Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1503 Someone from the 4th Gate!

"Since it's a sword technique, these few golden runes may..." Wan Dong's mind moved, and his eyes quickly swept to a few golden runes that obviously contained the rhyme of the sword, and concentrated on studying them.

Sure enough, when Wan Dong's thoughts approached those golden runes, the sword rhyme contained in those golden runes seemed to be aroused, and suddenly lit up, looking like that, It's as if it resonated.

If the Heaven and Earth Avenue is a book, then these golden runes are the most basic characters that make up the book.Every character contains all-encompassing Taoist rhyme, there is definitely more than one kind, but there is a focus.

Just like these golden runes selected by Wan Dong, they not only contain the morality of the sword, but also other morality, but the morality of the sword is the most prosperous!In other words, this rune is the most suitable and easiest to use to form a sword technique.But the other morals contained in it can also make it a part of another martial art, such as the combination of palm techniques.It's just that such a combination cannot bring out the greatest meaning and power of this rune. Although it can form a martial skill, there are differences in levels.

The more he studied these golden runes, the more Wan Dong could discover the mystery and preciousness of these golden runes.Although the current Wan Dong has comprehended twenty golden runes, he has to say that his understanding of golden runes is probably just an introduction!

Who the hell created these golden runes?Are there only a hundred golden runes in the world that are recorded on the chaotic iron?The things contained in these golden runes are so broad and profound. Can human beings really be able to delve into the profound meanings of them?Of course, the manpower mentioned here does not refer to mortals, but includes the immortals in Xianting.

All of a sudden, in Wan Dong's mind, all kinds of conjectures and thoughts about these golden runes came one after another, gathered into piles, condensed into balls, and tied into knots, which could not be resolved at all!

Just when Wan Dong was disturbed by these endless mysteries, his Yuan Mansion suddenly trembled violently. Wan Dong subconsciously sank his mind into Yuan Mansion, only to find that, unconsciously, he had already Breaking through the bottleneck, officially entered the fourth rank of human immortality.

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, this is the benefit of having a solid foundation, the breakthrough that was originally very painful has become so easy and comfortable!

This sudden breakthrough made Wan Dong's restless mood suddenly calm down.Wanzhang Building rises from the ground!As long as you have patience, no matter how high the mountain is, there will be a day to reach the top!No matter how broad and profound his golden runes are, as long as he perseveres, there will always be a day when he can fully comprehend and master them!

Wan Dong's thoughts instantly became clear, and the cloud of haze in his heart was swept away in an instant!Looking up, a ray of rising sun shone on his face, and Wan Dong realized that it was already a new day.

"Hmph... I guess those guys won't be suspicious anymore, it's time to rescue that kid, don't be suffocated to death!" Wan Dong stood up and patted his body The white robe slowly pushed open the wooden door.

"Bold! Who dares to break into the important place of Du League?"

"Go away! What Dumeng, what important place, this girl is coming, who dares to stop!?"

As soon as Wan Dong stepped out of the door, he was attracted by a few loud shouts and a burst of jumping.Turning his head and looking, he saw a blue shadow, shot like an arrow, turning people on their backs wherever they passed, and in the blink of an eye, an originally peaceful and peaceful morning was completely destroyed.

Wan Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little surprised in his heart.This Dumeng is really a treasure land of geomantic omen, otherwise how could it attract so many real dragons and phoenixes?The green shadow flying over in front of him turned out to be a young girl, not only did she not lose to Qi Mengxuan in appearance, her cultivation was no less impressive.Didn't it mean that the people wandering around the ancient mountain's secret realm are all small shrimps?That doesn't seem to be the case.Aside from Cui Sheng, Peng Tie, and Yu Zhong, Wan Dong, the eighth-rank immortal, has already seen two of them.

Wan Dong finally realized why it is said that the Eighth Grade Human Immortal is the top master in the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm.The girl came rushing all the way, the closer she was to the spirit pond, the more people would stop her, and many of them were experts of the fifth rank of Immortal.This is considered an elite among the Dumeng, but these people can't resist even one move under the young girl's hands.Often when it jumps up for a while, it is immediately slapped away by the girl's slender palms.

In the end, the girl was like entering a land of no one, and no one dared to be her anymore!

"What a powerful girl!" Xue Wen walked over from not far away.The frown that was tightly frowned yesterday still hasn't spread out at this time, and his eyes are slightly red, obviously he didn't rest well yesterday.

It was the same with Chen Qing and other confidantes who were beside him.From the looks of it, a few people planned this all night!But looking at the dignified expressions of the few people, I'm afraid they didn't come up with any clever plan last night!

"This woman's cultivation level is probably higher than Yu Zhong's! Huh? Second Master, do you recognize the mark on that woman's chest? It seems to be the logo of some sect!"

"That's right! It should be a disciple of the Siji Gate!"

Xue Wen didn't hesitate long before revealing the identity of the other party.As soon as Xue Wen said the word Sijimen, the expressions of Chen Qing and the others changed immediately.At first, Wan Dong thought that it was because of the great power of the Siji Gate and its reputation in the Immortal Court, but later found that the expressions of Chen Qing and the others did not seem to express this meaning.

Just when Wan Dong was puzzled, he laughed loudly and rang out in the air, "It turns out that the fairy from the Siji Gate has arrived, and Yu Tong is far away to meet her. It's a sin!"

Accompanied by laughter, Du Yutong led Cui Sheng, Peng Tie and Yu Zhong to greet the woman in Tsing Yi.Unlike Chen Qing and the others, Du Yutong and the others showed no surprise on their faces, let alone any nervousness or fear, and were very calm, as if they knew they would come.

The performance of Du Yu and his group was obviously not only suspicious of Wan Dong, but Chen Qing and others were also very surprised, and Xue Wen's complexion was even more serious, his eyes were full of worry and vigilance.

The woman in Tsing Yi lowered her figure, ignored the greetings from Du Yu and the others, and opened her mouth to ask, "Where is Xue Wen, let him get out and die!"

As soon as the woman in Tsing Yi said these words, Chen Qing and the others changed their countenance, subconsciously rushed forward, and kept Xue Wenhu behind.Xue Wen was also obviously a little excited at this time, and let out a low voice, "Despicable!"

"Let our second master die, you are so courageous!"

"Where did the girl come from? She doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, she is simply a crazy woman!"

"What did you say to let the second master die? I think you girl is here to seek death!"

As soon as the woman in Tsing Yi's voice fell, it immediately aroused the denunciation of the crowd, the yelling came one after another, continuously, what's more, the sword was out of the scabbard, the appearance of the crowd was filled with righteous indignation, they wished to scratch each other alive.

Looking at it like this, Xue Wen's popularity and reputation in Dumeng are indeed not bad!

"Noisy! Get out of here!" The woman in Tsing Yi obviously had a bad temper, impatient to hear, let out a stern whistle, and then slapped her with a wave of her palm.

But seeing palm shadows cast out one after another, the members of Dumeng surrounding them were immediately swept away.Although no one was killed, there were many people who vomited blood, causing a bloody storm!

"What a pungent girl!" Wan Dong frowned slightly, the temper of this girl in Tsing Yi was almost on par with Qi Mengxuan.Strange, is it possible that all the disciples of the sect have such a big temper?Or is it that these sect disciples are used to being superior, and they don't take the lives of these casual cultivators seriously at all?

"Fairy, please calm down! Although I don't know what kind of grievances the fairy has with Xue Wen, but Xue Wen is my second leader in Dumeng after all, and it's not something that the fairy can kill at will."

"Oh? According to you, you want to protect that Xue Wen?" The woman in Tsing Yi's eyes turned cold, and she was a little unkind.

Du Yutong coughed and said, "I am the leader of the Du League, and I am sworn brothers with Xue Wen. The fairy wants to kill him, how can I stand by and watch?"

As soon as Du Yutong uttered these words, there were bursts of applause from the crowd.What a loving and righteous leader who is willing to do anything for his brothers, what a big brother!

"Does that mean that you are willing to exchange your life for Xue Wen's?"

Du Yutong raised his eyebrows, and said without hesitation, "So what? When Xue Wen and I were sworn brothers, the vow we made was that we don't want to be born on the same day, but to die on the same day!"

"No! Leader, your righteousness is admirable, but you are the leader, how can you say death so easily?" Cui Sheng hurried forward to stop him.

Peng Tie went on to say, "That's right! It's always been the servants who died loyal to their masters. How can a master die for his servants? Besides, it's not worth it for Xue Wen, a coward..."

"Peng Tie, who do you call a coward?"

As soon as Peng Tie finished speaking, someone in the crowd retorted sharply.

Peng Tie didn't take it seriously, and said with a sneer, "Isn't it? Everyone came to the door, but Xue Wen hid and refused to come out, and even forced the leader to risk his life. What is it if he is not a coward? "


Following the rebuttal, the surrounding crowd suddenly fell silent.Although no one condemned Xue Wen in public, it could be seen that Peng Tie's words had already had an impact on them.

Wan Dong, who was watching from a distance, sneered when he saw this. In order to hit Xue Wen's reputation, Du Yu and these people really worked hard. I don't know where the great master, the woman in Tsing Yi, was brought to accompany them in acting.

"Second Lord, otherwise, why don't you avoid it first?" Chen Qing pondered for a while, before suggesting to Xue Wen.

A sneer appeared on Xue Wen's face, and he said, "Avoid? If I really evade at this time, then I will really become the coward that Peng Tie said!"

"But..." Chen Qing still hesitated.

However, Xue Wen had already become firm, and waved his hands and said, "It's nothing to worry about. They just want to hit my prestige and pave the way for them to get rid of me in a fair and honest way. How can I let them succeed? Besides, I doubt that this The fairy from the Siji Gate is most likely Wang Hui, Wang Qing's younger sister who worshiped the Siji Gate since childhood. She must have come here for Wang Qing's death, but I don't know who she listened to. , I actually thought that I killed Wang Qing. But a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, and there will always be an explanation."

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