The folding fan in Cui Sheng's hand doesn't seem to be very surprising, but it is actually a rare treasure, with golden bones and jade surface, very strong.But when it collided with Wan Dong's claws, it was like an egg hitting a rock, it burst open in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into fragments all over the ground.Cui Sheng obviously couldn't believe all of this, so he just stayed on the spot.

"After disturbing the wind and rain, I want to pat my ass and leave. How can this world be so simple?"

Just when Cui Sheng was in a daze, Wan Dong sneered and slashed at him with a palm.Cui Sheng just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly waved his palms to meet him, but the strength of his palms, compared to Wan Dong's, is like a chicken and a dog, completely different.A tyrannical golden light swept across swiftly, and Cui Sheng immediately flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"Cui Sheng, you have a day too!" Before Cui Sheng's figure landed, Xue Wen and Wang Qing flew over from both sides at the same time.

To Cui Sheng, the two really hated them, and their subordinates were merciless, Cui Sheng's figure was still in the air, and the shadows of their palms and legs landed on him one after another.Poor Cui Sheng didn't even have a chance to resist, so he flew out again, and it was more than ten feet away before landing heavily.

Not to mention that Cui Sheng was not made of iron, even if he was, he couldn't bear it at this moment, he spewed out seven or eight blood arrows in a row, and in an instant, the blood color completely faded from his face, and his whole body was as if he hadn't. Like a broken bone, he collapsed on the ground, unable to get up.

"My surname is Cui, I didn't expect you to have today!" There was a bad breath in his chest, and today he completely vomited it out. Xue Wen just felt very happy. put to death.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing this, Wan Dong slashed out with a palm from the air, drawing all of Xue Wen's fist strength aside.

Although Xue Wen hated Cui Sheng for not dying, he refused to disobey Wan Dong's intentions, so he stopped and said, "Sir, this thief's ambition is nothing, why do you want to save him?"

Wan Dong groaned silently, his eyes fell on Cui Sheng's body.Cui Sheng, Yu Zhong, and Peng Tie are three people whose identities are obsessed, and even though they have advanced cultivation, they are willing to serve Du Yutong as the master, which made Wan Dong curious.In Yuzhong, Peng Tie was dead, and if he wanted to solve the mystery, he might only fall on Cui Sheng.And this Cui Sheng is obviously smarter than Yu Zhong and Peng Tie, and he also cherishes his life more. No matter how you look at it, it is a good breakthrough.

Wan Dong is curious about Cui Sheng, and Cui Sheng is even more so about Wan Dong!A mere fourth-rank immortal, but like a mountain and a deep sea, gives people a sense of mystery. If Wan Dong is an ordinary person, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"Unexpectedly, the three of my brothers planned for a long time, but it fell short in your hands!" Cui Sheng stared at Wan Dong, finally couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Wan Dong smiled slightly, and said, "With your cultivation, you can do whatever you want in the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret place. I'm a little curious, what kind of event is it that you have been planning for a full year."

"Why, do you also think that the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret realm is just a barren land? Hmph! It won't be long before the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret realm will shake the entire fairy court. By then, I don't know how many people will flock to it! "

"Oh? You seem to know something that others don't."

A sneer appeared on Cui Sheng's face, and he curled his lips and said, "You don't need to beat around the bush to tell me what you shouldn't say, I, Cui Sheng, can't say a word!"

"Really, but the current situation seems to be beyond your control!" Wan Dong's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Isn't it a good deal for you to exchange what you know for your life?"

"Hehe... the moment the mission failed, my life was lost." Cui Sheng's face showed an indescribable bitterness, which made Wan Dong's heart sink suddenly.

"You're a smart person, but don't be a fool. No matter what kind of desperation you face, as long as you are alive, there is hope."

"What you don't understand is that in this world, there are always things you can't contend with. Don't think that if you kill me, everything is over. The bigger nightmare is just beginning. I will wait for you in the underworld. Yes! Hahaha..."

"do not want!"

Hearing this, Wan Dong's heart was shocked, and he hurried forward to restrain Cui Sheng, but unexpectedly, Cui Sheng took a step faster, he directly raised his palm and slapped his own sky cap.The tragic scene of brains splattering made Xue Wen, Wang Qing, Wang Hui and others feel a chill in their hearts.

"What are they afraid of?" Yu Zhong first, and then Cui Sheng, neither of them looked like people who were not afraid of death, but they showed such determination, which completely exceeded Xue Wen's expectations.

"Naturally, I'm afraid of the people who command them behind them!" Wan Dong's expression was also a bit dignified.

"Who are they, and what do they want to do?" Xue Wen couldn't help being nervous because Yu Zhong, Cui Sheng, and Peng Tie were all so afraid.

"Second Master, the leader...the leader wants to see you." At this moment, a member of the Du League hurried over.

"Leader!" Xue Wen was taken aback for a moment, with an involuntary look of anxiety on his face, and walked quickly without much hesitation.

Seeing this, Wan Dong nodded slightly. After all, this Xue Wen is still a man who values ​​love and righteousness.

Du Yutong was indeed seriously injured. There was an ax mark on his chest that penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Time is really running out.

At this time, Du Yutong's face did not show much pain, but more remorse, self-blame, and deep anger.Peng Tie's sudden ax was ruthless and urgent, and it was clear that he wanted to kill him.When Peng Tie's heavy ax fell, Du Yutong was completely stunned. He couldn't recover until the ax hit his body and blood gushed out.It was at that time that Du Yutong realized that in the eyes of others, he was just a poor pawn who could be discarded at any time!

Thinking of this year, his heart-to-heart confession to Cui Sheng and the three, thinking of this year, he let Cui Sheng and the three manipulate him, and he did all kinds of injustices to his brothers and friends for many years, and the remorse in Du Yutong's heart is beyond words.

"Second brother!" Du Yutong's expression was agitated when he saw Xue Wen approaching quickly, he stood up forcefully regardless of his subordinates' obstruction and life-threatening injuries.

"Leader, your injury!" Seeing this, Xue Wen hastily quickened his pace and rushed forward to support Du Yutong.Looking at Du Yutong, who was covered in blood and dying, Xue Wen instinctively expressed concern and regret.

And this concern and pity fell into Du Yutong's eyes, like a detonator, instantly detonating all the remorse and guilt in his heart.For a while, Du Yutong burst into tears, choked up and unable to speak!

They are all brothers for many years, and have experienced countless lives and deaths together. How could Xue Wen not understand Du Yutong's mood at this time, and patted the back of his hand vigorously, knowing in his heart that Du Yutong was bewitched by Cui Sheng and others to do this. After those stupid things happened, the original resentment towards him suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Second brother, I'm the big brother, I'm sorry for you, I..."

Du Yutong struggled to salute and apologize to Xue Wen, but Xue Wen stopped him forcefully and said, "Leader, how could this be your fault? This is all the fault of Cui Sheng, Yu Zhong, and Peng Tie! These three are ambitious , Treacherous like a jackal, you deceive the leader in every possible way, it is extremely abominable! Fortunately, the three of them have been executed now, and it can be regarded as the anger in the hearts of the brothers!"

Xue Wen put all the crimes on Cui Sheng and the three of them, but didn't mention Du Yutong's selfishness, obviously to preserve Du Yutong's reputation.Du Yutong was seriously injured, but his mind was very clear, and the tears that had just stopped were surging again.

"Second brother, you... are you still willing to call me big brother?"

"Brother, what did you say? In my heart, Xue Wen, you will always be my big brother!"

"Okay! Cough cough..." Hearing Xue Wen's words, Du Yutong's originally pale complexion suddenly returned to 'ruddy'.It's just that under such circumstances, this change may not be a good thing.Du Yutong said hello just now, and he couldn't help coughing violently, vomiting big mouthfuls of blood non-stop.

"Brother, don't get excited, I'm here to heal your wounds!" Xue Wen immediately said in a hurry, a little panicked.

Du Yutong pulled back suddenly, blocked Xue Wen's hand, and said with a very solemn expression, "Second brother, I don't have much time, I have to hurry up and tell you something...cough cough..."

"Brother, your injury..."

Xue Wen wanted to dissuade them, but Du Yutong didn't listen at all. He held his breath, and said quickly, "Second brother, Cui Sheng and the other three are obsessed with identities. I found out by accident that they are disciples of the sect, and they seem to have come here under orders, ahem... I wanted to find out which sect they came from and what order they were given, but I never found a chance , but there is one thing, cough cough cough... I can be sure of one thing, they came to me... to my Dumeng, they wanted to use our Dumeng's strength to plan a big event outside this ancient mountain secret realm..."

Du Yutong was already exhausted, but at this moment he recklessly and forcefully said so many words, it was already at the last moment, his pale face showed greenness.

"Brother, stop talking, it's important to heal your injuries first!"

"No! Second brother, I mistrusted them and caused your brothers in the alliance to suffer a lot of grievances. If I can't make up for these crimes, I'm afraid I won't be able to rest in peace when I arrive in the underworld... Remember! How long will it take before this ancient mountain secret realm, something big will happen. At that time, there will be countless strong people coming here. Second brother, you promise me, you must... prepare early, deal with it carefully, and protect the brothers... comprehensively! "

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