Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1534 Something is wrong with the golden eagle!

"Xue wants to die, but I won't let you die! I just want you to live to bear the condemnation of conscience!" Just when Wan Dong was burning with anxiety and decided to take action, Tang Jingruo suddenly let out a light reprimand.Before Wan Dong could react, Tang Jingruo turned her head and shouted at Lun Wan'er, "Wan'er, take back the golden eagle!"

"Take back the golden eagle?" Lun Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, her pretty face was full of bewilderment.

And when Lun Wan'er was at a loss, Xue Wen accidentally got another trick from the golden eagle, and flew backwards more than ten feet away, spurting blood from his mouth.This sudden scene made Tang Jingruo completely panicked, and she involuntarily let out an exclamation.

It was this exclamation that made Wan Dong realize that Xue Wen's injury didn't seem to be in vain!

"Wan'er, what are you waiting for, quickly take back the golden eagle! Hurry up!" It was obvious that Tang Jing's voice trembled a little if she was really in a hurry.

A smile appeared on Wan Dong's face, and he thought to himself, "See how long you can pretend?"

Lun Wan'er didn't dare to delay any longer, she hastily curled her finger slightly, stretched it to her lips, and let out a clear and gentle whistle.

With the sound of the whistle, Wan Dong's heart finally settled down, and at the same time he felt happy for Xue Wen.Although Xue Wen was seriously injured, the blood all over his body was like the flame of rebirth, which would completely burn away the filth of his past.I believe that Xue Wen will not always cry alone anymore!

Wan Dong looked back at Tang Jingruo again. Although this woman's life is suffering, she is also happy at the same time. After all, there is a man who loves her unswervingly from beginning to end!Wan Dong now sincerely hopes that these two people will be able to enjoy their hardships from now on!

However, just as Wan Dong looked at Tang Jingruo and his thoughts were fluctuating, Tang Jingruo's expression that had just been relaxed suddenly became tense again, and he was even more astonished, and panic surged between his brows like a frenzy.

Before Wan Dong realized what was going on, Tang Jingruo's voice sounded, "Wan'er, hurry... stop it!"

Wan Dong's mind suddenly jumped wildly, and he turned his head to look hastily. In a split second, Wan Dong's brow became tense with an iron knot.Lun Wan'er's whistle continued, but the golden eagle acted as if it hadn't heard it at all, and still fluttered its wings towards Xue Wen.A stream of extremely strong hostility lingered around his body, and those sharp claws continuously scattered cold light, as if he would not tear Xue Wen into pieces, and vowed not to give up!

"The golden eagle is back! Come back!"

Seeing that the whistle didn't work, Lun Wan'er simply yelled.But the result was the same, the golden eagle ignored it!It seems that he has a deep blood feud with Xue Wen, and he will never die.Only then did Wan Dongfang realize that the golden eagle's eyes were already completely red!

"Wan'er, why is this happening?" Tang Jingruo asked loudly.

Lun Wan'er's pretty face was full of panic and confusion, "I... I don't know, Diao'er has always been very obedient, it has never been like this before!"

"No! Quickly... find a way to stop it!"

At this time, the golden eagle not only stopped obeying Lun Wan'er's orders, but also became crazier.The bursting golden light spread out from its body, covering several miles around.Such an overbearing power, not to mention Xue Wen who was already seriously injured, even in his prime, he might not be able to take a single blow. How could Tang Jingruo not feel nervous?

Compared to everyone's nervousness, Xue Wen himself was very calm!He has long been prepared to die, no matter how crazy and ferocious the golden eagle becomes, he can only die once, there is really nothing to be afraid of!

Lying on the ground quietly like that, Xue Wen didn't even intend to stand up, just waiting for the golden eagle to give him the final blow!

"You are very relaxed!"

When Xue Wen was waiting quietly to die, Wan Dong's voice suddenly came from beside him.Xue Wen turned around in surprise, only to see Wan Dong standing quietly beside him, looking at him with a smile.

Xue Wen himself is not afraid of death, but he never wants to see Wan Dong die. The indifferent expression on his face immediately turned into a look of anxiety, "Sir, what are you doing here? That beast has gone crazy, you hurry up!"

Just when Xue Wen shouted loudly at Wan Dong, Tang Jingruo, Wang Qing, Chen Qing and the others were surprised and puzzled.What surprised them was that they didn't even see how Wan Dong crossed such a long distance to Xue Wen's side in an instant. This kind of movement is really unbelievable!

And the doubt is, didn't Wan Dong keep preventing them from saving Xue Wen?Why is it that at the last moment, he seems to be more anxious than them?In Tang Jingruo's half of her life, she had never met another person as incomprehensible as Wan Dong.

However, right now, everyone didn't have time to think about it, and they just pinned all their hopes on Wan Dong.

"Is that guy crazy? How dare he face the golden eagle alone?" Lun Wan'er was also very surprised at this time, only feeling that the whole world seemed to have gone crazy.

"Naughty animal! If you see the young master, you should get out of here. Could it be that you are too tired?" Just when Lun Wan'er was surprised by Wan Dong's actions, a scene that shocked her even more happened.Wan Dong stood beside Xue Wen carelessly like that, and sternly reprimanded the golden eagle that was rushing forward.

Seeing this scene, Lun Wan'er was so angry that she almost burst out laughing.Where in the world are there such stupid people?How could that ferocious golden eagle be dismissed with just one or two words?This guy surnamed Wan must have been kicked in the head by a donkey when he went out in the morning... Eh, what! ?

Before Lun Wan'er slandered in her heart, she almost jumped up from the ground.The golden eagle that rushed towards Wan Dong fiercely stopped abruptly at the moment Wan Dong shouted.

From Lun Wan'er's point of view, Wan Dong's words were not harsh reprimands at all, but like immobilizing spells!This golden eagle doesn't listen to her half master now, how could he listen to Wan Dong?What the hell is going on, Lun Wan'er now feels as if she is going crazy.

Xue Wen, who was lying on the ground, felt ten times stronger than Lun Wan'er at this moment!

At this time, he was looking up at Wan Dong, only to feel that Wan Dong's figure was getting longer and longer, slowly, as if he was going to touch the sky!Is this fucking human?This is simply a god!Just a few words to stop the golden eagle, that prestige, that momentum, don't be too awesome!

Xue Wen couldn't help nodding heavily, looked at Wan Dong, and secretly sighed in his heart, "This is definitely a man born to be popular!"

"He... who is he?"

At this moment, Tang Jingruo was already in a mess in the wind.She never expected that Wan Dong would be able to stop the golden eagle and pull Xue Wen back from the gate of hell with just a short sip.This made Tang Jingruo, who was still thinking that everything would be all right if she sacrificed the golden eagle, feel a kind of 'pain' like being slapped in the face.

She thought she had created an atomic bomb, but it turned out to be nothing more than a cannonball. With such a gap, it's no wonder Tang Jingruo lost her composure!

"This... can this still be considered a human being?" Hearing Tang Jingruo's blurted question, Wang Qing was stunned for a long time before replying.

Staring closely at the golden eagle in front of him, Wan Dong was convinced that something must have happened to the golden eagle, clearly falling into a morbid madness.However, fortunately, the golden eagle has not completely lost its mind, at least it still recognizes Wan Dong, otherwise there would be no fear in its eyes at this time.

"Since you recognize me, don't hurry to leave. If I lose my patience, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today even if you want to."

As soon as Wan Dong said this, the fear in the golden eagle's eyes became more intense, and even suppressed the maddened crimson color. The golden eagle's eyes began to return to clarity, as if they were about to wake up.

Wan Dong only had one spiritual pet, and that was Di Kunpeng, and he lost it in the end, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, so Wan Dong knew little about spiritual pets.He only knew that something was wrong with the golden eagle, but he couldn't see what the problem was.Moreover, this golden eagle is not his, and he doesn't care at all.However, no matter what, Wan Dong didn't want to hurt the dog if he beat the dog to see its owner. It would be a good thing if the golden eagle could retreat obediently.

"President, didn't the chess girl give you a bell before? Let you use it when the golden eagle is disobedient."

Lun Wan'er immediately remembered Song Po's reminder, hurriedly took out a bronze bell from the storage ring, and shook it vigorously at the same time.A burst of crisp and pleasant bells immediately fluttered between the sky and the earth.

Lun Wan'er wanted to use the bell to call the golden eagle back, but she was surprised by the fact.As soon as the bell rang, the golden eagle's body trembled violently as if it had been electrocuted.

Along with the trembling of his body, Wan Dong could clearly see that the crimson blood that was fading rapidly in Jin Diao's eyes swept back instantly like a rising tide, and at the same time, an invisible murderous aura was stronger than before , rapidly agitated, and more and more out of control!

Wan Dong's mind suddenly sank, and he subconsciously took a step forward, firmly protecting Xue Wen behind him.

Wan Dong realized something was wrong, but Na Lun Wan'er didn't notice it at all.Seeing the golden eagle trembling non-stop, I thought it was the bell that had played a role, and shook it more vigorously.Seeing that the golden eagle's murderous intent was getting stronger and stronger, Wan Dong couldn't help frowning, and shouted, "Stop ringing that broken bell of yours!"

"What broken bell? This is a fairy weapon!"

Hearing Wan Dong directly denounce her bell as a broken bell, Lun Wan'er was a little annoyed, and immediately retorted.

Before Lun Wan'er could speak, the golden eagle suddenly turned around and flew towards Lun Wan'er.Lun Wan'er thought that the golden eagle had finally become obedient, and a happy expression appeared on her face.However, just when she was about to go up to meet her, Wan Dong shouted again: "This golden eagle is wrong, step back!"

"What's wrong, I think it's true that you're wrong!" Lun Wan'er, with a girlish feeling, didn't know the danger, she was angry with Wan Dong, curled her lips and snorted coldly.


However, at this moment, the cry of the golden eagle suddenly changed from Qingyue to mournful, a pair of giant golden claws suddenly protruded, and the extremely sharp claws pointed directly at Lun Wan'er's throat...

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