Xue Wen sneered and turned his gaze to Du Yutong, wanting to hear what he would say in this situation.

"Leader, the second master has dedicated himself to our Du League. Is there anyone in the alliance who has not received his favor? Even the leader, you don't know how many times you have been saved by the second master. Please lead us to protect the second master, Never let him lose!"

"Leader, please give me an order. Even if we wait to die, we must protect Second Lord well!"

As soon as Du Yutong was about to speak, there were bursts of shouts all around, without any exception, they were all in support of Xue Wen.Dumeng, a casual cultivator alliance that is not considered rigorous, is actually so monolithic. Xue Wen's prestige in Dumeng is really amazing.

A glint of gloom clearly passed over Du Yutong's eyes. If he had ever felt grateful for his friendship with Xue Wen before this, then at this moment, all the friendship has disappeared.He figured it out, as long as Xue Wen existed for a day, he would never be able to completely control Du Meng, let alone use Du Meng's power to do whatever he wanted.

But Du Yutong concealed it very well. Others only said that his serious expression was because of Xue Wen's situation. He didn't know at all that he actually had other plans.

Waving his hands, Du Yutong suppressed the shouts of the crowd, looked at Wang Hui in a very firm tone, and said loudly, "Miss Wang is here to avenge her elder brother. There is nothing wrong with that. But, after all, Xue Wen He is the second leader of my Dumeng, even if he killed your eldest brother with his own hands, it is for me, Dumeng. As for the consequences of all this, as the leader of Dumeng, I should naturally bear it!"

"Du Yutong, what do you mean by that? Are you determined to protect Xue Wen?" Wang Hui's expression immediately turned cold again, his gaze like an ice pick seemed to pierce Du Yutong through.

"I just want the girl to understand that I, Du Yutong, will never stand by and watch you kill my brother Xue Wen!"

"What is this, has Du Yutong found out with his conscience?"

Looking at Du Yutong's resolute look, as if he was willing to fight Wang Hui for Xue Wen, Chen Qingzhi couldn't believe his eyes.

Du Yutong clarified his intention to protect Xue Wen very clearly and firmly, which immediately aroused thunderous applause among the members of Du Meng.All kinds of praises to Du Yutong are endless.Du Yutong's prestige also skyrocketed like a rocket.

"If Du Yutong is really willing to do anything to protect the second master, I will admit that I wrongly blamed him yesterday."

Seeing that Du Yutong's words twisted the entire Du League into a single rope, and they confronted Wang Hui together, Chen Qing couldn't help but his blood boiled, and he clenched his fists and said.

Even Xue Wen couldn't help showing a dazed expression at this time. Shouldn't Du Yutong just go along with the current and use Wang Hui's sword to get rid of him? How could he stand up so resolutely to protect himself?This is completely different from Xue Wen's previous judgment.

The surrounding roars were like waves, but Wang Hui didn't pay attention to them at all, but her eyes turned cold for a while.When the matter came to this point, there was no need to talk about it any further. One after another of cold lights, like ripples, spread across Wang Hui's sword, covering dozens of miles around in a piercing chill.

"Very good! Then I have to let the entire Dumeng be buried with Xue Wenlai!"

As an eighth-rank human immortal, Wang Hui at this time is a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath.The moment her breath burst out, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, as if they had seen the scene of blood flowing into rivers and corpses lying everywhere.The scene suddenly fell into a deathly silence, but from the beginning to the end, no one retreated.

Just as Wang Hui took a long breath and was about to start a massacre, Du Yutong suddenly yelled again, "Wait a minute, girl!"

Wang Hui looked at him coldly and said, "It's only now that I think of fear, isn't it a bit late?"

"Girl's words are wrong! People are mortal, but it's just a matter of time. Du, who has been in the wind and waves, fought for half his life, I don't know how many times he has lived and died. Death is really not terrible to me. However, These brothers of mine, they followed me to fight here and there, and suffered so much, but they didn't even enjoy any blessings. This is already making me miserable. How can I have the heart to cause them to lose their lives because of my fault? ?”

"Leader, stop talking, we are all not afraid of death!"

"That's right, what's so terrible about death? Besides, although our cultivation base is not as good as hers, but there are so many of us, it's not certain who will die in the end!"

"That's right! Fight her!"

As soon as Du Yutong finished speaking, everyone around immediately responded.Many people were so moved that they shed tears. The atmosphere at the scene was so tragic.

"Confused! Not to mention that Miss Wang herself is supernaturally powerful, and we are invincible even if we use all the power of Dumeng. What's more, there are four extreme gates standing behind Miss Wang. When we compare Dumeng with others, I'm afraid You can't even count as ants. You keep saying that you have to fight, it's just ridiculous, it's better to kill yourself."

Du Yu scolded at the same time, and everyone fell into silence.The three words "Sijimen" are enough to make them feel powerless in their hearts!

Wang Hui sneered, and pouted, "Du Yutong, what do you mean? Are you worried that I will bully you with the power of the Siji Gate?"

"Miss Wang, don't get me wrong, Du Mou doesn't mean that at all. I just don't want my brothers who have followed me all these years to die in vain! Moreover, I also believe that Miss Wang is not a bloodthirsty person. Brother is just asking for justice!"

What Du Yutong said was to the point, but Wang Hui remained silent.

Du Yutong took a deep breath, and said in a different way, "Buddha said, who will go to hell if I don't go to hell? Since Wang Qing died in my Du League, then I, Du Yutong, as the leader of Du League, am willing to die to him and to Wang Qing." Sorry girl!"

When Du Yutong said this, the audience was in an uproar!

The members of Dumeng quickly came to their senses amidst the brief shock, and immediately afterward, the crowd knelt down to Du Yutong in pieces like cut wheat.There were not only anxious blocking sounds, but also bursts of crying.Everyone was so excited, eyes glaring, trembling all over, looking like that, they just wished they could die for Du Yu immediately.

Among the members of the Du League, even those who were not satisfied with Du Yutong on weekdays were all moved to the point of tears at this moment, and kowtowed to repent!

"Second Lord, it seems that we have really misunderstood the leader. Yesterday, the leader may have really made things difficult for you, and did not intend to target you!" At this time, several of Xue Wen's confidants also expressed mixed feelings, and said to Xue Wenyan.

"Perhaps..." Xue Wen murmured subconsciously, but there was no emotion in his heart. Instead, there was a piercing chill, which spontaneously emerged and became more and more intense.

Du Yutong ignored everyone's dissuasion, and said to Wang Hui as if he had made up his mind, "I am the leader of the Du League, and my status is higher than that of Xue Wen. I believe that my death will be enough to calm brother Ling and Miss you." Are you angry?"

Wang Hui was also a little dazed at this time, holding a three-foot cold front in her hand, and was speechless.

Du Yutong didn't give Wang Hui a chance to speak, and continued, "Now, as long as Miss Wang agrees, after I die, don't embarrass Xue Wen, my brothers and Du Meng again, and I will kill myself immediately!"

Du Yutong was very straightforward, and before he finished speaking, he drew out the sword edge and laid it across his neck.

"Absolutely not! I don't agree!" Before Wang Hui could say anything, Peng Tie, who was beside Du Yutong, suddenly made a fuss.

"Peng Tie, you are presumptuous!" Du Yutong turned his head and scolded angrily.

Peng Tie's eyes were full of tears, and he was excited like a child, "Why? Why should he, Xue Wen's fault, be borne by you, the leader? Wang Qing was originally Xue Wen's man, and he died at Xue Wen's hand Come on, if you want to commit suicide, it should be Xue Wen's suicide, why do you want to die?"

"Peng Tie, shut up! Xue Wen is my brother, do you want me, the eldest brother, to watch him die?"

"But you are still Xue Wen's eldest brother? Can he, Xue Wen, watch you die?"

"I don't allow you to talk nonsense!" Du Yutong seemed to be extremely angry, and suddenly slapped Peng Tie's face fiercely, until the corner of Peng Tie's mouth was cracked, and blood flowed profusely. The strength is not small.

But despite being slapped, Peng Tiefei didn't shut up. On the contrary, he became more 'excited' and yelled at Xue Wen, "Xue Wen, are you still a man? The leader is going to die for you, but you don't even You don’t even let a fart go, thanks to the leader who loves you so much, and everyone loves you so much! If you are still a man, you should stand up and give Miss Wang an explanation!”

Boom boom boom!

Peng Tie's series of roars were like thunderbolts from the blue sky, exploding in Xue Wen's heart.Got it, at this moment, Xue Wen understood everything.

Du Yutong, Peng Tie, and Cui Sheng directed this big show, of course the purpose is to let him die!Moreover, not only to let him die, but also to ruin his reputation, and at the same time let Du Yutong explode his reputation!

What a brilliant plan to kill three birds with one stone!After Xue Wen figured out the link before and after, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Du Yutong yelled that he was going to commit suicide. After a long time, he was actually forcing Xue Wen to commit suicide.

Xue Wen understands everything, but what's the use of understanding?What can he do when things are in such a situation?

Expose Du Yutong in public?In that case, it must be in Du Yutong's arms!Du Yutong didn't even need to defend himself, everyone would only think that you, Xue Wen, didn't even want your face in order to survive, and you still poured dirty water on them when they protected you like that.I don't know if I'm so good, but I'm simply a shameless villain who will avenge his kindness!

In an instant, the prestige that Xue Wen has built up over the years will collapse, from being loved by everyone to being shouted for death by everyone!If Du Yutong teases Xue Wen a little more, everyone will definitely stop sympathizing with Xue Wen.When the time comes, Wang Hui stabs at him with a sword, not only will no one stop him, but I'm afraid everyone will cheer and applaud!

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