"Yeah, so many years have passed, you can't even hear my voice." The woman in black walked gracefully, even though she was covered in black, she was still graceful, which made people imagine that in that What a peerless face it will be after wearing a black veil!

It's just that Xue Wen at this time didn't have the heart to appreciate it at all. Following the words of the woman in black, Xue Wen's heart felt as if a pot of boiling oil was suddenly poured into it, and it was suddenly pumped into a ball.Immediately, shock, joy, doubt, disbelief, guilt... all kinds of emotions rushed into Xue Wen's face, and after a while, even Xue Wen's body began to twitch. People seem to be electrocuted.

"You...you are...Xue Wen pointed at the woman in black, before he could say anything, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Aunt Hei, why are you here?" Lun Wan'er seemed to be very familiar with this black-clothed woman, and she acted very intimately.One leaped forward and carefully supported the woman in black.

The woman in black didn't appreciate it, she pushed Lun Wan'er away suddenly, "Don't call me Aunt Hei, you have disappointed me too much!"

"Aunt Hei, I..." Hearing what the woman in black said, Lun Wan'er immediately looked terrified, her eye circles were red, and she seemed to be about to cry.Obviously, in Lun Wan'er's mind, the woman in black probably held a very important weight.

"What did I tell you back then? I made it clear that I want to kill everyone in Dumeng, everyone! But what about you, you just promised to let this bastard go, let these bastards go, you will kill me Are your words deaf to your ears?"

"Aunt Hei, at this time and at that time..." Seeing Lun Wan'er being severely aggrieved by the woman in black, Song Po couldn't stand it any longer, and opened his mouth to defend Lun Wan'er, but his words just In the middle of speaking, he was interrupted sharply by the woman in black.

"Shut up! Do you have a place to speak here?"

Song Po's face turned green and red immediately, but all the crowd watching were surprised, even the elites of Zhaoyuehui.No matter what Song Po said, he was also the second in command of the Zhaoyuehui, second only to Lun Wan'er, yet he was publicly reprimanded by such a black-clothed woman of unknown origin, but Song Po didn't even dare to speak back. How can it not be surprising?

Xue Wen seemed to recognize the identity of the woman in black at first, but when he heard the conversation between the woman in black and Lun Wan'er and Song Po, he hesitated again.The woman in black in front of him was completely different from the one in his impression.

"You... who are you?" Xue Wen finally couldn't help asking, his voice full of tension.

"You can't hear my voice, so you still recognize my face?" The woman in black snorted coldly, and slowly lifted off the black veil.

Seeing the actions of the woman in black, everyone held their breath and widened their eyes, and couldn't help fantasizing in their hearts, what kind of elegant and refined face should match this graceful figure?

However, when the woman in black completely took off the black veil and exposed her true face to the sun, the surprise that was supposed to come turned into panic in an instant!Even though many people couldn't help exclaiming, some of them were timid and even fell to the ground limply from fright.

What a terrible face it was, it had nothing to do with beauty at all.Scorched black wrinkled skin, distorted and incomplete facial features, even the evil spirits in the [-]th floor of hell are nothing more than that!What was even more chilling was that the grimace was twitching at Xue Wen at this time, it seemed to be smiling, but this smile was enough to make people have nightmares for a lifetime!

Xue Wen, who was the first to bear the brunt, seemed to have been struck by lightning. With a swipe, his face completely turned into blue-gray. His body, which was already trembling, swayed vigorously at this moment, as if he was weak and would be shaken at any time. fall down.

"Aunt Hei, what are you doing?"

Of course Lun Wan'er has seen the face of the woman in black, and she knows that this face has become the biggest taboo in the heart of the woman in black, an eternal pain!In Lun Wan'er's impression, the woman in black always hides in the dark and rarely sees people. As for exposing her face in public, it is unprecedented!Lun Wan'er still doesn't know why the woman in black did this, but she knows that exposing her face to the public is clearly stabbing the woman in black with a knife in her heart.

Lun Wan'er wanted to put the black gauze back on the black-clothed woman, but the black-clothed woman tore the black gauze to pieces.Ignoring Lun Wan'er's concern completely, she stared at Xue Wen with a knife-like gaze, and said through gritted teeth, "Does the surname Xue not even recognize my face?"

"You...you are really Jingruo, you are really Jingruo!" The questioning of the woman in black seemed to make Xue Wenru wake up from a dream.Surprised and terrified, the smoke dissipated from his face, replaced by an unspeakable surprise.

"You're not dead, you're still alive! God has eyes, God has eyes!" Xue Wen, who was gradually waking up, suddenly became more excited, shouting continuously in his mouth, and his face was even more serious. It's tears.

In this situation, as long as you are not blind or stupid, you can understand that the woman in black and Xue Wen must have known each other, and...the relationship is extraordinary!

"Yeah, I'm still alive! I walked through hell alive and jumped out of the gate of hell, not for anything else, just to demand my life from you, Du Yutong, and Du Meng!" Shrouded in ice-cold hatred, it gave people a feeling that they couldn't get close.

"What!? Aunt Hei, you said that Xue Wen is the heartless man who killed you all over the family and ruined your appearance?!" As soon as the woman in black finished speaking, Lun Wan'er's almond eyes suddenly widened , Murderous aura instantly filled between the eyebrows.

"Who else would it be if it wasn't him? I, Tang Jingruo, have been lingering for so many years just for this day of revenge!"

"You bastard, take your life!"

Before Tang Jingruo could finish speaking, Lun Wan'er, who was furious like a thunder, flew up and rushed towards Xue Wen with a surging palm force.

"Stop hurting our alliance leader!" Naturally, the members of the Du League who surrounded Xue Wen would not stand by. Before Xue Wen could react, more than a dozen palms had already vacated into the air.

Although Lun Wan'er's cultivation is not weak, and her palm strength is extremely fierce, she still can't stand the crowd, but after hearing a loud bang, Lun Wan'er's palm strength didn't even touch the corner of Xue Wen's clothes. It was disintegrated by the volley.

Seeing that she failed to chop Xue Wen alive, Lun Wan'er became even more furious, she raised her head to the sky and uttered a stern roar, shouting, "Everyone in Zhaoyuehui obeys the order, attack in full force, and kill all the members of the Du League and League, leaving no one behind! "

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that the big battle was about to start, Xue Wen jumped out of the crowd in a hurry, ignoring Lun Wan'er's eyes that seemed capable of killing people, staring blankly at Tang Jingruo, and asked with a puzzled face, "You...you said just now that you will kill you and ruin your appearance. , This...what the hell is going on here?"

"Hahaha... Xue Wen, Xue Wen, do you still have to deny it at this time?" Tang Jingruo sneered.

Xue Wen waved his hand suddenly, and said in a concentrated voice, "Although I, Xue Wen, am not a good person, I am not the kind of person who dares to act or not to be! What kills you all over the house and ruins your appearance, you must tell me clearly!"

After all, Xue Wen is also a person who has been in power, so he naturally has a certain power.At this time, facing Tang Jingruo directly and shouting questions, she was quite domineering.Tang Jingruo involuntarily put away the sarcasm, but the hatred in her eyes did not diminish.

"For the sake of a gathering spirit cauldron, you not only deceived my feelings, but also killed my father and destroyed our Tang family! Xue, you are really ruthless!"

"Ju Ling Ding?!" Xue Wen's complexion suddenly changed again, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"That's right! Back then, you pretended to approach me for the Spirit Gathering Cauldron, so that's fine, but you've already got the Spirit Gathering Cauldron, why do you want to destroy my Tang family!?"

"No...Although it was true that I approached you on purpose because of Juling Cauldron, it was only at the beginning. Later, I really fell in love with you. How could I destroy your entire family? Do you know that when I learned An accident happened to your Tang family, no one survived, how painful I was! That period was the darkest period in my life, if Du Yutong hadn't repeatedly comforted me, I... I might have gone with you at that time Already!"

"Xue, look at my face! At this time, do you still need to say these hypocritical nonsense? Accident, hahaha... What you said is really strange! What kind of accident can make me Could it be that the destruction of the Tang family was just a fire? It's ridiculous!"

"This... Du Yutong told me personally, he...he won't lie to me!"

"I won't lie to you? Then let me tell you that it was none other than your good brother Du Yutong who led people to destroy our Tang family back then! Have you seen the scars on my face? It's all because of you." Brother's masterpiece!"

"No! It wouldn't be like this, it wouldn't be! Why would he do it, why!?"

"Why? Isn't it for my Tang family's Spirit Gathering Cauldron, for my Tang family's resources? If there were no Tang family back then, do you think Dumeng would have developed to where it is today?"


Tang Jingruo's words can be said to be like a mountain, and there is no room for Xue Wen to question and refute.Although Xue Wen had racked his brains, his mind was blank, and he couldn't think of anything to say.Moreover, deep in his heart, there was clearly a voice that kept telling him that what Tang Jingruo said might indeed be true, and with Du Yutong's character, he could indeed do such a thing!

"Xue, don't you have anything to say? Back then, you and Du Yu wanted to wear a pair of trousers. How dare you say that the destruction of my Tang family was all done by the same person, Du Yu, and you didn't know anything about it? ?”

"I..." Xue Wen almost blurted out, he really didn't know it, but when he saw the contempt in Tang Jingruo's eyes, a deep sadness suddenly swept his whole body His body and mind made him lose interest in an instant, and he felt that everything in this world had become lifeless...

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