"You...what did you do to me? Give me back the Blood Sea Aquarium!" Yu Zhong struggled a few times, but finally gave up, lying on the ground, trying to hold his head high, and asked Wan Dong.

While playing with the Blood Sea Aquarium, Wan Dong said, "Even if I return the Blood Sea Aquarium to you now, what can you do? You can no longer control the Blood Sea Aquarium!"

"No! My spiritual imprint has been engraved in this blood sea treasure bottle. As long as I don't die, it will always be under my control! Even if I die, you must first erase my spiritual imprint, and then engrave yours. The imprint is the last thing to activate the Blood Sea Vase! But with your fourth-rank human immortal cultivation level, you can't do it at all!"

"Is it necessary to be so troublesome to let this treasure vase change hands?" Yu Zhong's words made Wan Dong feel a little dizzy.When he casts the Treasure Control Art, it seems that he doesn't need to consider these issues at all, everything is natural, simple and straightforward!

"Of course! Uh..."

Wan Dong's words fell to the ground, and Yu Zhong just nodded, his expression suddenly changed, a blush appeared on his pale face, which was rare.It's just that this blush did not come from Yu Zhong himself, but from the red reflection.

I saw Wan Dong imitating Yu Zhong, pointing to the blood bottle with his right hand, and in an instant, a bloody light, like a sharp arrow off the string, shot straight out of thin air.Not far away, a towering tree hugged by one person was directly turned into debris by the blood.

Wan Dong not only activated the Blood Sea Vase, but the power seemed to have increased a lot.Dare to love this blood sea treasure bottle, it is still a top-grade magic weapon that is stronger when it is stronger, and has unlimited potential!

This sudden scene directly destroyed Yu Zhong's three views, and made him feel a deep sense of malice!This world is really abominable, where is there such a bully?

"Look, it's not as troublesome as you say!"

Wan Dong was a little worried at first, but after some experimentation, everything went well, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.Immortal treasures and magical artifacts have always been hard to come by. Just entering the secret realm of the ancient mountain, I got one. This undoubtedly means a good start. How can Wandong be unhappy?


I don't know whether it caused the injury or was injured by 'maliciousness', Yu Zhong violently sprayed out another blood arrow.

"This... this blood sea treasure bottle is the treasure of my sect, you can't take it away, give it back to me quickly!" It seemed that Yu Zhong was really anxious, and he didn't know where the strength came from, but he rushed out of it. Standing up on the ground, he even took a step towards Wan Dong.

It's just that Yu Zhong's injury was not serious after all. After taking a step, he couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground again.

"Zongmen? Could it be that you are also a disciple of the Zongmen?" Wan Dong was so keen, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes shot at him like knives.

Yu Zhong seemed to wake up suddenly, a look of panic first appeared on his face, and then he closed his mouth tightly.That appearance seemed to be telling Wan Dong that even if Wan Dong brought a crowbar, he would never be able to pry his mouth open.

Seeing his appearance, Wan Dong was even more curious, and said with a smile: "You don't need to do this, I just ask casually, there is no other meaning. You also know that in this ancient mountain secret realm, we are at the lowest level of casual cultivators Yes, I absolutely cannot offend the disciples of the sect. If you are really from the sect, then I can consider returning the blood bottle to you, and everyone will also form a good relationship. As long as you are willing to tell me which sect you are Disciple of the door."

The first half of Wan Dong's sentence made Yu Zhong very excited, and his closed mouth was obviously loosened, but when Wan Dong asked Yu Zhong to tell his sect, he suddenly closed his mouth again. He closed it tightly, and shook his head resolutely.It seems to be saying that even if he doesn't want the blood bottle, he will never reveal his sect.

Wan Dong's face suddenly turned cold, and his murderous intent burst out, "Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine! If I lose my patience, I will really kill you!"

This time Yu Zhong spoke, but what he just said made Wan Dong's expression more dignified, "Don't worry about it, in this world, death is not the most terrible thing! Since it fell into your hands , then I admit it!"

After saying that, a green glow suddenly flashed across Yu Zhong's palm, and before Wan Dong could react, that green glow shot directly at Yunxiao, and then exploded an extremely brilliant fireworks in the cloud, which was extremely eye-catching.

Wan Dong thought that there was another magic weapon in Yu Zhong, so he hurriedly focused his attention on guard, but at this moment, he heard a muffled bang, and Yu Zhong smashed his own Tianling Cap directly with his palm, killing him. on the spot!

All this happened too suddenly, and Yu Zhong's actions were very decisive, without the slightest hesitation, even if Wan Dong couldn't stop it, let alone Wang Hui and the others.Even when Yu Zhong died, the three of them still looked stunned.

"Miss Wang, what is that green glow that Yu Zhong emitted at the end?" Wan Dong's fighting power is amazing, but his understanding of Xianting is really shallow, so he had to ask Wang Hui for clarification.

Wang Hui was taken aback for a moment, and then replied hesitantly, "It should be just a spiritual weapon used to send signals. It's very common, and it's nothing special."

"Send a signal? Cui Sheng, Peng Tie! Go!"

As soon as Wang Hui's words fell, Wan Dong reacted, with a whistling sound, he rolled his hands together, and the immortal energy rushed out, enveloping Xue Wen and the three of them, and plundered towards Du Meng like lightning.Yu Zhong didn't forget to send a signal to Cui Sheng and Peng Tie before he died, it was really ruthless!

"Don't let these two thieves get away! Take them down, Blood Sacrifice Leader!"

"Kill! Kill them!"

The four of Wan Dong were still some distance away from Du Meng's headquarters, when they heard the shouts of killing coming from afar, at this time Du Meng was clearly rotten into a pot of porridge.

Xue Wen and Wang Qing glanced at each other, with expressions of surprise on their faces.Hearing this cry, it seemed that Du Yutong had been murdered.Xue Wen subconsciously quickened his figure. His affection for Du Yutong cannot be erased in a day or two after all.

"You ants and bastards, it's not easy to find death, I will help you!"

After the shout of killing, there was Peng Tie's curse.This made Wang Qing and Xue Wen's minds sink suddenly. Peng Tieren's sixth-rank cultivation base is almost invincible in Dumeng. If he gets mad, the casualties must be serious.

Wang Qing and Xue Wen's worries were very reasonable. At this time, Peng Tie was like a ferocious god. In his hands, he could lift a double ax with ease. The allies, like harvested wheat, fell one by one.

"Bastard!" Seeing such a situation, Chen Qing's eyes turned red!Many of the fallen people were faces he was very familiar with, and many of them were close friends who were called brothers!

With an angry curse in his mouth, Chen Qing swung his sword to bully him.The sword was full of hatred, and it was very powerful, and it was in front of Peng Tie in a blink of an eye.

Peng Tiesha was having a good time, and without thinking about it, he swiped with an axe. As if struck by lightning, Chen Qing let out a muffled groan, staggered back, and a stream of blood flowed from his mouth.

Peng Tie didn't notice Chen Qing at first, but this time he did, and a grim smile appeared on his face. He had disliked Chen Qing for a long time. He didn't have to kill others, but he must kill Chen Qing!

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell you break in! Give me an axe!"

With a big kick from Peng Tie, an Immortal Du Meng standing in front of him was directly kicked out, and he jumped forward suddenly, like an eagle fighting a rabbit. He raised a heavy ax with his right hand, and condescended towards Chen Qing smashed down.

Seeing Peng Tie's power, Chen Qing dared not be negligent. With a roar, he hurriedly stretched his sword with both hands, and blocked Peng Tie's heavy axe with the edge of the sword.

Of course, Chen Qing knew how powerful Peng Tie was, and also knew that it would be unwise to confront him head-on, but at this moment, Chen Qing had no other choice at all.If you don't want to kill without a fight, you can only grit your teeth and fight hard!


The heavy ax slashed fiercely on the sword edge, and countless sparks flew out immediately. Chen Qing only felt a pressure comparable to Mount Tai. When he pressed his head down, his legs immediately knelt down, and his knees were heavy. It was a severe pain, but it was not as good as the severe pain in Chen Qing's chest at this time. It felt as if the internal organs were squeezed into a ball by an invisible force. !

Chen Qing's eyes went dark, and he almost passed out on the spot!

"Hahaha... surnamed Chen, haven't you been crazy all the time, why can't you be crazy now? I said a long time ago that one day you will kneel at my feet. Now, what else do you have to say? !"

The edge of Chen Qing's sword was firmly pressed against Peng Tie's shoulder by Peng Tie's heavy axe. The sharp tenacity had been cut into the flesh, and blood gushed out. As long as Peng Tie exerted a little more force, Chen Qing's shoulder would be crushed by his own The edge of the sword was cut off.

At this moment, Chen Qing's pain was extremely painful!But this physical pain was far inferior to the humiliation he was enduring in his heart!Chen Qing roared and struggled hard, trying to stand up, but it was easier said than done?Peng Tie would definitely not give him this chance to stand up again. With a little force on the heavy axe, Chen Qing just raised his knees a little before falling heavily on the ground, and the blade also cut deeper into the flesh. .

"Struggle! Keep struggling! The more you struggle, the happier I feel! Hahaha..."

"***! Let go of Lord Qing!"

When Chen Qing's good brothers witnessed this scene, they were all furious.Amidst the screams, there were more than a dozen figures attacking Peng Tie from different directions.

"My uncle is having a good time playing, how can you allow you to spoil the fun? Get lost!"

Facing the attack coming from all directions, Peng Tie didn't even look at it. With a roar, he swung the heavy ax with the other hand, and pieces of cold light were created out of thin air, like a strong wind blowing away the smoke. A dozen or so figures were immediately scattered and retreated by Peng Tie's power, vomiting blood one after another!

"Dog thief! If you dare, kill me!" Chen Qing is a man who values ​​love and righteousness, and what he can't see the most is to hurt his brother. At this time, his eyes were full of blood and tears, and he shouted at Peng Tie. .

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