chug chug....

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable appeared again with raised eyebrows, and in an instant, the entire darkness was driven away, and the world turned out to be thick. The power in this viscous state is exactly the powerful existence that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable said, the ancient dark energy.

The abyss of the plane suddenly opened up. In the turbulent magic light emitted by the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, Ye Yun saw that the power in the abyss was actually viscous in liquid form. The thickness of this power was a thousand times higher than that of true energy. The ancient dark energy is so powerful, it is a pity that it cannot be absorbed and refined.

If it can be refined, just absorb a mouthful, and the cultivation base will rise suddenly.

The Primordial Dark Qi was created by the Primordial Underworld God, the foundation of hell, standing outside the three powers of immortals, demons and gods. Even the ancient gods cannot refine the Primordial Dark Qi, let alone a mortal.

"This is the abyss of the plane... It's really terrifying. It's really easy to get in, but it's hard to get out!" Staring at the vast abyss flowing with dark blood, Ye Yun couldn't help trembling physically and mentally.

Standing in the abyss at the guardian place of ancient dark energy, there is a feeling of coming to the end of the world, making people blindly looking for a way out, but they will never be able to get out forever.

Ye Yun continued to look down, the abyss continued to deepen, a law that belonged to the birth of the ancient dark energy began to extend in the abyss star field, and then Ye Yun saw an incredible scene.

A planet, who fell into the abyss for an unknown number of epochs, is now suspended in the abyss star field. I can even see that there are many ancient buildings and even civilizations in the planet, but everything is being corroded by viscous force, until the planet finally becomes a piece of viscous liquid.

Then, as we continued to go deeper, we saw more planets. The planets were of different sizes, floating in the starry sky like drops of bubbles. The ancient ghost energy had completely swallowed all living beings. Grains of constant sand, all black liquid.

"Boss, we have reached the lowest end of the Taixing plane. Look at those dark mud, dark lake, dark lake, dark sea, dark water, and dark wind. They are all terrifying existences. Once you touch them, don't even think about getting out! "

The two of them finally stopped, standing on top of the dark clouds and mist, and at the end of the bottom, there was an endless piece of dark water. These dark waters were lifeless, and above the dark water, there were planets floating. , corpses, human beings, and ancient giant beasts.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, Ye Yun was stunned. You must know that the Taixing plane is still a low-level plane in the mortal plane, and if the abyss of the plane is terrifying, then the high-level plane like Yaohuangshan, the abyss of the plane Not ten times more terrifying!

Moreover, these dark waters have not moved at all. There are a large number of ancient tree stumps, continent fragments, planets, human corpses, giant beast corpses, and even some ancient magic weapons floating. Corroded away, it seems that the energy of all substances can transform the primordial dark energy.

"It's a strange feeling, Chi Yun, have you noticed? The birth of the abyss of the plane seems to be natural, but these ancient dark qis are constantly flowing, devouring the plane energy of the Thai star, and then transforming into the high-level energy of the ancient dark energy. Qi, where did you go?"

Looking at the unseen Mingshui, Ye Yun suddenly frowned and asked.

Chiyun Demon Venerable sighed softly: "Boss, you have also felt it, yes, the abyss of the plane is actually formed by the corrosion of hell energy, hell and heaven, heaven wants to suppress hell, hell is corroding the energy of the heavens, let the energy of the heavens Transformed into hell, if this continues, hell will swallow the entire heavens sooner or later, making the world...reduce to hell, eternal darkness!"

After Ye Yun heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case, no wonder the Buddha is everywhere, the hell will corrupt the heavens!!! But the energy of the heavens is upright and bright, even the boundless hell, it is impossible to swallow it!"

"Primeval Pluto..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly looked at Boundless Hell, with reverence in his eyes: "That is the supreme god in the age of mythology. It was him, he was the master of hell, and after the fall of the ancient Hades, hell was also suppressed, otherwise, there would be no present era, and it would have been the era when the Hades ruled the world!"

"The legends in the age of mythology exist, and they are all legends. Even if they really exist, they will all fall. With the evolution of the era, it will pass forever. Hell is indeed terrifying. If the abyss continues to grow, it is possible that the entire Taixing plane will be destroyed in the future." They will all be reduced to dry dust like those planets in the dark water!"

Feeling the strong immemorial dark energy, Ye Yun suddenly had the illusion that his skin was numb, and that the Taixing plane was his root. If he really wanted to sink, then countless family members, clansmen, and relatives would all fall with him and fall into the boundless world. Hell, thinking of this, Ye Yun has to sit down and decide that sooner or later, he will clean up the abyss of the plane and strip him from the Taixing plane.

Otherwise, there will always be a cancer in the Taixing plane, making Ye Yun unable to rest in peace.

"Fortunately, the plane of Tai Xing is too low-level, and the energy is low, so the abyss of the plane is not large enough. Boss, just be careful of the ancient dark energy, and the rest is nothing. There is dark mud in front of you, and there is also a dark continent, which will grow Pan Shengguo!"

"The Sacred Pan Fruit is very miraculous. In the abyss of the plane, there will never be life forms, but the Sacred Pan Fruit is different. For humans, it does have life, but for hell, it is the essence of hell. !"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's sky eyes slowly disappeared, opened his eyes, flicked his fingers, and a stream of magic flames began to burn, like a huge torch, beginning to illuminate the direction ahead.

"There is indeed a lot of magic in the abyss, haha, although I can't greatly increase my cultivation base, I can still gain some!"

The two continued to advance towards the boundless abyss, and there was a net-like viscous liquid everywhere. Once it stuck, it would be troublesome. As the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable moved forward, he used his hands to form seals, directly devouring the demonic nature of the abyss, the ghostly demonic nature, unexpectedly It was sucked into his mouth like light smoke.

As expected of a Demon Emperor-level unrivaled powerhouse, he can come and go freely in a place like the abyss of the plane.

Ye Yun began to release his primordial spirit and crossed the sky above the dark water. Now his heart is hanging, if he falls into the dark water, he will be swallowed up, and he will not be able to break free no matter what magical powers he has.

The power of Daqian Shentu was once again blessed, and under the control of Ye Yun, the two were protected to cross forward. The area of ​​Mingshui is indeed too vast, and there is no end in sight for a full month. There are desolate ends everywhere, and there will never be a way out.

If it weren't for the power of the Great Thousand Gods, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would have to face the swallowing and squeezing of the ancient dark energy in the abyss. Once the power could not compete and lose balance, they would be corroded by the ancient dark energy and become corpses.


Suddenly, at the end of the darkness, there was a burst of strange storms. These storms are exactly ghost winds, existences more terrifying than gang winds, plane storms, and interstellar storms. Once they are swept away, they will be reduced to a certain extent. It is equivalent to being directly attacked by the ancient dark energy, even immortals, demons and gods cannot resist the ancient dark energy, and mortals can only die.

"The continent turned out to be a continent that was completely corroded by the ancient dark energy. It has such a large area. I don't know which era's continent from the Taixing plane fell down!!!"

An invisible continent stretched out abruptly from the darkness. Ye Yun parted his hands, and the power of the Daqian Shentu disappeared instantly. He and Chiyun Demon Venerable gradually fell into the black land of the continent.

Chi Chi!

As soon as their feet landed on the Netherland, they made a sound like rubbing and breaking, which made Ye Yun tremble. He didn't expect the Netherland to be so fragile. After being assimilated by the ancient demonic energy, it has become a rotten soil.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable reminded: "Don't worry, although the Netherland is fragile, the entire continent has the same source as the ancient Nether Qi, which is part of the abyss and will not be broken!"

The two continued to move forward, facing a cloud of magic light in the dark night, and kept moving forward. The Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was still devouring the demon nature in the underworld, while Ye Yun did not dare to be careless. Infuriating.

"What a giant skeleton, and a magic weapon of immortality!!?"

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Ye Yun suddenly found something staring at him on the right side. When the magic light shone, it turned out to be the skeleton of an ancient giant beast, which was ten feet tall. In the pot bone of the beast lies an ancient magic weapon, the spirituality released is really powerful.

Unable to bear the temptation, Ye Yun waved his hands and grabbed the magic weapon. If this magic weapon fell into the hands of Ye Yu, Ye Man, Jing Wuming, and Yue Li, it would definitely be like a tiger with wings added.


Chiyun Mozun suddenly flashed beside Ye Yun, preventing Ye Yun from taking the magic weapon, but unfortunately Ye Yun had already realized that it was too late, and his true energy had already touched the magic weapon.

"What's going on?" Ye Yun followed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable and immediately dispersed, then asked.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked serious, and explained: "These bones of giant beasts may have been infused with the consciousness of hell by the ancient dark energy, and they have become ghost beasts. Their power is powerful, comparable to high-level broken fairyland, and even comparable to immortals! "

Ye Yun heard it for the first time, and sighed softly: "Underworld beast?"


Just after the conversation was over, the sound of skeleton rubbing, cracking, and ground breaking came from the skeleton of the ancient giant beast. Ye Yun looked at it immediately and found that the skeleton of the giant beast seemed to come back to life. Qi, moreover, there is also a will to make people fall asleep.


The underworld beast slowly broke free from the underworld, and the big skeleton hand was actually holding the magic weapon, as if it was about to kill Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable.


Ye Yun didn't want the underworld beast to be truly free, otherwise, according to Chiyun Demon Venerable, in the abyss of the plane, how could it be the underworld beast's opponent, so he made a decisive move, and a bright holy spear burst out, stabbing at the underworld beast's body Skeleton center.

when! ! !

The holy spear of light pierced the skeleton of the ghost beast, and it felt like it was piercing the metal. Ye Yun felt his arms were numb, but the ghost beast was fine and was still recovering its freedom.

"Taiyi Divine Light, bless, break!"

With a touch of the holy spear of light, a wave of bright energy began to stab the ghost beast along with the holy spear of light.


The Holy Spear of Light blessed with Taiyi Divine Light was so powerful that it pierced down and blasted the ghost beast to pieces. The metal-like skeleton of the ghost beast also began to shatter. An ancient magic weapon was sucked into the Daluo Ring, and the whole person flew out of the explosion.

Ye Yun appeared beside Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat: "Pervert, my shot will kill even the fourth-order Poxian. I didn't expect the ghost beast to be so terrifying!"

"This demonic beast has just possessed the consciousness of the underworld. If it is a ten thousand-year-old underworld beast, boss, you must not be an opponent!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable seemed to know the strength of the ghost beasts well, so he never made a move, and then faced the darkness in front of him, flicked his fingers, and a burst of magic light shot down instantly: "Boss, look at how many ghost beasts there are!! !"


Seeing the underworld illuminated by the magic light, Ye Yun was stunned. In the underworld, whether lying, standing, or standing upside down, all kinds of giant beast bones and human bones were embedded in the underworld. , are hard to count with the naked eye.

These giant beast bones, human bones, put the Buddha to form the underworld beast corps, waiting to be summoned, once awakened, they can break through the heavens and go straight to heaven.

Ye Yun was shocked when he saw unawakened demonic beasts all over the ground, and he was really afraid. If there was no Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, he would wake up many ghostly beasts, and there would be no place for him to die.

"Most of these ghost beasts are still absorbing ghost consciousness, but some will fail, and some will succeed. After all, it is not hell. In hell, even immortals, demons and gods will become ghost beasts. A ghost beast can pierce the plane! "

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable grasped it with his big hand, and the magic light moved over. Ye Yun didn't stay any longer, and proceeded cautiously with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, exploring in the dark night.


Suddenly, in front of the darkness, in the depths of the desolate world, there was a sound of breaking water, and it spread suddenly in the world of nothingness and abyss.

"It seems that the lake is in front of you!" After hearing the voice, Ye Yun cheered up and prepared to use the Great Thousand Gods Map to fly in the sky.

"No, the abyss of the plane is dead, any object will not fall, it will only sink slowly..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly frowned, with doubts on his face, once again condensed a ball of magic light, and began to fly towards the nothingness world, gradually a majestic coffin appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

The inner and outer coffins are filled with ancient dark energy. They are hundreds of feet huge, majestic and domineering. They do not sink into the depths of the abyss like other substances, but float on the earth of the underworld. It also contains its own energy.

A little bird came from nowhere and flew in the void. It flitted mischievously around the coffin, as if the ancient dark energy was its swimming pool.

"This is... this is the 'dead bird' in hell... not good!!!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly changed his face, looked at Asuka, and exclaimed.

"Undead bird?" Ye Yun had never heard of it, but he had never seen Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord so nervous, like a small flying bird, containing infinite terror.

"Let's go, there's something wrong with this coffin. Undead birds will only exist in endless hell. That's the real hell. I've never heard of the abyss of the plane. There will be undead from hell, and in the low-level plane like the Taixing plane Abyss, with so many ghost beasts, it must be weird, go!" Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable released a powerful force, swept Ye Yun, turned around and fled.


Suddenly, the coffin lid of the huge coffin moved, and an ancient big hand stretched out from it, and flew to the star field towards Chiyun Mozun and Ye Yun. With a light grasp, the star field where the two were located actually shrank completely, and moved towards the coffin. fly.

At this time, the coffin lid was completely removed, and a figure whose face could not be seen clearly and who did not know whether he was dead or alive slowly floated up in the coffin. He was like a ghost, his pupils shot out dark light, he was like a living dead.chug chug....

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable appeared again with raised eyebrows, and in an instant, the entire darkness was driven away, and the world turned out to be thick. The power in this viscous state is exactly the powerful existence that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable said, the ancient dark energy.

The abyss of the plane suddenly opened up. In the turbulent magic light emitted by the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, Ye Yun saw that the power in the abyss was actually viscous in liquid form. The thickness of this power was a thousand times higher than that of true energy. The ancient dark energy is so powerful, it is a pity that it cannot be absorbed and refined.

If it can be refined, just absorb a mouthful, and the cultivation base will rise suddenly.

The Primordial Dark Qi was created by the Primordial Underworld God, the foundation of hell, standing outside the three powers of immortals, demons and gods. Even the ancient gods cannot refine the Primordial Dark Qi, let alone a mortal.

"This is the abyss of the plane... It's really terrifying. It's really easy to get in, but it's hard to get out!" Staring at the vast abyss flowing with dark blood, Ye Yun couldn't help trembling physically and mentally.

Standing in the abyss at the guardian place of ancient dark energy, there is a feeling of coming to the end of the world, making people blindly looking for a way out, but they will never be able to get out forever.

Ye Yun continued to look down, the abyss continued to deepen, a law that belonged to the birth of the ancient dark energy began to extend in the abyss star field, and then Ye Yun saw an incredible scene.

A planet, who fell into the abyss for an unknown number of epochs, is now suspended in the abyss star field. I can even see that there are many ancient buildings and even civilizations in the planet, but everything is being corroded by viscous force, until the planet finally becomes a piece of viscous liquid.

Then, as we continued to go deeper, we saw more planets. The planets were of different sizes, floating in the starry sky like drops of bubbles. The ancient ghost energy had completely swallowed all living beings. Grains of constant sand, all black liquid.

"Boss, we have reached the lowest end of the Taixing plane. Look at those dark mud, dark lake, dark lake, dark sea, dark water, and dark wind. They are all terrifying existences. Once you touch them, don't even think about getting out! "

The two of them finally stopped, standing on top of the dark clouds and mist, and at the end of the bottom, there was an endless piece of dark water. These dark waters were lifeless, and above the dark water, there were planets floating. , corpses, human beings, and ancient giant beasts.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, Ye Yun was stunned. You must know that the Taixing plane is still a low-level plane in the mortal plane, and if the abyss of the plane is terrifying, then the high-level plane like Yaohuangshan, the abyss of the plane Not ten times more terrifying!

Moreover, these dark waters have not moved at all. There are a large number of ancient tree stumps, continent fragments, planets, human corpses, giant beast corpses, and even some ancient magic weapons floating. Corroded away, it seems that the energy of all substances can transform the primordial dark energy.

"It's a strange feeling, Chi Yun, have you noticed? The birth of the abyss of the plane seems to be natural, but these ancient dark qis are constantly flowing, devouring the plane energy of the Thai star, and then transforming into the high-level energy of the ancient dark energy. Qi, where did you go?"

Looking at the unseen Mingshui, Ye Yun suddenly frowned and asked.

Chiyun Demon Venerable sighed softly: "Boss, you have also felt it, yes, the abyss of the plane is actually formed by the corrosion of hell energy, hell and heaven, heaven wants to suppress hell, hell is corroding the energy of the heavens, let the energy of the heavens Transformed into hell, if this continues, hell will swallow the entire heavens sooner or later, making the world...reduce to hell, eternal darkness!"

After Ye Yun heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case, no wonder the Buddha is everywhere, the hell will corrupt the heavens!!! But the energy of the heavens is upright and bright, even the boundless hell, it is impossible to swallow it!"

"Primeval Pluto..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly looked at Boundless Hell, with reverence in his eyes: "That is the supreme god in the age of mythology. It was him, he was the master of hell, and after the fall of the ancient Hades, hell was also suppressed, otherwise, there would be no present era, and it would have been the era when the Hades ruled the world!"

"The legends in the age of mythology exist, and they are all legends. Even if they really exist, they will all fall. With the evolution of the era, it will pass forever. Hell is indeed terrifying. If the abyss continues to grow, it is possible that the entire Taixing plane will be destroyed in the future." They will all be reduced to dry dust like those planets in the dark water!"

Feeling the strong immemorial dark energy, Ye Yun suddenly had the illusion that his skin was numb, and that the Taixing plane was his root. If he really wanted to sink, then countless family members, clansmen, and relatives would all fall with him and fall into the boundless world. Hell, thinking of this, Ye Yun has to sit down and decide that sooner or later, he will clean up the abyss of the plane and strip him from the Taixing plane.

Otherwise, there will always be a cancer in the Taixing plane, making Ye Yun unable to rest in peace.

"Fortunately, the plane of Tai Xing is too low-level, and the energy is low, so the abyss of the plane is not large enough. Boss, just be careful of the ancient dark energy, and the rest is nothing. There is dark mud in front of you, and there is also a dark continent, which will grow Pan Shengguo!"

"The Sacred Pan Fruit is very miraculous. In the abyss of the plane, there will never be life forms, but the Sacred Pan Fruit is different. For humans, it does have life, but for hell, it is the essence of hell. !"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's sky eyes slowly disappeared, opened his eyes, flicked his fingers, and a stream of magic flames began to burn, like a huge torch, beginning to illuminate the direction ahead.

"There is indeed a lot of magic in the abyss, haha, although I can't greatly increase my cultivation base, I can still gain some!"

The two continued to advance towards the boundless abyss, and there was a net-like viscous liquid everywhere. Once it stuck, it would be troublesome. As the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable moved forward, he used his hands to form seals, directly devouring the demonic nature of the abyss, the ghostly demonic nature, unexpectedly It was sucked into his mouth like light smoke.

As expected of a Demon Emperor-level unrivaled powerhouse, he can come and go freely in a place like the abyss of the plane.

Ye Yun began to release his primordial spirit and crossed the sky above the dark water. Now his heart is hanging, if he falls into the dark water, he will be swallowed up, and he will not be able to break free no matter what magical powers he has.

The power of Daqian Shentu was once again blessed, and under the control of Ye Yun, the two were protected to cross forward. The area of ​​Mingshui is indeed too vast, and there is no end in sight for a full month. There are desolate ends everywhere, and there will never be a way out.

If it weren't for the power of the Great Thousand Gods, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would have to face the swallowing and squeezing of the ancient dark energy in the abyss. Once the power could not compete and lose balance, they would be corroded by the ancient dark energy and become corpses.


Suddenly, at the end of the darkness, there was a burst of strange storms. These storms are exactly ghost winds, existences more terrifying than gang winds, plane storms, and interstellar storms. Once they are swept away, they will be reduced to a certain extent. It is equivalent to being directly attacked by the ancient dark energy, even immortals, demons and gods cannot resist the ancient dark energy, and mortals can only die.

"The continent turned out to be a continent that was completely corroded by the ancient dark energy. It has such a large area. I don't know which era's continent from the Taixing plane fell down!!!"

An invisible continent stretched out abruptly from the darkness. Ye Yun parted his hands, and the power of the Daqian Shentu disappeared instantly. He and Chiyun Demon Venerable gradually fell into the black land of the continent.

Chi Chi!

As soon as their feet landed on the Netherland, they made a sound like rubbing and breaking, which made Ye Yun tremble. He didn't expect the Netherland to be so fragile. After being assimilated by the ancient demonic energy, it has become a rotten soil.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable reminded: "Don't worry, although the Netherland is fragile, the entire continent has the same source as the ancient Nether Qi, which is part of the abyss and will not be broken!"

The two continued to move forward, facing a cloud of magic light in the dark night, and kept moving forward. The Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was still devouring the demon nature in the underworld, while Ye Yun did not dare to be careless. Infuriating.

"What a giant skeleton, and a magic weapon of immortality!!?"

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Ye Yun suddenly found something staring at him on the right side. When the magic light shone, it turned out to be the skeleton of an ancient giant beast, which was ten feet tall. In the pot bone of the beast lies an ancient magic weapon, the spirituality released is really powerful.

Unable to bear the temptation, Ye Yun waved his hands and grabbed the magic weapon. If this magic weapon fell into the hands of Ye Yu, Ye Man, Jing Wuming, and Yue Li, it would definitely be like a tiger with wings added.


Chiyun Mozun suddenly flashed beside Ye Yun, preventing Ye Yun from taking the magic weapon, but unfortunately Ye Yun had already realized that it was too late, and his true energy had already touched the magic weapon.

"What's going on?" Ye Yun followed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable and immediately dispersed, then asked.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked serious, and explained: "These bones of giant beasts may have been infused with the consciousness of hell by the ancient dark energy, and they have become ghost beasts. Their power is powerful, comparable to high-level broken fairyland, and even comparable to immortals! "

Ye Yun heard it for the first time, and sighed softly: "Underworld beast?"


Just after the conversation was over, the sound of skeleton rubbing, cracking, and ground breaking came from the skeleton of the ancient giant beast. Ye Yun looked at it immediately and found that the skeleton of the giant beast seemed to come back to life. Qi, moreover, there is also a will to make people fall asleep.


The underworld beast slowly broke free from the underworld, and the big skeleton hand was actually holding the magic weapon, as if it was about to kill Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable.


Ye Yun didn't want the underworld beast to be truly free, otherwise, according to Chiyun Demon Venerable, in the abyss of the plane, how could it be the underworld beast's opponent, so he made a decisive move, and a bright holy spear burst out, stabbing at the underworld beast's body Skeleton center.

when! ! !

The holy spear of light pierced the skeleton of the ghost beast, and it felt like it was piercing the metal. Ye Yun felt his arms were numb, but the ghost beast was fine and was still recovering its freedom.

"Taiyi Divine Light, bless, break!"

With a touch of the holy spear of light, a wave of bright energy began to stab the ghost beast along with the holy spear of light.


The Holy Spear of Light blessed with Taiyi Divine Light was so powerful that it pierced down and blasted the ghost beast to pieces. The metal-like skeleton of the ghost beast also began to shatter. An ancient magic weapon was sucked into the Daluo Ring, and the whole person flew out of the explosion.

Ye Yun appeared beside Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat: "Pervert, my shot will kill even the fourth-order Poxian. I didn't expect the ghost beast to be so terrifying!"

"This demonic beast has just possessed the consciousness of the underworld. If it is a ten thousand-year-old underworld beast, boss, you must not be an opponent!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable seemed to know the strength of the ghost beasts well, so he never made a move, and then faced the darkness in front of him, flicked his fingers, and a burst of magic light shot down instantly: "Boss, look at how many ghost beasts there are!! !"


Seeing the underworld illuminated by the magic light, Ye Yun was stunned. In the underworld, whether lying, standing, or standing upside down, all kinds of giant beast bones and human bones were embedded in the underworld. , are hard to count with the naked eye.

These giant beast bones, human bones, put the Buddha to form the underworld beast corps, waiting to be summoned, once awakened, they can break through the heavens and go straight to heaven.

Ye Yun was shocked when he saw unawakened demonic beasts all over the ground, and he was really afraid. If there was no Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, he would wake up many ghostly beasts, and there would be no place for him to die.

"Most of these ghost beasts are still absorbing ghost consciousness, but some will fail, and some will succeed. After all, it is not hell. In hell, even immortals, demons and gods will become ghost beasts. A ghost beast can pierce the plane! "

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable grasped it with his big hand, and the magic light moved over. Ye Yun didn't stay any longer, and proceeded cautiously with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, exploring in the dark night.


Suddenly, in front of the darkness, in the depths of the desolate world, there was a sound of breaking water, and it spread suddenly in the world of nothingness and abyss.

"It seems that the lake is in front of you!" After hearing the voice, Ye Yun cheered up and prepared to use the Great Thousand Gods Map to fly in the sky.

"No, the abyss of the plane is dead, any object will not fall, it will only sink slowly..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly frowned, with doubts on his face, once again condensed a ball of magic light, and began to fly towards the nothingness world, gradually a majestic coffin appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

The inner and outer coffins are filled with ancient dark energy. They are hundreds of feet huge, majestic and domineering. They do not sink into the depths of the abyss like other substances, but float on the earth of the underworld. It also contains its own energy.

A little bird came from nowhere and flew in the void. It flitted mischievously around the coffin, as if the ancient dark energy was its swimming pool.

"This is... this is the 'dead bird' in hell... not good!!!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly changed his face, looked at Asuka, and exclaimed.

"Undead bird?" Ye Yun had never heard of it, but he had never seen Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord so nervous, like a small flying bird, containing infinite terror.

"Let's go, there's something wrong with this coffin. Undead birds will only exist in endless hell. That's the real hell. I've never heard of the abyss of the plane. There will be undead from hell, and in the low-level plane like the Taixing plane Abyss, with so many ghost beasts, it must be weird, go!" Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable released a powerful force, swept Ye Yun, turned around and fled.


Suddenly, the coffin lid of the huge coffin moved, and an ancient big hand stretched out from it, and flew to the star field towards Chiyun Mozun and Ye Yun. With a light grasp, the star field where the two were located actually shrank completely, and moved towards the coffin. fly.

At this time, the coffin lid was completely removed, and a figure whose face could not be seen clearly and who did not know whether he was dead or alive slowly floated up in the coffin. He was like a ghost, his pupils shot out dark light, he was like a living dead.

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