"I'll see where you can hide! Haha..." Seeing countless streaks of blood, layer upon layer, strangling towards Wan Dong continuously, Yu Zhong was so excited that he almost went crazy, laughing nonstop.

"Brother, benefactor..." Seeing this situation, Wang Hui was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.I saw that the mountains and plains were covered with blood that killed people everywhere, and the violent blood color almost completely submerged Wan Dong's figure.It's hard to imagine that anyone would survive such a fierce offensive!

"If something happens to my benefactor, I will definitely cut that Yu into pieces!" Wang Qing said through gritted teeth.

Wang Hui glanced at Yu Zhong who seemed to be insane, and his eyes immediately turned cold.In order to kill Wan Dong completely, Yu Zhong also fought hard, and at the same time he sacrificed the sky full of blood, he also sent himself to the state of the end of the crossbow.In such a situation, even with the blood bottle in hand, Wang Hui is [-]% sure that he will be killed by the sword.

Just having said that, if something happens to Wan Dong, what's the use of cutting Yu Zhong to pieces?

Wang Hui wished she could rush forward and replace Wan Dong!

"It was I who harmed Mr., it was I who harmed Mr.! If I had known this, I shouldn't have brought him back to Dumeng. I... what evil did I do!" Compared to the worries of the Wang family brothers and sisters However, Xue Wen's heart was full of remorse.

If he hadn't tried his best to bring Wan Dong back to Du Meng for his own selfishness, then what happened before him would not have happened.Thinking of Wan Dong saving him several times, but he finally killed him, the remorse and self-blame welling up in his heart made Xue Wen feel like he couldn't live without it!

"Boy, this is the fate of provoking me, Yu Zhong, your time of death has arrived!"

At this time, the dense blood light surrounded and squeezed towards Wan Dong without revealing the slightest gap.Wan Dong, who was surrounded by blood and light, was undoubtedly in a desperate situation.Under such circumstances, no matter how exquisite his movement skills are, he might have no choice but to wait for death!

Wan Dong's figure, which was originally as fast as lightning, finally stopped at this moment. It seemed that he had given up and was only waiting for the last moment!

Wan Dong was indeed waiting for the last moment, but what he was waiting for was Yu Zhong's last moment of exhaustion!

Ever since Wan Dong comprehended the Treasure Control Art, he only used it on Ping Sihai once. Although it was easy to succeed that time, Ping Sihai's cultivation was too low, and his control over the magic weapon of the fairy treasure was naturally not strong. Wan Dong The success rate of using the Control Treasure Art is naturally high.But Yu Zhong is different, the real seventh-rank human immortal, the realm is not known to be much higher than Ping Sihai, which makes Wan Dong not fully sure about performing the control trick.

But if Yu Zhong's immortal energy is exhausted, the result will be different!That's why Wan Dong has been forbearing all the time, using the supreme body method to induce Yu Zhong to continue to consume his immortal energy.Although this is dangerous, it is also the safest.

Undoubtedly, the moment has come!

"I'm afraid it's you who will die!"

Wang Hui couldn't believe her eyes anymore. Faced with this almost mortal situation, Wan Dongfei remained calm and composed, with a smile on his lips.Doesn't this young man know what fear is?

A man full of courage, why is he so charming?Looking at Wan Dong, who was vain in mid-air and standing on the ground, Wang Hui felt a little dazed.

"Very good! Go to hell with your arrogance and stupidity!" Wang Hui admired Wan Dong's courage, but Yu Zhong was completely enraged. There was a roar, like a pack of wolves pounced on their prey, and they went straight to Wandong!

Xue Wen, the three hearts of the brothers and sisters of the Wang family stopped beating almost at the same time!Not only the heart, but everything in the world seemed to come to a standstill at this moment!Wang Hui could clearly feel that her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible big hand!


Suddenly, an inexplicable sound came out of thin air, and a brilliant golden light burst out immediately that people couldn't look directly at.It seems that there is an invisible magic pen that is drawing the outline between the heaven and the earth, and gestures full of vicissitudes and ancient clumsiness are flashing in the sky and the earth one after another.

These gestures are vigorous and powerful, as if they have traveled through the prehistoric and ancient times, full of a shocking Taoist rhyme.With Wang Hui at the eighth rank of Immortal Realm, even if he just took a look at her, he couldn't help but feel excited. The calmness that had been silent for a long time suddenly showed signs of loosening.

"This... this is..." Wang Hui couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming.

But Wang Qing and Xue Wen were completely stunned at this time.Wang Hui could still see some clues to the golden gestures spreading all over the sky, but they couldn't understand them at all, but they could feel the broad aura rushing towards their faces like a tsunami!In the eyes of the two of them, all this is simply a miracle!

"What the hell is this?!"

The golden gestures that appeared out of thin air were sacred and grand to Wang Hui and the others, but in Yu Zhong's eyes, it was another scene.Those gestures were like majestic mountains falling from the sky, constantly pressing down on him, trying to crush him to pieces!

Under the shining of that golden light, Yu Zhong even felt that even his Dao foundation showed signs of instability. As for the inner spiritual world, it seemed like it was being washed away by a huge tsunami wave, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time !

"Impossible! How could you know how to directly attack immortal souls? You are only a fourth-rank human in the fairyland, and you haven't even fully conceived a fairy baby. How could you launch such an attack!" Dao Ji's shake, the spiritual world In the end, the eye-catching golden light started to directly attack Yu Zhong's immortal soul, which almost made Yu Zhong lose his mind on the spot.

Immortal soul, that is something more precious than Dao Ji!If the Dao foundation is damaged, at most the cultivation base will be cleared, but people will not die!But if the immortal soul is damaged, it will directly endanger life.

And if you want to launch martial arts against immortal souls, you must at least conceive a fairy baby first!In other words, only immortals above the real fairyland will know how to use martial arts to attack immortal souls!But Wan Dong is only a fourth-rank human immortal, so it's no wonder Yu Zhong has such doubts.

Wan Dong would not be kind enough to answer Yu Zhong's questions. In fact, at this time, he didn't have the time.When one after another golden gestures occupied half of the sky, Wan Dongping's palms raised in front of him suddenly joined together.

The heaven and the earth seemed to resonate, and trembled suddenly, the golden gesture wandering in the sky instantly merged into one, an ancient and vicissitudes mysterious character, immediately shining in the midair like the sun.

The previous golden gestures were enough to make people feel awe-inspiring, but the appearance of this golden character made Xue Wen, the three brothers and sisters of the Wang family hold their breath even more.Among them, Xue Wen and Wang Qing, trembling in their thighs, couldn't help but want to kneel down.

Mu Zekun and the others also witnessed Wan Dong performing the control trick in the small world, but their reaction was not as big as Wang Qing, Xue Wen and the others.This is not to say that the mundane Mu Zekun and others are more knowledgeable and stronger-willed, it is because their realm is too low to sense the power of this golden rune, just like newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!


At this time, Yu Zhong felt as if his head had been hit by a hammer, and with a bang, he was stunned.Immediately, a heart-piercing pain swept from between his brows in an instant.

An extremely tyrannical force actually directly invaded his spiritual world, like a dagger, cutting off his connection with the blood bottle in an instant!Such a brutal and tyrannical method, not to mention human immortals, even real immortals, earth immortals will break out in a cold sweat when they see it.

The sights of Xue Wen and the others were completely filled by the golden light soaring into the sky, and they didn't even realize what Yu Zhong was going through at this time.The three only saw that the bloody light that was about to shoot Wan Dong into a sieve suddenly dimmed, and then with a bang, it turned into a cloud of bloody smoke and dissipated!

Before the three of them understood how Wan Dong deciphered the bloody light, he was shocked to find that the blood bottle, which was originally controlled by Yu Zhong, was automatically flying into it at this time. Wan Dong's palm.

"Brother, I... I'm not dreaming, am I? In the end... What happened?"

With years of hard work, Wang Hui has won a high position in the Sijimen, and she has always been very confident.But at this moment, facing Wan Dong, her self-confidence was completely shattered.She even had doubts about herself for a while. In her entire life, she never felt so useless like she does now!

"Don't ask me, I don't know, I don't know anything!" Wang Qing's expression was even more bitter, looking at Wan Dong's young face, Wang Qing only felt that his age was like a dog.

"Who the hell is Mr.? Could it be the illegitimate son of the immortal ancestor?" Xue Wen's head was also a little dizzy at this time, and he was so curious about Wan Dong's identity that he couldn't be more curious.

Thinking back to Wan Dong's unpredictable methods and endless hole cards, if someone told Xue Wen that Wan Dong is just an ordinary casual cultivator without any background, he would definitely spit on the other party's face!

At the same time, Xue Wen also realized more and more clearly that Wan Dong is not only his benefactor, but also the greatest nobleman he can meet in his life!


No one's immortal soul is injured, and they can still be safe and sound!Yu Zhong's body trembled violently as if being electrocuted, and then he opened his mouth and sprayed out a bloody arrow. Like a big bird with its wings folded, he fell heavily from a height of several feet.

Yu Zhong's complexion was already a little pale due to excessive consumption of immortal energy before, but now Yu Zhong's complexion is even more pale like a ghost, and his whole body is also depressed like never before, almost dying.

The seventh-rank human immortal who was carrying the magic weapon Blood Sea Vase lost so miserably to a small fourth-rank human immortal. If it is passed on, no one will believe it.

Xue Wen let out a long breath of foul air, looking at Yu Zhong who was prostrate on the ground and didn't even have the strength to stand up, Xue Wen didn't know whether to hate him or pity him, he felt very sorry!

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