As soon as Xie Yu's words came out, Xue Wen immediately felt a piercing chill, his complexion changed drastically, and he scolded sharply, "My surname is Xie, what do you mean by that?"

Xie Yu sneered, and curled his lips, "Xue Wen, you think you are doing everything seamlessly without anyone noticing it, but you don't know that there is no impenetrable wall in this world! You know what you have done!"

"What have I done, tell me if you dare!"

"Do you think I don't dare? Well, let me suppress your conspiracy today! On the surface, you, Cui Sheng, Yu Zhong, and Peng Tie are like fire and water, but in fact, you are colluding! You First, make them get close to the leader, and then you create some troubles, let them gain the trust of the leader, and when the leader completely trusts them, you let Cui Sheng suddenly attack and kill the leader..."

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense!" Xue Wen couldn't believe his ears, and he never even dreamed that Xie Yu would have the guts to frame him in broad daylight. Xue Wen's calmness, at this time, can't help but get angry, almost losing his mind.

Xie Yu ignored Xue Wen's anger at all, and continued to sneer and said, "Leader has a lot of trust in Cui Sheng, and he didn't take any precautions at all. Cui Sheng made a sudden attack, and he was sure to hit him. The poor leader was killed by you like this! But what is even more hateful is that in order not to leave any openings, you even let Cui Sheng and the others go. I think Cui Sheng must be scolding Xue Wen's mother on Huangquan Road at this time! Second Master, you are really serious Good idea!"

"Nonsense! I'll kill you!"

Xie Yu poured dirty water one after another, until Xue Wen was so angry that he didn't care about that much. With a stern whistle, he swung his palm and slashed at Xie Yu.However, Xie Yu had been prepared for a long time, and before Xue Wen's palm strength reached his body, he had already retreated, and the Du Mengmeng, who were bewitched by Xie Yu, violently blocked one after another, Xue Wen's angry blow, Not even a single hair of Xie Yu was hurt.

Xie Yu brushed off his sleeves in a leisurely manner, and looked at Xue Wen with a sneer, "Why, the second master is getting angry from embarrassment, and wants to kill someone to silence him?"

As soon as Xie Yu's words came out, the situation became extremely unfavorable to Xue Wen.Not to mention the people who were leaning towards Xie Yu, all of them glared at him at this moment, and those Dumeng allies surrounding him couldn't help casting questioning glances at him at this moment.

Xue Wen shuddered suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, only then did he realize that he had been fooled by Xie Yu in his sudden excitement!

Xie Yu's remarks just now were all nonsense and could not withstand scrutiny at all. Anyone with a little brain would know that what he said was totally unbelievable.The purpose of Xie Yu's doing this is nothing more than to muddy the water, not to make people believe, just to make people feel confused.

"Brothers, Xue Wen has ulterior motives. He first killed the alliance leader, and now he wants us all to kill without a fight. I suspect that he is a spy of the Zhaoyue Society. The purpose of infiltrating into our Du League is to disintegrate our Du League!"

"Bah! What a shameless villain who talks nonsense!" Song Po, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help cursing when he heard this.In his heart, even though Xue Wen was cunning and hateful, he was a hundred times better than Xie Yu.

"Although it is a bit despicable, it is very useful at this time." Lun Wan'er's pretty face was calm, making it impossible to see happiness or anger.

Xie Yu's words really had an effect. Many people in Xue Wen's camp immediately turned around and joined Xie Yu's camp.Seeing all this, Xue Wen gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare to act rashly, and he didn't even dare to argue for himself.At this moment, even if you say a word, you can only describe it more and more darkly.Before, Xie Yu had been under Du Yutong's light all the time, and he didn't seem to have any special qualities. It was only now that Xue Wen discovered that Xie Yu was really a man of means.

Just watching the brothers who don't know the truth fall into the camp of death, Xue Wen's heart hurts like being pierced!

"Song Po, we can't let Xie Yu's camp grow any longer, order brothers, get ready to attack!" Lun Wan'er said suddenly with a playful gesture.

"President, why don't you wait? This dog-eat-dog scene is something you don't often see!"

"Although I still don't know what Xue Wen's plan is, but it seems that he wants to fight and doesn't want to fight. But Xie Yu is different. He is a mad dog now. If he continues to confuse people like this, in the end, Xue Wen will die. Although Wen's strength has been weakened, the casualties of our brothers will also increase. Right now, take advantage of Xie Yu's unstable foothold, and get rid of him first!"

"Follow the order!"

Song Po paused his head vigorously, and suddenly raised his right palm. The masters of the Zhaoyuehui immediately straightened their bodies after receiving the order.

Although there were not many people brought by Zhaoyuehui this time, they were all elites, and with the support of a group of casual practitioners, no one would dare to underestimate them outside the ancient mountain secret realm!

"Not good!" Xue Wen's mind tightened suddenly, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he hurriedly shouted at Xie Yu, "Xie Yu, don't be fooled, don't kill your brothers!"

Xie Yu glanced at him full of disdain, let out a sneer, suddenly pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, and shouted loudly, "Brothers, if you want to live, follow me and kill!"

After saying that, before Song Po gave the order to attack, he swung his sword and killed.A sharp edge like lightning suddenly lit up, and the three casual cultivators who stood in front of Xie Yu were actually chopped down by one of his swords.

The bewitching blood splashed immediately, like a lit fuze, detonating instantly.In half a breath, the casual cultivators around were blown up!The crowd was originally excited, but at this moment it was even more unstoppable, the raging crowd immediately roared towards Xie Yu and his followers.

At this point, there is no room for maneuver.There is only one thought left in everyone's mind, and that is to kill!

Kill a bloody road!

Kill all the villains and take revenge!

The two sides with murderous intent were like a crazy wave crashing into an impenetrable dam, but instead of white waves, it was a bloody light that pierced people's eyes and made people feel cold!

"Bastards of Du Meng, today is your day of death! Kill!"

"The mere mob wants to destroy me, Dumeng. It's wishful thinking, kill!"

The roars gathered together and turned into invisible waves, together with the boiling blood, they rushed straight into the sky!

In terms of combat power, Dumeng's allies are naturally superior, but casual cultivators have a numerical advantage.If one person can't stop your sword light, then two, three!Under Xie Yu's leadership, Du Meng's members only rushed forward for more than ten steps, and then they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it became extremely difficult to move forward any further!

And compared to Xie Yu and others' difficult breakout, death is extremely easy!

At the beginning, the casual cultivators fell in pieces, and then the members of the Dumeng also began to suffer large-scale casualties. More and more people died, and the speed became faster and faster!It was as if there was an invisible meat grinder between heaven and earth, devouring life crazily.

"Injustice! Injustice!"

Looking at all the crazy things in front of him, Xue Wen's heart trembled like an electric shock.The death of Du Mengmeng made him feel sad, but the death of those loose cultivators also made him uneasy!This was exactly the situation he tried his best to avoid, but unexpectedly, it happened because of Xie Yu!

At this moment, Xue Wen's heart was full of unspeakable hatred!Not only for Xie Yu's despicableness, but also for his own incompetence, and even more for his repentance and remorse for all the past!

That's right, today's evil results are still due to the evil causes they planted with their own hands back then!

For the expansion of Du Meng and for grabbing more power, he and Du Yutong lost their way after all. The sins they committed over the years finally found their way today.

"Second Master, what should we do?"

Although most of the casual cultivators were killed together with Xie Yu's men, there were also a small number of them who started to attack Xue Wen and the others.

"It's still the same sentence, you can only defend, and you are not allowed to counterattack!"


"There's nothing wrong with it! This... This is our crime, we can't add more crimes!"

"President!" Song Po was also taken aback by the tragic scene in front of him, frowning tightly.

Lun Wan'er's calm face finally became turbulent, and her voice revealed a bit of anxiety, "What are you still doing in a daze, attack immediately, we can't let those loose cultivators continue to bleed!"


Song Po let out a roar of a tiger, and the masters of the Zhaoyue Society who had been on standby all this time rushed out like a pack of wolves.Compared with loose casual cultivators, the combat strength of the elites of the Zhaoyue Society is like a heavenly man!Xie Yu and the others, who were already in a bitter battle, fell into chaos immediately as if they had been hit hard on the head.

"Zhaoyue will make a move! Zhaoyue will make a move!"

"What are you waiting for? Get rid of Du Meng and kill all these beasts!"

As soon as Zhaoyuehui made a move, the casual cultivators cheered up immediately, roaring and laughing one after another, and the fighting spirit became more and more intense!

"Zhaoyuehui!" Xie Yu wanted to go all out and break through the siege of casual cultivators, but before Zhaoyuehui came back to his senses, he drifted away.But he didn't expect that a group of casual cultivators who had never been seen by him would be so difficult to deal with.This time, the elites of the Zhaoyue Society rushed forward, directly cutting off all his hopes, and what Xie Yu hated was itching his teeth.

Under the double oppression of casual cultivators and Zhaoyuehui masters, Xie Yu and his people could only shrink continuously, leaving corpses on the ground continuously.It took only half a cup of tea before and after this, and at least half of the people who followed Xie Yu died!

"Boss Xie, what should we do?" Xie Yu's people started to panic.

Xie Yu was also restless at this time, secretly regretting.If I had known that things would be like this, I might as well have listened to Xue Wen, maybe he would have a way out!

"What else can I do? If you don't want to die, just fight for me!"

Xie Yu gritted his teeth and made up his mind.Instead of passively defending like this until they are killed one by one by others, it is better to encourage everyone to fight to the death.Maybe, he still has a chance to escape by taking advantage of the chaos...

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