The three of Xue Wen didn't know why, they turned their heads to look, and they all showed shock in unison.I saw Wan Dong put away the Samsara Sword at some point, but now he was facing Yu Zhong with empty hands!The three of them were in a mess immediately, and they had no idea what Wan Dong wanted to do!Doesn't he know that the Samsara Sword is their only reliance right now?Or, Wan Dong has given up completely and is ready to kill with nothing?

"Engong, please trust me, I am absolutely confident that I will kill you with one blow!" Wang Hui couldn't help but opened his mouth and said.

"Hmph! Wang Hui, if you dare to say such big words, aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?" Xue Wen sneered, sneered at Wang Hui, then turned to look at Wan Dong, and said with a smile, "What the hell are you guys doing?" He is still a smart man with self-knowledge! How about this, what I said before still counts, give me the sword, and I will save you from death!"

Wan Dong smiled coldly, and said, "You really think too much. I put the sword away, not because I want to admit defeat, but because I am worried that I will break the Blood Sea Aquarium. What I want is the complete Blood Sea Aquarium , it’s not a defective product!”

"What did you say!?" Yu Zhong, who was still smug just now, opened his mouth wide again at this time. A 'wonderful' like Wan Dong is definitely the only one he has ever seen in his life!

Xue Wen, the brothers and sisters of the Wang family couldn't help but look at each other at this time, Wan Dong was really a little bit confusing to them!


Wang Hui wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wan Dong waving his palm, "You three step aside, I want to meet this guy alone!"

After hearing Wan Dong's words, Yu Zhong really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.He didn't realize it before, but now he has discovered that Wan Dong is simply a 'lost mind'!A mere fourth-rank human immortal wants to fight alone with a seventh-rank human immortal, and this seventh-rank human immortal also has a magic weapon in his hand that is as powerful as a real immortal. Even if he is looking for death, this is not the way to find it?

To be honest, Wang Hui's mood was similar to Yu Zhong's. She only felt that Engong had no character, but he was really messed up.She felt that she had to do something, and she couldn't let her benefactor go on 'nonsense' like this.

However, before Wang Hui could express anything, Xue Wen had already dragged her aside.

Although Xue Wen's thoughts are similar to Wang Hui's, but he is undoubtedly more delicate than Wang Hui, and he has experienced more things.

Wan Dong's behavior was undoubtedly crazy, but looking at Wan Dong's expression, he was extremely calm and full of incomparable self-confidence.If it wasn't for Wan Dong's mental illness, then he must be relying on something.But is Wan Dong a mentally ill person? Obviously not, if he insists on saying yes, it can only be that Wan Dong's brain is too smart, so smart that he is abnormal!

But if Wan Dong has something to rely on, isn't his greatest rely on the magical sword that is as powerful as a blood bottle?

Xue Wen was completely confused, unable to figure it out, let alone figure it out.But despite this, deep in his heart, there is an inexplicable trust that makes him firmly believe that Wan Dong will be able to overcome them and protect them!

Trusting this kind of thing is so wonderful, even a little unreasonable, but it can make people never look back, even in the most desperate environment, there is still hope!

"Boy, how can I have the heart to refuse you so sincerely wanting to die? Although you put the sword in the storage ring, to me, it's just an extra effort!"

"If you continue to talk nonsense like this, then I will make the first move!"

"Boy is arrogant!"

I have seen a lot of arrogant people, but he has only seen someone as arrogant as Wan Dong in his life.Let Wan Dong continue to be rampant like this, Yu Zhongfei will be stuck to death!With a sharp shout, Yu Zhong's fingers slammed heavily on the blood bottle.

A murderous bloody light shot out immediately, as if it had sensed Yu Zhong's anger. When breaking through the air this time, it was no longer silent, but brought a sharp sound like a ghost howling , not only increased the power of murderous blood a lot, but also made people shudder.

The murderer's blood light is extremely fast, reaching a distance of more than ten feet in a flash, but Wan Dong's speed is even more astonishing. With just a sway of his figure, he brought up afterimages all over the sky, and instantly avoided the murderer. The sharp edge of blood.


"how come?"

Yu Zhong and Xue Wen exclaimed almost at the same time, with the same disbelief on their faces.

On Wan Dong's body, there was also a blood mist-like ray of light, but unlike Xue Wen and Wang Qing, this blood mist seemed to have no effect on Wan Dong at all. Naturally, there was not a trace of stiffness at all.

How could they not be surprised that the blood mist that could bind the fifth-rank human immortal had no effect on Wan Dong, the fourth-rank human immortal?It seems that all the things that are taken for granted, once it comes to Wan Dong, unexpected changes will always happen, it is simply amazing!

"It's useless, you can't escape the murderous bloody pursuit, absolutely impossible!"

The disbelief on Yu Zhong's face quickly turned into a cannibalism.The murderous blood light that had been avoided by Wan Dong suddenly turned around at this moment and attacked Wan Dong again. From what it looked like, this murderous blood light was not only extremely overbearing, but also pursued and killed endlessly. !Wan Dong's understanding of the Blood Sea Aquarius immediately rose to another level, and the joy in his heart became even stronger.

Although the murderous blood light is chasing after him, if Wan Dong can get rid of it once, he can get rid of it the second time and the third time.Even though the murderous blood light kept whistling and turning, it was still difficult to catch up with Wan Dong.

For Wan Dong, it was extremely easy, but for Xue Wen and the others, it was definitely a big challenge and test of the heart's endurance!Every time the murderous blood light turned its direction, the hearts of the three of them seemed to jump out of their chests.

However, this also allowed the three of them to see Wan Dong's ability!The elegant figure, the wonderful steps, and the jaw-dropping speed all gave the three of them an eye-opening feeling.

The fourth rank of human immortality has long been left behind by the three of them.At this time, if someone told Xue Wen that Wan Dong was just a 'bad guy' in the fourth-grade Immortal Realm, he would definitely slap his hands unceremoniously!

Four ranks of Immortals?If the fourth-rank human immortal can be so good, he, the fifth-rank human immortal, would have already swept the nine sacred mountains!

"You're pretty good at hiding, but that's all!"

Yu Zhong was startled by the repeated failure of the murderous blood light, but at the same time he began to feel impatient.With the Blood Sea Vase in his hand, he couldn't help a mere human being of the fourth rank of immortality. Yu Zhong really couldn't afford to lose this person.

Feeling ruthless in his heart, Yu Zhong injected a burst of immortal energy into the blood sea treasure bottle again, and the second blood light shot out immediately, heading straight for Wan Dong.

However, before the three of Xue Wen got nervous, Yu Zhong seemed to be crazy, and kept pointing at the blood bottle.As streams of immortal energy were poured into the vase, the vase seemed to be crazy, continuously spraying out streams of blood.

The bloody lights chasing after Wan Dong quickly increased from one to ten to dozens.These bloody lights shot at Wan Dong from all directions at the same time, it felt as if Wan Dong was caught in a rain of arrows.

This is simply a must-kill situation!Wan Dong also clearly felt the threat, and his figure was instantly displayed to the extreme. There was still an afterimage to be found, but at this time there was only a clear light left, and he shuttled rapidly through the arrow rain formed by the blood light!

"Sister, have you ever seen such a movement in the Four Extremes Gate?" Wan Dong's performance almost broke through the sky.Wang Qing was stunned and asked stupidly.

Wang Hui's face had already turned red because of nervousness or excitement.The look in his eyes was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at him.Hearing Wang Qingdong's question, Wang Hui could only shake his head vigorously, but couldn't say a word.

Not to mention, does Sijimen have such advanced body skills, but even if there is, it is definitely not within her reach!

The Four Extremes Sect is also considered to be full of talents, with elites coming out in large numbers, but compared with Wan Dong at this time, the so-called elites in Wang Hui's heart that she admired and admired suddenly lost their luster!

"Can't this kill you?"

Seeing Wan Dong's body like a swimming dragon under the bloody light, full of coquettishness passing through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching his body, he was startled and angry, and even a little panting!

The power of the Blood Sea Aquarius is naturally strong enough, but it also needs artificial activation.The immortal energy injected into the blood sea treasure bottle in Yuzhong seemed inconspicuous one by one, but now, Yu Zhong activated dozens of blood lights at once, and when added together, the immortal energy he consumed would be very considerable .

"Hmph...the Blood Sea Aquarium, it seems like that! If you want to kill me, you are still far away!"

As soon as Yu Zhong finished speaking, Wan Dong's cold snort followed.Calm and calm, it seems that Wan Dong is not in the rain of arrows, but walking in the fairy garden!

This was simply an invisible slap in the face, which made Yu Zhong's face burn hot!While embarrassing him, it also made him feel angry.

"Even if you have the means to reach the sky, even if you are a natural evildoer, I will kill you here today!"

Yu Zhong seemed to be completely insane. Amidst the screams, the immortal energy in his body was continuously poured into the blood bottle, and Yu Zhong's complexion quickly turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.There were even patches of sweat on his forehead due to lack of strength!

However, Yu Zhong's loss brought about the effect he wanted. The mouth of the blood sea treasure bottle seemed to have blown out. shot at Wandong.

There was already a rain of arrows all over the sky, but this time, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in blood.

Blood Sea Vase!At this moment, the three of Xue Wen really felt as if they were trapped in a sea of ​​blood, making people feel a kind of icy cold from inside to outside.If Wan Dong is not alone at this time and place, but an army of thousands of horses and horses, I am afraid that it will not even take half a breath, and this place will turn into a forest full of corpses...

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