"Hey... Sis, you still have to give me two tricks." Wu Yang winked at Wu Yue and said playfully.

"Let? Let your head down! If you let it go any further, your elder sister will be lying on the ground! Look at the move!" Wu Yue roared angrily, swiped the edge of her sword in her hand, and no longer hesitated, and used the random fighting swordsmanship, the last All the most exquisite and sharpest moves were performed in one go.

I'm used to stepping on people, how could Wu Yue feel the feeling of being stepped on?

"Sister, you're angry! Hehe..." Wu Yang smiled and moved his feet frequently. The sao's movements were extremely delicate and precise, and he could always step on the blind spot of Wu Yue's sword just right, letting Wu Yue The offensive failed again and again.

After more than a dozen moves, she couldn't even touch the corner of Wu Yang's clothes, so Wu Yue almost went mad.It's as if... It's as if Wu Yang knows Luan Dou's sword skills like the palm of his hand, but how is this possible!

Wu Yue probably never dreamed that she just had a fight with Leng Yuecui in front of Wan Dong, and Wan Dong had already learned the melee swordsmanship she was most proud of. Improving move by move, came up with a set of Chaos Swordsmanship 2.0, which was passed on to her younger brother.Using 1.0 to fight against 2.0, it is not difficult to understand why Wu Yue is in such a depressed mood.

At this time, Wu Jinhun's brows were also completely frowned, and there was no longer a trace of a smile on his face. His expression was extremely serious, and his sharp eyes were staring at Wu Yang's figure without blinking, just like this Wu Yang. Yang is the most brilliant dancer in the world, dancing the most beautiful dance.Of course, what Wu Jinhun felt more deeply at this time was definitely not the enjoyment of beauty, but the shock that could penetrate his soul.

The fighting swordsmanship that the Wu family is famous for has been shattered like this. As the current head of the Wu family, can Wu Jinhun not be shocked?

"Sister, you are tired after attacking for a long time, now you can also take my move! Sword Fighting Sky!"

Accompanied by Wu Yang's roar, the long sword in his hand instantly turned into a dazzling silver lightning, a sword intent that seemed to pierce and destroy the entire world, like a volcanic eruption, filled the surroundings with a bang.

With such a strong fighting spirit and such an unstoppable sword power, it seems that only Tian Qiong can match it.Wu Yue was dumbfounded, her mind was blank, she didn't even have the courage to block the sword, she just watched helplessly, the sharp sword light came to her in a blink of an eye with astonishing speed and courage.Wu Yue involuntarily shivered a few times, almost... almost peeing.

Although Wu Yang's Chaos Sword Art 2.0 is far more subtle than Chaos Sword Art 1.0, Wu Yue will not be so embarrassed, almost vulnerable to a single blow. Because it happened to be promoted to the second level of true energy, this is thanks to Qiu Yunchong.

After her true qi was improved, Wu Yang's understanding of Chaos Sword Art 2.0 became deeper, and she was naturally more comfortable in using it. As a result, Wu Yue was only left to be abused. Yang's sword 'died' twice!

"Hee hee... Sister, look, are we still fighting?"

"Don't fight, don't fight, what kind of swordsmanship are you using? It's so outrageous! Also, dad, when did you teach this kid the Luan Dou sword technique? How do I feel? His comprehension of sword fighting is more proficient and advanced than mine, and random sword fighting is completely useless to him!"

How dare Wu Yue continue to fight?If the fight continued, not only the sword would be lost, but perhaps even her self-confidence would also be lost.Throwing the sword away, he yelled at Wu Jinhun with a dissatisfied face.

Wu Jinhun shook his head, and said, "I have never taught Wu Yang the random fighting sword technique."

"Then...then what's going on?" Wu Yue was stunned.

Wu Jinhun looked at Wu Yang with a serious face and said, "Yang'er, the swordsmanship you use seems to be somewhat similar to our family's Luan Dou swordsmanship, but it is ten times sharper and more subtle than our family's Luan Dou swordsmanship. What is this? Swordsmanship?"

Wu Yang put the sword away, and said with a haha ​​smile, "Father, it's because of your sharp eyesight! I use the random fighting sword technique..."

"Impossible! This is by no means a random swordsmanship. If it was a random swordsmanship, why would I be powerless?" As soon as Wu Yang finished speaking, Wu Yue waved her hands again and again and shouted.

"Sister, don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet! I am indeed using the random fighting sword method, but it is an improved random fighting sword method. Our family's random fighting sword method only pursues chaos and pays attention to The cumbersome and complicated moves, but ignoring the word 'fighting', is actually discarding the basics and chasing the last."

Wu Jinhun is an expert in the way of swordsmanship, and his comprehension power is unmatched by ordinary people.Although Wu Yang's words were simple, the shock he brought to Wu Jin's soul was not simple at all.As soon as Wu Yang finished speaking, Wu Jinhun's eyes lit up.

"Yang'er, can you perform this improved melee swordsmanship in its entirety?" Wu Jinhun asked in a hasty tone.

Wu Yang chuckled and said, "There's nothing wrong with that, of course you can! Dad, sister, take care!"

After all, Wu Yang didn't start his sword posture right away, but first narrowed his eyes, took a few rhythmic breaths, completely eliminated the distracting thoughts in his heart, and returned to one, then suddenly uttered a threat, the sword in his hand , split through the air.

Seeing this scene, Wu Jinhun nodded repeatedly, his eyes filled with unconcealable admiration.Wu Yang's demeanor inadvertently revealed a style of a master, which is unusual!

At this time, Wu Yang completely focused on nothing else. Heart, spirit, will, energy, essence, the five gods were all concentrated on the edge of the sword in his hand.The movement of the heart, the movement of the spirit, the rise of the will, the return of the qi, and the accumulation of the essence, there is only a long sword in your hand!

Driven by the five gods, Wu Yang's sword is as straight as the mighty Yangtze River going to the sea, and the endless majestic peaks returning to the five mountains. The sky is full of sword shadows, and the sky is full of invisible but terrifying coercion.

Wu Yue just experienced two of the moves, and she was already trembling with shock. At this time, Wu Yang used a whole set of sword skills, and Wu Yue seemed to have lost her soul.There was only one thought flickering in her mind, after Wu Yang's set of sword skills, wouldn't she directly become a 'sashimi'?

Wu Jinhun's breathing became more and more rapid, and his eyes seemed to be useless enough, and the eyeballs twitched wildly, completely attracted by Wu Yang's swordsmanship.In the end, he couldn't help but move along with Wu Yang's sword. The shock, admiration, sudden realization, and enlightenment on his face were staged alternately, just like an American blockbuster.

"It's over, this time it's completely over! Where did this kid learn such exquisite sword skills? From now on, he will have to bully me like I bully him every day?..." Wu Yue kept shaking her head, like that Son, it's not much different from taking ecstasy.

[Author's digression]: Chapter 11!

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