"Xue thief, don't you have something to say to my brother? Say it now, and I will avenge my brother!" Wang Hui turned her head and glared at Xue Wendao.

Xue Wen smiled wryly, and said, "I'll see your brother in a while, and I'll talk to him when the time comes, but I don't have to be busy right now. However, I have something to say to you right now."

"Hmph! If it's begging for mercy, you'd better save it!"

"Although I, Xue Wen, am not a manly man, I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Even if you don't kill me, girl, I will finish it myself. Not for anything else, just to atone for brother Wang Qing!"

"Why, you finally feel ashamed of my elder brother?" Xue Wen's words eased Wang Hui's cold expression a little.

Xue Wen caressed Wang Qing's tombstone, with a sad expression on his face, and murmured, "Yes, I am indeed ashamed of Brother Wang Qing, but it's not because I killed him with my own hands, but because I failed his righteousness. Yun Tian, ​​let him sacrifice his life for nothing."

"What do you mean by that?" Wang Hui was slightly taken aback.

Xue Wenshun looked up at her, and said with a resentful expression, "Miss Wang, you only know that brother Wang Qing was killed by me, but do you know why I killed him?"

"Hmph! Isn't it because you deliberately framed him to excuse yourself?"

"I don't know who you listened to, but this is absolutely nonsense! If I, Xue Wen, were someone who sold out my brother for myself, would I have the prestige in Dumeng that I have today?"

Xue Wen's words reminded Wang Hui of the scene when everyone in the Du League risked their lives to protect Xue Wen. The excited faces were definitely not pretentious.If Xue Wen hadn't really won their love, they would never have been like this.Wang Hui suddenly felt that maybe she should put aside her hatred for the time being, calm down and re-examine Xue Wen.

"The reason why I insist on going to Brother Wang Qing's grave is because I want to tell Miss Wang the truth. It's not to excuse myself, but because I can't let Brother Wang Qing die in vain, and I don't want to watch Wang Qing die. Brother's real murderer is at large!"

"You won't tell me that the people who really killed my elder brother were Du Yutong and Cui Sheng, right?"

"Uh..." Xue Wen couldn't help being stunned by Wang Hui's sudden sentence.

Seeing Xue Wen's expression, Wang Hui couldn't help showing a disdainful smile, "Xue Wen, Xue Wen, I didn't believe what that person said to me, but now it seems that you are indeed like that Unbearable! For my own survival, I even slandered and framed my elder brother! I want to ask you, is your heart grown? Just now, Du Yutong did not hesitate to take his own life to protect you. How can people be so shameless?"

"That person... who is that person?" Xue Wen's heart sank suddenly, and an ominous premonition rose.

"Don't rush to ask who that person is, let me ask you, do you want to tell me that you have fallen into the trap of Du Yutong and Cui Sheng, and have been tricked into issuing a military order. In order to save you, my elder brother, this You are willing to bear the name of a traitor, but you have no choice but to kill my elder brother under the persecution of Du Yutong and Cui Sheng."

"This... is that what that person told you?" Hearing this, Xue Wen's heart was completely cold.He never expected that the opponent's scheme was so strict that he was not even given the last chance to refute.

"Looking at your appearance, I must be right!"


"Extremely shameless! If that's all you want to say, you can die now!"

Wang Hui couldn't hold back her murderous aura any longer, she let out a coquettish reprimand, and the cold front in her hand, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, stabbed straight at Xue Wen's throat.Looking at the deadly sword approaching towards him, Xue Wen felt as bitter as if he had swallowed two catties of Coptis chinensis in one go.But thinking of reuniting with Wang Qing underground soon, Xue Wen sighed heavily, stopped struggling, and calmly closed his eyes.


However, just as Xue Wen raised his neck and was about to kill, a strong and powerful finger wind shot towards Wang Hui's sword without leaning to one side or the other.The strength of this finger surprised Wang Hui so much that she couldn't control it at all, the sword edge deviated immediately, and even Wang Hui herself was taken back three steps to one side by the wind of this finger.

"Who!?" Wang Hui was startled and angry, and turned her head to look in the direction that Zhifeng shot.

I saw a handsome young man with a jade face, carrying a person in his right hand like a sack, coming slowly.

"Yu Zhong!?" Seeing Wan Dong coming, Xue Wen was not surprised.Because it was Wan Dong who instructed him, he insisted on bringing Wang Hui here.But the person Wan Dong was holding in his hand surprised him, it turned out to be Yu Zhong.

Cui Sheng, Peng Tie's cultivation level is already high enough, but Yu Zhong's cultivation base is even higher than them, and the seven-rank human immortal of the Eight Classics is only one rank lower than Wang Hui.How domineering he is on weekdays, he didn't expect that today, being held by Wan Dong, he is like a dead dog!

At this time, Yu Zhong was obviously still clear, and because of his clearness, his face was full of anger and unconcealable fear.Du Yutong asked him to monitor Wang Hui, just in case Wang Hui was soft-hearted and let Xue Wen go, so that he could take the opportunity to get rid of him.But what he never expected was that Wan Dong came like a gust of wind before he found a place to hide.He didn't even have a chance to resist, so he was taken out by Wan Dong and became a prisoner.

Up to this moment, he hadn't figured out that he, a man of the seventh rank of Human Immortal, would be restrained by a guy who had just been promoted to the fourth rank of Human Immortal. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed absurd.

"This guy wanted to eavesdrop, but I happened to find out, so I caught him!" When he came to him, Wan Dong threw him to the ground like a dead dog.

Yu Zhong was so ashamed and angry that he almost fainted on the spot.If you catch it, you can catch it, why add the word "casually" to make Yu Zhong feel like a cockroach strolling on the street, who can be trampled to death casually.

At this time, Xue Wen couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up, and his eyes were straight.You can easily catch a master of the seventh rank of Immortal, who do you think you are, are you really immortal?

Although Xue Wen knew that Wan Dong's force value was not low, he never thought that Wan Dong's force value would be so high that even Yu Zhong could easily catch him.

"Who are you?" Wang Hui looked at Wan Dong warily.Although Wan Dong's realm is clear at a glance, only the fourth rank of human immortal, but the unfathomable aura emanating from him makes Wang Hui dare not be careless in the slightest.Not to mention, as a woman, Wang Hui has extraordinary intuition.Intuition told him that Wan Dong was definitely more dangerous than it appeared on the surface.

"Miss Wang, this guy and Xue Wen are in the same group, they are both the murderers who killed your brother, why don't you kill him quickly!"

Seeing Wan Dong yesterday, Yu Zhong just felt that he was a bit extraordinary, but today he realized that Wan Dong is simply terrifying!The sudden appearance of such a powerful person beside Xue Wen would pose a direct threat to their plans and even their lives.At this time, Yu Zhong only had one thought in his mind, that is, to use Wang Hui's hand to get rid of Wan Dong no matter what, so as to avoid future troubles!

Hearing what Yu Zhong said, Wang Hui's pretty face suddenly froze.

Wan Dong frowned lightly, pointed at the middle, and asked Wang Hui, "Don't worry about who I am, let me ask you, do you know this person? Why do you believe his words?"

"Miss Wang, you don't know me, but you must know my brother Yu Qiang, right?"

"Are you Yu Qiang's younger brother?" Wan Dong's question made Wang Hui doubtful at first, but Wang Hui's doubts disappeared immediately after Yu Zhong reported his identity.

"Exactly! In fact, it was I who sent the letter to my brother, who informed you of your brother's death."

Wang Hui nodded, and said in a concentrated voice, "That's right! It was Yu Qiang who told me all this!"

Just as Wang Hui dispelled his doubts little by little, Wan Dong suddenly asked again, "Are you familiar with that Yu Qiang?"

"Naturally familiar!"

"To the point where you can be sure he won't lie to you?"

"This..." Wang Hui hesitated again.

Wan Dong shook his head, and said with a trace of sarcasm, "You are also from the Great Sect, don't you have a brain? You believe what people say. You can't distinguish between good and evil, and you can't tell good from bad. You are simply a fool." insect!"

"What did you say!?"

Wang Hui was furious. In her impression, except for Shizun, no one seemed to dare to speak to her in such a tone.A pair of willow eyebrows suddenly turned upside down, and cold electricity sprayed from the eyes.

Xue Wen also couldn't help being taken aback, feeling cold in his heart.I thought to myself, Mr. is too courageous!

"I said you are too stupid to be used as a gunman without knowing it! Do you think that by killing Xue Wen, you are avenging your brother? On the contrary, you want to make your brother die with regret!"

"Miss Wang, don't listen to his nonsense! He is a bad guy, the murderer who killed your brother!"

With Wan Dong's ridicule on the one hand and Yu Zhong's harsh words on the other, Wang Hui was really confused.She has been cultivating hard in the sect. Although her life is hard, it is also simple. There is no deceit or intrigue at all. How could she know that the world outside the sect is so complicated and cruel.It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Hui at this time is simply a blank sheet of paper!

"I can't believe what they say, so can I believe what you say? After all, I still know Yu Qiang, but I haven't even met you." Wang Hui racked her brains and thought for a long time, but also Unable to figure out a clue, he scolded Wan Dong in a depressed manner.

When Wan Dong heard it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly, "You can say such a thing, which finally proves that you are not so stupid as to be incurable!"

"You...you dare to entertain me?!" Wang Hui's pretty face flushed red from anger, and the hand holding the sword kept making creaking noises.

"Miss Wang, what are you waiting for? Kill them quickly and avenge your elder brother!" Seeing that Wang Hui was angry, but he was still unwilling to make a move, Yu Zhong shouted anxiously from the side.

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