The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 388 The Abyss of the Plane

In the huge, deep, and mirror-like depths of the star field, the plane storm covered the entire star field, making the sound of rumbling and sweeping, like a flood of beasts coming from the starry sky, roaring crazily.

A series of hidden teleportation arrays extend from the interior of the star field, connecting with the planets in all directions and extending in all directions. The channels of the teleportation arrays closely cooperate with the plane storm. Without guidance, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

"The Holy Sky Starfield, which was deserted and dead at the beginning, is now full of vitality..."

On the side of the central star field, Ye Yun came across powerfully, piercing the storm of the plane, seeing every bit of the changes in the Taiyi star field, and feeling that there are many monks from the Taiyi planet in the Sifang star field After training, as soon as you step into the Taiyi Starfield, you can feel the majestic energy, which is no longer as sad as the Holy Sky Starfield.

Among the thousands of planets in the Taiyi star field, almost every planet has a teleportation array, with the central planet Taiyi star as the main one, extending the entire star field like a large net.And implanted various spiritual things, plants, and life forms in each planet, so that the planet that had been abandoned for millions of years began to nourish and regenerate.

A large number of monks built spirit-gathering arrays and teleportation arrays among thousands of planets, and soldiers of the Taiyi Empire provided energy, such as spirit stones, gems, and so on.

Taiyi star, in the sacred palace of the earth.

In the gigantic star-like spirit-gathering formation and the inversion of heaven and earth, the avatar is cultivating the Taiyi Sacred Furnace, protecting the source of the entire Taiyi Star and providing a steady stream of energy.


Several powerful figures came from the void, they were Zhang Kun, Huangfufei, and Ximen Potian. When Zhang Kun and Huangfufei saw Ximen Potian, they immediately respected Ximen Potian and saluted: "Senior!"

Ximen Potian nodded slightly. As a supreme master of the seventh rank of Poxian, a strong aura emerges spontaneously, which makes people awe-inspiring. tear the sky apart.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Yuan led Jing Wuming, Ye Yu, Yue Li, Ye Man, Ye Wentian, Yin Baiqing and others to descend one by one. Almost all the talented disciples of the Ye family were summoned, a total of nearly a thousand people.


A breath of nothingness came from the depths of time and space, and then Ye Yun descended slowly like blue smoke, twisting and changing, and slowly changing his real body.

When Ye Yuan saw Ye Yun wearing a Taoist robe of stars, he immediately showed a gratified smile: "Yun'er, I heard that you have become the head of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, my son is indeed descended from a god!"

"The master of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy is nothing, Dad, the Taixing plane will soon enter the era of war, I came back this time, and brought back a large number of precious spiritual weapons. Immortal artifacts are easier to cultivate, fuse, and easier to use than immortal artifacts!"

"I also brought back a lot of broken elixir, especially the treasures among the treasures. Now I will give it to everyone. In the underground palace, it is full of energy and suitable for breakthrough cultivation!"

Everyone looked up at Ye Yun, and saw spirit artifacts flying out of the Da Luo Ring. There were hundreds of people present, and they didn't miss any of them. As soon as everyone got the spirit artifact, they found that it was different from the usual one. , A thick spiritual force was released from Ye Yun's body.

"Broken elixir!"

Broken elixir shot out one by one immediately, flying towards Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Ye Yuan and the others. When everyone saw the shattered elixir, they felt that they were filled with the profound energy of the stars, and even more so, there was an aura that did not belong to the world.

"The broken elixir has boundless magical effects on the cultivators in the broken fairyland... What a great deal!" Seeing all this, Ximen Potian sighed in shock.

As the Taiyi Continent was promoted to a planet, Ximen Potian stepped through the entrance and entered the seventh level of Poxian. Now that he has reached the peak of the seventh level, he may break through to the eighth level at any time. Now Ximen Potian no longer treats Ye Yun as an outsider.

"Senior Ximen, your cultivation base is too high, the ordinary Shattering Immortal Pill doesn't help you at all, and the high-level Shattering Immortal mainly cultivates the Dao of Heaven, and participating in the Dao of Immortals, external force is no longer important!"

"I got a refining treasure from the Yan Sect. It's a fairy weapon. Senior, you can refine the broken elixir for Taiyi Star here. You have all the materials!"

Flipping his hands and grabbing it, a huge treasured cauldron appeared. As soon as it appeared, Ximen Potian stared straight at him. With such a rare alchemy treasure, in his hands, he does not know how many broken elixir can be forged.

chug chug...

Then countless materials for refining broken elixir flew towards Ximen Potian one after another. Ximen Potian was not polite, and all of them were put into the palm of his hand, and a seal began to control them.

"Good baby, good baby, with it, I can refine one hundred broken elixir a year, which is comparable to the fourth level of Poxian!" Ximen Potian held up the big tripod and immediately came to the gathering spirit array.

Ye Yun said gratefully: "Senior Ximen, the war is approaching, and our Taiyi Starfield cannot avoid this disaster. The Taiyi Empire needs a lot of broken elixir!"

Broken elixir can only be cultivated by those who are stronger than the fourth level of Poxian. Immortal courtyards are all invincible existences, and the Poxian elixir refined is comparable to the fourth or even fifth level of Poxian.

From then on, in the hands of Ximen Potian, a large number of broken elixir will be born, which also means that the Taiyi Empire will give birth to more monks who break the fairyland.

Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Yue Li, Jing Wuming and others are all practicing in closed-door training in the underground palace. Immortal-breaking elixir has incomparable magical effects on cultivators who are immortals, but for those cultivators who are human immortals and reach the sky, there is no way to use it.

In fact, the Taiyi Empire still has some powerhouses who broke the fairyland, but they were all brought together by Ye Yun with tyrannical strength, and they couldn't focus on training at all. They could only focus on the younger generation of Ye Yu, Jing Wuming, Yue Li, and Ye Man. , Ye family has a large number of new disciples, Ye Yun summoned them one after another, and bestowed various spirit pills for them to practice.

The Shattering Elixir alone can't make these people step into the Immortal Realm in one step. They must rely on their own comprehension, plus the power of the Elixir of Shattering, and the fusion of the two can break through the Immortal Realm.

Now there is a clone sitting in the town, using the heaven and earth universe upside-down formation to control the energy of the underground palace, assisting everyone in their cultivation, and absorbing the power of pills. This is equivalent to Ye Yun directly empowering everyone and helping them advance to the breaking fairyland.

The entire underground palace is in a tense cultivation atmosphere, and everyone knows that the Taixing plane is full of dangers, and everyone is desperate to practice.

"Fang Sheng, Fang Hong..."

Ye Yun jumped up, stepped into the void of Taiyi Star, and immediately summoned the ancient giants.

Sure enough, from the vast territory of Taiyi Star, giants flew out. These giant monks, with barbaric divine power, have not yet developed their minds, and only Fang Sheng and Fang Hong have been partially activated. With continuous supply, the divine power begins to recover, and the stalwart power will completely awaken the giants.

Fang Sheng and the others escaped from the Shengtian Dynasty, met Ye Yun, regained their sanity, and became Ye Yun's most powerful fighting force. Any one of them can fight a thousand troops, charge into battle, and be unstoppable.


Fang Sheng led Fang Hong and other giants, a total of more than 70 giants, came to Ye Yun and bowed neatly and shouted, the sound shook the sky, the sky shook, pierced the clouds and cracked rocks.

Ye Yun swept across the crowd in a flash of divine light: "Very good, during this period of time, you have cultivated subconsciously, and your cultivation base has improved a lot!"

"Of course, boss, you don't even look, who are they with!" At this moment, a black shadow swept from the void, as fast as a falcon catching prey.

The person who came was none other than Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

Ye Yun ignored the extremely thick-faced Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and grabbed the broken elixir one by one, falling into the hands of Fang Sheng, Fang Hong and others. The giants stared straight at the shattered elixir. It is very possible to break through the Immortal Realm because of a broken elixir. In this way, even a high-level Poxian will not be able to defeat the descendants of the gods, the giant barbaric monk.

The giant race is a great adventure for Ye Yun, all of them have the blood of becoming a god, of course, it is also a great adventure for the giant race to meet Ye Yun, Ye Yun is the inheritance of the gods, possesses the majestic divinity, using the divinity can Let the giants begin to recover, awaken, and become real giants.

"Cultivate well, this is the Taiyi Divine Light I cultivated, and it is the real power of God. Once you merge, it will definitely revive the bloodline again!"

Waves of Taiyi divine light were released from Ye Yun's palm, like rays of sunlight, sprinkled on Fang Sheng and the others. In an instant, their pores involuntarily began to absorb the Taiyi divine light.

Fang Sheng and others began to sneak into the territory, but they disappeared. Ye Yun looked at Chiyun Mozun and said, "Chiyun, follow me to the abyss of the Taixing plane to find the Pan Shengguo. Facing the land of sinking, possessing immortal demonic nature, you can also practice cultivation!"

"The Abyss of the Plane is a forbidden place. The spirit is too heavy. Neither immortals nor demons can enter the Abyss. Although it is a low-level plane in the lower realm, the Abyss of the Plane is still very scary. In addition, my strength has not recovered, and I want to enter the plane. The abyss, I'm afraid it's a little difficult, but the boss can enter it with the Great Thousand Gods Map!"

"The key boss has an immortal divinity. The divinity is above the demonic, immortal, and dark. The ancient Pluto created the dark energy to suppress the darkest abyss in the world, such as hell. The boss is the descendant of the gods. Not only can the Great Thousand God Map be entered, but it can also be teleported at will!"

When Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud heard about the abyss of the plane, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

The nature of the abyss of the plane is the same as that of hell. Hell is the abyss of the entire universe, while the abyss of the plane is the lowest space of a plane. , Once trapped in the abyss, you will never be able to come out.

Ye Yun is also well aware of the dangers involved. Over the years in the Taixing plane, a large number of amazing and peerless people have been born. They use various means to enter the abyss of the plane and seek the ancient magic weapons left behind. In the history of Shenzhou Xianyuan, there are also people who entered the plane The students of the abyss, according to their travels, there are a lot of rock holy fruits in the abyss of the plane.

In order to revive Suyiren as soon as possible and prevent her soul from being tortured by demons, Ye Yun must find Pan Shengguo. Now there is still peace in the Taixing plane. Time to look for Pan Shengguo.

Chiyun Demon Venerable knew that Ye Yun had made up his mind, so he smiled easily: "Boss is right, there are many demons in the abyss of the plane, and it can indeed restore my strength. Although it is dangerous, it can't help me!"

"Okay, it's the dragon's pond and tiger's lair, you and I also want to break into it!"

With a wave of the palm, a powerful force swept over Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Under Ye Yun's powerful supernatural power, the two of them appeared under Taiyi Star as soon as their bodies moved.

Looking down at the bottom of the plane, it is completely dark, there is no light, and Fangfo is a pool of stagnant water.

The abyss of the plane is regarded as the tomb of the plane, and any substance may exist in it, even a fallen planet or a huge meteorite. Many monks who fought in the star field will gradually fall into the abyss after death. Trapped in hell forever.

Like the Holy Sky Starfield, if it wasn't for Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable to transform the plane storm, thousands of planets in the entire starfield may fall into the abyss of the plane after hundreds of years, and continue to merge into the mud of the underworld.

Unleashing the power of the Daqian Shentu into a body-protecting true energy, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun safely and continuously fell into the abyss at the bottom of the Taixing plane, sinking continuously, the color of the starry sky became darker, and there were fewer and fewer planets , Fangfo loses gravity and gravitational force, the entire star field is in a state of weightlessness, and no matter can float, sinking and falling one by one.

The planets keep going away, and when you look up, they are like stars, shining in the vast starry sky, dazzling and shining, as gorgeous as countless gems.

"The force field in the abyss of the plane has completely failed!!!"

I don't know how long it has been sinking, Ye Yun gradually found that the speed of the descent is getting faster and faster, so he has to release his strength to reach a balance with the abyss of the plane, so that he will not fall directly after weightlessness, and it is possible to fall to his death. If you fall into the mud, you will never be able to struggle out, and you will be swallowed by the mud in the end.

"Sure enough, there are many dangers. Even the power of Daqian Shentu is more than five times normal..."

As a last resort, Ye Yun could only bless the power of the Daqian Shentu, which is five times stronger than traveling in the star field, which is equal to the state of five times the power of traveling in the star field, so that Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable will no longer fall, but It is sinking rapidly.

Hell is the cemetery of planes. Hell is the world of unjust souls and demons. Even the planes must perish and fall into hell. Even if immortals, demons and gods fall, they will also enter hell.

The abyss of the plane is simply the cemetery of the entire plane, and any substance exists.

"Taiyi Zhenqi was suppressed by the power of the abyss and could not be released from the body, this power actually surpassed Taiyi Zhenqi!!?

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable completely entered the darkness, and there was a subtle force that became stronger and stronger, and finally spread throughout the abyss of the star field. This force is very terrifying. Vitality has a natural restraint ability, which makes Ye Yun feel that life is coming to an end.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's face was stern, and he regained his domineering spirit: "This is the dark energy. It is rumored that it is the power created by the ancient god of the sky, the 'Primeval Hades', to suppress hell and fight against the heavens. Be careful, the abyss of the plane has a special feature, that is, the more powerful the monks are, the more restrained they are, you and I are not mortals, and will be suppressed by the abyss several times!"

"The plane of Tai Xing is not hell yet. I never thought that the ancient dark energy in the abyss of the Dao plane would be so powerful, completely beyond expectations!" Ye Yun saw Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable being so cautious for the first time.

"Primeval dark energy exists in hell, where there is darkness. There are countless planes in the fairy world, and those plane abysses are even more terrifying. The plane abysses are the cemeteries of immortals and demons. The primordial dark energy inside is more than ten thousand times more terrifying than here, how many powerful immortals and demons have fallen in it!"

"Although the abyss of the plane is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities. There are countless ancient treasures, such as treasures like the Burial Bow, which are everywhere in the abyss of the plane, and there are also treasures of the level of the Great Thousand God Map!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable releases mysterious power, and cooperates with the Daqian Shen Tu, the landing speed of the two suddenly slows down, and nothing can be seen in the four directions, only the sound of the cold wind is heard, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly closed his eyes slightly, and there was a demonic line between his brows. Light appeared.In the huge, deep, and mirror-like depths of the star field, the plane storm covered the entire star field, making the sound of rumbling and sweeping, like a flood of beasts coming from the starry sky, roaring crazily.

A series of hidden teleportation arrays extend from the interior of the star field, connecting with the planets in all directions and extending in all directions. The channels of the teleportation arrays closely cooperate with the plane storm. Without guidance, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

"The Holy Sky Starfield, which was deserted and dead at the beginning, is now full of vitality..."

On the side of the central star field, Ye Yun came across powerfully, piercing the storm of the plane, seeing every bit of the changes in the Taiyi star field, and feeling that there are many monks from the Taiyi planet in the Sifang star field After training, as soon as you step into the Taiyi Starfield, you can feel the majestic energy, which is no longer as sad as the Holy Sky Starfield.

Among the thousands of planets in the Taiyi star field, almost every planet has a teleportation array, with the central planet Taiyi star as the main one, extending the entire star field like a large net.And implanted various spiritual things, plants, and life forms in each planet, so that the planet that had been abandoned for millions of years began to nourish and regenerate.

A large number of monks built spirit-gathering arrays and teleportation arrays among thousands of planets, and soldiers of the Taiyi Empire provided energy, such as spirit stones, gems, and so on.

Taiyi star, in the sacred palace of the earth.

In the gigantic star-like spirit-gathering formation and the inversion of heaven and earth, the avatar is cultivating the Taiyi Sacred Furnace, protecting the source of the entire Taiyi Star and providing a steady stream of energy.


Several powerful figures came from the void, they were Zhang Kun, Huangfufei, and Ximen Potian. When Zhang Kun and Huangfufei saw Ximen Potian, they immediately respected Ximen Potian and saluted: "Senior!"

Ximen Potian nodded slightly. As a supreme master of the seventh rank of Poxian, a strong aura emerges spontaneously, which makes people awe-inspiring. tear the sky apart.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Yuan led Jing Wuming, Ye Yu, Yue Li, Ye Man, Ye Wentian, Yin Baiqing and others to descend one by one. Almost all the talented disciples of the Ye family were summoned, a total of nearly a thousand people.


A breath of nothingness came from the depths of time and space, and then Ye Yun descended slowly like blue smoke, twisting and changing, and slowly changing his real body.

When Ye Yuan saw Ye Yun wearing a Taoist robe of stars, he immediately showed a gratified smile: "Yun'er, I heard that you have become the head of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, my son is indeed descended from a god!"

"The master of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy is nothing, Dad, the Taixing plane will soon enter the era of war, I came back this time, and brought back a large number of precious spiritual weapons. Immortal artifacts are easier to cultivate, fuse, and easier to use than immortal artifacts!"

"I also brought back a lot of broken elixir, especially the treasures among the treasures. Now I will give it to everyone. In the underground palace, it is full of energy and suitable for breakthrough cultivation!"

Everyone looked up at Ye Yun, and saw spirit artifacts flying out of the Da Luo Ring. There were hundreds of people present, and they didn't miss any of them. As soon as everyone got the spirit artifact, they found that it was different from the usual one. , A thick spiritual force was released from Ye Yun's body.

"Broken elixir!"

Broken elixir shot out one by one immediately, flying towards Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Ye Yuan and the others. When everyone saw the shattered elixir, they felt that they were filled with the profound energy of the stars, and even more so, there was an aura that did not belong to the world.

"The broken elixir has boundless magical effects on the cultivators in the broken fairyland... What a great deal!" Seeing all this, Ximen Potian sighed in shock.

As the Taiyi Continent was promoted to a planet, Ximen Potian stepped through the entrance and entered the seventh level of Poxian. Now that he has reached the peak of the seventh level, he may break through to the eighth level at any time. Now Ximen Potian no longer treats Ye Yun as an outsider.

"Senior Ximen, your cultivation base is too high, the ordinary Shattering Immortal Pill doesn't help you at all, and the high-level Shattering Immortal mainly cultivates the Dao of Heaven, and participating in the Dao of Immortals, external force is no longer important!"

"I got a refining treasure from the Yan Sect. It's a fairy weapon. Senior, you can refine the broken elixir for Taiyi Star here. You have all the materials!"

Flipping his hands and grabbing it, a huge treasured cauldron appeared. As soon as it appeared, Ximen Potian stared straight at him. With such a rare alchemy treasure, in his hands, he does not know how many broken elixir can be forged.

chug chug...

Then countless materials for refining broken elixir flew towards Ximen Potian one after another. Ximen Potian was not polite, and all of them were put into the palm of his hand, and a seal began to control them.

"Good baby, good baby, with it, I can refine one hundred broken elixir a year, which is comparable to the fourth level of Poxian!" Ximen Potian held up the big tripod and immediately came to the gathering spirit array.

Ye Yun said gratefully: "Senior Ximen, the war is approaching, and our Taiyi Starfield cannot avoid this disaster. The Taiyi Empire needs a lot of broken elixir!"

Broken elixir can only be cultivated by those who are stronger than the fourth level of Poxian. Immortal courtyards are all invincible existences, and the Poxian elixir refined is comparable to the fourth or even fifth level of Poxian.

From then on, in the hands of Ximen Potian, a large number of broken elixir will be born, which also means that the Taiyi Empire will give birth to more monks who break the fairyland.

Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Yue Li, Jing Wuming and others are all practicing in closed-door training in the underground palace. Immortal-breaking elixir has incomparable magical effects on cultivators who are immortals, but for those cultivators who are human immortals and reach the sky, there is no way to use it.

In fact, the Taiyi Empire still has some powerhouses who broke the fairyland, but they were all brought together by Ye Yun with tyrannical strength, and they couldn't focus on training at all. They could only focus on the younger generation of Ye Yu, Jing Wuming, Yue Li, and Ye Man. , Ye family has a large number of new disciples, Ye Yun summoned them one after another, and bestowed various spirit pills for them to practice.

The Shattering Elixir alone can't make these people step into the Immortal Realm in one step. They must rely on their own comprehension, plus the power of the Elixir of Shattering, and the fusion of the two can break through the Immortal Realm.

Now there is a clone sitting in the town, using the heaven and earth universe upside-down formation to control the energy of the underground palace, assisting everyone in their cultivation, and absorbing the power of pills. This is equivalent to Ye Yun directly empowering everyone and helping them advance to the breaking fairyland.

The entire underground palace is in a tense cultivation atmosphere, and everyone knows that the Taixing plane is full of dangers, and everyone is desperate to practice.

"Fang Sheng, Fang Hong..."

Ye Yun jumped up, stepped into the void of Taiyi Star, and immediately summoned the ancient giants.

Sure enough, from the vast territory of Taiyi Star, giants flew out. These giant monks, with barbaric divine power, have not yet developed their minds, and only Fang Sheng and Fang Hong have been partially activated. With continuous supply, the divine power begins to recover, and the stalwart power will completely awaken the giants.

Fang Sheng and the others escaped from the Shengtian Dynasty, met Ye Yun, regained their sanity, and became Ye Yun's most powerful fighting force. Any one of them can fight a thousand troops, charge into battle, and be unstoppable.


Fang Sheng led Fang Hong and other giants, a total of more than 70 giants, came to Ye Yun and bowed neatly and shouted, the sound shook the sky, the sky shook, pierced the clouds and cracked rocks.

Ye Yun swept across the crowd in a flash of divine light: "Very good, during this period of time, you have cultivated subconsciously, and your cultivation base has improved a lot!"

"Of course, boss, you don't even look, who are they with!" At this moment, a black shadow swept from the void, as fast as a falcon catching prey.

The person who came was none other than Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

Ye Yun ignored the extremely thick-faced Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and grabbed the broken elixir one by one, falling into the hands of Fang Sheng, Fang Hong and others. The giants stared straight at the shattered elixir. It is very possible to break through the Immortal Realm because of a broken elixir. In this way, even a high-level Poxian will not be able to defeat the descendants of the gods, the giant barbaric monk.

The giant race is a great adventure for Ye Yun, all of them have the blood of becoming a god, of course, it is also a great adventure for the giant race to meet Ye Yun, Ye Yun is the inheritance of the gods, possesses the majestic divinity, using the divinity can Let the giants begin to recover, awaken, and become real giants.

"Cultivate well, this is the Taiyi Divine Light I cultivated, and it is the real power of God. Once you merge, it will definitely revive the bloodline again!"

Waves of Taiyi divine light were released from Ye Yun's palm, like rays of sunlight, sprinkled on Fang Sheng and the others. In an instant, their pores involuntarily began to absorb the Taiyi divine light.

Fang Sheng and others began to sneak into the territory, but they disappeared. Ye Yun looked at Chiyun Mozun and said, "Chiyun, follow me to the abyss of the Taixing plane to find the Pan Shengguo. Facing the land of sinking, possessing immortal demonic nature, you can also practice cultivation!"

"The Abyss of the Plane is a forbidden place. The spirit is too heavy. Neither immortals nor demons can enter the Abyss. Although it is a low-level plane in the lower realm, the Abyss of the Plane is still very scary. In addition, my strength has not recovered, and I want to enter the plane. The abyss, I'm afraid it's a little difficult, but the boss can enter it with the Great Thousand Gods Map!"

"The key boss has an immortal divinity. The divinity is above the demonic, immortal, and dark. The ancient Pluto created the dark energy to suppress the darkest abyss in the world, such as hell. The boss is the descendant of the gods. Not only can the Great Thousand God Map be entered, but it can also be teleported at will!"

When Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud heard about the abyss of the plane, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

The nature of the abyss of the plane is the same as that of hell. Hell is the abyss of the entire universe, while the abyss of the plane is the lowest space of a plane. , Once trapped in the abyss, you will never be able to come out.

Ye Yun is also well aware of the dangers involved. Over the years in the Taixing plane, a large number of amazing and peerless people have been born. They use various means to enter the abyss of the plane and seek the ancient magic weapons left behind. In the history of Shenzhou Xianyuan, there are also people who entered the plane The students of the abyss, according to their travels, there are a lot of rock holy fruits in the abyss of the plane.

In order to revive Suyiren as soon as possible and prevent her soul from being tortured by demons, Ye Yun must find Pan Shengguo. Now there is still peace in the Taixing plane. Time to look for Pan Shengguo.

Chiyun Demon Venerable knew that Ye Yun had made up his mind, so he smiled easily: "Boss is right, there are many demons in the abyss of the plane, and it can indeed restore my strength. Although it is dangerous, it can't help me!"

"Okay, it's the dragon's pond and tiger's lair, you and I also want to break into it!"

With a wave of the palm, a powerful force swept over Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Under Ye Yun's powerful supernatural power, the two of them appeared under Taiyi Star as soon as their bodies moved.

Looking down at the bottom of the plane, it is completely dark, there is no light, and Fangfo is a pool of stagnant water.

The abyss of the plane is regarded as the tomb of the plane, and any substance may exist in it, even a fallen planet or a huge meteorite. Many monks who fought in the star field will gradually fall into the abyss after death. Trapped in hell forever.

Like the Holy Sky Starfield, if it wasn't for Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable to transform the plane storm, thousands of planets in the entire starfield may fall into the abyss of the plane after hundreds of years, and continue to merge into the mud of the underworld.

Unleashing the power of the Daqian Shentu into a body-protecting true energy, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun safely and continuously fell into the abyss at the bottom of the Taixing plane, sinking continuously, the color of the starry sky became darker, and there were fewer and fewer planets , Fangfo loses gravity and gravitational force, the entire star field is in a state of weightlessness, and no matter can float, sinking and falling one by one.

The planets keep going away, and when you look up, they are like stars, shining in the vast starry sky, dazzling and shining, as gorgeous as countless gems.

"The force field in the abyss of the plane has completely failed!!!"

I don't know how long it has been sinking, Ye Yun gradually found that the speed of the descent is getting faster and faster, so he has to release his strength to reach a balance with the abyss of the plane, so that he will not fall directly after weightlessness, and it is possible to fall to his death. If you fall into the mud, you will never be able to struggle out, and you will be swallowed by the mud in the end.

"Sure enough, there are many dangers. Even the power of Daqian Shentu is more than five times normal..."

As a last resort, Ye Yun could only bless the power of the Daqian Shentu, which is five times stronger than traveling in the star field, which is equal to the state of five times the power of traveling in the star field, so that Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable will no longer fall, but It is sinking rapidly.

Hell is the cemetery of planes. Hell is the world of unjust souls and demons. Even the planes must perish and fall into hell. Even if immortals, demons and gods fall, they will also enter hell.

The abyss of the plane is simply the cemetery of the entire plane, and any substance exists.

"Taiyi Zhenqi was suppressed by the power of the abyss and could not be released from the body, this power actually surpassed Taiyi Zhenqi!!?

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable completely entered the darkness, and there was a subtle force that became stronger and stronger, and finally spread throughout the abyss of the star field. This force is very terrifying. Vitality has a natural restraint ability, which makes Ye Yun feel that life is coming to an end.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's face was stern, and he regained his domineering spirit: "This is the dark energy. It is rumored that it is the power created by the ancient god of the sky, the 'Primeval Hades', to suppress hell and fight against the heavens. Be careful, the abyss of the plane has a special feature, that is, the more powerful the monks are, the more restrained they are, you and I are not mortals, and will be suppressed by the abyss several times!"

"The plane of Tai Xing is not hell yet. I never thought that the ancient dark energy in the abyss of the Dao plane would be so powerful, completely beyond expectations!" Ye Yun saw Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable being so cautious for the first time.

"Primeval dark energy exists in hell, where there is darkness. There are countless planes in the fairy world, and those plane abysses are even more terrifying. The plane abysses are the cemeteries of immortals and demons. The primordial dark energy inside is more than ten thousand times more terrifying than here, how many powerful immortals and demons have fallen in it!"

"Although the abyss of the plane is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities. There are countless ancient treasures, such as treasures like the Burial Bow, which are everywhere in the abyss of the plane, and there are also treasures of the level of the Great Thousand God Map!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable releases mysterious power, and cooperates with the Daqian Shen Tu, the landing speed of the two suddenly slows down, and nothing can be seen in the four directions, only the sound of the cold wind is heard, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly closed his eyes slightly, and there was a demonic line between his brows. Light appeared.

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