"Sir, you don't know. This time Zhaoyue will come prepared, plus..." Chen Qing said bluntly, and blurted out without waiting for Wan Dong's words to fall, but he was caught by Wang Qing just halfway through his words. A burst of intentional or unintentional coughing interrupted.

Chen Qing's complexion immediately changed, filled with bitterness and embarrassment, he swallowed forcefully, swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and then took a big step back, bowing his head in silence.Looking at it like that, I wish I could sew my mouth shut!

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Wang Qing suspiciously, Wang Qing said with some guilt, "Sir, Zhaoyue will come in menacingly, the second master made this plan just in case! You are not only the biggest benefactor of our Dumeng, but also Second Master and my benefactor, it is only right that Second Master does not want to implicate you. You can leave with us quickly!"

The behavior of Chen Qing and Wang Qing is really weird, if there is nothing tricky in it, Wan Dong will not believe it!It's just that these two people hesitated for some reason, obviously with reservations, which aroused Wan Dong's curiosity even more.

Seeing that Chen Qing and Wang Qing were unwilling to say more, Wan Dong simply stopped asking, smiled slightly, and said, "You Jiang Zhaoyue will speak so well, I can't help but want to meet them in person!"

"Ah? This..."

Hearing what Wan Dong said, Chen Qing and Wang Qing immediately became nervous.

Wan Dong looked at the two with a smile, and said, "Why, is it possible that this Zhaoyuehui is stronger than Cui Sheng, Peng Tie, and Yu Zhong? If they were really so powerful, they probably wouldn't have confronted Du Meng until now, would they? Or, the two of you don't believe in my strength at all, and feel that Cui Sheng and the others fell into my hands because it was just my luck?"

"No, no, no! Sir's abilities are obvious to all. How dare you doubt him? It's just...it's just that this time, facing the moon meeting, we can't solve it by force alone. Moreover, we have already troubled you a lot. This time, I really dare not bother Mr.

"Why should a family talk about two families? Although I have never joined the Dumeng, we are friends after all, and you have been taken care of by everyone. They gave me the best residence in the league. In this crisis, if I don't help If you give me a helping hand, am I still a human being? You two brothers don’t need to worry too much, just take me to the moon meeting!”

"Sir, I see..."

"Don't talk about it anymore, Second Master will be in danger! Let's go!" Once Wan Dong made up his mind, how can others persuade him?Not even giving Wang Qing and Chen Qing a chance to persuade him, Wan Dong grabbed one of them and flew away.

"Xue Wen, I told you a long time ago that evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that if you don't repay, the time has not yet come! What else do you have to say now?" Looking at Xue Wen who was trapped in the siege, Song Po's face was full of tears. He shouted in a contemptuous voice.

"Every one of these goddamn people will die!"


"Kill these bastards and let them all go back to hell!"

As soon as Song Po's shout fell to the ground, it immediately caused a stormy wave of cursing.What is meant by Wan Fu, Xue Wen finally experienced it today!He and Du Meng's allies were surrounded by people from all directions.There are harsh curses and accusations everywhere, and there is no place for people to hide.

"You bastards! You were all under the protection of my Dumeng, but now you want to rebel?" A member of the Dumeng next to Xue Wen couldn't help but retorted.

But he never thought that before his words fell to the ground, he was drowned out by waves of shouting and cursing.

"Bah! Who wants to use you as a shelter? It's just a broken wooden house, and you have to collect thirty immortal beast cores. Is there anyone more greedy than you in the world?"

"Where are you protecting us? You are clearly raising us as animals and exploiting us in every possible way! We are just targets for your money-making and bullying!"

"God has eyes, today is finally the time for your destruction!"

"Nonsense! This is a business deal. We protect your safety, and you pay us, voluntarily, without deceit. It's ridiculous to talk about exploitation and greed!?" The members of the Dumeng were still defending, but they didn't It is impossible to suppress the monstrous anger around.

"Bullshit business! It's just you guys bullying others! Today, God finally opened his eyes, and You Zhaoyue will make decisions for us. It's really time for revenge and revenge! Fellow Daoists, let's do it together! , Kill all these bastards who eat people and don't spit out their bones!"

The thing that worried Xue Wen the most happened. As the conflict between the two sides intensified, the quarrel finally turned into a fight.I don't know who in the crowd yelled, the casual cultivators who surrounded the members of Dumeng immediately clamored, sword lights and fist shadows fell towards the members of Dumeng like a meteor shower.

"F*ck, you group of ungrateful things, can you really turn against the sky?" Du Meng's allies were not to be outdone, and fought back one after another. For a while, the whole world was involved in the sound of killing.

Seeing this, Xue Wen hastily opened his mouth and yelled, "Everyone in Dumeng, listen to my order, you can only gather to defend, and you are not allowed to fight back!"

"Second Master, you... what are you talking about?"

With Xue Wen's stern shouts, the casual cultivators and Zhaoyuehui masters who surrounded Du Meng's allies were stunned, but Du Meng's allies were in a mess, shouting and asking questions one after another, in an endless stream!In this case, what is the difference between being able to defend and not counterattack, and washing your neck clean and letting someone come to kill you?

"Second Lord, there is nothing to be afraid of Zhaoyuehui and these mobs! Everyone can rush out in one blood!"

"That's right! Our Dumeng has always been a bully, when have we ever been bullied like this?"

The allies of the Du League spoke out against it one after another, and some of them didn't listen to Xue Wen's orders at all, and rushed out wantonly.

"Bastard! Since I am the leader of the Du League, what I say is the rules of the alliance! Anyone who does not obey is a betrayal, and I will immediately expel them from the Du League!"

"The leader is unfair, I will not accept it!" As soon as Xue Wen's voice fell, someone yelled angrily.

Xue Wen looked intently, his brows furrowed immediately, the person who spoke was once a close friend of Du Yutong in the past.Not only him alone, but also a large group of people who followed Du Yutong and suppressed him.These people are now headed by him, forming a small circle indistinctly, openly challenging Xue Wen's authority.

"Xie Yu! Are you going to kill everyone?" Xue Wen ignored the others and only focused on the leader Xie Yu.

This person followed Du Yutong and dealt with Xue Wen very early on. Although he and Du Yutong walked closer on weekdays, Xue Wen finally felt grateful for the friendship they had fought together and was not going to turn over his old scores.But Xie Yu himself judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and he is obedient to Xue Wen in the open, but in fact he is obedient and obedient, secretly cultivating his own power.Xue Wenwen wanted to find an opportunity to have a good communication with him, but he didn't want to wait for such an opportunity.

Xue Wen could see that Xie Yu clearly planned to take this opportunity to raise his own banner and fight against Xue Wen.Although it is more dangerous to do so, under this chaotic situation, the probability of success is much greater than usual.It's just that Xie Yu probably didn't think about it at all, his making such a fuss would disrupt Xue Wen's overall plan and bring disaster to Du Meng's allies.His selfishness is exactly what Xue Wen hates him the most!

"You are the one who wants to kill everyone! As the lord of the alliance, you don't want to lead everyone to earn a living, but you want everyone to kill you. You don't know what it means!" Xie Yu first refuted Xue Wen, and then told the members of the Du League , said, "Zhaoyue will have ulterior motives and incite this group of loose cultivators to eradicate my Dumeng! Now it's the time of life and death, everyone has no choice! If you want to survive, come with me, Xie Yu, and fight your way out!" !"

After all, there is only one life, who can not cherish it?When Xie Yu said these words, he immediately got a lot of responses, and Xie Yu's small circle immediately expanded at an astonishing speed!

However, Xue Wen's prestige in the Du League was not blown out. Although many people fell to Xie Yu, most of them still stood by Xue Wen's side, and according to Xue Wen's words, they formed a circle back to back A large circle, for the attack of casual cultivators, only adopts a defensive posture and does not fight back!

"Ha! Looks like the sky is going to destroy Dumeng. We haven't done much yet. Dumeng himself is fighting among himself first!" Song Po was very satisfied with the situation in front of him, and said with a smile.

Beside him stood a bright young girl of about twenty-eight years old, with a graceful figure and a radiant look. She was dressed in light yellow neon clothes, showing her youthful beauty.Needless to say, this woman is Lun Wan'er, the president of the Zhaoyue Society.

Lun Wan'er was obviously not as optimistic as Song Po. At this time, her pretty eyebrows were slightly lowered, and she looked very calm. She said crisply, "Don't rush to be happy! Among the Dumeng, Xue Wen is the most cunning! In the past few years, have we suffered less from him? Who knows, will all of this now be another trap set by him?"

As soon as Lun Wan'er said this, the smile on Song Po's face froze immediately.As Lun Wan'er said, he has suffered too much from Xue Wen's losses these years.Gritting his teeth, Song Po said in a deep voice, "What the president said is that Xue Wen is really hateful! Fortunately, now that the general situation has come, even if Xue Wen has all-powerful means, I'm afraid he can only admit defeat! No matter what happens this time In the same way, we must completely get rid of this scourge, so as to avoid future troubles!"

Lun Wan'er didn't speak, but nodded her head heavily, apparently deeply convinced by Song Po's words!

"Xie Yu, I, Dumeng, have gone through this series of calamities, haven't you figured it out yet? Heaven's law is clear, retribution is not good, this is an ancient truth! In the past, in order to expand, our Dumeng really did too much. Wrong thing, committed too many sins! Now, it is time to pay back!"

"The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest! Where did our crime come from? Hmph! I think you are scared out of your wits by the situation in front of you, right? Do you think that if you beg for mercy like this, then Lun Wan'er will be able to meet the moon?" Give you a way to survive? Or, you plan to use the lives of our brothers in exchange for Zhaoyue Society for your peace!"

"You spitting blood! I, Xue Wen, am a person who is afraid of death, you know in your heart! I only think about one thing, and that is to curb the killing and save the lives of the brothers!" Yu, bluntly reprimanded.

"Hmph! The second master is the second master, with clever arrangements and full of schemes! No wonder President Du will fall into your hands, but you don't know it!" Xie Yu said with a icy cold sneer on his face. one sentence...

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