But if Xue Wen didn't expose Du Yutong's tricks, and didn't argue with reason, then he would have no choice but to commit suicide.

Could it be that he really watched Du Yutong commit suicide?Not to mention whether Du Yutong would really commit suicide, he would not be able to pass just the level of Dumeng members.On the one hand, Du Yutong is benevolent and righteous, sacrificing himself for others!On the one hand, Xue Wen is ruthless and ungrateful, greedy for life and afraid of death.Comparing the two, the ending is still the same. Xue Wen was spurned by everyone and his prestige was discredited. Peng Tie and Cui Sheng took the opportunity to make a noise, and Wang Hui killed him naturally to avenge Wang Qing.Then Xue Wen used his death to establish Du Yutong's prestige. From then on, the entire Du League was monolithic under Du Yutong's control!

Not only did he want to get rid of Xue Wen, but he also wanted to use Xue Wen's head to stand up for himself. Du Yutong's plot was not only vicious, but also very clever!So clever that even though Xue Wen had insight into everything, he still had no choice but to kill him without a fight!

Xue Wen's heart felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, full of biting chill.

The play that was supposed to be performed was almost over, looking at Xue Wen who was looking gloomy and standing with his hands tied, Du Yutong finally couldn't suppress it, his eyes flickered coldly.With such a seamless plan, he did not believe that Xue Wen could escape.

"Xue Wen, the leader is willing to die for you and for everyone. As the second head of the Du League, you shouldn't disappoint us all, right?" Peng Tie said cruelly to Xue Wen.

Du Yutong immediately raised his voice and said, "Peng Tie, how can you talk to the second master like that? No matter what, I was the one who pulled up the whole Dumeng. Blame me for not recognizing you brother!"

The uproarious noise before had disappeared without a trace. In the heart-stopping silence, people's eyes kept wandering between Du Yutong and Xue Wen.Although no one spoke, the silent atmosphere was enough to show that everyone's mentality had begun to change.

Chen Qing and the others finally realized that the surrounding atmosphere was wrong, and their complexions gradually turned pale.Yesterday, facing the persecution of Du Yu and others, Wang Qing could stand up and die for him.But now, if they all stood up and died, they would not be able to help Xue Wen reverse the decline.

"One person does things and one person is responsible! Peng Tie is right, I should bear the consequences of the mistakes I made!" After a long while, Xue Wen let out a long breath, and said slowly with a wry smile on his face.

"Second brother, don't mess around, after I die, the entire Dumeng will depend on you to take care of me!" Du Yu said loudly with a worried face.

Xue Wen raised his head and looked at Du Yutong, who he had always treated as his own brother, did not have much hatred in his heart, but a sense of sadness hit his heart.Since when did this big brother no longer be the big brother he was familiar with?Maybe it's because I've failed too much...

"Second Master, no, you can't..." Chen Qing struggled to grab the sword in Xue Wen's hand.

Xue Wen dodged lightly, looked at him bitterly, and said, "Brothers, we still lose. After I die, you should leave, the farther you go, the better, I hope to be able to... Hey! In short, you have to do it yourself !"

Hearing Xue Wen's words, Chen Qing and the others all had tears in their eyes. At this time, Peng Tie's face flashed a trace of ferocity, and he thought to himself, "Let's go? Humph...that's a beautiful idea! Don't drive you all to death, How can you dispel the hatred in my heart?"

Peng Tie seemed to have seen the scene when he killed Chen Qing and others with one sword and one palm, and his face became even more ferocious.

"No! Second Master, you don't have to die, we all risk our lives to escort you out of this place!" Someone else suggested.

Xue Wen shook his head, Wang Hui was staring at him, a cold front was waiting to be devoured by someone else, how could Xue Wen have the heart to let Chen Qing and the others seek their own death?Besides, Du Yutong has made the gesture of being willing to die for his brothers, how can he lag behind?Although it is a bit sad to say, it is always a good thing if you can earn some posthumous name for yourself when you must die!

"Xue Wen, are you ready to die?" Wang Hui seemed impatient to wait, and asked with open mouth.

Xue Wen was about to nod, when his figure suddenly trembled, and he stood there stiffly as if he had been pricked, his face turned red and then white, his eyes flickered, as if he was in a daze, for a long time I can't even wake up.

Wang Hui thought that Xue Wen was playing some kind of gimmick, her pretty face immediately turned cold, and she said in a concentrated voice, "Stop pretending to be a ghost, and pay for my brother's life!"

Wang Hui urged the sword edge, and was about to stab the sword through the throat, when Xue Wen suddenly woke up again, and said softly, "Wait a minute!"

"Do you have any last words?" Wang Hui asked coldly.

Xue Wen's expression was very strange, he coughed a few times, and said, "Miss Wang wants to kill me, Xue does not dare and is powerless to resist. However, Xue feels deeply sorry for Brother Wang Qing, and wants to go to the Confess in front of his tomb, talk to him a few words, I think Miss Wang won't mind, right?"

"Xue Wen, what kind of trick do you want to play?" Wang Huining asked with an eyebrow.

Du Yutong, Cui Sheng and the others also frowned, all their goals have been achieved now, and when Wang Hui stabs out with a sword, their merits and virtues will be completely consummated, and no one wants to make any more troubles.It's just that under such circumstances, Du Yutong really couldn't open his mouth, and pretended to be benevolent for a long time. In the end, he couldn't urge Wang Hui to do it quickly, could he?

Xue Wen smiled wryly, and said indifferently, "I am a mere human being of the fifth rank, what kind of tricks can I play in front of you, girl? Besides, don't you want to kill me in front of your elder brother's tomb, girl? My head is here to pay homage to Brother Wang Qing, I think Brother Wang Qing will be very happy under the Nine Springs, right?"

"You really think so?" It has to be said that Xue Wen's words touched Wang Hui very much.

Xue Wen gave a long bow to Wang Hui, and said, "My last wish, please make it come true!"

"Okay! It just so happens that I'm going to pay homage to elder brother! If you're planning to escape halfway, then I can tell you right now that you are wishful thinking!"

Seeing that Wang Hui finally agreed, Xue Wen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Second Master, we will go with you!" Chen Qing and others said in unison.

"What are you doing with so many people? Brother Wang Qing and I have something to say, and I don't want to be disturbed." Xue Wen hurriedly scolded, which made Wang Hui's expression relax a lot.


Chen Qing and the others wanted to say more, but they were interrupted by Xue Wen's vertical palm. Xue Wen sighed first, and then looked at the crowd with a sad face, saying, "In this life, Xue Wen can share the troubles with you brothers. It's Xue Wen's luck! I only regret that this life is too short to accompany everyone all the way to the end, Xue Wen will take a step first, and we brothers can only get together again in the next life!"

"Second Master!"

Wan Dong's words caused sobs, and many people were genuinely moved on the spot, even Du Yutong couldn't help feeling depressed.

The atmosphere was really sad, Xue Wen didn't want to stay any longer, as soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and strode away.

Everyone wanted to follow subconsciously, but Du Yutong blocked them, and shouted loudly at Xue Wen's back, "Brother, see you and me in the next life!"

Du Yutong not only spoke sadly, but also showed his true feelings. Fortunately, Xue Wen didn't even look back, otherwise he would definitely be deceived by him again.

"Leader, why didn't you let us send the Second Master off for the last time?" Chen Qing asked angrily, a little angrily at Du Yutong's obstruction.

Du Yutong glanced at him sideways, and said in a deep voice, "If you can't hold back at that time and start a fight with Miss Wang, wouldn't all the brothers be implicated by you? Even if the brothers are not afraid of death, you can do it like this." , Didn't he live up to the second master's last wish? Without my order, no one is allowed to approach Wang Qing's tomb!"

"It's nice to say, you...you just want the second master to die!"

"Chen Qing! You'd better straighten out your identity! This time, I think you're sad and don't have the same experience as you, but if there is another time, don't blame the ruthless alliance rules!"


"Peng Tie, Cui Sheng, watch them! If they dare to act recklessly, they will be killed with all their might!"

"Hey... obey the order!" Peng Tie held a pair of axes and stared at Chen Qing and the others with a sinister smile, not hiding his murderous intent at all.

After suppressing Chen Qing and the others, Du Yutong turned his head and gave Yu Zhong a wink, and when Yu Zhong stood up, he understood and drifted away.Du Yutong couldn't be relieved if he didn't see Wang Hui kill Xue Wen with his own eyes.

"Brother, those who know current affairs are outstanding! Don't blame me for what happened today." Looking at the direction Xue Wen and Wang Hui left, Du Yutong sighed and said.

"This...is this my elder brother's tomb?"

Looking at the high graves and towering tombstones in front of him, Wang Hui couldn't help feeling sad, and asked tremblingly with red eyes.

At this moment, Xue Wen felt extremely uncomfortable.If he had known today, he should not have killed Wang Qing yesterday. In that case, if he died, Wang Qing would at least be alive.But now, Wang Qing's death has become meaningless overnight.On the one hand, Xue Wen felt that he was incompetent, and on the other hand, he felt ashamed of his deep friendship with Wang Qing. All his emotions were squeezed in his chest, so uncomfortable that he almost suffocated him.

"Do you know that my brother and I have no parents since we were young, and it was my brother who worked hard to raise me little by little. In my heart, my brother is my father and my mother, but you... you Kill him brutally!"

Caressing Wang Qing's tombstone, Wang Hui's heart was filled with countless thoughts, full of indescribable sadness.

After she arrived at the Siji gate, she practiced hard day and night, never daring to slack off.She is obviously a foreign disciple with no foundation, but with her own efforts, she insisted on becoming a leader among the young generation of Sijimen.What is she working so hard for? Isn't it to be able to leave the sect as soon as possible and reunite with her brother as soon as possible?But after so many days and nights of hard work and anticipation, what was waiting was a pile of loess and a cold monument. How could Wang Hui not be sad, how could he not be angry?

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