Xie Yu gritted his teeth and made up his mind.Instead of passively defending like this until they are killed one by one by others, it is better to encourage everyone to fight to the death.Maybe, he still has a chance to escape by taking advantage of the chaos.As for the life and death of others, he has never been in his consideration!

"Xie Yu, the dog thief, take your life!"

Just as Xie Yu was trying to encourage his subordinates to fight to the death, Song Po let out a snarl, brandished a huge saber, and volleyed towards him!Capture the thief first and capture the king, Song Po can see clearly!

"Song Po!?" Xie Yu's heart trembled instinctively when he saw Song Po attacking him.In terms of strategy, he is not inferior to Song Po, but in terms of cultivation and combat power, he is far behind Song Po.How to put it, Song Po is the number one master of the Zhaoyue Society other than Lun Wan'er, far beyond Xie Yu's comparison.

"Eat my knife!"

Song Po was very straightforward, when his figure was falling, the saber took advantage of the opportunity to unfurl, like an eagle fighting a rabbit!When the thick-backed golden sword pierced through the air, not only was there a roaring wind, it was also accompanied by a cold light.Not to mention its power, just talking about its momentum is enough to make people shudder!

Seeing this, Xie Yu couldn't help cursing angrily, "Song Po, Song Po, why don't you deal with Xue Wen and stare at me?"

Cursing was scolding, but Xie Yu's hands did not dare to be slighted.Originally holding the sword with one hand, it instantly became holding the sword with both hands. Every ounce of immortal energy in the body was mobilized by it, and all of it was poured on the edge of the sword until a light nearly ten feet thick rose from the edge of the sword. Thank you Only then did Yu wave his sword tremblingly to meet Song Po's knife gang!

Xie Yu didn't even think about dismantling tricks when he saw a trick, defending the center and leading the offense.As long as he can block Song Po's sword, Xie Yu will be thankful in his heart!

"Hmph!" Xie Yu's unwavering actions caught Song Po's eyes, but Xie Yu's two cold snorts were all returned in the end.

The momentum of the knife does not change, and the frenzy remains the same!The flashing golden light of the knife, like thunder falling from the nine heavens, slammed fiercely on Xie Yu's sword edge with a crackling sound.What about the one-foot-thick sword light?Under the frenzied momentum of the knife, it is impossible to escape the fate of falling apart.

It was only a matter of breathing, and the one-foot-thick sword light was instantly annihilated, and Xie Yu's sword also choked, and it was cut into two pieces under the blade.Xie Yu was like a kite with a broken string, flying backwards, blood spurting wildly along the way, congealing into a continuous rain of blood.

"Jumping clown, how dare you make trouble!?"

Taking advantage of people's illnesses to kill people!Song Po succeeded in one move, but he didn't even want to rest, his figure changed, his sword merged into one, and turned into a stream of light, chasing Xie Yu.

"no, do not want!"

Song Po's heavy blow just now had already washed Xie Yu's immortal energy into a mess. Even if Xie Yu wanted to mobilize his immortal energy to resist at this time, it was impossible.Facing Song Po's murderous intent, Xie Yu could only shout in horror.It's just that Song Po turned a deaf ear to his cries, and the sword light fell from the sky like a storm. In the blink of an eye, Xie Yu's whole body had been reduced to minced meat, and in the end, not even a complete body was left behind.

The group of Dumeng allies who followed Xie Yu were already in a dangerous situation, and if Xie Yu died again, their last hope would be cut off immediately, and the trend of defeat would intensify and become inevitable.

"As soon as Xie Yu dies, stop and surrender!" As soon as Xie Yu died, Xue Wen shouted loudly.Because Xie Yu's relationship had caused too many murders, Xue Wen could no longer just watch all this continue.

"Song Po, you Zhaoyue Society have always been known for their benevolence and righteousness, do you really want to kill them all?" Xue Wen cast his eyes on Song Po while yelling at Du Mengmeng.

"Get rid of the evil! How can you treat wicked people like you with benevolence and righteousness?"

Xue Wen frowned, turned to look at Lun Wan'er, and said, "President Lun, my Dumeng's past behavior style is indeed a bit decisive, but this does not mean that everyone in my Dumeng must be a villain !Furthermore, even if a prodigal son turns his back on gold, he has the right to change his past and turn to good, right? Chairman Lun please hold your hand high, stop killing for now, and listen to me!"

Lun Wan'er's intelligent eyes swept around, and saw that there were no more people who followed Xie Yu, and there was no more trouble, and Xue Wen and his people were still trapped in the siege, Lun Wan'er It is absolutely impossible to believe that under such a desperate situation, Xue Wen still has a chance to make a comeback.

With a soft snort, Lun Wan'er raised her hand, temporarily stopping the slaughter, her cold eyes fell on Xue Wen, and she said coldly, "I really want to hear, what else can you do when you are in this field?" Easy to talk about!"

"Thank you, President Lun!" Xue Wen let out a long sigh of relief, and hugged Lun Wan'er very solemnly.

Looking back, I saw that those who followed Xie Yu were few and far between, and all of them were wounded. They looked as miserable as they could be. I couldn't help but feel a sense of desolation in my heart. These people were all once Those who followed him to fight here and there, and experienced life and death with him, did not expect to end up like this today.If we had known today, Xue Wen would not have founded Du Meng together with Du Yutong.

It's ironic to say that, back then, the reason why Xue Wen and Du Yutong established the Du League was to stop being bullied and to win the chance for the weak to survive in this world.Unexpectedly, in the end, they became bullies, like rats crossing the street, everyone yelled and beat them!Recalling the history of these years, Xue Wen really wanted to give himself a big mouth, look, what did he do?When did he start to run counter to his ideals?

It's like having a dream, and now I'm waking up from the big dream!

"President Lun, the evil of Du Meng is not the evil of everyone, but the evil of Du Yutong and I!" After a pause, Xue Wen suddenly raised his head, and said word by word to Lun Wan'er.

At this time, Xue Wen seemed to be a different person. His treacherous and cunning spirit was gone, his waist was straight, his body was imposing, and he gave people a sense of indomitable man!

Lun Wan'er and Song Po, who had been dealing with Xue Wen for so many years, couldn't help being secretly amazed at this moment, as if they were meeting Xue Wen for the first time.Could it be that Xue Wen was pretending? Song Po and Lun Wan'er did have such doubts in their hearts, but if this was really pretending, then Xue Wen's acting skills must be too good!

"My eldest brother, Du Yutong, was killed by the Japanese. It can be said that the law of heaven is manifested, and the retribution is not good! Now, this retribution will finally come true on me! President Lun, I believe that the one you want to destroy is Dumeng The evil is not to destroy the people of the Du League! I, Xue Wen, as the current leader of the Du League, now announce that from now on, the Du League will be disbanded on the spot! From now on, on the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret realm, There is no such organization as Dumeng!"


"Second Master! Du Meng can't be dismissed!"

As soon as Xue Wen's words fell, the members of Du Mengmeng who were following him were in an uproar and shouted to dissuade him.

However, Xue Wen seemed to have made up his mind, and ignored the persuasion of the people around him, with a firm expression on his face, he waved his hand and said, "Brothers, stop talking, I have made up my mind!" After finishing speaking, Xue Wen He suddenly let out a sigh, and said in a bitter voice, "Brothers, what we, Du Meng, have done in these years has indeed become more and more outrageous. Of course, it's not my fault, it's my fault with Du Yu! In order to expand our power and pursue power, we have long lost our original aspirations. It was the two of us who made Dumeng what it is today. I know that you are grateful for the brotherhood, even if you are dissatisfied, you never say it, but now At this time, if I don't wake up again, how can I, Xue Wen, have the face to exist between heaven and earth as a human being?"

At this time, Xue Wen's words and sentences are all from the heart, without any hypocrisy and affectation, and are full of sincerity!The members of Du Mengmeng, who had tried hard to dissuade them before, immediately fell silent.No one is born evil, no matter how evil a person is, there will always be a trace of kindness in their hearts.Xue Wen's words really touched the hearts of many people.They really don't want Dumeng to disband, but the Dumeng they really want to protect is definitely not the sinful Dumeng right now!

At this moment, after hearing Xue Wen's words, even Lun Wan'er and Song Po couldn't help but feel a little moved.Could it be that after Du Meng experienced this series of great changes, he really touched Xue Wen and made him start to change?

Lun Wan'er raised her crescent eyebrows lightly, pondered for a moment, and then raised her voice, "Xue Wen, you are right in saying that what I want to destroy is indeed the evil of Du Meng, and to eliminate the evil of Du League, it is true that it is not necessary to eliminate Du Meng's evil." People of the alliance! It is better to kill the wrong than to let it go. This is not the way we act according to the moon meeting. But then again, the sins committed in the past cannot be erased just because of repentance. The guilt to be borne cannot be avoided after all. .”

"Hehe... Guild Leader Lun can say this, it really is benevolent and righteous! I understand that the source of the evil of Dumeng is me, and my sin is the heaviest. Not dying is not enough to comfort people's hearts! Chairman Lun, don't worry, as long as you agree Let go of the brothers of Du Meng, I will give you an explanation, and give everyone an explanation!"

"Okay! If you can do this, I, Lun Wan'er, respect you as a man. As long as the people of Du Meng stop doing evil, I can spare their lives!"

Xue Wen's sincerity and sincerity finally made Lun Wan'er nod her head. Seeing this, Xue Wen couldn't help crying with joy.However, what he never expected was that at this time, the incident had another side effect!

"No, I don't agree!"

Not long after Lun Wan'er's words fell to the ground, a voice that was crisp but somewhat bitter suddenly rang out.Xue Wen's heart sank, and he turned his head to look, only to see a graceful figure slowly walking out from the crowd.

This is a woman, a different woman!There is no trace of color on the body, only the black that makes people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.Even the face is covered under the black veil, wherever you go, you will bring darkness, even the sunlight will not disperse.

"You are..." Xue Wen looked at the woman with doubts in his eyes.In Xue Wen's impression, it seemed that he had never met such a woman, but the deep hatred revealed in that woman's voice was undoubtedly aimed at him.

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