Cui Sheng looked at Xue Wen, who was about to kill someone with a livid face, laughed a few times, and said, "Second Master, what are you talking about? How come we don't even believe you?"

Xue Wen let out a heavy cold snort, squinted at Peng Tie, and said in an extremely gloomy voice, "I'm afraid not?"

Cui Sheng smiled again and said, "You must not be as knowledgeable as Peng Tie, he is just a rough man!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glared at Peng Tie, saying, "Peng Tie, what are you doing standing there? The brothers buried Wang Qinghou. No matter what he did, he is the brother of the second master. The second master is a man of affection, and he definitely would not want him to abandon his body in the wilderness. Hehe... I am right , Second Lord?"

Xue Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Cui Sheng with a cold gaze.Why do you want to bury Wang Qing generously? Aren't you worried that Wang Qing is not dead just like Peng Tie?Something with a mouth full of honey and a sword in its belly is really hateful!

Whether Wang Qing is dead or alive, Xue Wen knows best, it's okay for Peng Tie to send someone to bury him, but Xue Wen realizes that he has to fight for it at this time, not only for himself, but also for him. Dead Wang Qing.

Seeing Peng Tie waving his hand, several of his minions rushed forward to carry Wang Qing out for burial, Xue Wen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he winked at Chen Qing and other confidants, and couldn't hold back any longer. Chen Qing and the others, who were full of anger, rushed forward like a sharp arrow that was off the string.

Before Peng Tie's minions came back to their senses, there was a burst of punches and kicks like a storm, and before half a breath, Peng Tie's minions spurted blood and flew out.You Peng Tiexiu is high, you can't beat it, and beating up a few of your subordinates is still nothing to worry about.

"Looking for death!" Beating the dog looked at its master, seeing his subordinates being beaten, he couldn't bear Peng Tie's outburst of temper, screamed sharply, and waved his palms to bully Chen Qing and others.

But before he could bully Chen Qing and the others, Xue Wen stepped over with a gloomy face, staring at Peng Tie, and shouted sharply, "Presumptuous!"

Peng Tiezhi was about to lose his mind, even though he saw Xue Wen, he had no intention of withdrawing his punches. It looked like he wanted to go all out and kill Xue Wen, Chen Qing and others together.

Seeing this scene, Wan Dong's eyes suddenly became sharper. While urging the immortal energy in his body, ready to make a move, he locked his eyes on Xue Wen's face.Peng Tie's punch was like a touchstone. Whether this Xue Wen was gold or a bad stone could be known at this time.

The result made Wan Dong very satisfied. Facing Peng Tie's murderous fist, Xue Wen's body was as firm as a circle, motionless, and looking at his expression, not only was there no trace of fear, but it was full of a faint The sarcasm and ridicule are even more calm.It seems that the person whose life is threatened at this time is not him, but Peng Tie.

"Peng Tie must not be rude!"

When Peng Tie's fist was only an arm's length away from Xue Wen, Cui Sheng finally moved.Amid the loud shouts, the folding fan flew out quickly, barely blocking Peng Tie's fist.Although Peng Tie obeyed Cui Sheng's words, he was really uncomfortable at this moment, especially when he saw Xue Wen's mocking face, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

"Brother Cui, I..."

"Peng Tie! You are going too far, do you still have the second master in your eyes? Don't forget your identity!"

Peng Tie originally wanted to complain to Cui Sheng, but he was interrupted by Cui Sheng sternly as soon as he opened his mouth.Cui Sheng had scolded Peng Tie before, but most of them were pretending and mostly acting. But this time, Cui Sheng seemed to be really angry. Said more, bowed his head and retreated.

No matter whether Cui Sheng is true or not this time, in Xue Wen's eyes, it is no longer important. At this moment, his heart is like a mirror.

Without looking at Cui Sheng, Peng Tie, Xue Wenhuo turned to look at good Du Yutong, with an indifferent expression and a slight chill, and said loudly, "Leader, after all, Wang Qing has been with me for so many years, I want to kill him with my own hands." Profound burial, I guess the leader won't object, right?"

"Ahem..." The cooked duck still flew away, Du Yutong felt disappointed and embarrassed at the same time.Hastily said, "Second Master values ​​love and righteousness, it's really touching!"

Xue Wen sneered, and said without a trace, "Man is doing it, and the sky is watching. I just want to have a clear conscience!"

The good sentence of "people are sitting, the sky is watching", immediately made Du Yutong's old face slightly hot, and his expression was very embarrassed.

"Second brother, there are some things you must not misunderstand. After I became the leader of the alliance, I just realized what it means to be involuntary." Du Yutong sighed helplessly.

If it were before, Xue Wen would probably believe it, but now, Du Yutong's affectation just makes him sick.

"Leader, the subordinates are tired, let's go down and rest first."

"Okay, okay, second brother, please go ahead!"

Xue Wen turned his head and glanced at Chen Qing, Chen Qing and the others worked together to lift Wang Qing up from the ground, followed Xue Wen, and retreated slowly.Seeing this situation, Wan Dong didn't stay any longer, and then withdrew.

As soon as Xue Wen and the others left, Peng Tie couldn't hold back any longer. He opened his mouth and said to Cui Sheng, "Brother Sheng, why did you stop me just now? Why didn't you let me kill Xue Wen with one palm, clean and neat!"

Cui Sheng glared at him, and said, "If it's so easy, why do we have to go through so much trouble?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Peng, you just saw that Wang Qing did not hesitate to die in order to save Xue Wen. Didn't you feel something from this?" If Xue Wen was still here, he would definitely Surprised.The dignified leader of the Du League actually called Peng Tie his senior brother, and he was so respectful.

"What do you feel?" Peng Tie was taken aback.

"I feel Xue Wen's horror!" Yu Zhong, who had always been quiet, suddenly opened his mouth to answer, with a dignified expression.

"That's right!" Cui Sheng closed the folding fan and said solemnly, "If we talk about cultivation, ten Xue Wen tied together is not enough for us to kill! However, the most terrifying thing about Xue Wen is not his cultivation, but his cultivation. It's his way of imperial power! Today, only one Wang Qing jumped out, who knows how many Li Qing and Zhang Qing are hidden in the entire Du League? It is even more difficult to make others die for themselves without hesitation. Cultivation should make people feel terrible!"

"I don't believe there are so many people willing to die for Xue Wen!" Peng Tiewu insisted.

Du Yutong shook his head and said, "Brother Peng doesn't believe it, but I do! Don't forget, this Du League was founded by me and Xue Wen. Although I have always been unwilling to admit it, facts are facts. The prestige is definitely far beyond mine! Back then, if Xue Wen didn't care about the relationship between us, as long as he ascended to the top, I would never be the leader of the Du League!"

"So what? Kill anyone who refuses to accept it!" Peng Tie shouted fiercely.

"Shut up, Peng Tie!" Peng Tie's words fell to the ground, and before Cui Sheng and Du Yutong could react, Yu Zhong suddenly yelled.

Peng Tie was obviously more afraid of Zhong than Cui Sheng. Yu Zhong's sudden drink made him shiver uncontrollably, and his complexion turned pale.

"Remember, our purpose is to control Dumeng, not to destroy Dumeng! Xue Wen must be eliminated, but the foundation of Dumeng must not be shaken! If you continue to act willfully and ruin our great affairs, don't blame me for treating you You're welcome!"

"Senior brother calm down, Peng Tie will keep his teachings in mind!" Peng Tie had really been taught a lesson this time, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Cui Sheng stood up to smooth things over and said, "Junior Brother Peng is also impatient for a while, so please forgive him this time, Senior Brother Yu."

Yu Zhong snorted coldly, ignored Peng Tie, and said, "This time the plan failed. Although it is a pity, it also reminds us that Xue Wen is not as easy to deal with as we imagined. It seems that getting rid of him is not easy." If we don’t arouse suspicion, we have to devise another clever plan!”

Cui Sheng frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Brother Yu, have you noticed the young man who has been following Xue Wen?"

Yu Zhong nodded and said, "I noticed it, I've never seen it before. Yutong, have you seen it?"

Du Yutong shook his head and said affirmatively, "Absolutely not! It should be brought back by Xue Wen just now."

"This young man is quite talented, but his cultivation is mediocre, so there is nothing to worry about!"

Cui Shengning said, "I don't think it's that simple! I don't know if Brother Yu has discovered it. Although this young man's cultivation level is not high, Xue Wen respects him very much!"

"Oh?" Yu Zhong didn't pay much attention to Wan Dong, so naturally he didn't notice these details.But if it is really as Cui Sheng said, then there is something to do in the middle...

Finding a treasure land with excellent geomantic omen, Xue Wen, Chen Qing and others carefully buried Wang Qing with great grief.

Looking at the brand-new tombstone rising from the ground, Xue Wen was shrouded in a deep sense of grief and indignation.The elder brother who had been calling him for more than ten years actually planned to get rid of him. Xue Wen thought he was a shrewd person, but he was actually a fool for a while.

A little humiliation is nothing, but it made Xue Wen feel painful and ashamed to bury his good brother because of this!

"Brother Wang Qing, I, Chen Qing, swear here that you will not die in vain!" Chen Qing was older than Wang Qing, but at this moment he knelt down in front of Wang Qing's tombstone without hesitation. Cry out in pain.

Wang Qing's ending is embarrassing, but his righteousness makes people excited!

"Du Yutong, Peng Tie, Cui Sheng, Yu Zhong, I, Xue Wen, will never give up with you in this life!" Xue Wen also secretly swore in his heart, his sharp nails pierced into the flesh, blood dripping.

"Second Lord, you can see it today, people have already shown their knives and guns, and killing me is equivalent to death. What should we do, please propose a charter, brothers will fight it out!" Chen Qing wiped away his tears, He stood up straight and said to Xue Wen.

Xue Wen frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Peng Tie, Yu Zhong, and Cui Sheng's cultivation is really too high, I'm afraid brothers..."

"It's nothing to be afraid of, it's just death! Besides, they are determined to get rid of you, and you will die faster if you don't fight!" Chen Qing waved his hand, his attitude was firm...

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