"Sir, I really know I was wrong, you... just let me go!" Xue Wen seemed to have never been so miserable in his life, his face was covered with bruises and colorful, from a distance, he clearly looked like a A wonderful masterpiece of Chinese painting.It was originally a pair of panda eyes, but at this time it was a full circle, Xue Wen exerted all his strength, and just managed to open the line, teary, revealing infinite sadness.

Wang Qing and Chen Qing stood beside him, wanting to laugh but didn't dare, Wan Dong's expression was really frightening, his eyebrows twitched, like a lion lying on both ends that might explode into trouble at any time.Wan Dong's clean-up of Xue Wen could be described as heaven-shattering and earth-shattering, ghosts weeping and gods weeping, the two of them had never seen Xue Wen so miserable as today.Although there was a little sympathy in their hearts, they were more carefree. To be honest, the two of them couldn't bear Xue Wen's cheap and whizzing virtue.

Ever since he saw Tang Jingruo, this guy seemed to have transformed into a rutted bull. He couldn't say anything away from Tang Jingruo all day long. How could there be brothers like them in his eyes?In order to make up for Tang Jingruo, Xue Wen almost squeezed the two of them dry!The wife, Ben'er, whom the two had accumulated over the past ten years, was almost snatched away by him.He was still not satisfied with this, so he begged the two of them to go with him to catch a fairy butterfly as a pet for Tang Jingruo.

Cloud Firmament Butterfly, that existence is even better than a golden eagle!Not to mention whether they can find it, even if they can find it, they can only run away on the sidelines!They were also caught as pets, and if they didn't have their teeth stuffed, they would be lucky.

Fortunately, Xue Wen hadn't had time to tell Wan Dong, otherwise his end would have been tragic.

Grabbing Xue Wen and stomping on it, Wan Dong's anger finally eased a lot.Although looking at Xue Wen is still a bit displeasing to the eye, he also wants to understand, maybe if the true love fades away, what is left is probably the word "cheap".

"I can spare you, but I can't return the Juling Cauldron to you now."

"Ah?" The surprise on Xue Wen's face only stayed for half a second, then disappeared, and said with a sad face, "Sir, although this Gathering Spirit Cauldron is considered a magic weapon, it is nothing special. I know you will definitely look down on it." In this way, I promise you, I will definitely find you a more powerful magic weapon, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "I really didn't see it, our big brother Xue is actually carrying a treasure mountain, and treasures like the Juling Cauldron are not valued."

Xue Wen also knew that he was a little out of tune when he was in a hurry, and it was clear that he was fooling people, and he was coaxing Wan Dong into a fool.When Wan Dong exposed it, Xue Wen immediately blushed.Wang Qing and Chen Qing looked at each other with surprise on their faces.When did Xue Wen's resistance to beating become so high?I was abused by someone just now, and I forgot so soon?Or is it that the power of love is really strong, so strong that this guy can get into his head and care about nothing?

Xue Wen laughed a few times quickly, and said cautiously, "My good sir, my good brother! Of course this Gathering Spirit Cauldron is a treasure to us, but it is nothing serious to you. You will Return Juling Cauldron to me, can't I beg you?"

Wan Dong didn't accept his tricks, waved his hand, and said decisively, "Stop pestering, it's useless unless you want to ask for another beating!"

Before Wan Dong's words fell to the ground, Xue Wen's face collapsed, and that expression was almost uglier than crying.

Seeing this, Wan Dong felt annoyed that he hated iron but could not make steel, but in the end he couldn't bear to scold him again, and said in a deep voice, "If you want to take Julingdingding back from me, it's not impossible, unless... …Unless you enter the Ninth Rank Immortal Realm within half a year!"

If the first half of Wan Dong's sentence is compared to the light of hope, then the second half of Wan Dong's sentence is definitely a hammer from hell. The effort of one sentence before and after made Xue Wen feel a double sky of ice and fire.It's unprecedented for a player to play to Wandong's level, right?

Xue Wen wished he could kneel down and hug Wan Dong's thigh, his voice was so bitter that he could squeeze out two catties of bile, "Brother, you...don't play with me, I have just reached the fifth rank of Immortal through ten years of hard work. , you asked me to upgrade to the ninth rank of Immortal in half a year, how is this possible!"

"Pardon cultivation? Hmph, thanks to your words! In the past ten years, you have only thought about fighting for power and dominating one side. Where did you find the time to practice hard?"

Xue Wen didn't know what to say, not knowing how to explain.In the past ten years, Du Meng has indeed taken away most of his energy, and there is no doubt that he has less time for cultivation.In fact, in the past few years, he has been living on his laurels, and his cultivation has hardly improved.

Such things as power are really more terrifying than drug addiction. Once you are infected, it is too difficult to get rid of it!

"Brother, what you said is right. I have indeed limited my efforts in cultivation these years, but I am not a genius after all. Even those geniuses who are carefully selected and cultivated by the major sects, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to be born within half a year. It is impossible for you to raise your cultivation base to four levels in a row..." Xue Wen said with a mournful face.

Wang Qing and Chen Qing wanted Wan Dong to rectify Xue Wen, so that his problem of heterosexuality and inhumanity would not be rampant, but they had to admit that Xue Wen's words were reasonable.Not to mention that within half a year, it is extremely difficult to go from a fifth-rank human immortal to a ninth-rank human immortal, or even from a first-rank human immortal to a fourth-rank human immortal!After all, the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve.Coupled with the fact that they are all casual cultivators, helpless, and lack of resources, it is even more impossible to imagine.

The two of them didn't say anything, but they almost believed in their hearts that the purpose of Wan Dong's raising this condition was just to make Xue Wen completely give up on Juling Ding.

Wan Dong is no longer the young boy who just came out of the rivers and lakes. His mind is sharp and his eyes are even more vicious. With a glance, he knows what the three of them are thinking. He chuckled and asked, "In this world, Is there really something impossible?"

When Wan Dong asked, Xue Wen and the others were all stunned, and then their hearts were filled with thoughts, unable to calm down.

If it is impossible, the person in front of them is simply the incarnation of 'impossible'.A young man in his early twenties, who is still young, but possesses combat power comparable to that of a true immortal, if it hadn't happened in front of their eyes, in their view, it would definitely be impossible.

It is precisely because of the vivid example of Wan Dong that his plain rhetorical question became so shocking!

Seeing that the three of them fell silent, Wan Dong raised his head, looked at the sky, and said softly, "Look at this sky, it seems to be high above you, as if it cannot be bullied, but someone has already stepped on this sky. Under your feet. Don’t say it’s impossible, it’s all because you are not standing high enough!”

What do you mean listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books?The three of Xue Wen had a personal experience today.Although Wan Dong didn't say much, when they heard the three people's ears, every word was like a drum, like a thunderbolt, disturbing the situation in the three people's hearts, cleaning up the filth, and opening up a new life for the three people. world!

It felt like Xue Wen and the others were just looking at the scenery at the foot of the mountain, but they were suddenly lifted up to the top of the mountain. The same piece of world immediately showed a completely different scenery!

If you don't experience it yourself, it's hard to imagine that just a few words from others can make all kinds of doubts that have been lingering in your heart suddenly clear and clear!

Why are the disciples of those famous sects higher than those of Xue Wen and other casual repair stations? The resources possessed by the sect may be only one of the reasons. give pointers.From this point of view, Xue Wen and the others were able to meet Wan Dong, which was really not an ordinary chance!

"Sir, you must have a way to quickly improve our cultivation, right?" Wang Qing and Chen Qing are not as thick-skinned as Xue Wen, and they have always respected Wan Dong as Mr. Brothers, they are not brothers at all. I never dared to think about it.

The same kind of rice nourishes all kinds of people, and Wandong will not force them.Hearing their question at this time, I was very happy in my heart. It seemed that his advice was not in vain. At least they no longer struggled with the possible and the impossible, and their vision and thoughts had improved.

"Xue Wen, what heart formula are you practicing? Show me!" Wan Dong didn't rush to answer, but cast his eyes on Xue Wen and asked.

When Wan Dong asked, Xue Wen immediately had a smug smile on his face, and said, "To tell you the truth, brother, the fairy art I practiced is not simple. The disciples of the sect got it in exchange, it is called the Chixia Jue, once it is cultivated, the breath will turn into a glow, radiant and bright, and the breath will swallow thousands of years, it is very domineering!"

As Xue Wen spoke, he used the Chixia Jue that he had practiced.Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xue Wen's mouth and nose to be faintly lingered with rays of light, and the aura that wandered between heaven and earth flowed into his body.

The color on Xue Wen's face became more and more intense, but Wan Dong's expression was a little dumbfounded.He just scolded Xue Wen for being obsessed with power, neglecting his cultivation, and throwing everything away. Now it seems that he has really wronged this guy!

With such a flawed and extremely superficial fairy formula, Xue Wen was able to cultivate to the fifth-rank fairyland, not only hard work, but also extraordinary hard work!And just such a nonsense fairy art is worth 1 yuan in spirit stones. Wan Dong couldn't help but have the urge to worship the disciple of the sect who taught Xue Wen this fairy art as his teacher. talent!

In a blink of an eye, after completing the operation of Zhou Tian, ​​Xue Wen stood up and said to Wan Dong with a proud face, "How is it, isn't it good?"

A row of black lines hung on Wan Dong's forehead, trying to suppress his restless heart, and asked, "When you practice your kung fu, why do you let the aura of heaven and earth pass through the bone center point first, and then enter the center? Have you tried it?" But, directly send the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the center, saving the step of the bone point?"

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