The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 386 The Arrival of the Monster Barren Mountain Army

Introduced by Tai Dayan, Ye Yun's mind was fixed, and he looked at the green-skinned, muscular young man like a cheetah, "Meng Yuanying... the overlord of the demon star field, the supreme powerhouse who commands a star field?"

The Yaohuang Star Territory is a forbidden place on the Taixing plane. It is the strong immortals of the three great fairy courtyards. Fallen, for many years, as the supreme powerhouse of a star field, no one has seen Meng Yuanying's real body, only rumors that he is the overlord of the star field, ruling the monster clan, with subordinates like Chi Fengting, Tubala, King Toad That level of powerhouse.

In particular, Chi Fengting and King Poison Toad have supernatural powers. Ye Yun has seen it with his own eyes.

"Welcome Brother Ye, Lord Tai!"

Meng Yuanying led a group of strong monsters, respectful to Tai Dayan, Fangfo knows how magical Tai Dayan is, and there are more than a dozen masters behind Meng Yuanying, all of whom are fourth-level and fifth-level cultivation bases of breaking immortals , Maybe this level of cultivation is not as good as the head of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, but the monks of the monster race are all gifted with supernatural powers, and the fifth level of the immortal can kill humans and the sixth or even seventh level of the immortal.

These dozens of masters, if they are killed, are enough to sweep away thousands of troops, and they have the courage of ten thousand men.

Characters like Chi Fengting and King Poison Toad cannot compare with these dozen strong men. They are all the supreme overlords of the Monster Desolation Starfield, and Meng Yuanying's subordinates are all elites.

After some politeness, Meng Yuanying waved his hand, and the whole scene turned into an illusion, and everyone appeared in a halo. There was nothing here, just like the rising sun, Meng Yuanying said: "Master, the teleportation array has been built, now Just wait for you to come here in person, activate the formation, and communicate with Yaohuangshan!"

Tai Dayan nodded, and put his hands behind his back: "Of course, Lord Meng, you should send a message to Yaohuangshan immediately, and make an appointment to urge the formation together!"

"Yes!" Meng Yuanying was very respectful in front of Tai Dayan. He was the rumored overlord of the monster clan who was trembling. He turned around and led a group of strong men into the center of the halo, and began to form formations and condense seals.

"It's such a profound method that can create such a powerful and vast teleportation array. Indeed, only a person like Tai Dayan can do it. No wonder Meng Yuanying respects Tai Dayan. With his strength, he is stronger than the elders of the three great fairy schools. Comparable to a lord-level figure..."

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the time and space of the passage like wisps of divine light, and found that the entire space is a formation. In the center of the formation, there are hundreds of millions of formations, which are heavily blessed to form a majestic passage. Send it down.

Such a teleportation array is a thousand or ten thousand times larger than the teleportation channel of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and it is stronger and deeper. It can directly shatter the Taixing plane and reach the high-level plane, Yaohuangshan.


Suddenly, from the void at the end of the fusion of Meng Yuanxing and the space, a number of strong immortals flew out.

"It's Tai Dayan who is strong under the troll sky..."

Ye Yun is no stranger to seeing these powerful people. When he went to Troll Star to meet Tai Dayan, he almost met these people, such as the famous King of Subduing Demons, and countless old antiques, all of which were collected by Tai Dayan and became giants. Motian is the most powerful combat power, somewhat stronger than Meng Yuanxing.

These old antiques are entrenched in the barbaric star field of the troll star. I don’t know how many powerful people they deter. In front of Yan, even the tenth-rank powerhouse of Poxian would bow his head and obey his ears.

Although the Taixing plane is only a low-level plane in the mortal world, how many eras have existed, how many strong people have been born, and the high-level strong people who broke the fairyland have all become hermits, retreating and meditating, and breaking through the immortal way. In the deeper star field of the Thai star plane, there are countless strong people.

Tai Dayan was majestic, and with a big move, more than [-] supreme powerhouses flew over, led by the King of Subduing Demons, all of them were rebellious hermits, Tai Dayan said: "You are here at the right time, guard the four directions The main purpose is to mobilize the formation and welcome the army of the Demon Desolate Mountain!"

Dressed in a black robe, like a bat in black robe, the King of Subduing Demons released his evil energy, and came to Tai Dayan, ignoring Ye Yun, and asked worriedly: "Master, are you really planning? Yaohuangshan is not as good as Taixing Plane, in ancient times, there were so many strong people on the Taixing plane that interrupted the plane passage, once it was connected, not only Yaohuangshan could come in, but once the strong people from other planes searched for it, they would come in too!"

"The Taixing plane is just a small plane. The entire lower realm is nothing in front of this lord. The lord can seal as many as you come. Don't worry, the lord is free to control it!"

Tai Dayan said confidently.

"Tailor, the Supreme Messenger will send the message, and the channel will be activated immediately."

Suddenly, Meng Yuanying turned around from the central halo space and saluted TEDA.

"The situation has come to this point...Taixing plane, this is quite lively, brother Ye, you stand back!" Tai Dayan flew up suddenly.

Twenty or so peerless masters including Ye Yun and Fumo Dawang immediately flew ten thousand meters away, not daring to approach the center. It seemed that everyone knew that Tai Dayan was strong and was afraid of harming Yuchi.

"I didn't expect Tai Dayan to walk so closely with Yaohuang Mountain. The transmission channel has been arranged long ago. Could it be that Tai Dayan wants to take advantage of the unsteady foundation of the Yan Sect and want to attack the three great fairy schools and the Yan Sect in advance?"

"Tedayan is old and cunning. He definitely wants to use the power of Yaohuangshan to wipe out the Three Great Immortals, Yanjiao, and all other forces. Finally, he takes action against Yaohuangshan. He stabbed Yaohuangshan behind his back. It really doesn't see blood!"

Floating quietly in the space, fighting side by side with more than twenty peerless masters, among the crowd, Ye Yun is just a baby, weak like a chicken.

Ye Yun felt that the energy of the entire space was constantly rising, and a force that did not belong to the mortal world began to burn continuously, extending inch by inch. Peerless figures like King Fumo and Meng Yuanying felt the coming of destruction.


Suddenly, a ray of light erupted from the depths, directly shooting into the sky, and finally penetrated into the starry sky of the Taixing plane, only to hear rustling sounds starting to erupt in the starry sky, getting denser and weirder.

"Jie Jie..."

The beam of light was implanted in the supreme star field of the Tai star plane, and then became invisible, a twisted and empty passage, unexpectedly criss-crossing the vast star field of the Tai star plane.

One by one, the voices of nothingness and trembling began to come from the passage, and King Fumo and others' faces darkened immediately when they heard it, and at the same time they were extremely afraid.

Characters like Fumo King are all peerless figures who have lived for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, they understand the high-level monks better than ordinary people. Savage, with the innate supernatural power to fight against immortals, even immortals are very afraid of monster races.

What's more, a small mortal plane has to bear the majestic power of the Yaohuang Mountain. It is conceivable that even the peerless powerhouses like the King of Demons can't help but feel frightened.

Before the people arrived, the voice was transmitted, which made many people tremble. Even monks like Meng Yuanying, who are also monsters, couldn't help holding their breath. Although they are monsters, they live in the human world and have no knowledge at all. In the real world of monster race, monster monks like Meng Yuanying have long since assimilated with human civilization and lost their ancient barbarism.

Now that they have seen the real monster aura, they can't help but start to worry.

"The plane of Taixing and the plane of Yaohuangshan are too far apart, and the gap is too great. Even with the means of immortals, teleportation cannot be done in a day or two. It seems that the army sent down from Yaohuangshan this time should be around 10 people. !"

"When the channel is repaired again, the next transmission will be an army of one million...a million army is enough to sweep the Shenzhou Xianyuan. You must know how many planes the Yaohuang Mountain controls. There must be a third and fourth batch. When the time comes , even Tianjun Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy must be destroyed!"

Sensing the crazily changing nature of the Taixing plane, Ye Yun had to frown. If the monster barren mountain army continued to descend, even Tai Dayan would not be able to deal with it. The three great fairy schools and the Yan sect were all going to be destroyed, and it was Ye Yun. I'm afraid it's not Yaohuangshan's opponent either.

Tai Dayan must be reminded that the army of Yaohuangshan should not be allowed to descend on the Taixing plane unscrupulously, otherwise, it will be the time when the Taixing plane will be truly destroyed.

Ye Yun passed on a divine thought: "Brother Tai, if Yaohuangshan sends out a large number of troops without restraint, I am afraid that the Taixing plane will be completely reduced to the rule of the Yaozu!"

Tai Dayan quickly replied: "Brother, don't worry, I have already made preparations. When the army of Yaohuangshan arrives enough, I will use the plane storm to destroy the passage, so that the army of Yaohuangshan can completely connect with the plane and become a bird in a cage. What do you want to do?" Play as you like, I have already guessed Yaohuangshan's thoughts!"

"It seems that I was worrying too much. It is really a good strategy to destroy the passage by the plane storm. Tai Dayan is an immortal, and I am afraid that he can move the plane storm like Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Yun felt relieved, and secretly said: "It seems that Tai Dayan has not revealed his true identity to Yaohuangshan. If Yaohuangshan knows that he is a fairy, I am afraid that he will never cooperate with him..."

In this way, time passed day by day, for a full six months, the aura of the monster clan surged from the depths of the plane like a mountain, and the monster aura in the entire Monster Desolation Starfield continued to rise. Countless human monks didn't know what happened, but But I know one thing, something big must happen in the Yaohuang Starfield.

The Yaohuang Mountain plane teleports the army down, even the immortal Tai Dayan can't hide such a powerful aura, not to mention, Tai Dayan has not yet recovered to the immortal stage, if he recovered earlier, I am afraid that he will not cooperate with the Yaohuang Mountain, but directly find him. Qianshang, behead him.

"Such a big movement, the Three Great Immortals will definitely notice it. Soon, the news of the arrival of the Yaohuangshan army will spread. With the addition of the Yanjiao, the Taixing plane will no longer be peaceful at all!"

Looking at the depths of the tunnel, all kinds of colorful auras, layers of evil spirit descending in a spiral shape, Ye Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath of cool air.

The high-level plane descends, this kind of scene is shocking, it has happened in ancient times on the Taixing plane, but it has not happened for a long time since the ancient masters jointly sealed it, but now, under the magical power of the Tedayan immortal, they actually united The master of Yaohuangshan opened up the two-dimensional channel.

Everyone at the scene was shaken physically and mentally, feeling like they were frying in a frying pan, feeling distraught, feeling that a catastrophe was about to come and destroy the entire plane.

"Haha... Taixing Plane!!!"

"A small low-level plane, under the anger of our monster king, it will all be destroyed!"

All of a sudden, there were layers of demonic aura in the transmission channel, and suddenly the demonic aura was boiling. One by one, the demons were wearing animal skins, covered with leaves, hung fangs, carried maces, big bows and knives and other weapons. The soldiers came.

These monster soldiers are all huge, like giants like Fang Sheng, but their bodies are still smaller under the teleportation array, but there is a monster projection behind them, which is their original soul.

The demon soldiers opened their teeth and claws, staring at the Taixing plane evilly, appearing one after another, densely packed, like a flood pouring down from the top of the plane, shocking.

"Oh my god!!!"

"These demon soldiers from the Yaobarren Mountain are all of the high-level cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and there are countless masters of the Heaven-reaching Realm. The high-levels of the Heaven-reaching Realm are comparable to human fairy-breaker cultivators. With so many people, don't they all have the power to break the fairyland!?"

King Fumo was stunned when he saw this scene. This is the strength of Yaohuang Mountain's high-level plane.

"The plane of Demon Desolate Mountain..."

Ye Yun looked deeply into the passage, and countless fierce and arrogant demon soldiers descended. They released strong demon energy, which even the space seal could not completely restrain. These high-level monster energy rushed directly towards the star field of the Thai star plane.

"It's going to change... The situation on the Taixing plane, I'm afraid it will change soon because of the arrival of the Yaohuang Mountain. It's not the Yanjiao, but the Yaohuang Mountain!!!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Ye Yun's whole body was full of blood. Facing the powerful monster monks, he felt that troubled times were coming, and Ye Yun knew the truth that heroes would emerge in troubled times.

"Xiaoxiaofan world plane war, what is it... Yaohuangshan, come on, come as many as you like, the master will let you all go and never return!"

Tai Dayan stood in the center of the formation world, and waves of majestic power poured into the passage with the palm of his hand, making the entire passage indestructible.

"I didn't expect that our monster race in the lower realm would have a high level of cultivation!"

Finally, countless demon soldiers appeared, and under the demonic aura, they stepped into the energy world of Taixing plane one by one, and then entered the space one by one.

Dance the magic soldiers, the pupils shoot out flames, all the monster soldiers want to rush out to kill, from them, exude a tyrannical evil spirit, one can tell at a glance that these monster soldiers are aggressive and aggressive, and they have been fighting all the year round. Such a strong evil spirit cannot be tolerated by a small and low-level plane.

Tai Dayan suddenly looked at the countless monster soldiers, and ordered: "The monster soldiers obey the order and immediately hide their momentum!"

A demon soldier, no matter who Tai Dayan is, only knows that it is a human being, and immediately swung his big stick and smashed it down at Tai Dayan. It felt like a meteorite falling, and the whole space was trembling: "You little human, you actually ordered Our Supreme Monster Race, die for me!"


Unexpectedly, Tai Dayan stretched a finger slightly deep, spread out the demon soldier's heaven-defying soldier, and then pointed at the monster soldier's head. The demon soldier immediately knelt down towards Tai Dayan and had to surrender.

"All monster soldiers, hide your aura immediately, otherwise..." Tai Dayan subdued the powerful monster soldiers with ease, showing the demeanor of an invincible and strong man, and suddenly scared each monster soldier's body shrunk and turned into an ordinary person, and the monster aura was also hidden.

Tedayan's strength made these demon soldiers know that there are invincible masters in the lower planes.Introduced by Tai Dayan, Ye Yun's mind was fixed, and he looked at the green-skinned, muscular young man like a cheetah, "Meng Yuanying... the overlord of the demon star field, the supreme powerhouse who commands a star field?"

The Yaohuang Star Territory is a forbidden place on the Taixing plane. It is the strong immortals of the three great fairy courtyards. Fallen, for many years, as the supreme powerhouse of a star field, no one has seen Meng Yuanying's real body, only rumors that he is the overlord of the star field, ruling the monster clan, with subordinates like Chi Fengting, Tubala, King Toad That level of powerhouse.

In particular, Chi Fengting and King Poison Toad have supernatural powers. Ye Yun has seen it with his own eyes.

"Welcome Brother Ye, Lord Tai!"

Meng Yuanying led a group of strong monsters, respectful to Tai Dayan, Fangfo knows how magical Tai Dayan is, and there are more than a dozen masters behind Meng Yuanying, all of whom are fourth-level and fifth-level cultivation bases of breaking immortals , Maybe this level of cultivation is not as good as the head of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, but the monks of the monster race are all gifted with supernatural powers, and the fifth level of the immortal can kill humans and the sixth or even seventh level of the immortal.

These dozens of masters, if they are killed, are enough to sweep away thousands of troops, and they have the courage of ten thousand men.

Characters like Chi Fengting and King Poison Toad cannot compare with these dozen strong men. They are all the supreme overlords of the Monster Desolation Starfield, and Meng Yuanying's subordinates are all elites.

After some politeness, Meng Yuanying waved his hand, and the whole scene turned into an illusion, and everyone appeared in a halo. There was nothing here, just like the rising sun, Meng Yuanying said: "Master, the teleportation array has been built, now Just wait for you to come here in person, activate the formation, and communicate with Yaohuangshan!"

Tai Dayan nodded, and put his hands behind his back: "Of course, Lord Meng, you should send a message to Yaohuangshan immediately, and make an appointment to urge the formation together!"

"Yes!" Meng Yuanying was very respectful in front of Tai Dayan. He was the rumored overlord of the monster clan who was trembling. He turned around and led a group of strong men into the center of the halo, and began to form formations and condense seals.

"It's such a profound method that can create such a powerful and vast teleportation array. Indeed, only a person like Tai Dayan can do it. No wonder Meng Yuanying respects Tai Dayan. With his strength, he is stronger than the elders of the three great fairy schools. Comparable to a lord-level figure..."

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the time and space of the passage like wisps of divine light, and found that the entire space is a formation. In the center of the formation, there are hundreds of millions of formations, which are heavily blessed to form a majestic passage. Send it down.

Such a teleportation array is a thousand or ten thousand times larger than the teleportation channel of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and it is stronger and deeper. It can directly shatter the Taixing plane and reach the high-level plane, Yaohuangshan.


Suddenly, from the void at the end of the fusion of Meng Yuanxing and the space, a number of strong immortals flew out.

"It's Tai Dayan who is strong under the troll sky..."

Ye Yun is no stranger to seeing these powerful people. When he went to Troll Star to meet Tai Dayan, he almost met these people, such as the famous King of Subduing Demons, and countless old antiques, all of which were collected by Tai Dayan and became giants. Motian is the most powerful combat power, somewhat stronger than Meng Yuanxing.

These old antiques are entrenched in the barbaric star field of the troll star. I don’t know how many powerful people they deter. In front of Yan, even the tenth-rank powerhouse of Poxian would bow his head and obey his ears.

Although the Taixing plane is only a low-level plane in the mortal world, how many eras have existed, how many strong people have been born, and the high-level strong people who broke the fairyland have all become hermits, retreating and meditating, and breaking through the immortal way. In the deeper star field of the Thai star plane, there are countless strong people.

Tai Dayan was majestic, and with a big move, more than [-] supreme powerhouses flew over, led by the King of Subduing Demons, all of them were rebellious hermits, Tai Dayan said: "You are here at the right time, guard the four directions The main purpose is to mobilize the formation and welcome the army of the Demon Desolate Mountain!"

Dressed in a black robe, like a bat in black robe, the King of Subduing Demons released his evil energy, and came to Tai Dayan, ignoring Ye Yun, and asked worriedly: "Master, are you really planning? Yaohuangshan is not as good as Taixing Plane, in ancient times, there were so many strong people on the Taixing plane that interrupted the plane passage, once it was connected, not only Yaohuangshan could come in, but once the strong people from other planes searched for it, they would come in too!"

"The Taixing plane is just a small plane. The entire lower realm is nothing in front of this lord. The lord can seal as many as you come. Don't worry, the lord is free to control it!"

Tai Dayan said confidently.

"Tailor, the Supreme Messenger will send the message, and the channel will be activated immediately."

Suddenly, Meng Yuanying turned around from the central halo space and saluted TEDA.

"The situation has come to this point...Taixing plane, this is quite lively, brother Ye, you stand back!" Tai Dayan flew up suddenly.

Twenty or so peerless masters including Ye Yun and Fumo Dawang immediately flew ten thousand meters away, not daring to approach the center. It seemed that everyone knew that Tai Dayan was strong and was afraid of harming Yuchi.

"I didn't expect Tai Dayan to walk so closely with Yaohuang Mountain. The transmission channel has been arranged long ago. Could it be that Tai Dayan wants to take advantage of the unsteady foundation of the Yan Sect and want to attack the three great fairy schools and the Yan Sect in advance?"

"Tedayan is old and cunning. He definitely wants to use the power of Yaohuangshan to wipe out the Three Great Immortals, Yanjiao, and all other forces. Finally, he takes action against Yaohuangshan. He stabbed Yaohuangshan behind his back. It really doesn't see blood!"

Floating quietly in the space, fighting side by side with more than twenty peerless masters, among the crowd, Ye Yun is just a baby, weak like a chicken.

Ye Yun felt that the energy of the entire space was constantly rising, and a force that did not belong to the mortal world began to burn continuously, extending inch by inch. Peerless figures like King Fumo and Meng Yuanying felt the coming of destruction.


Suddenly, a ray of light erupted from the depths, directly shooting into the sky, and finally penetrated into the starry sky of the Taixing plane, only to hear rustling sounds starting to erupt in the starry sky, getting denser and weirder.

"Jie Jie..."

The beam of light was implanted in the supreme star field of the Tai star plane, and then became invisible, a twisted and empty passage, unexpectedly criss-crossing the vast star field of the Tai star plane.

One by one, the voices of nothingness and trembling began to come from the passage, and King Fumo and others' faces darkened immediately when they heard it, and at the same time they were extremely afraid.

Characters like Fumo King are all peerless figures who have lived for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, they understand the high-level monks better than ordinary people. Savage, with the innate supernatural power to fight against immortals, even immortals are very afraid of monster races.

What's more, a small mortal plane has to bear the majestic power of the Yaohuang Mountain. It is conceivable that even the peerless powerhouses like the King of Demons can't help but feel frightened.

Before the people arrived, the voice was transmitted, which made many people tremble. Even monks like Meng Yuanying, who are also monsters, couldn't help holding their breath. Although they are monsters, they live in the human world and have no knowledge at all. In the real world of monster race, monster monks like Meng Yuanying have long since assimilated with human civilization and lost their ancient barbarism.

Now that they have seen the real monster aura, they can't help but start to worry.

"The plane of Taixing and the plane of Yaohuangshan are too far apart, and the gap is too great. Even with the means of immortals, teleportation cannot be done in a day or two. It seems that the army sent down from Yaohuangshan this time should be around 10 people. !"

"When the channel is repaired again, the next transmission will be an army of one million...a million army is enough to sweep the Shenzhou Xianyuan. You must know how many planes the Yaohuang Mountain controls. There must be a third and fourth batch. When the time comes , even Tianjun Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy must be destroyed!"

Sensing the crazily changing nature of the Taixing plane, Ye Yun had to frown. If the monster barren mountain army continued to descend, even Tai Dayan would not be able to deal with it. The three great fairy schools and the Yan sect were all going to be destroyed, and it was Ye Yun. I'm afraid it's not Yaohuangshan's opponent either.

Tai Dayan must be reminded that the army of Yaohuangshan should not be allowed to descend on the Taixing plane unscrupulously, otherwise, it will be the time when the Taixing plane will be truly destroyed.

Ye Yun passed on a divine thought: "Brother Tai, if Yaohuangshan sends out a large number of troops without restraint, I am afraid that the Taixing plane will be completely reduced to the rule of the Yaozu!"

Tai Dayan quickly replied: "Brother, don't worry, I have already made preparations. When the army of Yaohuangshan arrives enough, I will use the plane storm to destroy the passage, so that the army of Yaohuangshan can completely connect with the plane and become a bird in a cage. What do you want to do?" Play as you like, I have already guessed Yaohuangshan's thoughts!"

"It seems that I was worrying too much. It is really a good strategy to destroy the passage by the plane storm. Tai Dayan is an immortal, and I am afraid that he can move the plane storm like Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Yun felt relieved, and secretly said: "It seems that Tai Dayan has not revealed his true identity to Yaohuangshan. If Yaohuangshan knows that he is a fairy, I am afraid that he will never cooperate with him..."

In this way, time passed day by day, for a full six months, the aura of the monster clan surged from the depths of the plane like a mountain, and the monster aura in the entire Monster Desolation Starfield continued to rise. Countless human monks didn't know what happened, but But I know one thing, something big must happen in the Yaohuang Starfield.

The Yaohuang Mountain plane teleports the army down, even the immortal Tai Dayan can't hide such a powerful aura, not to mention, Tai Dayan has not yet recovered to the immortal stage, if he recovered earlier, I am afraid that he will not cooperate with the Yaohuang Mountain, but directly find him. Qianshang, behead him.

"Such a big movement, the Three Great Immortals will definitely notice it. Soon, the news of the arrival of the Yaohuangshan army will spread. With the addition of the Yanjiao, the Taixing plane will no longer be peaceful at all!"

Looking at the depths of the tunnel, all kinds of colorful auras, layers of evil spirit descending in a spiral shape, Ye Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath of cool air.

The high-level plane descends, this kind of scene is shocking, it has happened in ancient times on the Taixing plane, but it has not happened for a long time since the ancient masters jointly sealed it, but now, under the magical power of the Tedayan immortal, they actually united The master of Yaohuangshan opened up the two-dimensional channel.

Everyone at the scene was shaken physically and mentally, feeling like they were frying in a frying pan, feeling distraught, feeling that a catastrophe was about to come and destroy the entire plane.

"Haha... Taixing Plane!!!"

"A small low-level plane, under the anger of our monster king, it will all be destroyed!"

All of a sudden, there were layers of demonic aura in the transmission channel, and suddenly the demonic aura was boiling. One by one, the demons were wearing animal skins, covered with leaves, hung fangs, carried maces, big bows and knives and other weapons. The soldiers came.

These monster soldiers are all huge, like giants like Fang Sheng, but their bodies are still smaller under the teleportation array, but there is a monster projection behind them, which is their original soul.

The demon soldiers opened their teeth and claws, staring at the Taixing plane evilly, appearing one after another, densely packed, like a flood pouring down from the top of the plane, shocking.

"Oh my god!!!"

"These demon soldiers from the Yaobarren Mountain are all of the high-level cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and there are countless masters of the Heaven-reaching Realm. The high-levels of the Heaven-reaching Realm are comparable to human fairy-breaker cultivators. With so many people, don't they all have the power to break the fairyland!?"

King Fumo was stunned when he saw this scene. This is the strength of Yaohuang Mountain's high-level plane.

"The plane of Demon Desolate Mountain..."

Ye Yun looked deeply into the passage, and countless fierce and arrogant demon soldiers descended. They released strong demon energy, which even the space seal could not completely restrain. These high-level monster energy rushed directly towards the star field of the Thai star plane.

"It's going to change... The situation on the Taixing plane, I'm afraid it will change soon because of the arrival of the Yaohuang Mountain. It's not the Yanjiao, but the Yaohuang Mountain!!!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Ye Yun's whole body was full of blood. Facing the powerful monster monks, he felt that troubled times were coming, and Ye Yun knew the truth that heroes would emerge in troubled times.

"Xiaoxiaofan world plane war, what is it... Yaohuangshan, come on, come as many as you like, the master will let you all go and never return!"

Tai Dayan stood in the center of the formation world, and waves of majestic power poured into the passage with the palm of his hand, making the entire passage indestructible.

"I didn't expect that our monster race in the lower realm would have a high level of cultivation!"

Finally, countless demon soldiers appeared, and under the demonic aura, they stepped into the energy world of Taixing plane one by one, and then entered the space one by one.

Dance the magic soldiers, the pupils shoot out flames, all the monster soldiers want to rush out to kill, from them, exude a tyrannical evil spirit, one can tell at a glance that these monster soldiers are aggressive and aggressive, and they have been fighting all the year round. Such a strong evil spirit cannot be tolerated by a small and low-level plane.

Tai Dayan suddenly looked at the countless monster soldiers, and ordered: "The monster soldiers obey the order and immediately hide their momentum!"

A demon soldier, no matter who Tai Dayan is, only knows that it is a human being, and immediately swung his big stick and smashed it down at Tai Dayan. It felt like a meteorite falling, and the whole space was trembling: "You little human, you actually ordered Our Supreme Monster Race, die for me!"


Unexpectedly, Tai Dayan stretched a finger slightly deep, spread out the demon soldier's heaven-defying soldier, and then pointed at the monster soldier's head. The demon soldier immediately knelt down towards Tai Dayan and had to surrender.

"All monster soldiers, hide your aura immediately, otherwise..." Tai Dayan subdued the powerful monster soldiers with ease, showing the demeanor of an invincible and strong man, and suddenly scared each monster soldier's body shrunk and turned into an ordinary person, and the monster aura was also hidden.

Tedayan's strength made these demon soldiers know that there are invincible masters in the lower planes.

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