.

"Actually, the key to this war lies in the 'Immortal Soul Jade' of the Taixing plane. As you know, the Immortal Soul Jade is the essence of the plane, and it is superior to the constant crystal immortal jade and the Chenqu Shenyu of the plane essence. !"

"At that time, my family's great ancestor mastered the Chenqu Divine Jade of the Thai Star Plane, and divided it into eight parts and sealed them in different places. Later, the Grand Master ascended to the Immortal Realm, and the entire Thai Empire was also shattered, and the eight parts of the Chenqu Divine Jade were scattered. Everywhere, Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Tianjun Immortal Academy, and Gutuo Immortal Academy hold two copies respectively, and the remaining two copies, one is sealed in the treasure house of my Tai family, and the other is obtained when I descended to the lower realm. Not long ago, the Yan Sect Using means to get a copy from Tianjun Immortal Academy, seven of the eight copies of Chenqu Divine Jade are in the hands of me, Qiu Qianshang, and the three Immortal Academy respectively, and the latter one is in the ancestor's treasury!"

"We all want to get the Taixing plane, and in the end we must get eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade before we can combine them, get the original approval of the Taixing plane, and become the master of the plane!"

"Then Qiu Qianshang deliberately wanted to get the Chenqu Divine Jade from the Three Great Immortals. Yaohuangshan already knew my identity, and also wanted to get all the Chenqu Divine Jade from the Yanjiao and the Three Great Immortals through the war, and finally cooperated with me. , and open the treasure house of the Tai Emperor together, but I am a descendant of the Tai family, and my primordial spirit has long been left on the Chenqu Shenyu. In the fairy world, transform the origin of the Taixing plane through supreme qigong..."

"Haha, brother, now all the forces are calculating and want to get the Thai Star Plane, but they underestimate the Tai Dou Patriarch, he has long expected that the Tai Star Plane will have today..."

Tai Dayan patted Ye Yun's shoulder again and laughed boldly, as if he had already taken control of the whole situation. He is No.1 of Taixing Plane, and in front of Ye Yun, he actually revealed the news that Ye Yun wanted to know the most.

There are eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade in total. Whoever gets eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade will be recognized by the Thai Star Plane and become the master. Qu Shenyu must enter the Thai Emperor's Treasury, which is equivalent to entering the trap set by Tai Dayan.

Who is Tai Dou? A strong man who has ascended to the Immortal Realm for millions of years. His methods must be able to kill immortals. Anyone who enters the Emperor's Treasury is a dead end.

Sure enough, Tedayan was the final winner. From the current point of view, everyone was diving into the trap set by him.

"Fortunately, I finally found out that he intends to..."

Ye Yun took a deep breath, worked hard to become the vice-principal of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and in exchange for shocking news, Ye Yun secretly smiled and said: "Tai Dayan doesn't seem to regard me as a threat at all, well, from the beginning to the future, I will make a promise with him." He was a snake, but Taidayan didn't really tell me, his purpose..."

Suddenly, a sharp look appeared on Ye Yun's face, and he thought to himself: "The Tai family was destroyed by the Yan Sect in the fairy world, and the Yan Sect will devour the Tai star plane in the lower realm. Tai Dayan has long been a fairy. It's just sesame mung beans, it's not worth his trouble to come down to the lower realm..."

"It seems that between the lower realm and Yanjiao, there must be something Tai Dayan really wants to get. He is a fairy, and he can take the risk to come to the lower realm for this. That thing must be very important..."

"What's more, the Yanjiao came to Taixing plane because of that thing, and the Tai family was destroyed in the fairy world because of that thing..."

All of a sudden, there seems to be a thread in the dark, connecting the cause and effect in detail. Ye Yun only needs to think quietly, and he can sort out the context of the matter and see the root of the matter from it.

It doesn't matter if you think about it, but it makes Ye Yun full of curiosity, and feels that Tai Dayan must be hiding something, he will never tell Ye Yun anything, Ye Yun is just a partner to him, and in the In his entire plan, the importance of Ye Yun is also negligible.

"Ye Yun, Ye Yun... I was a small person at the beginning, but now I am growing so fast. It is a pity that I, Tai Dayan, am a fairy, a real fairy. No matter how talented you are in the world, you are just an insignificant ant. In the fairy world, There are too many geniuses like you..."

"If you were a fairy, I could really regard you as a partner, but you are just a mortal, a genius among mortals!"

Sitting on the throne, Tai Dayan piloted the spaceship, his pupils shot out a mischievous smile, from his aura, he completely released the nobility of a fairy.

"Monster Desolation Starfield!!!"

While speaking, Ye Yun suddenly looked towards the air hole, but saw the familiar Monster Desolate Star Territory, which began to reveal itself in front of him.

Tai Dayan stood up and walked to the air hole, his eyes fell on the hidden planet in the Youyou Yaohuang star field: "Meng Yuan Xing, come!"


The spaceship suddenly accelerated in the starry sky, drew a storm, and violently collided with the interstellar storm in the star field, while the spaceship slid directly towards Meng Yuanxing like a comet.

Meng Yuanxing was no stranger to Ye Yun at all. It was here that he and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable obtained the Abyss of Taboo, and accidentally destroyed the connection channel between Yaohuang Mountain and Yaohuang Starfield.

"Brother, look, this is the passage to the Yaohuang Mountain plane!!!"

The spaceship bypassed the front of the Mengyuan star and came to the location where the taboo abyss was. In an instant, a wonderful space, like a bubble, adhered to the Mengyuan star crystal wall system, and in the space, there were one after another powerful seals, The space is tightly protected, and there is a wild and evil spirit in it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun kept silent: "As expected of Tai Dayan, he actually helped Yaohuang Mountain to establish a teleportation array so quickly. It seems that the lower realm of Yaohuang Mountain is already imperative...Jing Shao, for the sake of Suyiren , I must kill you, and the Yaohuangshan plane, I also want to refine it..."

Suddenly -.

The moment the spaceship entered the space, it disappeared. Taidayan controlled Ye Yun, and immediately entered the space. Immediately, powerful monster energy swept over. In the confrontation, if Ye Yunxiu hadn't been so powerful, he would have been killed instantly.

Tai Dayan seemed to understand the power of space very well, and praised: "Brother, your cultivation is indeed advanced!"

"Master Tai, welcome!!!"

At this time, a group of powerful figures came leading more than a dozen strong men. The leader was a young man. His skin was actually slightly green, which was very strange.

"Brother Yuanying, you're welcome. Let me introduce you. This is the lord of the Yaohuang Starfield, Meng Yuanying, the leader of the alliance, and this is the owner's brother, Ye Yun!"

Tedayan began to introduce the two sides.At this time, in Ye Yun's dojo, there was a domineering aura of reaching the sky. As Ye Yun broke through to the sixth level of reaching the sky, the aura of reaching the sky was like a thousand swords, and even the air was trembling.

Ye Yun couldn't hide his aura of reaching the heavens. Everyone knew that he was at the eighth level of reaching the sky. Now that he has broken through step by step, he still hasn't released the aura of breaking through the fairyland.

Next, Ye Yun was like a meteorite, quietly suspended in the phantom of the spirit-gathering array, his whole body breath gradually dissipated, restrained and turned into a god, and began to meditate without moving.

"Ditian, oh Ditian, you openly resisted the law and order of the Immortal Academy. This is a complete confrontation between you and me. Don't blame me for being merciful to you from now on!"

In the Holy Land of the Universe, in the Palace of the Supreme Leader, Jiang Xiaoyun is continuing to paint the sculpture, which is the sky, the earth, the way, the law, the image, and the emptiness, and all phenomena of heaven and earth are constantly presented under Jiang Xiaoyun's holy hand .

With everything in hand, like a heart without thoughts, Jiang Xiaoyun grasps the Piaomiao Xingtian Dao, and in the blink of an eye, he can see through any corner of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"Leader, he still doesn't have that person's aura. He must have not returned to the fairy courtyard. He is afraid of enlightening the master and dare not enter the fairy courtyard again!"

"It's just that many immortal and honorable students died in the battle on Xuanhuang Star this time, so it's impossible to figure out his identity..." Suddenly, from the void of the temple, a distorted passage appeared, in the shape of a vortex, and the projection of the young scholar descended from the passage .

Jiang Xiaoyun slowly stood up straight, and the ancient carving knife in his hand turned into powder and disappeared in his palm: "This kind of person will not die easily in battle. Since we can be sure that he is not in the fairy courtyard, there is no serious problem!"

Suddenly -.

The vortex in the channel suddenly spun, sweeping through the young scholar and disappearing into the temple.

"Empty Pictograph!!!"

Jiang Xiaoyun slammed his palm on the carving, countless notches suddenly turned into the sky, and Jiang Xiaoyun entered it like a bubble, disappeared, and the carving returned to normal.


In the spirit-gathering formation, Ye Yun suddenly woke up from the ancient avenue, opened his mouth slightly, and immediately raised the corner of his mouth: "Taidayan really came to me...!"

Ye Yun stood up, shook his hand, and the Spirit Gathering Formation sank into the entire temple, and the vast dojo was also covered with a layer of holy light. Ye Yun walked into a passage and began to shuttle out of the dojo.

Outside the misty star, in the void and vast star field, meteorites flew by in pieces. If you look carefully, there is a spaceship floating in the star field. Through the transparent air hole, you can see Tai Dayan sitting cross-legged in it.

"Brother Ye, come in!"

Tai Dayan suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the air hole, a figure appeared in the star field outside, the person who came was Ye Yun who came out from Misty Star, he saw Tai Dayan waved his hand, and a suction appeared in the air hole, sucking Ye Yun in like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp in.

"Brother Tai, why are you looking for me? I've been very busy recently...but you have something to do, I'll put aside other things for the time being, and I'm here to see you."

When Ye Yun stepped into the spaceship, he acted as if he didn't know. In fact, he had expected that Tai Dayan would come to see Ye Yun the moment he knew that Ye Yun had become the head of the ship. Sure enough, everything was expected.

Standing in the spaceship, I felt a sense of restraint by space independence. If Tai Dayan wanted to kill him now, it would be a piece of cake.The spaceship is an immortal weapon, equal to Tai Dayan's magic weapon. When used, it can imprison immortals. Of course, Tai Dayan doesn't know how much threat Ye Yun is at the moment, so naturally he won't regard Ye Yun as an invincible object like Qiu Qianshang.

Tai Dayan welcomed Ye Yun very much, greeted him a few times, and then the two were as close as before, Tai Dayan said: "Brother, don't you want to meet the emissary of Yaohuangshan who is cooperating with me?"

Seeing Tai Dayan's face, he immediately understood that Tai Dayan was useful to Ye Yun now, so he was polite to Ye Yun. This kind of strong man would turn his face whenever he said he would, it was simply a ticking time bomb.

Ye Yun saw it in his eyes, but there was nothing abnormal. He still showed a sense of distance from Tai Dayan, frowned and said, "Oh, is it possible that Brother Tai is going to take brothers to meet the emissary of Yaohuang Mountain?"

"Brother is really smart. You can guess right. He is indeed going to take you and me to the Yaohuang Mountain. The emissary of Yaohuang Mountain will go down the mountain after a while. Not long ago, there was a problem with the transmission channel of the Yaohuang Star Region. Now it is about to be repaired. I ask for help, and cooperate with Yaohuang Mountain to send the first batch of strong men down!"

Just as Tai Dayan sat down with Ye Yun, you threw out a piece of news that shocked Ye Yun.

"Yaohuangshan is going to send people to Yaohuangshan so soon!!!?"

Hearing this news, Ye Yun suddenly felt that the whole situation in the Taixing plane suddenly broke out. First, the Yanjiao sub-forum was exposed, and then the strong men from Yaohuang Mountain were about to descend.

This news is really unexpected. According to the rumors, all the monster races are militants, born with supernatural powers. Among the countless races in the universe, the monster races dominate the human race, occupying countless human territories, obliterating the race, and plundering resources.

Once Yaohuangshan takes action, it will surely shock the three great immortals even more than Yanjiao. Yaohuangshan has been coveting human planets like the Taixing plane for many years. Once the passage is established, it will be the moment when Yaohuangshan officially invades.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yun frowned and asked: "Brother Tai helped Yaohuangshan repair the passage, how many troops will Yaohuangshan send this time?"

"It's not clear yet. I haven't met the 'Sedum Demon King', one of the top ten commanders of Yaohuang Mountain. He is the commander of the demon army who invaded the Thai star plane. Last time, he sent his son 'Jing Sheng' Come down, unfortunately I have never seen it before, these few times I communicated with the 'Sedum Demon King' with divine thoughts, specifically, as long as the transmission channel is successful, it will be clear!"

When Tai Dayan spoke, he showed his disdain for the Yaozu, and asked: "Brother Ye, you are the head of the Shenzhou Xianyuan now, do you know what the senior management of the Shenzhou Xianyuan has done recently? Do you know the actions of the Yaohuang Starfield?"

Hearing that Tai Dayan began to inquire about the internal activities of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun knew that this was the best way to mediate with Tai Dayan. There is a sub-forum, presumably the three great fairy schools will convene an alliance meeting soon to fight against the Yanjiao, as for the Yaohuang star field has been monitored by the three great fairy schools for so many years, in my opinion, I know more or less, so I joined the chief The group did not participate in an important meeting, and I will know any resolutions made by the top management!"

"Brother Tai, don't worry, I have established a good relationship with several principals. As long as it is a big matter, even if the fairy courtyard hides it from me, they will reveal it to me!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yun's tone suddenly became serious: "Yanjiao is a fierce tiger, Yaohuangshan is a wild beast, and the three great immortals now have tigers in the front and wild beasts in the back. I also have to choose a position. When the era of war is approaching, I can Live and live, Shenzhou Xianyuan is really alone in front of Yanjiao, Yaohuangshan, and Brother Tai, and it will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"Brother, don't worry, since you and I are cooperating, then you are standing on the united front with me. Although my power is weaker than Yanjiao, it is a piece of cake to unite with Yaohuangshan to deal with Yanjiao and the three great fairy schools. The envoys of the Yan Sect from the lower realms are not only begging for Qianshang alone, it is somewhat difficult for me to face a powerful enemy who is also an immortal, once Yaohuangshan joins in, it will be much easier to deal with the Yan Sect!"

Tai Dayan suddenly patted Ye Yun on the shoulder, his tone and expression were full of confidence, and the city was extremely deep: "The top ten demon commanders in Yaohuang Mountain are all tenth-level powerhouses who break immortals, comparable to immortals, and they are enough to sweep away any forces in the lower realm. , plus there are immortals and strongmen in Yaohuang Mountain, it will not be a problem to destroy Yanjiao!"

Ye Yun made a look of shock, and asked again: "The tenth rank of breaking the immortal! It is the demon clan again, with the power of the gods and supernatural powers. It seems that the top ten demon commanders are all immortal-level powerhouses. Naturally, there are many problems in dealing with Yanjiao. The reason is that Yaohuang Mountain finally destroyed the Yan Sect and destroyed the three great fairy courtyards. Then, brother Tai, how do you take the Taixing plane from Yaohuang Mountain? If you are not careful, you will become a plague of tiger breeding. Yaohuang Mountain is a poisonous snake that is frostbitten in winter. Be careful! Get bitten back!"

"Brother really sees the long-term, and can see the key points of victory and defeat at a glance..."

Tai Dayan didn't know if he really praised Ye Yun, or if he was surprised again and again. In short, his expression became empty and changed instantly. Although it was very secret, he was still sensed by Ye Yun.

"Actually, the key to this war lies in the 'Immortal Soul Jade' of the Taixing plane. As you know, the Immortal Soul Jade is the essence of the plane, and it is superior to the constant crystal immortal jade and the Chenqu Shenyu of the plane essence. !"

"At that time, my family's great ancestor mastered the Chenqu Divine Jade of the Thai Star Plane, and divided it into eight parts and sealed them in different places. Later, the Grand Master ascended to the Immortal Realm, and the entire Thai Empire was also shattered, and the eight parts of the Chenqu Divine Jade were scattered. Everywhere, Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Tianjun Immortal Academy, and Gutuo Immortal Academy hold two copies respectively, and the remaining two copies, one is sealed in the treasure house of my Tai family, and the other is obtained when I descended to the lower realm. Not long ago, the Yan Sect Using means to get a copy from Tianjun Immortal Academy, seven of the eight copies of Chenqu Divine Jade are in the hands of me, Qiu Qianshang, and the three Immortal Academy respectively, and the latter one is in the ancestor's treasury!"

"We all want to get the Taixing plane, and in the end we must get eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade before we can combine them, get the original approval of the Taixing plane, and become the master of the plane!"

"Then Qiu Qianshang deliberately wanted to get the Chenqu Divine Jade from the Three Great Immortals. Yaohuangshan already knew my identity, and also wanted to get all the Chenqu Divine Jade from the Yanjiao and the Three Great Immortals through the war, and finally cooperated with me. , and open the treasure house of the Tai Emperor together, but I am a descendant of the Tai family, and my primordial spirit has long been left on the Chenqu Shenyu. In the fairy world, transform the origin of the Taixing plane through supreme qigong..."

"Haha, brother, now all the forces are calculating and want to get the Thai Star Plane, but they underestimate the Tai Dou Patriarch, he has long expected that the Tai Star Plane will have today..."

Tai Dayan patted Ye Yun's shoulder again and laughed boldly, as if he had already taken control of the whole situation. He is No.1 of Taixing Plane, and in front of Ye Yun, he actually revealed the news that Ye Yun wanted to know the most.

There are eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade in total. Whoever gets eight pieces of Chenqu Divine Jade will be recognized by the Thai Star Plane and become the master. Qu Shenyu must enter the Thai Emperor's Treasury, which is equivalent to entering the trap set by Tai Dayan.

Who is Tai Dou? A strong man who has ascended to the Immortal Realm for millions of years. His methods must be able to kill immortals. Anyone who enters the Emperor's Treasury is a dead end.

Sure enough, Tedayan was the final winner. From the current point of view, everyone was diving into the trap set by him.

"Fortunately, I finally found out that he intends to..."

Ye Yun took a deep breath, worked hard to become the vice-principal of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and in exchange for shocking news, Ye Yun secretly smiled and said: "Tai Dayan doesn't seem to regard me as a threat at all, well, from the beginning to the future, I will make a promise with him." He was a snake, but Taidayan didn't really tell me, his purpose..."

Suddenly, a sharp look appeared on Ye Yun's face, and he thought to himself: "The Tai family was destroyed by the Yan Sect in the fairy world, and the Yan Sect will devour the Tai star plane in the lower realm. Tai Dayan has long been a fairy. It's just sesame mung beans, it's not worth his trouble to come down to the lower realm..."

"It seems that between the lower realm and Yanjiao, there must be something Tai Dayan really wants to get. He is a fairy, and he can take the risk to come to the lower realm for this. That thing must be very important..."

"What's more, the Yanjiao came to Taixing plane because of that thing, and the Tai family was destroyed in the fairy world because of that thing..."

All of a sudden, there seems to be a thread in the dark, connecting the cause and effect in detail. Ye Yun only needs to think quietly, and he can sort out the context of the matter and see the root of the matter from it.

It doesn't matter if you think about it, but it makes Ye Yun full of curiosity, and feels that Tai Dayan must be hiding something, he will never tell Ye Yun anything, Ye Yun is just a partner to him, and in the In his entire plan, the importance of Ye Yun is also negligible.

"Ye Yun, Ye Yun... I was a small person at the beginning, but now I am growing so fast. It is a pity that I, Tai Dayan, am a fairy, a real fairy. No matter how talented you are in the world, you are just an insignificant ant. In the fairy world, There are too many geniuses like you..."

"If you were a fairy, I could really regard you as a partner, but you are just a mortal, a genius among mortals!"

Sitting on the throne, Tai Dayan piloted the spaceship, his pupils shot out a mischievous smile, from his aura, he completely released the nobility of a fairy.

"Monster Desolation Starfield!!!"

While speaking, Ye Yun suddenly looked towards the air hole, but saw the familiar Monster Desolate Star Territory, which began to reveal itself in front of him.

Tai Dayan stood up and walked to the air hole, his eyes fell on the hidden planet in the Youyou Yaohuang star field: "Meng Yuan Xing, come!"


The spaceship suddenly accelerated in the starry sky, drew a storm, and violently collided with the interstellar storm in the star field, while the spaceship slid directly towards Meng Yuanxing like a comet.

Meng Yuanxing was no stranger to Ye Yun at all. It was here that he and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable obtained the Abyss of Taboo, and accidentally destroyed the connection channel between Yaohuang Mountain and Yaohuang Starfield.

"Brother, look, this is the passage to the Yaohuang Mountain plane!!!"

The spaceship bypassed the front of the Mengyuan star and came to the location where the taboo abyss was. In an instant, a wonderful space, like a bubble, adhered to the Mengyuan star crystal wall system, and in the space, there were one after another powerful seals, The space is tightly protected, and there is a wild and evil spirit in it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun kept silent: "As expected of Tai Dayan, he actually helped Yaohuang Mountain to establish a teleportation array so quickly. It seems that the lower realm of Yaohuang Mountain is already imperative...Jing Shao, for the sake of Suyiren , I must kill you, and the Yaohuangshan plane, I also want to refine it..."

Suddenly -.

The moment the spaceship entered the space, it disappeared. Taidayan controlled Ye Yun, and immediately entered the space. Immediately, powerful monster energy swept over. In the confrontation, if Ye Yunxiu hadn't been so powerful, he would have been killed instantly.

Tai Dayan seemed to understand the power of space very well, and praised: "Brother, your cultivation is indeed advanced!"

"Master Tai, welcome!!!"

At this time, a group of powerful figures came leading more than a dozen strong men. The leader was a young man. His skin was actually slightly green, which was very strange.

"Brother Yuanying, you're welcome. Let me introduce you. This is the lord of the Yaohuang Starfield, Meng Yuanying, the leader of the alliance, and this is the owner's brother, Ye Yun!"

Tedayan began to introduce the two sides.

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