Du Yutong was seriously injured, if he hadn't forced a sigh of relief, he wouldn't even be able to see Xue Wen for the last time, Wan Dong also had no choice but to say the last two words, Du Yutong lost his breath and passed away!

The whole Du League immediately wailed, and it was thanks to Xue Wen that even though Du Yutong's people were dead, he kept his name behind him.Wan Dong was very satisfied with Xue Wen's handling, and felt more and more in his heart that he was right about Xue Wen.

"Have you buried him yet?" Looking up at Xue Wen who was still full of sadness, Wan Dong opened his mouth and asked.

Xue Wen let out a long sigh, and said, "I think back then, when we two brothers broke through this big Dumeng alone, what a hero my eldest brother was at that time, but I didn't expect to die in the hands of three despicable villains." In his hands, it is really not worth it for him!"

"Second Master, no matter what, all of this is the leader's own choice, please express your condolences!" Wang Qing understood the relationship between Xue Wen and Du Yutong, so he didn't know what to say to comfort Xue Wen at this time.

"The man is gone, let him go with the wind! We living people still have to look forward!"

"Sir, what you said is right!" After listening to Wan Dong's words, Xue Wen forcibly pulled himself together, turned to look at Wang Hui and said, "Miss Wang, the leader said before he died that Cui Sheng and the other three were disciples of the sect, and they came here on orders. Yu Qiang, the elder brother in the middle school, is a disciple of your Siji sect, so could Cui Sheng and the others be from the Siji sect as well?"

The identities of Cui Sheng's three sect disciples really made Xue Wen a little nervous.Compared with the power of the sect, Du Meng is simply a chicken and a dog, and the two cannot be compared at all.If Du Meng really forged an enmity with a sect, then the day of annihilation is probably not far away.

Wang Hui didn't think deeply about it, so she shook her head very simply and said, "It's absolutely impossible! The Siji Gate has a strict procedure for accepting disciples, and every disciple who is admitted into the gate wall has traces to check! And In the past few years, I have participated in the acceptance of new disciples at the Siji Gate, but I don't know any of the three Cui Sheng."

"That's strange, Yu Zhong and Yu Qiang are brothers, they should join the same sect, so they can take care of each other, how could they be separated?" Xue Wen looked surprised and confused.

Wang Hui shook her head and said she didn't know, Wan Dong was also full of doubts, but Cui Sheng and the others were too decisive, and they did not hesitate to die to keep the secret. The information that Wan Dong and the three had was really limited, and it was impossible to deduce from it.

"No matter which sect these three people came from, they died in my Du League. I'm afraid that the sect they belong to will not let it go. Second Lord, we should be on guard as soon as possible." Wang Qing frowned.

Xue Wenwen's expression was solemn, but now it was three points more serious, and he fell silent.Wan Dong smiled slightly, looked at him, and asked, "Why, are you scared?"

Xue Wen was stunned when he heard the words, then raised his brows, and said, "What's so scary? Although the sect is powerful, it can't cover the sky with one hand! Although our Dumeng's power is small, our advantage lies in flexibility. The great sect If they were really killed, we could be reduced to pieces. I don't believe that those sects would chase and kill us little casual cultivators all over the secret place of the ancient mountain with great fanfare for the sake of Cui Sheng, these three little fellows. Aren't you afraid of losing face?"

"Looking at the decision of Cui Sheng and the other three who would rather die than reveal their identities, I guess their mission this time must have an ulterior purpose. Since it is ulterior, naturally it cannot be publicized. I think even if they have some revenge on Dumeng We don’t dare to act in the open. But we can’t be unprepared, and everyone should be careful in the future. If it really gets out of hand, as Xue Wen said, Dumeng will be broken into pieces immediately!”

"There is one more person to guard against, and that is Yu Qiang! He is just Yu Zhong's brother, and I'm afraid he won't let it go!" Wang Hui'e said with a slight frown.

"How about Yu Zhong's cultivation?" Wan Dong asked.

"Better than me, I'm afraid I have stepped into the realm of the ninth rank of human immortal!"

"As long as you're not a true immortal, then it's fine!" Wan Dong waved his hand and said.

The strong self-confidence naturally exuded from Wan Dong made Xue Wen and Wang's brothers and sisters present couldn't help but shine.The nervousness and worry in my heart disappeared in smoke.The three of them couldn't help but glanced at each other, feeling Wan Dong's unfathomable depth more and more.

"Sir, the leader of the alliance is dead. Dumeng cannot be leaderless. I mean..."

Before Xue Wen could finish speaking, Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "I understand what you mean, but I can't do it for this leader!"

"Why can't you do it? With your cultivation, sir, who in Dumeng would dare not accept it?"

"Yes! Sir, please don't refuse!" Wang Qing also joined the camp of persuasion.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "It's not that I'm resigning, it's just that I'm not used to being restrained! I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't have so much energy to manage Dumeng. Besides, apart from you few, Dumeng Few people here recognize me. If it is only based on my cultivation, even if they surrender, it is definitely not out of sincerity. In my opinion, you should be the leader of the alliance, Xue Wen! You have the qualifications and the ability! "

Xue Wen didn't refute any of Wan Dong's words, so he could only nod his head and said, "If that's the case, then it's as what Mr. said! But from now on, no matter what Mr. orders, Du Meng and I will definitely go all out!"

Wan Dong was very satisfied with this result, nodded, and asked Wang Hui, "Miss Wang, before Cui Sheng died, he said that a big event will happen on the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm, and they are preparing for this event." Only major events come to Dumeng. You also come from a great sect, but have you ever heard of it, what is the major event?"

Wang Hui shook her head and said, "I've never heard of it!"

Wan Dong was not surprised by this answer. Seeing that Cui Sheng and the other three acted so secretly, he knew that this big event that was about to happen was far from being fully known to the world.However, for this important event, the sect where Cui Sheng and the other three belonged unexpectedly made preparations a year in advance. Presumably this important event is really no small matter.

Maybe because she felt that she couldn't help Wan Dong, Wang Hui said with some embarrassment, "Don't worry, sir. After returning to Siji Gate, I will definitely do my best to investigate this matter. As soon as there is news, I will report to sir!"

Wan Dong hummed, and said, "Miss Wang, you are a disciple of the Great Sect and have extensive knowledge. I wonder if you can recognize this thing?"

Putting the matter of Du Meng aside temporarily, Wan Dong took out Bijing from his arms.Wan Dong never believed that there was only one piece of this thing in the world!If they can find the source and collect more, then Wang Yangde, Luo Xiao and the others will be able to enter the Immortal Court as soon as possible.

For some reason, Wan Dong felt a sense of urgency, and wished that Wang Yangde and the others could be trained to become one of the most powerful men in the fairy court!

"This... this seems to be a teleportation stone!" Wang Hui was a little surprised when Bijing got her hands on it.After careful induction, his face was full of astonishment.

After all, he is the leader of the younger generation in Xianting, and his knowledge is really extraordinary.Wan Dong's heart was shaken, and he hurriedly asked, "Have you met Miss Wang before?"

Wang Hui nodded and said, "I've seen it before, but the color is different from this one..."

"Where did you see it?" Wan Dong became more and more excited.

"In an ancient fairy's cultivation secret palace!"

"Practice in the secret palace?" Although Wan Dong came to the fairy court for the first time, but with the memory of Xuantian Great God as his backing, Wan Dong is not a child who knows nothing.This practice secret palace is recorded in the memory of Xuantian Damingshen, and it is an independent space created by the great power of the ancestors, just like the Mu family's ancestral realm.

"Then the teleportation stone you have seen, where will people be teleported?"

Wang Hui shook her head and said, "I don't know about that! I entered the secret mansion with Master at that time. Things like teleportation stones are extremely rare and precious. Once discovered, they were collected by Master. I will never see them again in the future." seen."

"Did your master never use that teleportation stone?"

"Of course not! The teleportation stone is extremely dangerous. Before knowing the teleportation location set by the teleportation stone, who would dare to use it rashly? If one is accidentally teleported to a dangerous place, life will be in danger! "

"The biggest use of this teleportation stone is teleportation. If it is not used for teleportation, how precious is it?"

"Don't you know, sir? The true meaning of space is hidden in the teleportation stone, and this is its most precious place!"

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Your master got that teleportation stone, but it was only used to comprehend the true meaning of space?"

"The true meaning of space is the most mysterious and incomprehensible morality in the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If one can penetrate it, one can obtain the ability to travel through space and the power to move mountains and fill seas. Isn't this precious?"

Wan Dong is actually a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry. There are hundreds of ancient golden runes hidden in his body, among which there is no shortage of the true meaning of space. He can easily comprehend it, but other people are different. It is really hard to search for these gemstones that contain the true meaning of space!

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head. Although Wang Hui's words made sense, they had little effect on him.However, it can be known that teleportation stones like Bijing come from the secret palace of practice handed down from the ancient powers, and Wan Dong didn't get nothing.

"By the way, since Ms. Wang is a disciple of the Four Extremes Sect, she must have a magic stone for the return journey, right? I wonder if I can take a look at it?"

"Exactly! This time, we have only heard about Cheng Fashi, but never seen it. Sister, just take it out and let us all open our eyes." Wang Qing and Xue Wen also looked curious.

"Hmm!" As for her elder brother, Wang Hui naturally would not be petty, so she took out the returning magic stone without even thinking about it.It can only be seen that Wang Hui also attaches great importance to the magic stone on the return journey, and moves carefully, for fear of making mistakes.

Wan Dong finally saw the legendary return magic stone, but to his surprise, this time the return journey magic stone was not what he imagined, it was a gemstone with a handle about five inches long, and the whole body was glowing with crystals. Ziguang's exquisite little sword.The tip of the sword is showing a cold light, it looks unusually sharp...

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