Wu Jinhun slapped his forehead, and said with a wry smile, "I mean, I was confused by Qiu Yunchong. But son, Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong are both first-class masters. How did you get through the danger?"

Wu Yang's eloquence was excellent, and he rendered the scene extremely tense and exciting, causing Wu Yue's apricot eyes to widen, her expression was tense and focused, and she only hated that she was not there at the time and missed such a wonderful event Great drama.Hearing Wu Yang say again that they are about to start a duel with super masters like Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong, they are even more excited. Their beautiful faces are already blushing, and they can't wait.

Wu Yang's expression changed, he nodded, and said with a bit of exclamation in his tone, "Who said it wasn't? Qiu Yunchong reached the seventh level of true energy, and Wu Qiujun even reached the ninth level of true energy. At that time, we were all ready to die." ready!"

"Wu Qiujun has reached the ninth level of true qi?" Wu Jinhun couldn't help trembling, his face was filled with horror, even if he was against a master of the ninth level of true qi, he would have no choice but to die.

"Hmm! In order to win us even a chance to escape, my boss decided to face Wu Qiujun alone..." At this point, Wu Yang seemed to see Wan Dong's resolute back when he rushed towards Wu Qiujun without hesitation, With a sour heart, tears fell down.

Wu Jinhun was completely stunned, and after a long while, he murmured, "I didn't expect Xu Yaoting to be so loyal and courageous! I really can't imagine..."

Wu Yue also opened her eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on her face, she asked, "Brother, did you make a mistake, is that guy able to do something like this kind of unreasonable?"

Wu Yang wiped away tears, raised her voice and laughed, "Sister, it's already this time, do I still need to lie to you? I can say with complete certainty now that I, Wu Yang, did not admit the wrong boss! If my boss used to be A sleeping lion, so now, he has completely woken up!"

"Then... what happened then?" Wu Jin asked in a daze for a while.

"The boss dealt with Wu Qiujun for dozens of rounds, but he was seriously injured in the end. Fortunately, Grandpa Xu arrived in time and repelled Wu Qiujun, otherwise..." Wu Yang was a little afraid to think about it, and shook his head.

"Just because Xu Yaoting can deal with Wu Qiujun for dozens of rounds? Brother, are you telling me you're revealing?" Wu Yue looked at Wu Yang with a smile, as if you had been exposed by me.

Wu Jinhun also smiled and shook his head lightly, apparently not believing what Wu Yang said.

Wu Yang frowned, stood up abruptly, turned to look at Wu Yue and asked, "Sister, do you still remember our agreement?"

"What agreement?" Wu Yue was slightly taken aback.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "A three-day appointment! Didn't I say that I will challenge you in three days? Now the sky is about to dawn, and it is the third day."

"Ha! Brat, are you itchy? Do you dare to challenge me? You and Xu Yaoting were angry at me that day. I really planned to beat you up. But seeing how well you behaved today, I decided to I'll let you off this time, let's count it as a three-day agreement." Wu Yue shook her head and said with a smile.

"How can I do that? A man is a man, once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow!"

Wu Yue frowned, curled her lips and said, "Boy, could it be that your skin is really itchy and you want me to scratch it for you?"

Wu Yang chuckled, turned to Wu Jinhun and said, "Father, it's like borrowing your sword!"

Will Wu Jinhun not know about his own son?How many brushes he has, Wu Jin's soul knows it like the palm of his hand.Challenge Wu Yue, as Wu Yue said, the value is the expression of his itchy skin.However, it was rare for Wu Yang to have such a high fighting spirit, and Wu Jinhun didn't want to spoil his interest, so he casually pulled out the sword that never left his body.

"Hahaha... Wuyue, click until you reach the end, you can play with Wuyang!"

"Okay! Since you are in need of a beating, I'll let you do it. Don't expect me to be merciful."

"Come on!" Wu Yang's arm shook suddenly, the sword was unsheathed immediately, and with a light tap on the tip of his toe, Wu Yang's figure floated into the courtyard like catkins. People can't help but shine.

"Stinky boy, you can't beat your opponent just by being cool!" Wu Yue said this, but she was also full of praise in her heart.It seemed that she had underestimated her younger brother too much in the past.

Leaping to stand in front of Wu Yang, Wu Yue smiled and said, "You are a younger brother, I will let you do three tricks!"

"Give me three tricks? Sister, then I have to remind you, you may not even have a chance to make a move by then."

"You're too crazy, aren't you? Stop talking nonsense and make moves!" Wu Yue became serious.Since it is a challenge, it must be dealt with seriously, not only to respect Wu Yang, but also to encourage Wu Yang.

"Okay! The first move, the sword laughs at the sea!" Wu Yang shouted loudly, and the long sword in his hand instantly transformed into thousands of virtual and real sword shadows, and at the same time a terrifying pressure, like a gust of wind It spread like a sweep, like countless high and turbulent waves, squeezing from all directions, as long as it submerged the dark moon.

"This is..." Wu Yue's complexion suddenly changed, her eyes could not help showing horror, and even her voice trembled a little.

And Wu Jinhun, who was watching the battle with a smile on the side, was the same, the smile on his face froze suddenly, and he showed surprise with just one move.

Involuntarily, Wu Yue unleashed the random fighting sword technique, and countless sword shadows, like a mess of hemp, shone with silver light, facing Wu Yang's sword energy.In the end, it was like little sparks colliding into the waves pushed by the wall. In the blink of an eye, even before Wu Yue could react, they all disappeared without a trace.

"How could this happen?" Wu Yue, who once defeated Leng Yuecui and entered the Qingyun Ranking by relying on the random fighting sword technique, suddenly found that her random fighting sword technique was so fragile that it was simply vulnerable to a single blow.

Before she had time to think about it, Wu Yue's feet seemed to be equipped with pulleys, almost out of her control, as she retreated back and forth.It's impossible not to retreat, Wu Yang's sword is so fierce that she can't resist it at all.

Seeing that she was about to be overwhelmed by Wu Yang's sword force, Wu Yue became more and more flustered, and almost opened her mouth to call for help.At this moment, the sword glow that pierced her in front of her, which she could hardly open her eyes, suddenly retracted, and Wu Yue just released it. The point of Wu Yang's sword was only a few inches away from her throat.

In other words, Wu Yang completely defeated her with just one move.

From Wu Yue's point of view, this is even more fantasy than the Arabian Nights. She couldn't help but patted her cheek with her hand, and felt the pain before she was sure. Not a dream!

[Author's digression]: Now that it's on the shelves, everyone has to pay to read it, so there is no reason to make everyone unhappy!Feiwu decided to update twenty chapters in one go today!Let everyone have a good time!

This is Chapter 10. In addition to this chapter, there are ten more chapters, and we will arrive soon!

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