If these people lose their fighting power all of a sudden and are restrained to death, it will definitely be a very heavy blow to the Siji Gate!What's more, soon, a grand event will be held on the outskirts of the ancient mountain's secret place, and these elites are placed with high hopes by the sect.

After wrestling with Wang Hui for so long, in fact, Yu Zhong has not really shown his full strength.The breath that locked him in the dark drew a considerable part of his attention.It made him quite unable to let go of his hands and feet.However, at this time, Yu Zhong was pleasantly surprised to find that the aura that locked him had disappeared.For Zhong, it was like lifting a heavy mountain on his shoulders, and his whole body, from the inside to the outside, felt relaxed.

Yu Zhong was worried and felt it secretly again, and found that the breath was indeed gone, it must be an expert hiding in the dark, who lost interest in everything that happened in front of him, and drifted away.

Yu Zhongzhong thought this way, with a smile on his face. The previous respectful attitude towards Wang Hui had long since disappeared, and he said provocatively, "Why are you scared, Miss Wang? My swordsmanship , but specially prepared for you!"

"That's right, you are Yu Qiang's younger brother. Could it be that he taught you this set of sword skills? It's just that Yu Qiang also learned Shanji sword skills. Why did he study such a set of swords that specifically counter Shanji sword skills? What about Falai?" Wang Hui tried to analyze and judge by herself, but it was still difficult to sort out the doubts in her heart.

Moreover, Wang Hui knows what level Yu Qiang is. Even if he has the heart, he probably doesn't have the ability to fiddle with such a set of swordsmanship.Based on Wang Hui's experience, she couldn't figure out the reason for this.

Regarding all of this, Yu Zhong seemed to be a little secretive. When he saw Wang Hui's suspicious appearance, a hint of regret appeared on Yu Zhong's face, although this hint of regret was soon overwhelmed. Covered by his murderous intent, but still not escaped Wan Dong's eyes.

It seems that Yu Zhong is not an easy person!In other words, the person hiding behind him is not simple!

Wan Dong smelled a conspiracy, but this conspiracy is still hidden very deeply, even Yu Zhong, I am afraid it is impossible to know the details!At this time, Wan Dong had no other choice but to be vigilant secretly.

"Originally, Xue Wen is the only one who deserves to be damned, but you guys just want to come together, so don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Yu Zhong has no interest in delaying any further, with murderous intent in his eyes, even Wang Hui didn't let it go the meaning of.

"Yu Zhong, I don't understand. I treat Du Yu as my own elder brother, and I have been patient with you all the time. What is the deep hatred between us that makes you get rid of me!" This question was suffocated in Xue Wen's heart It's not been a day or two, and at this time I finally couldn't help asking.

"Hmph! Why does a dying person need to know so much? All you need to know is that today is your death day!"


Yu Zhong even wanted to kill himself, which made Wang Hui extremely ashamed and angry.With a coquettish reprimand, his figure rose violently, and he received the three-foot cold front, and with only one fleshy palm, he slashed at Yu Zhong.The pink palm is slender, but it has the power to lift up the sky, the power to lock the river, and the mighty gallop!

Yu Zhong squinted, but he sneered, "I didn't expect your master to love you very much. In addition to Shanji swordsmanship, he also taught you the Suohe palm. It's a pity, all of these are in front of me. useless!"

"The thief is arrogant, and he is not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue!" Wang Hui reprimanded angrily, without changing his palm.

Yu Zhong didn't argue, his body swayed, his whole body was like duckweed in the water, floating erratically, Wang Hui's deadly palm was so easily dodged by him.If it wasn't before, Wang Hui might just think it was a coincidence, but now, Wang Hui felt a chill in her heart.

Could it be that the river-locking palm has also been cracked?

Just when Wang Hui felt cold, Yu Zhong's expression changed suddenly, a icy cold flashed across his face, his right hand stretched out, and a blood-red precious light suddenly lit up in the palm of his hand.At the same time, an incomparably bloodthirsty terrifying aura swept out like a storm.

Wang Hui didn't pay attention at first, but the sudden appearance of Baoguang made her pretty face change color in an instant, instinctive fear appeared, and her figure almost instinctively stopped moving forward and turned backwards.I just wish I could turn over a hundred and eight thousand miles in one breath, the farther away from that precious light the better!

"Damn it! This bastard actually has a magic weapon!"

Wang Qing and Xue Wen, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, were so shocked that they almost didn't jump up on the spot, and Wang Qing even burst out with foul language.Without even thinking about it, he rushed towards Yu Zhong.

Yu Zhong didn't sacrifice the magic weapon. Although Wang Hui was suppressed, Wang Qing wasn't too worried.I always feel that Wang Hui, who is one level higher in cultivation, will definitely find a way to turn defeat into victory.But it's different now, Yu Zhong actually has a magic weapon in his body, and in front of the magic weapon, his mere detection can be ignored.He must help, no, it should be said to rescue Wang Hui, this is the instinct of a brother!

But Xue Wen's instinct was to grab Wang Qing, no matter how much he struggled, he would not let go.Wang Qing wants to save his sister, but Xue Wen can't just watch his brother die!

But at this time, as the blood-red precious light shot straight into the sky, a jade bottle-like thing slowly revealed its majesty above Yu Zhong's palm.Wan Dong also opened his eyes wide at this time, high-end items like magical artifacts are not something that can be seen immediately.

Compared with Ping Sihai's ancient immortal weapon, the Immortal Prison Pagoda, the blood-red jade screen in Yu Zhong's hand is actually nothing special.Compared with the Immortal Immortal Pagoda, the aura revealed is much weaker.

But a magic weapon is a magic weapon, enough to make Wan Dong's heart beat!

"Wang Hui, if you can die under this sea of ​​blood vase, you can rest in peace!"

From Yu Zhong's point of view, the only threat to him is Wang Hui. As long as Wang Hui is eliminated, the others will have to be slaughtered by him.With a sneer, Yu Zhong suddenly clenched the blood sea treasure bottle, and with his other hand, he pressed the bottle heavily with a seal of void.A burst of immortal energy poured in, and a bloody light like a laser beam suddenly shot out from the mouth of the blood sea treasure bottle, and it went straight to Wang Hui at an astonishing speed.

Although Wang Hui had never heard of the prestige of the Blood Sea Vase, she could feel the power of this magic weapon.Not daring to be negligent in the slightest, he swiped the edge of the sword in a hurry, releasing a sword light like a thunderbolt, intending to split the blood light into pieces.

"A frog at the bottom of a well knows how powerful a vase is!"

Seeing Wang Hui's actions, Yu Zhong was not nervous except for a mocking sneer on his face.

With a bang, Wang Hui's sword glow hit the bloody light as he wished.The sword light, which was as bright as electricity, instantly turned into shattered starlight, sputtering all over the sky.However, the bloody light was unscathed, and continued to go straight to Wang Hui without changing its castration.

"how so!?"

Wang Huikuang was taken aback, it was too late to gather the sword light, so in a hurry, he had to hold the horizontal sword in front of his chest.The bloody light was unbiased, hitting the sword edge, Wang Hui let out a muffled groan, and flew backwards with an arrow spurting blood.From the looks of it, the shock he received was definitely not small, but with the sword, he finally blocked that ray of blood.

"This... the blood light from this bottle, why is it so powerful?" Wang Qing and Xue Wen looked at each other in astonishment, both of them were frightened.

Wang Hui, a majestic eighth-rank human immortal, is so fragile under this vase!It turned out that this was Yu Zhong's greatest reliance!

"Idiot! This Blood Sea Vase was forged by Earth Immortals. Even real Immortals dare not block it lightly. How can you, a mere eighth-rank immortal, be able to resist it?" Wang Hui vomited blood and flew backwards. , Yu Zhong said with a sneer.

"Earth Immortal... Magic Artifact... True Immortal..." Wang Qing felt dizzy for a while, should these terms appear here?

Feeling dizzy, one thing gradually became clear in Wang Qing's mind, that is, no matter what, he could not let his sister die in Yu Zhong's hands.Even if an egg hits a rock, Wang Qing doesn't care.

"My surname is Yu, take my life!"

Taking advantage of Xue Wen's startled daze, Wang Qing struggled to break free, then roared, and swung his palms towards Yu Zhong.When Xue Wen woke up and tried to stop it, it was too late.

It's too late to stop Wang Qing, but it's always okay to die with Wang Qing, right?

Xue Wen was taken aback for a moment, then calmed down, with a look of determination and determination on his face, he almost followed Wang Qing and rushed towards Yu Zhong.

What is moths jumping into the flame? From Wang Hui's point of view, what Wang Qing and Xue Wen did at this time is!

"Brother, don't!"

Wang Hui was more than ten feet away at this time, and it was too late to stop her. In despair and anxiety, she let out a cry of grief!

"Since the two of you want to die first, I'll let you do it!" Seeing Xue Wen and Wang Qing rushing towards him, Yu Zhong let out a smirk, and pointed at the blood bottle again.

This blood sea treasure bottle was obviously driven by immortal energy, as soon as Yu Zhong's finger fell, a dazzling blood light shot out from the mouth of the bottle, rushing towards Xue Wen and Wang Qing.

Although Xue Wen and Wang Qing had made up their minds to die, they didn't come here for the sake of death. They had to struggle a bit more to buy more escape time for Wang Hui and Wan Dong.Seeing the blood coming, the two of them unanimously activated their bodies, trying to dodge to the sides.

Although the blood light is powerful, there is only one after all, and it cannot attack and kill two people at the same time.

The two thought well, but they underestimated the power of the blood bottle. When the two wanted to get up, they were horrified to find that their bodies seemed to be no longer under their control and became extremely stiff.

"how so!?"

Xue Wen and Wang Qing exclaimed at the same time, and looked at each other, only to realize that at some point, each other's body was covered by a thin layer of blood-colored mist.Needless to say, the strangeness of their bodies must be the cause of the blood mist.

"Just because you are below the fifth rank of human immortals, you don't even have a chance to hide in front of the blood bottle! Obediently die!" Yu Zhong said with a smirk while admiring the shocked expressions on Wang Qing and Xue Wen's faces. .

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