"This woman is actually Wang Qing's younger sister?" Wan Dong was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Wang Qing, who was nothing extraordinary, would have such an amazing younger sister.

Xue Wen said with some uncertainty, "I have heard Wang Qing mention that he has a younger sister who was favored by the Da Neng of the Siji Sect when he was very young and was taken in as a disciple. The two brothers and sisters Although the time we spent together was not long, the relationship was very deep. Wang Qing went to the Siji Gate several times to visit his sister, but he couldn't even step through the gate of the Siji Gate. Wang Qing was also desperate at the time. I will enter this ancient mountain secret realm, one is to make myself stronger, and the other is to hope to have the opportunity to reunite with my sister here."

"Xue Wen, you coward, coward, do you really want the lord to die for you?" Xue Wen was explaining to Wan Dong, while Peng Tie was yelling again.

"Peng Tie, I think you'd better stop shouting! Xue Wen hasn't come out yet, most likely because he heard the wind and went for a walk beforehand, even if you shout your throat, it's useless."

Peng Tie and Cui Sheng sang together, and immediately gave Xue Wen the title of coward and coward.Many members of the Du League surrounded by Xue Wen's favor, did not believe that Xue Wen was a coward, but Mr. Xue Wen did not show up, which inevitably aroused a lot of discussion.

Cui Sheng glanced coldly for a week. Seeing that everything was going according to his plan, there was an imperceptible gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Cui Sheng, Peng Tie, you two take me, Xue Wen, too lightly!" By this time, Xue Wen could no longer evade, sneered, and walked out with his head held high.

Seeing Xue Wen, Cui Sheng's expression was not surprising, and the sneer rippling from the corner of his mouth was even more obvious, "Xue Wen, Xue Wen, if you just act like a turtle, maybe you can live a few more days, but Since you came out, today is your death day! See who can save you this time!"

"Xue Wen!" As soon as Xue Wen appeared, the woman in Tsing Yi's gaze fell on him like a knife.

Xue Wen's cultivation was only the fifth rank of Immortal, and under the scornful eyes of the woman in Tsing Yi, her shoulders were like a mountain, and in the blink of an eye, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.It's not that Xue Wen is timid and cowardly, it's that the gap between the two is a bit big.

Du Yutong, Cui Sheng and the others all looked at Xue Wen at this time, although they didn't smile because of the scene, but anyone could see the gloating in their eyes.

Of course Xue Wen knew all of this, and it must be the conspiracy of these people again, but at this time, he had no time to pay attention to them, tried his best to gather his mind, gritted his teeth, looked at the woman in Tsing Yi, and said, "If my guess is right, you should be Wang Qing Your younger sister, Wang Hui?"

"You know me?" Wang Hui narrowed her eyes slightly, a little surprised.

Xue Wen chuckled, and said, "You have always been Wang Qing's pride, and there is probably no one in the entire Dumeng who doesn't know about you."

"Hmph! Since you know that I am Wang Qing's younger sister, then you should understand what I am here for today! You killed my brother, and you must pay with your life!" It is obvious that the relationship between the siblings It was indeed not so deep. After Wang Hui's superficial anger, there was clearly unspeakable grief hidden.

"Miss Wang, I think you must have made a mistake? Wang Qing committed suicide, not our second master..."

Chen Qing wanted to defend Xue Wen a few words, but before he finished speaking, Wang Hui exploded like a dynamite bag, and a palm wind slashed towards him. Before Chen Qing could react, he was directly caught She flew more than ten feet away with one palm.Seeing Chen Qing spewing blood wildly, he was probably seriously injured.

"You shameless villains, my brother died for you, but you still want to smear him. Don't tell me your hearts are as hard as stone?" With a stern voice, Wang Hui's cold eyes locked on Xue Wen again, biting the red finger tightly. Lips, face covered with frost: "Do you really want my brother to bear the notoriety of a traitor, even if he dies, he will still be cast aside by others?"

When Wang Hui asked this question, Xue Wen felt an indescribable chill all over his body, as if a poisonous snake had climbed up his back, making all the hairs on his body stand upside down.According to Wang Hui, she not only knew that Wang Qing was dead, but also knew the details.

How long has it been since Wang Qing died?Who has such a great ability to find Wang Hui who is cultivating at the Four Extremes Gate in such a short time, and tell her all this?

Moreover, Xue Wen realized that he was completely wrong. He thought everything was just a misunderstanding, and he could easily explain it to Wang Hui, but he obviously underestimated the other party's conspiracy, and he didn't know what they said to Wang Hui. Let Xue Wen have a feeling of being indisputable.

Especially Wang Hui's question at the end, to Xue Wen, was simply heartbreaking!Yes, ask yourself, can he really let Wang Qing die with the notoriety of a traitor?Xue Wen knew that he couldn't do it, and his conscience would never allow him to do so. He was a brother who could lay down his life for him!If he really did this, of course he could seek peace for a while, but it would undoubtedly chill the hearts of other subordinates, and it would surely make his conscience restless for the rest of his life!

But if he didn't do this, then he would have to face Wang Hui's anger directly, blood spattered three feet on the spot, and pay for Wang Qing's life!

Horizontal is death, vertical is also death, this conspiracy is not ordinary insidious!

Xue Wen couldn't help turning his head to look at Du Yutong, only to see Du Yutong frowning tightly, looking worried, but in his shining eyes, Xue Wen still caught a trace of joy in enjoying a good show.

Xue Wen's heart seemed to have sunk into the harsh winter, "Big brother, big brother, what did brother do wrong, you want to get rid of brother so deliberately!"

Perhaps sensing the question in Xue Wen's gaze, Du Yutong suddenly looked a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and turned his gaze elsewhere.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Do you have nothing to say? My brother loves you as a brother. To protect yourself, you would not hesitate to slander him as a traitor and kill him. It is really unreasonable!" Wang Hui's anger and grief , almost to the point of being unstoppable.A three-foot cold front came out of its sheath in an instant, and an unusually sharp chill swept across a radius of several miles in an instant.

"Miss Wang, it's not like this, our second master..."

"Chen Qing! Stop talking!"

Enduring the pain, Chen Qing eagerly wanted to tell Wang Hui the truth, but was stopped by Xue Wen.

Looking at the grief-stricken Wang Hui, the scene of Wang Qing's death in front of Xue Wen's eyes seemed to reappear. Heartache and chills came together, making Xue Wen feel like everything is just floating clouds, and life is like nothing else. Feeling uninterested.

Of course it was not Xue Wen who killed Wang Qing, but Du Yu and their conspiracy!But in fact, Wang Qing did die for him. From this point of view, Wang Hui came to seek revenge on him, and he did not feel wronged at all.

"Hey! Just die. If I die, it will be worth it if I can save this group of brothers!" Xue Wen smiled bitterly in his heart, and the whole person became a little discouraged.

Du Yutong, Cui Sheng and the others' schemes were so vicious, one link after another, that he couldn't even breathe.Xue Wen was so angry before that he was really determined to fight them, but thinking of Wang Qing's death, Xue Wen shuddered a little.Could it be that for him alone, the lives of these old fellows should all be lost?

"My brother's death, do you admit it or not?"

Facing Wang Hui's questioning, Xue Wen suddenly raised his head, let out a long breath, and said, "Wang Qing is my best brother, but he died at my hands in the end, and my heart hurts like a knife." Twist! The girl wants to avenge her brother, Xue Wen has nothing to say, I admit it!"

"Okay! Then take your life!"

Wang Hui was really straightforward. Before Xue Wen's voice fell to the ground, he swung his sword, and a lightning-like cold light went straight to Xue Wen's throat.

"If you want to kill the second master, kill me first!" Chen Qing didn't know where the strength came from, he flew over at an astonishing speed, and he just knocked Xue Wen out, but he himself was pierced through the arm by the sword light , bringing up a blood mist.

"Chen Qing, you bastard, who told you to do this!"

Xue Wen was willing to die in order not to implicate his brother, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Qing fell down again, which made his heart ache like a drop of blood.He hurriedly lifted him up and scolded sharply with tears in his eyes.

"If you want to kill the second master, pass our level first!"

Xue Wen was investigating Chen Qing's injury when suddenly there was another roar.Xue Wen turned his head to look, and saw familiar faces rushing forward one after another, three floors in and three floors outside, blocking him like a human wall.

Seeing this situation, Xue Wen was both moved and worried. Although there were many people in Du Meng, they might not be able to stop Wang Hui's sword.To them, the Eighth Rank of Human Immortal is already a true god standing at the pinnacle!

People in the Du League scrambled to protect Xue Wen, which not only did not move Wang Hui, but aroused her anger even more.Why, Xue Wen, you risk your life to protect him, so Wang Qing deserves to die?

"If you all want to die, I don't mind letting you go. Even if the blood flows into rivers here today, Xue Wen will never want to live!"

Wang Hui did what he said, and as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body burst out with qi, and the threatening cold air shot straight into the sky. This power alone was enough to crush most of the people in the field, and many of them His complexion turned pale on the spot.

At this time, Wang Hui, in the eyes of everyone, was not a graceful and charming woman, but she was clearly a demon possessed by a vicious spirit!

"Everyone get out of the way! Let Xue Wen bear Xue Wen's crimes alone!" Xue Wen could see that Wang Hui was going to get serious, and shouted loudly in a hurry.

"Second Master, don't worry about us, you go first!"

"Although this girl's cultivation level is high, she is not as many as us in Dumeng! Why don't we all rush forward and fight her!"

"Fight with her! Fight!"

Xue Wen's persuasion not only failed to persuade everyone, but actually made them even more excited.Roaring and rushing straight to the sky, although it is full of pride, but in Xue Wen's view, it is the beginning of tragedy.

"Everyone calm down first, listen to me!" Just when Xue Wen was burning with anxiety, Du Yutong stepped forward slowly and shouted loudly.

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