The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 390 Lost World Escape

This living dead person floated out of the huge coffin, so abrupt that it made people tremble. He slowly raised his head, his long hair covered his face, and his body made creaking joints, as if it hadn't moved for a long time. As straight and stiff as a zombie.

With the appearance of the living dead, he completely controlled the star field and the underworld where the coffin was located, and the infinite immemorial dark energy gathered towards him. The undead bird slowly landed on his shoulder, and a hoarse voice came from the living dead: "Two living creatures!" People, one possesses outstanding demonic energy, and possesses the aura of a devil emperor, while the other possesses immortal and divine power, which actually wakes you up..."

"Undead bird, go find these two people... Also, look for her, she is in the passage..."

After the living dead finished speaking, the undead bird on his shoulder flew into the coffin, like entering a lake, a wonderful wave swayed in the coffin, and the undead bird disappeared after entering it.


Then, the living dead sank into the coffin again, disappeared, the coffin lid closed automatically, the surrounding magic lights were instantly extinguished, and the abyss of the plane returned to dead silence.

"Chiyun... Chiyun..."

Ye Yun was alone in a dark passage full of ancient ghost energy and even more evil power, and suddenly flashed out with a terrifying storm. Just after he appeared, Ye Yun found that he had lost contact with the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and, unexpectedly Can't even communicate with God.

"What kind of place is this? It's really weird!"

Ye Yun felt that things were not good, and his divine thoughts could not be conveyed, which was equivalent to being absolutely sealed. Ye Yun immediately tried to sense the surroundings, but the result was nothingness, and nothing special was found, but one thing is certain, this place is still dominated by ancient dark energy space.

"The Picture of the Great Thousand Gods..."

Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it, and the power of the Great Thousand God Chart began to envelope him. Ye Yun was going to use the Great Thousand God Chart to sense the aura of the Taiyi clone and shuttle back.

"No, I can't sense the existence of the clone..."

This is great, I just urged Daqian Shentu to go back to Taiyi Star through the star field, but found that I couldn't sense Taiyi Star, which surprised Ye Yun and couldn't believe it. You know, Taiyi Star and his original source Fusion can be felt even when you go to the fairyland.

Moreover, the avatar is closely related to the deity, and it can be sensed no matter where it goes, but now, there is no breath, and what can be felt is the infinite sadness of the abyss of the plane, which will never end and have no way out.

Another fatal point is that the Daqianshen Map cannot be used here, as if it has lost its coordinates.

"Impossible, impossible at all. The Great Thousand God Map shows the coordinates of countless planes. Almost all the planes in the mortal world and the fairy world are marked on the Great Thousand God Map. It is impossible to lose the sense..."

"Could it be... this is no longer the world where the coordinates of the Great Thousand Gods Map exist? No, this must be the abyss of the plane, and it's just at the bottom of the Taixing plane. How could this be!?"

"By the way, in a trance, I saw someone in the coffin. It was the power released by him, which involved me and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable here, and separated from Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's thoughts began to calm down, he quietly analyzed the cause and effect, and finally fixed on the coffin that appeared suddenly, the coffin must be strange.

"Could it be that the coffin is a magic weapon of space? I am now sucked into the world of the coffin with Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud. How many epochs of chaos exist? I don't know how many ancient magic weapons have surpassed the Great Thousand Gods Map, and the Great Thousand Gods Map is just an immortal. A weapon is not a divine weapon, could it be that the coffin is an existence that surpasses the Great Thousand God Map? Otherwise, how could it be possible to imprison the power of the Great Thousand God Map?"

After thinking about it carefully, it seems certain that the coffin must be a magic weapon with independent space, and it is even higher than the Great Thousand Gods Map.

"Taixing plane... a small and low-level mortal plane, not even a drop in the ocean, how can there be such a heaven-defying magic weapon!!?"

At this moment, Ye Yun became completely puzzled. If there really is a magic weapon that surpasses the Daqian God Map, it must be at least a top-level fairy artifact, or a fairy artifact. Normally speaking, it is normal for countless planes to appear in the fairy world.

"This is great, even the Great Thousand God Map that I rely on the most is useless, and I am completely in crisis now, and such a peerless magic weapon space, with my cultivation level, I can't get out at all. Could it be that I will be sealed here forever ?”

Shivering all over, his body and mind involuntarily shivered, Ye Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows: "We must find Chi Yun as soon as possible, he must have a way to leave here, maybe he is also looking for me... It's just strange, even if this is the magic weapon space, according to common sense Said, the communication between me and Chi Yun's divine sense cannot be cut off!?"

After thinking about it, he could only shake his sleeves helplessly, and flew towards the depths of the source of the entire mysterious space, and flew away rapidly.

Fortunately for Ye Yun, there is no such horrible existence as dark water and dark mud in the space, and there are no dark beasts. Now that he has lost the Daqian Shentu, if he encounters these terrifying existences again, Ye Yun may really have no way out.

"There are so many holes... densely packed, I don't know which one to go to, so just pick one!"

Dozens of days later, after blindly groping all the way, Ye Yun finally came to a complex void with the airflow of space, and there are empty voids everywhere, each of which exists like a whirlpool. Ye Yun first tried that the void is not dangerous, and then sensed the scarlet cloud demon. Zun, but there is still no whereabouts, so he can only choose a hole and enter it.

Entering this void feels like a passage, but Ye Yun is not sure about this. If there is a passage, how can it be so huge? The void is simply a world. If there is such a huge passage, then what a vast space it is Boundless world.

After flying for dozens of days, Ye Yun thought he had come to the end, but he became sad, and found that there was another intersection point, and countless holes appeared again.

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Ye Yun's mind that made him ashamed and made people laugh out loud, that is, he got lost!

Getting lost is very common for a mortal, but for a monk, it is simply a ridiculous joke. A monk can never get lost when he merges with the energy of heaven and earth, but now, he has neither coordinates nor the familiar vitality of heaven and earth. Only the Immortal Immemorial Dark Qi, even the Immortals, would also lose their way.

So, sometimes, getting lost is not an embarrassing thing.

But now, in a completely strange and unknown world, getting lost is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will enter a dangerous and secret place, and life and death are difficult to control.

"Damn, where is it really? The whole world is an infinite void, empty and empty, and there will never be reincarnation..."

Ye Yun was forced to do so, he had no choice but to choose a hole, continue to take risks, and look for a way out.

"Cuckoo... Gulu..."

Galloping in the void, suddenly, from nothingness, there was a bird call, Ye Yun stopped, feeling that the sound was somewhat familiar, but in such a desolate strange world, there was no life breath, how could there be a bird call , Ye Yun laughed at himself a few times, just as he was about to leave, his face suddenly changed.

"Could it be an undead bird!?" Ye Yun inadvertently remembered that he had heard such a similar voice before he met the coffin in the underworld. They are all afraid, but Ye Yun, a mere mortal, can not be afraid.

"Found it, die!"

Suddenly, a giant bird with a breath of death fluttered its wings and came directly from the void. From the size of a palm before, it became a huge one hundred feet. It is an ancient giant beast.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Ye Yun understood why Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was so afraid of a little bird, Ye Yun turned around and started running without thinking.

Seeing Ye Yun turn around and run away, the undead bird actually became happy: "Human, you want to escape? Haha, it's impossible, it's impossible!!! Very good, at least after Miss ran away, no one played with me for a long time!"

"Go away, whoever is playing with you, find the head mother to play with you!"

Hearing what the undead bird said, Ye Yun couldn't help crying and laughing. He couldn't help cursing, and with all his strength, he flew towards the endless void.

Seeing Ye Yun releasing the holy light, the undead bird immediately flapped its wings violently, aggressively: "So it was you, your body was filled with abominable holy light, and you summoned me. It was you who broke the silence of the abyss. I want to kill you!" You catch it back!"

"Could it be... the moment I struck down that ghost beast, the breath of Taiyi's divine light that was released awakened this undead bird?"

In an instant, Ye Yun finally understood that the abyss of the plane is a dark world where the ancient dark energy exists. Compared with the boundless hell, the Taiyi divine light is the power of the immortal god. To revive the undead bird, he and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable were sucked into this independent space.

With such an explanation, any doubts will be instantly understood.

The ancient Pluto once fought against the heavens, and the Taiyi Divine Light practiced by Ye Yun came from a high god, the inheritance of Shenluo. As a god of heaven, Shenluo naturally opposed hell. During this period, it was against the ancient dark energy that the undead birds were attracted.


The undead bird swished a few times and chased after Ye Yun. It opened its mouth wide and sprayed at Ye Yun. Immediately, a large black net released the momentum of suppression and sinking, like casting a net to catch fish. Same, she sprinkled it on Ye Yun.


Ye Yun is well aware of the dominance of the ancient dark energy, not to mention him, even immortals and demons have to surrender, not to mention that Ye Yun is still a mortal who has not yet broken through the fairyland, how can he be the opponent of the undead bird, so he exerted all his strength and fell in the dark net. For a moment, he fled frantically from the edge, and galloped towards the boundless void at an accelerated speed.

"Damn human beings, with such a low cultivation base, they have such speed!!!"

The undead bird seemed to have not expected that Ye Yun would escape from the net of the dead, and was greatly disappointed. Moreover, Ye Yun disappeared into the void like a comet, and the undead bird flapped its wings ferociously and chased after it.


Just as the undead bird left, a holy spear of light flew out from the side where Ye Yun disappeared, and the sky-burying bow that was released above had a terrifying aura.

"This is... a fifth-grade fairy weapon!?"


The undead bird never expected that a weak person who was hunted down would take the initiative to attack. Moreover, to unleash such a terrifying attack, which contained the power of a fifth-grade fairy weapon, the undead bird had just dodged, but could not completely dodge it. Hit by the holy gun of light, there was a big explosion.


The undead bird, whose body was half destroyed, fell from the explosion and stopped in mid-air. The broken lines on the whole body began to heal, reorganize, countless fragments, and absorbed the matter in the hollow. With the addition of ancient ghost energy, the undead bird was destroyed Half of his body grew up without leaving the ground.

"What a human being, I actually underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to summon a fifth-grade fairy weapon. You are a small mortal, even a fairy and a devil. You are a good seedling. Take it back and refine it for your master, and you will have another ancient weapon." Hades!"

Within three breaths, the undead bird recovered its body, and the deity was ten times larger than before, like a meteorite floating in the void.


The body of the undead bird grew bigger, and as soon as it flapped its wings, it crossed the infinite void and appeared at the meeting point of another void. It opened its mouth and sprayed out towards one of the voids.

A large net was thrown down frantically.

"What kind of monster, I can't kill it with a blow with all my strength, combined with the Sky Burying Bow, and once its body is destroyed, it becomes extremely huge again. If this continues, how can I be its opponent?"

Ye Yun, who was flying in the empty space, suddenly turned around to look, and saw a large net, stretching ten thousand feet, rushing towards him, he had no choice but to increase the speed again, leaving flame traces of frictional airflow in the void, and a large net The net disappeared into the void, and I don't know where it went.

"Escape, let me see where you are going to escape, hehe, after tens of millions of years, I finally met a funny human being, comparable to a fairy!"

The undead bird suddenly culled from the depths of the void, raising bursts of ancient ghost winds. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the void. If there is a planet, the ancient ghost wind brought by the undead bird can instantly blow up the planet.

Exerting all his strength, Ye Yun is not fighting with others, but fleeing for his life. This is the first time in history that he has escaped. Facing Di Tian's pursuit, Ye Yun easily turned the danger into safety, but now this undead bird is simply It's not that Ditian can be compared, let alone one Ditian, even a hundred Ditians are no match for the undead bird.

If it is really according to Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud that the undead bird comes from the boundless hell, then it is a hell-like existence, and even immortals and demons have to submit to it.

Chi Chi....

In the boundless void, traces of flames flickered continuously, like a comet passing by, staying in the void and stars. Ye Yun unleashed all his strength and tried to escape, but he always felt that the ghost net was following him all the time. Get rid of it, it seems that the entire void is controlled by the undead bird, this is the same as its dojo.

In this way, the great escape continued, and Ye Yun passed through the voids. He could not tell the direction, where he was, and could not sense the whereabouts of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Now he could only run for his life.

One month, two months... a full year passed by, and Ye Yun fled endlessly like this, without end, in the dead and silent space world, like being exiled, and could never find his way.

"There is no way to escape like this..."

Ye Yun's true energy is still strong. Fortunately, he stored a lot of energy back then, and possessed countless spirit stones, fairy stones, and fairy artifacts. Ye Yun is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. The undead bird, Ye Yun's mood now is self-evident.

"The undead bird can't be shaken off at all, the only way to kill it is to completely kill it... Try again, use the strongest state, and activate the Burial Sky Bow, I don't believe it, a dignified fifth-grade fairy weapon, you can't kill it!"

While breathing, Ye Yun was ready to push and release the power of the Burial Sky Bow with all his strength.

Back then, he used the Sky Burial Bow to kill countless powerful people, and even shot down meteorites. Ye Yun's current state is not what it used to be. With all his strength, the Sky Burial Bow can kill immortals of the seventh, eighth, and even ninth ranks. The top powerhouse, even the tenth-level Dzogchen powerhouse, can also beheaded.

With such ferocious power, Ye Yun didn't believe it, and he couldn't kill a little undead bird.This living dead person floated out of the huge coffin, so abrupt that it made people tremble. He slowly raised his head, his long hair covered his face, and his body made creaking joints, as if it hadn't moved for a long time. As straight and stiff as a zombie.

With the appearance of the living dead, he completely controlled the star field and the underworld where the coffin was located, and the infinite immemorial dark energy gathered towards him. The undead bird slowly landed on his shoulder, and a hoarse voice came from the living dead: "Two living creatures!" People, one possesses outstanding demonic energy, and possesses the aura of a devil emperor, while the other possesses immortal and divine power, which actually wakes you up..."

"Undead bird, go find these two people... Also, look for her, she is in the passage..."

After the living dead finished speaking, the undead bird on his shoulder flew into the coffin, like entering a lake, a wonderful wave swayed in the coffin, and the undead bird disappeared after entering it.


Then, the living dead sank into the coffin again, disappeared, the coffin lid closed automatically, the surrounding magic lights were instantly extinguished, and the abyss of the plane returned to dead silence.

"Chiyun... Chiyun..."

Ye Yun was alone in a dark passage full of ancient ghost energy and even more evil power, and suddenly flashed out with a terrifying storm. Just after he appeared, Ye Yun found that he had lost contact with the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and, unexpectedly Can't even communicate with God.

"What kind of place is this? It's really weird!"

Ye Yun felt that things were not good, and his divine thoughts could not be conveyed, which was equivalent to being absolutely sealed. Ye Yun immediately tried to sense the surroundings, but the result was nothingness, and nothing special was found, but one thing is certain, this place is still dominated by ancient dark energy space.

"The Picture of the Great Thousand Gods..."

Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it, and the power of the Great Thousand God Chart began to envelope him. Ye Yun was going to use the Great Thousand God Chart to sense the aura of the Taiyi clone and shuttle back.

"No, I can't sense the existence of the clone..."

This is great, I just urged Daqian Shentu to go back to Taiyi Star through the star field, but found that I couldn't sense Taiyi Star, which surprised Ye Yun and couldn't believe it. You know, Taiyi Star and his original source Fusion can be felt even when you go to the fairyland.

Moreover, the avatar is closely related to the deity, and it can be sensed no matter where it goes, but now, there is no breath, and what can be felt is the infinite sadness of the abyss of the plane, which will never end and have no way out.

Another fatal point is that the Daqianshen Map cannot be used here, as if it has lost its coordinates.

"Impossible, impossible at all. The Great Thousand God Map shows the coordinates of countless planes. Almost all the planes in the mortal world and the fairy world are marked on the Great Thousand God Map. It is impossible to lose the sense..."

"Could it be... this is no longer the world where the coordinates of the Great Thousand Gods Map exist? No, this must be the abyss of the plane, and it's just at the bottom of the Taixing plane. How could this be!?"

"By the way, in a trance, I saw someone in the coffin. It was the power released by him, which involved me and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable here, and separated from Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's thoughts began to calm down, he quietly analyzed the cause and effect, and finally fixed on the coffin that appeared suddenly, the coffin must be strange.

"Could it be that the coffin is a magic weapon of space? I am now sucked into the world of the coffin with Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud. How many epochs of chaos exist? I don't know how many ancient magic weapons have surpassed the Great Thousand Gods Map, and the Great Thousand Gods Map is just an immortal. A weapon is not a divine weapon, could it be that the coffin is an existence that surpasses the Great Thousand God Map? Otherwise, how could it be possible to imprison the power of the Great Thousand God Map?"

After thinking about it carefully, it seems certain that the coffin must be a magic weapon with independent space, and it is even higher than the Great Thousand Gods Map.

"Taixing plane... a small and low-level mortal plane, not even a drop in the ocean, how can there be such a heaven-defying magic weapon!!?"

At this moment, Ye Yun became completely puzzled. If there really is a magic weapon that surpasses the Daqian God Map, it must be at least a top-level fairy artifact, or a fairy artifact. Normally speaking, it is normal for countless planes to appear in the fairy world.

"This is great, even the Great Thousand God Map that I rely on the most is useless, and I am completely in crisis now, and such a peerless magic weapon space, with my cultivation level, I can't get out at all. Could it be that I will be sealed here forever ?”

Shivering all over, his body and mind involuntarily shivered, Ye Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows: "We must find Chi Yun as soon as possible, he must have a way to leave here, maybe he is also looking for me... It's just strange, even if this is the magic weapon space, according to common sense Said, the communication between me and Chi Yun's divine sense cannot be cut off!?"

After thinking about it, he could only shake his sleeves helplessly, and flew towards the depths of the source of the entire mysterious space, and flew away rapidly.

Fortunately for Ye Yun, there is no such horrible existence as dark water and dark mud in the space, and there are no dark beasts. Now that he has lost the Daqian Shentu, if he encounters these terrifying existences again, Ye Yun may really have no way out.

"There are so many holes... densely packed, I don't know which one to go to, so just pick one!"

Dozens of days later, after blindly groping all the way, Ye Yun finally came to a complex void with the airflow of space, and there are empty voids everywhere, each of which exists like a whirlpool. Ye Yun first tried that the void is not dangerous, and then sensed the scarlet cloud demon. Zun, but there is still no whereabouts, so he can only choose a hole and enter it.

Entering this void feels like a passage, but Ye Yun is not sure about this. If there is a passage, how can it be so huge? The void is simply a world. If there is such a huge passage, then what a vast space it is Boundless world.

After flying for dozens of days, Ye Yun thought he had come to the end, but he became sad, and found that there was another intersection point, and countless holes appeared again.

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Ye Yun's mind that made him ashamed and made people laugh out loud, that is, he got lost!

Getting lost is very common for a mortal, but for a monk, it is simply a ridiculous joke. A monk can never get lost when he merges with the energy of heaven and earth, but now, he has neither coordinates nor the familiar vitality of heaven and earth. Only the Immortal Immemorial Dark Qi, even the Immortals, would also lose their way.

So, sometimes, getting lost is not an embarrassing thing.

But now, in a completely strange and unknown world, getting lost is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will enter a dangerous and secret place, and life and death are difficult to control.

"Damn, where is it really? The whole world is an infinite void, empty and empty, and there will never be reincarnation..."

Ye Yun was forced to do so, he had no choice but to choose a hole, continue to take risks, and look for a way out.

"Cuckoo... Gulu..."

Galloping in the void, suddenly, from nothingness, there was a bird call, Ye Yun stopped, feeling that the sound was somewhat familiar, but in such a desolate strange world, there was no life breath, how could there be a bird call , Ye Yun laughed at himself a few times, just as he was about to leave, his face suddenly changed.

"Could it be an undead bird!?" Ye Yun inadvertently remembered that he had heard such a similar voice before he met the coffin in the underworld. They are all afraid, but Ye Yun, a mere mortal, can not be afraid.

"Found it, die!"

Suddenly, a giant bird with a breath of death fluttered its wings and came directly from the void. From the size of a palm before, it became a huge one hundred feet. It is an ancient giant beast.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Ye Yun understood why Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was so afraid of a little bird, Ye Yun turned around and started running without thinking.

Seeing Ye Yun turn around and run away, the undead bird actually became happy: "Human, you want to escape? Haha, it's impossible, it's impossible!!! Very good, at least after Miss ran away, no one played with me for a long time!"

"Go away, whoever is playing with you, find the head mother to play with you!"

Hearing what the undead bird said, Ye Yun couldn't help crying and laughing. He couldn't help cursing, and with all his strength, he flew towards the endless void.

Seeing Ye Yun releasing the holy light, the undead bird immediately flapped its wings violently, aggressively: "So it was you, your body was filled with abominable holy light, and you summoned me. It was you who broke the silence of the abyss. I want to kill you!" You catch it back!"

"Could it be... the moment I struck down that ghost beast, the breath of Taiyi's divine light that was released awakened this undead bird?"

In an instant, Ye Yun finally understood that the abyss of the plane is a dark world where the ancient dark energy exists. Compared with the boundless hell, the Taiyi divine light is the power of the immortal god. To revive the undead bird, he and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable were sucked into this independent space.

With such an explanation, any doubts will be instantly understood.

The ancient Pluto once fought against the heavens, and the Taiyi Divine Light practiced by Ye Yun came from a high god, the inheritance of Shenluo. As a god of heaven, Shenluo naturally opposed hell. During this period, it was against the ancient dark energy that the undead birds were attracted.


The undead bird swished a few times and chased after Ye Yun. It opened its mouth wide and sprayed at Ye Yun. Immediately, a large black net released the momentum of suppression and sinking, like casting a net to catch fish. Same, she sprinkled it on Ye Yun.


Ye Yun is well aware of the dominance of the ancient dark energy, not to mention him, even immortals and demons have to surrender, not to mention that Ye Yun is still a mortal who has not yet broken through the fairyland, how can he be the opponent of the undead bird, so he exerted all his strength and fell in the dark net. For a moment, he fled frantically from the edge, and galloped towards the boundless void at an accelerated speed.

"Damn human beings, with such a low cultivation base, they have such speed!!!"

The undead bird seemed to have not expected that Ye Yun would escape from the net of the dead, and was greatly disappointed. Moreover, Ye Yun disappeared into the void like a comet, and the undead bird flapped its wings ferociously and chased after it.


Just as the undead bird left, a holy spear of light flew out from the side where Ye Yun disappeared, and the sky-burying bow that was released above had a terrifying aura.

"This is... a fifth-grade fairy weapon!?"


The undead bird never expected that a weak person who was hunted down would take the initiative to attack. Moreover, to unleash such a terrifying attack, which contained the power of a fifth-grade fairy weapon, the undead bird had just dodged, but could not completely dodge it. Hit by the holy gun of light, there was a big explosion.


The undead bird, whose body was half destroyed, fell from the explosion and stopped in mid-air. The broken lines on the whole body began to heal, reorganize, countless fragments, and absorbed the matter in the hollow. With the addition of ancient ghost energy, the undead bird was destroyed Half of his body grew up without leaving the ground.

"What a human being, I actually underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to summon a fifth-grade fairy weapon. You are a small mortal, even a fairy and a devil. You are a good seedling. Take it back and refine it for your master, and you will have another ancient weapon." Hades!"

Within three breaths, the undead bird recovered its body, and the deity was ten times larger than before, like a meteorite floating in the void.


The body of the undead bird grew bigger, and as soon as it flapped its wings, it crossed the infinite void and appeared at the meeting point of another void. It opened its mouth and sprayed out towards one of the voids.

A large net was thrown down frantically.

"What kind of monster, I can't kill it with a blow with all my strength, combined with the Sky Burying Bow, and once its body is destroyed, it becomes extremely huge again. If this continues, how can I be its opponent?"

Ye Yun, who was flying in the empty space, suddenly turned around to look, and saw a large net, stretching ten thousand feet, rushing towards him, he had no choice but to increase the speed again, leaving flame traces of frictional airflow in the void, and a large net The net disappeared into the void, and I don't know where it went.

"Escape, let me see where you are going to escape, hehe, after tens of millions of years, I finally met a funny human being, comparable to a fairy!"

The undead bird suddenly culled from the depths of the void, raising bursts of ancient ghost winds. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the void. If there is a planet, the ancient ghost wind brought by the undead bird can instantly blow up the planet.

Exerting all his strength, Ye Yun is not fighting with others, but fleeing for his life. This is the first time in history that he has escaped. Facing Di Tian's pursuit, Ye Yun easily turned the danger into safety, but now this undead bird is simply It's not that Ditian can be compared, let alone one Ditian, even a hundred Ditians are no match for the undead bird.

If it is really according to Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud that the undead bird comes from the boundless hell, then it is a hell-like existence, and even immortals and demons have to submit to it.

Chi Chi....

In the boundless void, traces of flames flickered continuously, like a comet passing by, staying in the void and stars. Ye Yun unleashed all his strength and tried to escape, but he always felt that the ghost net was following him all the time. Get rid of it, it seems that the entire void is controlled by the undead bird, this is the same as its dojo.

In this way, the great escape continued, and Ye Yun passed through the voids. He could not tell the direction, where he was, and could not sense the whereabouts of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Now he could only run for his life.

One month, two months... a full year passed by, and Ye Yun fled endlessly like this, without end, in the dead and silent space world, like being exiled, and could never find his way.

"There is no way to escape like this..."

Ye Yun's true energy is still strong. Fortunately, he stored a lot of energy back then, and possessed countless spirit stones, fairy stones, and fairy artifacts. Ye Yun is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. The undead bird, Ye Yun's mood now is self-evident.

"The undead bird can't be shaken off at all, the only way to kill it is to completely kill it... Try again, use the strongest state, and activate the Burial Sky Bow, I don't believe it, a dignified fifth-grade fairy weapon, you can't kill it!"

While breathing, Ye Yun was ready to push and release the power of the Burial Sky Bow with all his strength.

Back then, he used the Sky Burial Bow to kill countless powerful people, and even shot down meteorites. Ye Yun's current state is not what it used to be. With all his strength, the Sky Burial Bow can kill immortals of the seventh, eighth, and even ninth ranks. The top powerhouse, even the tenth-level Dzogchen powerhouse, can also beheaded.

With such ferocious power, Ye Yun didn't believe it, and he couldn't kill a little undead bird.

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