As soon as Du Yutong said this, Xue Wen's mouth suddenly formed a cold and biting smile, he squinted at him, and said coldly in his heart, "Why, my dear brother, do you really want to put my brother to death so much? "

Xue Wen just felt chilled and angry before, and when he recalled the scene where the two brothers fought hard and lived and died together, he still felt sad. Now, all these memories have become a big joke and a great irony to him!

Indeed, he really treats Du Yutong as a big brother and is loyal, but he is just treated as a pawn, and he is discarded as soon as he says it!Now with Du Yutong's words, Xue Wen's heart calmed down. If there is a chance to put Du Yutong to death in the future, he will no longer feel guilty, let alone soften his heart.

Maybe he also realized that his question was inappropriate, Du Yutong couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, he laughed, and said, "I just find it strange, after all, Wang Qing has followed you and me for so many years, everyone knows the basics, did not expect , He actually hid it so deeply."

"Is Wang Qing hiding deeply? I'm afraid some people are hiding deeper than him!" Xue Wen sneered and said with curled lips.

"Brother Wen, what do you mean..."

Xue Wen laughed, waved his hand at Du Yutong, and said, "It's nothing, I'm just expressing my feelings!"

"You bastard, how dare you betray the second master, I'll be the first to let you go!" The whole plan was completely destroyed by Wang Qing when it was about to succeed. On Wang Qing's head.

With a loud shout, he swung the heavy ax and slammed it towards Wang Qing viciously.That's right, it's smashing, but not chopping!Peng Tie obviously didn't want Wang Qing's death to be too easy, and was actually going to smash him into a pulp.

"Come on, grandson! If your grandpa Wang Qing blinks, he is not a good man!" Wang Qing knew that he was not Peng Tie's opponent, and he had no intention of resisting.To him, it was worth it to exchange his own life for Xue Wen's.He didn't care at all as to whose hands he died and how he died.

But before he died, it was a pleasure to be able to point at Peng Tie and curse a few words!

Chen Qing and several of Xue Wen's subordinates were all filled with grief and anger at this moment, and their eyes were all red.If it wasn't for Xue Wenming's forcible suppression secretly, there is no guarantee that they would not rebel on the spot.


Seeing that Wang Qing was about to die under Peng Tie's axe, Cui Sheng suddenly let out a deep shout, waved his folding fan, and stopped Peng Tie's heavy axe.

Xue Wen blinked hard, sent back the tears that were almost shed, and turned his head coldly to stare at Cui Sheng.At this point, he didn't believe that Cui Sheng would suddenly show kindness and spare Wang Qing's life. He didn't know what kind of vicious thoughts were spinning in his mind again.

"You surnamed Cui, you are as cunning as a fox and as poisonous as a jackal. I have planted it in your hands in this life, and I will definitely get it back with profit in the next life. Just wash your neck and wait for your king Grandpa Qing, come and chop!" Wang Qing screamed sharply as he shook the tiger's body.

Cui Sheng took a look at him, then turned his gaze to Xue Wen, and said with a smile, "Who would have thought that Second Master, you have always been gentle with others, and yet you have hidden such a hungry wolf under your command, Cui Sheng really feels wronged for Second Master. "

Xue Wen hated Cui Sheng for not dying at this time, so naturally he wouldn't give him a good face, so he snorted heavily, but didn't answer.

Cui Sheng didn't take it seriously, and continued, "Although Wang Qing deliberately wants to get close to the second master, he is also your second master after all! If the second master's people committed a crime, I think it should be your second master to deal with it." After all, Cui Sheng turned his head and glared at Peng Tie, pretending to be a lesson, and said, "Peng Tie, you are really serious. If you just kill Wang Qing like this, how will the second master clean up the house? Don't do anything in the future." So impulsive, think about it!"

What a vicious heart!

Wan Dong couldn't help sighing in his heart, this Cui Sheng killed people, and he really stabbed people at the tip of their hearts!

Everyone doesn't say it in the open, but in the dark, no one knows that Wang Qing sacrificed himself because he wanted to protect Xue Wen.Seeing Wang Qing die for himself, Xue Wen didn't know how painful it must be, but Cui Sheng was not satisfied, and forced Xue Wen to put Wang Qing to death with his own hands.It can be imagined that when Xue Wen stabbed Wang Qing with the sword, it was no different from the sword stabbing himself.

As soon as Cui Sheng's words fell, Xue Wen could hardly bear to lose his temper. Chen Qing and other Xue Wen's confidantes directly grasped the hilt of the sword, and waves of invisible murderous aura, like gushing waves, rushed straight towards Cui Sheng. swept away.

Killing is nothing but nodding!But what Cui Sheng did was not only to kill people, but also to dig people's ancestral graves!

Facing Xue Wen's raging anger, Cui Sheng's face was full of smug grins, he was not afraid of Xue Wen's turning his face, which was better, and he happened to cut off Xiang Xue Wen and his henchmen with the order of rebellion.

"My surname is Cui, stop making any wishful thinking. If I die at the hands of you people, I might as well kill myself!" Wang Qing obviously didn't want to embarrass Xue Wen, so he snarled and drew his sword. Cut it on your own neck!

Although Wang Qing thought well, but Cui Sheng had already guarded against his move, before he raised his sword, the folding fan in Cui Sheng's hand whistled out.Wang Qing's cultivation level is not high, only at the level of the third rank of human immortal, which is not 01:30 worse than Cui Sheng's.

Before the blood flashed, there was a choking sound, and the long sword in Wang Qing's hand was cut off by Cui Sheng's folding fan, leaving only a bare hilt in Wang Qing's hand.Wang Qing was determined to give up, despite this change, his reaction was extremely fast, he used the hilt of the sword in his hand as a hidden weapon, and suddenly threw it at Cui Sheng, and then waved his palm and slapped at his own Tianling.

"It's not that easy to commit suicide!"

With a shout of anger, Peng Tie stabbed obliquely and kicked straight to Wang Qing's back.Wang Qing let out a scream, and spurted out a bloody arrow, and his figure flew out of the sky.Cui Sheng smiled evilly, swiped his fingers, and before Wang Qing fell to the ground, he was restrained and unable to move.

In order to force Xue Wen to kill Wang Qing with his own hands, Cui Sheng really worked hard!

Xue Wen saw all of this, and the anger in his heart was like a flood, out of control.But in this situation, he can only bear it, otherwise, not only Wang Qingbai will die, but he and his brothers will also perish.

After Wang Qing landed, Peng Tie caught up with him, raised his right foot and stepped heavily on Wang Qing's head, and said with a grinning grin at Xue Wen, "Second Lord, why don't you clean up the house quickly?"

Wang Qing tried hard to raise his head, but Peng Tie's foot was like an extremely heavy mountain, preventing him from moving.

How many heroes are not afraid of death, but afraid of humiliation!It can be seen that this insult is more unbearable than death.

Seeing Wang Qing struggling under Peng Tie's feet, even convulsing, Xue Wen's heart almost broke.

"Xue Wen, if you have the guts, give me a treat!" Wang Qing couldn't help but let out bursts of extremely shrill roars.

"Second master..." Chen Qing turned his head to look at Xue Wen, with blood and tears pouring out of his eyes.Even if Xue Wen just nodded slightly at this time, he and his brothers would risk their lives to join Du Yutong and Cui Shengqian!

But how could Xue Wen nod this way?Especially since Wang Qing has already made such a big sacrifice!At this moment, Xue Wen can only remain silent!

Xue Wen's silence made Chen Qing and the others slowly understand that Wang Qing's sacrifice would become meaningless if he rushed over at this time.

"Second Master, otherwise..." Chen Qing wiped his eyes and said in a low voice.The grief in the voice seems to be turned into reality, which is embarrassing!

"Xue Wen, come and kill me!" Wang Qing roared again, his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Go away!" Xue Wen's expression changed, he suddenly raised his head to stare at Peng Tie, and scolded sharply.

"What did you say?" Peng Tie frowned, with bursts of anger on his face.

"The following offenders will be killed! Do you want to challenge my Dumeng's iron law?"

If Xue Wen was still jealous of Peng Tie before, now under the indignation and hatred, Xue Wen almost ignored it, and directly used his status as the second leader of Du Meng to suppress Peng Tie.

For Du Meng to be in the situation it is today, to be honest, [-]% of the credit is due to Xue Wen.He not only has Chen Qing under his command, but also a group of loyal brothers like Wang Qing, among the members of the Du League, he also has considerable prestige!

That's why Du Yutong, Peng Tie, Cui Sheng, and Yu Zhong had to do everything in their power to get rid of Xue Wen, but they didn't dare to take action directly, even though their cultivation base was much higher than Xue Wen's.

"Second Master is going to do it himself, Peng Tie, step aside!" Cui Sheng waved his hand and said calmly.

After driving away Peng Tie, Xue Wen stepped forward, helped Wang Qing up himself, looked at him fixedly, and said word by word, "Wang Qing, no matter what you did, the brother whom Xue Wen identified, That was my brother the whole time, and nothing will change that!"

With Xue Wen's words, everything is enough for Wang Qing!With a satisfied smile on his face, he looked at Xue Wendao, "Then you can send me on my way, this bird world, brother has enough fun!"

"Bird world! Hahaha... That's right! This is the tmd bird world!" Xue Wen laughed wildly, and Huo Di waved his palm, slashing fiercely at Wang Qing's heart.

Crush the heart with one palm, this may be the most painless way to die!Xue Wen must give Wang Qing a happy, this is Wang Qing's last wish!

Without any accident, Xue Wen's palm slammed heavily on Wang Qing's heart, and green lights erupted instantly, piercing directly into Wang Qing's body.Feeling Wang Qing's body twitching constantly, Xue Wen's heart was really in pain like a shattering, and tears finally spewed out uncontrollably.

Xue Wen, who was extremely sad, naturally wouldn't notice that the moment the green light penetrated into Wang Qing's heart, a faint golden light suddenly flashed, and penetrated into Wang Qing's body first.The whole incident lasted very short, barely even a tenth of a breath.

Not only Xue Wen didn't notice, but everyone present didn't notice.In front of these people, it was too easy for Wan Dong to use his hands and feet!

Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and after Wang Qing's body trembled a few times, the look in his eyes quickly faded away without a trace.

Chen Qing and other Xue Wen's subordinates all turned their heads aside with grief and intolerance.

Putting Wang Qing on the ground properly, Xue Wenchang took a breath, and slowly stood up with a cold expression.His cold eyes swept towards Cui Sheng and the others, and he said coldly, "Wang Qing is dead, do you want to have a physical examination!"

"Of course! Who knows if you have..."

"Shut up, Peng Tie!" Peng Tie blurted out without thinking, but he was interrupted by Cui Sheng when he opened his mouth in the middle of speaking...

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