Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1533 See your true heart clearly!

Sure enough, the four words of last words hit Tang Jingruo's heart like a heavy hammer with four skills.Tang Jingruo's eyes changed again, the hatred once again plummeted, and the worry and regret skyrocketed. Slowly, there was even a hint of panic.

Tweet Tweet~~~

Just when Wan Dong was delighted that his powerful medicine had achieved results one after another, a series of excited and high-pitched cries came suddenly.Wan Dong looked back, and it turned out that Xue Wen and Jin Diao had already caught fire.

The golden eagle seemed to be more powerful than when it was facing Wan Dong. With a sudden flap of its wings, there were pieces of golden streamer spreading in the air. Xue Wen seemed to be floating on a sea full of stormy waves. On the surface of the sea, his figure kept ups and downs, like a small boat that might capsize at any time.

Wan Dong's heart immediately tensed subconsciously. In terms of combat power, Xue Wen was no match for the golden eagle at all. The only thing he could rely on was experience and wisdom.But these two things, in the face of absolutely powerful power, are often pale and powerless.Xue Wen may be able to resist for a while, but Wan Dong has no idea how long he can resist.

If it was before, he would have rushed forward without hesitation, but now, Wan Dong found that there seemed to be hope of breaking the knot between Xue Wen and Tang Jingruo.If he rushes up immediately, it is very likely that this hope will be short-lived and shattered.And this is not the best result for Xue Wen or Tang Jingruo.

"Xue Wen, Xue Wen, it's not that brothers don't save you, it's just that the time hasn't come yet. If you want to completely untangle your heart, then you must hold on for a while longer!"

In the eyes of outsiders, Wan Dong has a serious and calm face, as if he is not worried about Xue Wen's life and death at all, but in fact, Wan Dong's heart is one after another, and it is clear that a storm is blowing!

Why not Tang Jingruo?From the moment Xue Wen greeted the golden eagle, she had already started to feel regret in her heart.At this moment, she finally began to think calmly, did she really hate Xue Wen so much, and really wanted him to die?

Tang Jingruo's heart was already in a mess at this moment, with all kinds of emotions intertwined. The bits and pieces between her and Xue Wen in the past were staged in turn, and love and hate were all intertwined, making Tang Jingruo almost on the verge of madness.

Looking at Tang Jingruo's ever-changing complexion and her trembling body, Wan Dong could feel the painful struggle in her heart.He very much hoped that he could help her at this time, but no, she could only rely on her own strength to crawl out of the vortex of hatred little by little.

Wan Dong suddenly felt a little sympathetic to this woman, and seemed to understand her previous cruelty and ruthlessness.

Forcing such a fate on a woman, God is really cruel!

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, Wan Dong's heart is still extremely anxious.After all, Xue Wen is still hovering over there, no one knows if he will step in the next second!


How could Wang Qing and Chen Qing understand Wan Dong's thoughts at this time, they were just blindly anxious, but getting more and more anxious.Wang Qing stomped his feet heavily, and stared straight at Wan Dong, those staring eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Stay obediently, and no one is allowed to move!" Wan Dong shouted unceremoniously with his still indifferent face.

"No! I can't just watch the second master die under the claws of the golden eagle. I'm going to help!" Chen Qing finally couldn't hold back, and roared.

"Huh! Try it?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and two cold lights like sharp arrows suddenly shot out from his eyes.The courage that Chen Qing had just mustered up was like a punctured ball, and it was completely vented in an instant.

Wan Dong stopped Wang Qing with a cold face. Chen Qing wanted to see if Tang Jingruo had figured it out when he wanted to save Xue Wen, but Tang Jingruo glared at him first. It's anger!

Seeing this, Wan Dong couldn't help being taken aback. If Tang Jing didn't think about her relationship with Xue Wen, why would she stare at her angrily?Could it be that after much deliberation, this woman had decided to let Xue Wen die under the claws of the golden eagle, because hatred had the upper hand?But it didn't seem quite right. Although Tang Jingruo's eyes were full of anger, the hatred was almost gone.Tang Jingruo, whose eyes were no longer full of hatred, also changed her whole demeanor.Although the ruined face was ferocious, it had recovered the softness of a normal woman.

Although Wan Dong has aura, he still can't fully understand the woman's heart after all.In fact, by this time, Tang Jingruo had basically thought it through, and she had really seen her heart clearly. Her hatred for Xue Wen was only superficial, but she still loved Xue Wen in her heart.She didn't want Xue Wen to die at all, but the problem was that the persistence and determination she showed before made her a little bit embarrassed.

Moreover, although she didn't want Xue Wen to die, she still had resentment towards Xue Wen. At least before Xue Wen came to coax her, asking her to let go of everything and take the initiative to save Xue Wen was still a bit embarrassing for her!Women, always be more reserved!

Under such a mentality, Tang Jingruo naturally hoped to rescue Xue Wen with the help of Wang Qing, Chen Qing and others, so that Xue Wen would be saved, and at the same time, she would not be unable to step down.But who knew, Wan Dong stood in the way, how could Tang Jingruo not stare at her?


At this moment, Xue Wen suddenly heard a cry of pain.Tang Jingruo turned her head as if she was shocked by an electric shock, and saw a cloud of blood blasting from Xue Wen's shoulders, spreading all over the sky. It looked so terrifying!

For a moment, Wang Qing, Chen Qing and the members of Du Meng became more and more panicked, screaming and shouting one after another.

"Save Second Master!"

I don't know who yelled, almost all the members of the Dumengmeng moved, especially Wang Qing and Chen Qing, who were the most joyful, regardless of Wandong's attitude, roared in their mouths, jumped up Then get up.

"Will I, Wan Dong, be dead?"

Wang Qing, Chen Qing and the others were rushing up desperately, they didn't expect that Wan Dong's movements were faster than them!Like a flash of lightning, it blocked everyone's face with a swish.Although Wang Qing, Chen Qing and the others were shocked, they were unwilling to stop there.While Chen Qing continued to rush, he wanted to open his mouth to say something to Wan Dong.But Wan Dong's face was cold, and before Chen Qing could say anything, he suddenly slapped him with his palm.

The palm strength shining with golden light is like a wave under the setting sun of the same day. The beauty is extremely beautiful, but it is also unstoppable!Wang Qing and Chen Qing, who were the first to bear the brunt, felt a tightness in their chest at the same time, and then they were thrown backwards by a huge force.Not only them, but also the allies of Dumeng, all of them were in a hurry.

Wan Dong seemed to be really angry, and he exerted a lot of strength in his hands. After many people fell to the ground, they couldn't get up for a long time.

Wan Dong once again blocked Wang Qing and the others' rescue with almost thunderous means, and Tang Jingruo stared straight at the side!Isn't Wan Dong one brother at a time? How can a brother watch his brother die?

"Sir!" Chen Qing staggered to his feet, the seven-foot-tall man couldn't help crying bitterly at this moment!

But even so, it still failed to sway Wan Dong, Wan Dong's expression was still 'cool', and his tone of speech had not changed, "You are still Xue Wen's brothers, don't you see, He has no interest in life at all, and now he is begging for death! For us, death may be terrible, but for him, death is a kind of relief!"

"No... no way! It's better to live than to die. How can there be any reason for asking for death?"

Wan Dong glared at Chen Qing, and shouted, "You haven't endured Xue Wen's pain, so naturally you won't understand his feelings! If you say that death is worse than life, it's because you haven't tasted the feeling that life is better than death!"

"Life... is life better than death?"

Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, then as if he had understood, he murmured, "No wonder... no wonder I always see Erye crying alone, every time he told me that the sand was blown in. eyes, it turns out that he...he has been living an unhappy life..."

"Have you seen the second master cry for no reason? I thought I was the only one who saw it!" Wang Qing was surprised.

"I've seen it too!"

"Especially when the moon is full, I have seen it several times!"

Following Wang Qing and Chen Qing, the members of the Du League all opened their mouths.Only then did everyone realize that Xue Wen had cried so many times in these years!

"The moon is full? The day we met, isn't it the night of the full moon, could it be..." Tang Jingruo's eyes finally became moist.

Wang Qing and Chen Qing didn't know what kind of sad thing made Xue Wen cry every time, but one thing became clearer, that is, what Wan Dong said might be right, instead of letting him Xue Wen continued to live crying like this, it would be better for him to be relieved earlier.


A muffled sound came out of nowhere, and Xue Wen and the golden eagle fought fiercely. Xue Wen was no match at all, and was immediately sent flying by the golden eagle's giant wings.

"Second master!" Chen Qing subconsciously wanted to go forward again, but this time Wan Dong didn't stop him, he stopped after only a few steps.Immediately, he knelt there heavily, pounding the ground with his fists non-stop, and there were bursts of weak sobs in his throat.

"I never thought that Xue Wen would have such a bloody side!" Song Po couldn't help nodding his head in praise when he saw that Xue Wen was drenched in blood, but still relentless and kept circling with the golden eagle.

"What bloodiness, it's obviously stupid!" Although Lun Wan'er said so, she turned her head to the side, obviously she couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

At this time, Wan Dong couldn't hold back anymore. Although he could see that Xue Wen's injury was serious, it was not fatal, but who knows how long he can last?Moreover, Wan Dong suddenly discovered that the golden eagle seemed to have become a little bit wrong. The originally golden eyes were now covered with blood. Could it be because of seeing blood?

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