While trembling in his heart, Yu Zhong subconsciously turned his head and looked around, trying to find out the source of the terrifying aura, but besides Wan Dong, Xue Wen and the Wang brothers and sisters, where else was there?This can't help but make Yu Zhong full of doubts, could it be that in this darkness, there are experts watching?

Yu Zhong didn't think about Wan Dong, Wang Qing and Xue Wen at all. In his eyes, the three of them were just ants.As for Wang Hui, although her cultivation base was one level higher than Yu Zhong's, it was only one level higher, and it was absolutely impossible for her to release such a deterrent aura.Furthermore, although Wang Hui's cultivation level is higher than Yu Zhong's, it doesn't mean that Wang Hui will definitely be able to defeat Yu Zhong.

The cultivation bases of both sides are only in the human fairyland, and the difference in the realm is only one level. The gap is not too big. There are many other factors that can determine the outcome of the battle.For example, in Yu Zhong, although he was only at the seventh-rank Human Immortal Realm, he had the confidence to fight against Wang Hui, who was at the Eighth-Rank Human Immortal Realm, and the odds of winning were more than [-]%.Therefore, although Yu Zhong was afraid of Wang Hui, it was not to the extent of fear.

But that faint, indistinct aura, like invisible eyes locked on it, made Yu Zhong feel awed in his heart.From Yu Zhong's point of view, this aura could never be emitted by a human immortal, but rather from a true immortal.

Seventh-rank immortals may not be afraid of eighth-rank immortals, but facing true immortals, they are not prepared to stand still!

"Yu Zhong, what else can you say!?" After Wan Dong reminded, Wang Hui's eyes full of anger fell on Yu Zhong first.

Not only did she force her brother to death, but she also used herself as a gunman. This made Wang Hui's anger soaring to the sky. Even if she is bullying, there must be a limit, right?

Yu Zhong frowned, his face was a little ugly.But it wasn't because of Wang Hui's reprimand that he could do things to such an extent that he had already broken through his sense of shame. What did a few reprimands mean to him?What made him difficult was the expert who 'hidden' in the dark, who couldn't figure out the other party's intentions, so he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"What's wrong? Are you speechless?" Wang Hui sneered, murderous intent in his eyes.

"What else is there to talk about with such a person? Sister, let's kill him together!" Wang Qing said eagerly with new and old grudges towards Zhong.

The siblings hit it off immediately, and together with Xue Wen, the three formed a triangle and circled in the center.The murderous aura gathers and presses towards him, and it seems that he is about to make a move.Yu Zhong seemed to have come back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted, "Who dares you!"

The aura of fear that Yu Zhong felt was still there, but at this moment, life and death were at stake, and Yu Zhong couldn't control that much anymore, he couldn't resist without resistance and just kill him right away?

"Huh! I dare!" Unexpectedly, at this time, Yu Zhong was still so arrogant. Wang Hui couldn't bear it anymore. With a sharp roar, the long sword in his hand shot thousands of shots in an instant, turning into a mountain of swords. Yu Zhong volleyed and smashed it.

After all, it was a disciple trained by the great sect, this move was like a thunderbolt.As an elder brother, Wang Qing watched from the sidelines, his blood boiled, he was so proud!

Yu Zhong naturally didn't dare to be careless about Wang Hui's offensive. He frowned and immediately took a defensive position.He is clearly weaker than others in terms of cultivation, and he has to fight head-to-head. Naturally, Yu Zhong would not do such a stupid thing.And in fact, Yu Zhong's combat experience is scary.When Wang Hui's fierce offensive fell, Yu Zhong's whole body seemed to have turned into a slippery loach. His body shape was unpredictable, hiding in the east and appearing in the west, which made people dazzled.

Although Xue Wen fought against Yu Zhong and miraculously did not lose, at this time he had to admit that Yu Zhong's methods were not false.If he exerted his full strength like this at the beginning, even with Wan Dong's temporary guidance, he might not be able to support it for long.

There was a sound of clanging and clanging, like iron strikes, and Wang Hui's sword like a mountain didn't take advantage of Yu Zhong's body at all. Most of them missed directly, and a small part was easily blocked by Yu Zhong.

"Shanji swordsmanship, that's all!"

Obviously, Wang Hui didn't expect that Yu Zhong would be so difficult, and her pretty face was slightly dignified, but at this moment, Yu Zhong sneered, and took the initiative to bully Wang Hui with a sharp knife.

Wang Hui couldn't help being "rampant" in the middle of the panic and anger, when can the seventh-rank immortals bully the eighth-rank immortals in turn?This is simply an insult to her disciple of the Four Extremes Sect!Wang Hui took a deep breath, determined to teach Yu Zhong a good lesson, her body remained unmoved, her sword was raised, and she blocked Yu Zhong's attack head-on.

Are you not my Shanji swordsmanship?I just want to hit you in the face with Shanji swordsmanship!Although Wang Hui is a girl, her temperament is just as strong!

Although Shanji swordsmanship is not a superior swordsmanship, it is not something that anyone can learn in Sijimen.And Wang Hui has put a lot of thought into Shanji swordsmanship. After more than ten years of hard work and contemplation, he has become extremely proficient in Shanji swordsmanship.

Mysterious and unpredictable sword moves flowed from Wang Hui's hands like flowing water. A long sword seemed to come alive in Wang Hui's hands. Like a thunderbolt, it casts a thunder pool, and sometimes it turns into a strange and unpredictable snake letter. Whenever it is impossible, bursts of murderous intent burst out.

After all, it is the unique knowledge from the great sect, it is definitely not what Wang Qing and Xue Wen, the hard-working casual cultivators, can imagine.Wang Qing and Xue Wen were dumbfounded by Wang Hui's show of power!

However, in the eyes of Xue Wen and Wang Qing, the two laymen, Wang Hui, who was too majestic, seemed a little passive in the eyes of Wan Dong.And the inexplicable Shanji swordsmanship that made Xue Wen and Wang Qing marvel, in Wan Dong's view, was as awkward as it could be.

This is not to say that Shanji swordsmanship is not exquisite and cannot catch Wan Dong's eyes. In fact, in Wan Dong's eyes, this Shanji swordsmanship still has a lot of room for improvement, but overall it is considered good .In particular, Wang Hui has almost mastered the essence of Shanji swordsmanship after more than ten years of diligent cultivation, and has basically demonstrated the power of Shanji swordsmanship.But the problem is that in front of Yu Zhong, Wang Hui's Shanji swordsmanship seems to have been greatly restricted, preventing Wang Hui from fully displaying it.So many powerful ultimate moves, even if they couldn't use them at all, they were stillborn.

At first, Wan Dong thought that the swordsmanship that Yu Zhong practiced was precisely the nemesis of Shanji swordsmanship, and that's why the power of Wang Hui's Shanji swordsmanship was greatly reduced.But later Wan Dong discovered that this was not the case at all.The swordsmanship used in Yu Zhong is not from the same set of swordsmanship at all, there is no coherence between each other, and the connection is very blunt.But each of Yu Zhong's sword moves is very targeted, and it is clearly specially used to break the moves of Shanji's swordsmanship.

In other words, Yu Zhong has already studied the Shanji swordsmanship thoroughly, and has come up with a way to break it based on each sword move.Although this makes Yu Zhong's moves incoherent, as long as Wang Hui uses Shanji swordsmanship, Yu Zhong will be invincible!

At this time, Wang Hui was also aware of this, her crescent eyebrows tightened, and her hands suddenly accelerated. Originally, it took one breath to attack a move, but now Wang Hui can make three moves in one breath.

This girl Wang Hui is really smart, this is indeed a good idea!

Wang Hui's Shanji swordsmanship is one body, and after more than ten years of hard training, Wang Hui's display is naturally extremely smooth.But Yu Zhong's swordsmanship was forcibly pieced together to break Shanji's swordsmanship, and it was not coherent in the middle. Facing Wang Hui's rapid changes in moves, it was inevitable that he would not be able to keep up.If you can't keep up with one move, then your move will not be able to keep up. At that time, even if Yu Zhong can break every move of Shanji's swordsmanship, it will be useless!

Wan Dong thought about it himself, facing this situation, Wang Hui's approach is undoubtedly the smartest!

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Wang Hui's method did not achieve the expected results.

Wang Hui's Shanji swordsmanship is of course proficient, but Yu Zhong's swordsmanship is not jerky at all!Although Wang Hui's speed increased three times in an instant, she managed to keep up with Wang Hui's speed.

Not only Wang Hui was surprised by this, Wan Dong also frowned.It seems that Yu Zhong actually put in a lot of hard work on this set of swordsmanship that specializes in breaking the mountain's extreme swordsmanship.It was hard for Wan Dong to imagine that Yu Zhong would be so bored.

You must know that Yu Zhong's set of swordsmanship exists entirely to restrain Shanji's swordsmanship, its moves are incoherent, and its power is limited. Apart from being the nemesis of Shanji's swordsmanship, it is not a set of brilliant swordsmanship at all. , and if faced with swordsmanship other than Shanji swordsmanship, he might be defeated in an instant.

If there was a feud between Yu Zhong and Wang Hui, and he killed Wang Hui in order to leapfrog, perhaps his behavior could be explained, but Yu Zhong and Wang Hui didn't know each other before, so how could there be a feud between them?

But no matter what purpose Yu Zhong had, at this moment, Yu Zhongfei was not at a disadvantage, but was gaining the upper hand little by little, at this moment, against Wang Hui's eighth-rank Human Immortal Realm.

Wang Hui's Shanji swordsmanship was almost completely suppressed, except that it showed a little power at the beginning, but later on, it became difficult to even make a move.Slowly, even Wang Qing and Xue Wen noticed this, and a look of worry appeared on their faces at the same time.


There was another series of crisp sounds, Wang Hui used six moves in succession, but was unable to miss a single move, and was completely blocked by Yu Zhongfeng.

Wang Hui's complexion was already a little flushed at this time, but Yu Zhong, on the other hand, was calm and calm.Those who don't know will surely mistakenly think that the one who leapfrogged the challenge is Wang Hui, not him.

"You...what kind of sword technique are you using?" It turned out to be specially used to restrain Shanji's sword technique. Just thinking about it is enough to make Wang Hui terrified.

The existence of this kind of swordsmanship simply obliterated her ten years of hard work!And, it's much more than that!You know, in Sijimen, although there are not many people who practice Shanji swordsmanship, they are all elite disciples like her, and they are the future hope of Sijimen!

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