Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1513 Combat Power Comparable to Immortals!

"No! Don't!" Wang Hui, who was more than ten feet away, was going crazy in a hurry, screaming, and at the same time mobilized the immortal energy in her whole body, and rushed towards Wang Qing and Xue Wen.

It's just that no matter how fast Wang Hui's speed is, how can it be faster than the killing blood of the blood bottle.The bloody light that seemed to come from the underworld of the Nine Nethers was silent, but extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Wang Qing and Xue Wen.

It is one thing to see the power of the Blood Sea Aquarius from a distance, but it is another thing to experience it personally. As Yu Zhong said, with their state, they really have no chance to dodge in front of the Blood Sea Aquarius .Wang Qing and Xue Wen looked at each other, and felt the other's helplessness and bitterness from each other's eyes at this time, but there was also a trace of joy. The two brothers went to Huangquan Road together, sad or sad, but Huangquan Road was not will be lonely.

However, just when Wang Qing and Xue Wen had no choice but to accept the reality, a flash of sword light flashed past the two of them with a whizzing sound at a dreamlike speed, and then slammed into the road heavily. Above the blood.

It is also a sword light, but this sword light is more condensed and powerful than the one Wang Hui sent out before.When the sword light travels through the sky, there is always a majestic momentum of the king coming in the sky, and the overlord bowing his head.Although Wang Qing and Xue Wen's realm is still far from the real fairyland, they have seen the demeanor of a real fairy before.When that ray of sword light flashed by their sides, the word 'True Immortal' flashed in the minds of the two of them at the same time!


Wang Qing couldn't be tolerated, Xue Wen thought about it, and the sword light hit the blood light directly, making a bang like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.The sword light exploded immediately, and the bloody light also disappeared after struggling for a moment.Wang Qing and Xue Wenli breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if they were walking around the gate of hell, their bodies were already drenched.

It seems that although the power of this blood bottle is great, it is only limited to the level of the real fairyland.Once you meet a master in the real fairyland, the bloody light that is omnipotent will become a little ineffective.It's just that in the barren land outside the ancient mountain's secret realm, it's really rare that a real fairyland man came here!

Wang Qing and Xue Wen quickly came back to their senses, and turned their heads to look with awe and excitement in their expressions.In the field of vision, where is there any real fairy?Only Wan Dong, standing with his sword in his arms, has a weird face!

At this time, Yu Zhong and Wang Hui's eyes also fell on Wan Dong's body one after another. Their expressions were carved out of the same mold as Wang and Xue.

"Could it be that Mr. used the sword just now?" Xue Wen couldn't help guessing like this, and then his whole body seemed to be poisoned, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Even though he is only in the fourth rank of the Human Immortal Realm, he can unleash a sword power that is no less than that of the True Immortal Realm. This... This is so exaggerated that people can't believe it even if they see it with their own eyes.

"Could it be that Engong is a master who can't lose to a real fairy!?"

Wang Hui's eyes were fixed on Wan Dong without blinking, her pretty face was changing in an instant, and there was already a storm of emotions in her heart.

Yu Zhong stared at the sword in Wan Dong's hand, and couldn't believe it anyway, that Wan Dong, who he didn't pay attention to at all, was able to block the bloody light of the Blood Sea Aquarium. It seems that it is not an exaggeration, it is simply nonsense!

"Boy, is your sword also a magic weapon!?"

Yu Zhong's eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had grasped some key point, and all the mysteries were suddenly understood.

Yes!It must be because of the sword!

At the same time, Wang Qing, Xue Wen, and Wang Hui also "suddenly realized" that everything was explained when they had the magic weapon.Yu Zhong's cultivation level is obviously weaker than Wang Hui's, but relying on the magic weapon, he has formed a tendency to crush Wang Hui.Although Wandong's fourth-rank human immortal realm is indeed too low, but maybe the magic weapon in his hand is powerful, even better than the Blood Sea Vase?

It seems that this is really the case, the reincarnation sword in Wan Dong's hand is shining brightly, it is not ordinary at first glance, it is much better than the blood sea vase!

Wan Dong stood there and didn't answer the conversation. It wasn't that he was pretending to be aggressive, but that the blood bottle in Yu Zhong's hand was really powerful!Just now he broke through the bloody light, on the surface it was evenly matched, but in fact, Wan Dong suffered a dark loss.Until now, the hand holding the sword is still numb, and the blood in the chest is surging, it is terribly uncomfortable!

Wan Dong may now have a combat power comparable to that of the True Wonderland, but he is not a True Wonderland after all!

However, in addition to being uncomfortable, Wan Dong felt more joyful.The Treasure Control Art had already been activated in his body at this time, the power of the Blood Sea Vase was so powerful, Wan Dong couldn't bear to miss it!

Wan Dong was overjoyed, and Yu Zhong suddenly became excited.

Wan Dong was able to take out the "magic weapon" which surprised him, but holding a magic weapon in the hands of a fourth-rank human immortal is like a toddler holding a shiny big magic weapon in his hand. Gold ingots are simply tempting crimes.

Wan Dong has locked on the blood bottle, and Yu Zhong has already locked his eyes on the Samsara Sword!

"Boy, if you are willing to hand over the sword in your hand, I may consider to spare your life!" Yu Zhong sneered.

"Engong, don't believe his nonsense! As soon as you hand over the sword, he will kill you immediately! Only after killing you will he let the magic weapon recognize its owner smoothly!" Wang Huisheng was afraid Donghui was fooled and hurriedly exposed it to Zhong.

"Wang Hui, why do you mislead this little brother? There are many ways to make the magic weapon recognize its owner again, and there is absolutely no need to kill the original holder. Little brother, she is just trying to protect herself, so she deliberately threatens you! Please believe me, I will definitely not kill you!"

"Engong, don't be fooled by him! You have a magic weapon in your hand, which can suppress his blood bottle. Without the blood bottle, he is a tiger with its teeth in the middle. We will join hands and we will be able to suppress him." Kill!"

"Hey...Wang Hui, you are so whimsical! Just now I didn't use the blood sea vase, and you wanted to kill me, but did you kill me? The Shanji swordsmanship and the lock river palm you rely on are all in my hands. It’s a joke in front of you! To put it bluntly, I’m already invincible in Yuzhong, so why do you kill me?”

"Yu Zhong, don't be too arrogant, there are still us!" Wang Qing and Xue Wen stepped out, glaring at each other.

Yu Zhong squinted at the two of them, waved his hands contemptuously, and said, "It's up to you, let's wash up and sleep as soon as possible!"

"You want my sword?" Wan Dong sneered, playing with the Samsara Sword, and suddenly asked Zhong.

"It's not so much that I want your sword, it's better to say that I want to give you a chance to survive!" Yu Zhong said with a smile, showing that he wanted Wan Dong.

"Coincidentally!" Wan Donglang laughed, "I also fell in love with your Blood Sea Aquarium!"

"What did you say!?" Yu Zhong couldn't believe his ears.How could a little human being of the fourth rank come from such audacity to talk to a seventh rank human immortal like this?Yu Zhong's world view is about to be subverted.

Wang Qing, Xue Wen, and Wang Hui looked at each other with shock and admiration on their faces.Leaving aside Wan Dong's 'superficial' cultivation, his courage and pride are really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Even Wang Hui, the eighth-rank immortal, has only considered how to use Wan Dong's reincarnation sword to save the lives of the four people so far, and has never thought of using the blood sea vase!

"You bring the Blood Sea Aquarium, and I will also consider letting you live!"

Yu Zhongzhi was so angry that he laughed back, and said coldly, "Why do you rely on that sword in your hand? It's a joke! I thought you were a good-looking talent, but you turned out to be a complete idiot! Since you don't want to take the initiative If you hand over the sword, then I can only step on your corpse and come get it myself!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

Seeing Wan Dong's composure and calm expression, not to mention fear, even the slightest bit of nervousness, this made Yu Zhong feel very humiliated.Shouldn't an 'ant' like Wan Dong be shit under his power?

"Boy, don't think that you can deceive me by pretending to be calm like this! If you want to sing empty city tricks with me, you are still far behind? Your hand holding the sword must still be numb now, right? You just accepted me forcefully A ray of blood, did you get internal injuries from the shock? Hmph... Although you took my ray of blood forcibly with the help of a magic weapon, it must be very uncomfortable, right? I want to see if you can do it again. Take a few!"

Yu Zhong's eyes were really sharp enough, and Wan Dong's expression change just now didn't escape his eyes at all!In comparison, Wang Hui's sensitivity in this area is obviously much worse, although her cultivation level is even higher than Yu Zhong's.

This is the importance of actual combat experience!Wang Hui stayed in the greenhouse for too long, and in terms of experience, it was undoubtedly far worse than Zhong Taiyuan.If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Hui's cultivation level was higher than Yu Zhong's, she might be the enemy of Yu Zhong!

"Grandpa, you..."

Wang Hui wasn't sure if what Yu Zhong said was true, and looked at Wan Dong anxiously.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and handed the Samsara Sword to the other hand. Yu Zhong was right, the numbness in his hand had indeed not subsided.

"Change another hand? Hahaha... Is this the countermeasure you came up with? Boy, don't I need to remind you, you only have two hands!" Yu Zhong laughed presumptuously.

"Sister, let's cooperate with benefactor!"

Wang Qing yelled angrily in a deep voice, with a determined expression on his face.Since Wan Dong can only resist one more ray of blood, he must never have a chance to send out a second attack from Yu Zhong. Even if it costs his own life, he must entangle Yu Zhong and launch a decisive blow to Wang Hui. Opportunity!

Before Wang Hui responded, Xue Wen nodded heavily.Wang Qing's thoughts coincided with his, and both of them were already ready to sacrifice.

"What are you doing?"

Just when Wang Qing, Xue Wen, and Wang Hui were about to wait for an opportunity, they completely ignored them and only stared at Wan Dong's Yu Zhong. At this moment, they suddenly let out an exclamation...

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