Xue Wen was taken aback for a moment, "Straight into the center? And... can it still be like this?"

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Is it possible? You'll know if you try it? Don't worry, with me here, you won't die!"

Although Xue Wen had doubts in his heart, but out of his trust in Wan Dong, and even more out of his desire to get the Juling Cauldron, Xue Wenyi sat down cross-legged without hesitation, and regained his luck with Chixia Jue.

And when Xue Wenhuai was in an uneasy mood, controlling the aura of heaven and earth flowing into his body, avoiding the bone acupoint, and going straight to the center, it was as if someone had kicked him hard on the head, with a bang. , there was a sense of sudden penetration, all the blockages dissipated instantly, and the aura of heaven and earth, which was originally only one inch thick, doubled in an instant, and it was full of a vigorous breath, making Xue Wen's whole body, from the inside There is a kind of excitement outside!

What surprised Xue Wen even more was that this small change had the power to turn decay into magic. He clearly felt that the immortal energy in his body was as excited as ever after drinking a stimulant. .As long as he thinks about it, he can reach all directions in his body, and the speed and smoothness is definitely something that Xue Wen never dared to imagine before.

However, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the immortal energy in his body is increasing and accumulating crazily at a rate that is [-]% higher than before.Don't underestimate this achievement, after years and months, it will definitely have a qualitative impact on Xue Wen's cultivation.

Xue Wenzhi couldn't help but burst into tears. If he had known this earlier, would he still be in the fifth-rank realm of a mere celestial being?

Xue Wen was concentrating on the inside, but he didn't pay attention to the external situation, but Wang Qing and Chen Qing noticed it. At this time, the two of them seemed to be petrified, standing there blankly, as if wrapped in Wearing a transparent ice armor, his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

The Xia Qi lingering around Xue Wen's mouth and nose, at best, was more than one foot, but now it suddenly doubled, reaching two feet.However, the aura of heaven and earth that flowed into Xue Wen's body slowly and slowly, seemed to suddenly explode at this time, scrambling to be the first to sink into Xue Wen's head one by one.This speed of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth not only made the two of them drop their eyeballs in shock, but also made them envious.

This immortal method of inner cultivation is very precious even in the fairy court.Even if there is a systematic inheritance of the famous family, it is not taught by just anyone. As for Wang Qing and the others, it takes a great opportunity to obtain it.

"Brother Chen, the current Chixia Jue can reach the level of the eighth rank, right?"

Chen Qing nodded heavily, and said with bright eyes, "The Chixia Jue used to be able to enter the ninth rank, but now, looking at the speed at which it absorbs the spiritual energy of the world, it can definitely enter the eighth rank! I really didn't expect it, it's just a A small change can bring about a qualitative change in Chixia Jue, this... this is really amazing!"

Wang Qing and Chen Qing all turned their heads to look at Wan Dong. In their eyes, apart from admiration, they were in awe. They almost regarded Wan Dong as a living god.

However, Wan Dong was filled with chills when he heard it. Wan Dong didn't know what rank nine or rank eight was, but thinking about it, it should be the division of martial arts levels in the Immortal Court. Rank nine is the lowest and rank one is the highest, nothing more.But Wang Qing and Chen Qing actually talked about a qualitative change, which made Wan Dong dumbfounded.What kind of qualitative change, the same is rubbish, where has it changed?

"Sir, please accept my worship!"

Xue Wen turned over suddenly and stood up. Without saying a word, he bowed down to Wan Dong, his eyes even glistening with tears.

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "Don't be in a hurry, try again. Before transporting the spiritual energy from Qugu Point to Guanyuan Point, enter Zhongji Point first!"

This time, Xue Wen didn't hesitate any more, but was extremely excited, and sat down again like lightning.It didn't take a while for Wang Qing and Chen Qing to see Xiaguang spraying towards his mouth and nose like a flame gun, this time it was as high as ten feet, and it was thicker.And the aura of heaven and earth hovering above Xue Wen's head actually formed a small vortex at this time, and the aura of heaven and earth sank into Xue Wen's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Qing and Chen Qing looked at each other again, and said unanimously, "The grade of Chixia Jue has been raised again!"

This time, Wan Dong didn't let Xue Wen stand up. After Xue Wen tried it, he pointed out five or six mistakes in the original Chixia formula one after another, and corrected them one by one.By this time, Chixia Jue has almost changed its appearance.

And the rays of light gushing out from Xue Wen's mouth and nose were more than three feet long, so bright that Wang Qing and Xue Wen were afraid to look directly at them.As for the speed at which Xue Wen absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, it was more than ten times faster.At this time, Xue Wen's one day of practice is fully worth ten days of practice in the past!

Wang Qing and Chen Qing were not surprised at the beginning, they were already numb.There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to ask Wan Dong to guide them as well, and Xue Wen couldn't let Xue Wen take all the good things by himself!

"Sir, what you said is indeed right. There is nothing impossible in this world!" Xue Wen stood up, his face flushed, and he looked like a different person. Slam Fang Qiu and point the country!

"Just relying on the Chixia Jue taught by you, I can be promoted to rank nine Immortal within half a year, and I will definitely be able to do it!" Xue Wen clenched his fists tightly, trembling with excitement.

Wang Qing and Chen Qing looked at each other and nodded, they both agreed with Xue Wen's words.

Wan Dong sneered, and unceremoniously poured a basin of cold water over it, "Don't dream! With Chixia Jue, you can at most reach the sixth rank of Human Immortal in half a year, even if you are exhausted." To the Ninth Grade!"

"Impossible! The current Chixia Jue, in terms of level, is comparable to those of the fifth-rank inner cultivator. How can it not allow me to reach the ninth-rank fairyland within half a year?" Xue Wen said emotionally.

Wan Dong glanced at him, and said indifferently, "Do you think that the grade of the celestial art practiced by those talented children of famous families will be lower than the fifth grade?"

Wan Dong's words had the effect of killing one's heart, as soon as the words fell to the ground, Xue Wen and the three of them seemed to have been hit on the dumb acupoint, and they were speechless on the spot.

That's right, how could the magic formula practiced by those talented disciples of famous families be lower than the fifth rank?People even pick and choose the second-rank immortal formula.I haven't seen a few people who can go from the fifth rank of human immortality to the ninth rank of human immortality in half a year.Such a comparison, they are simply whimsical!

Xue Wen, who was full of confidence just now, suddenly collapsed, and said in mourning, "Then what should I do?"

"What should I do? Rubbish like Chixia Jue cannot be practiced at all! Even if it can send you to the Ninth-Rank Immortal Realm, it will definitely not help you cross the shackles between human immortals and true immortals! Just forget it Come on, I will teach you another fairy art!"

"What? You...you have a better celestial formula?" Xue Wen, Wang Qing, and Chen Qing's eyes lit up at the same time.

Wan Dong chuckled, "It's definitely a hundred times better than Chixia Jue!"

"Brother, I... met you in my life, then... that is really a treasure!" Xue Wen didn't know how to express his excitement at this time.

"Sir, we..." Wang Qing and Chen Qing were also in a hurry. At first, they wanted Wan Dong to give advice to them, but now they didn't think so at all.Even Xue Wen's Chixia Jue was discarded by Wan Dong like a piece of trash, so there was no need to show the Immortal Jue they practiced.

Asking Xue Wen to raise his cultivation level to the ninth rank of Immortal within half a year is definitely not Wan Dong's whim!In fact, Wan Dong had planned this for a long time. In the secret place of the ancient mountain, he urgently needs to pull up a strong team of his own!

When he was in the small world of common people and the big world of Daoism, Wan Dong realized that fighting alone is more disadvantageous than beneficial, and now he is in the secret place of the ancient mountain with no one to rely on, and his eyes are smeared, even more so!

Although Xue Wen, Wang Qing, and Chen Qing are not top-notch talents, and their aptitudes are incomparable to Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde, Wan Dong can trust the character of the three of them, and this alone is enough!

Just when Wang Qing and Chen Qing were so anxious that they couldn't help begging Wan Dong, Wan Dong smiled at the two of them and said, "You guys, like Xue Wen, are brothers I recognize. Of course I won't favor one over the other!"

Wang Qing and Chen Qing were overjoyed when they heard this, and couldn't help clapping their hands to celebrate.

Xue Wen was about to ask Wan Dong what kind of fairy art he wanted to teach them, but Wan Dong first asked, "How many people are willing to follow you from the original Du Meng?"

Xue Wen frowned and said, "Brothers who refused to leave that day and defended me desperately, some of them stayed, but most of them chose to leave afterwards. Firstly, they were heartbroken by Du Meng and me. Second, I was also worried that after the Dumeng disbanded, I would be retaliated against, so I went to seek refuge in other organizations. But no matter what, at such a juncture, they did not abandon me, and I am grateful to them. They When I left, I also distributed the resources accumulated by Dumeng over the years to them, it should be considered as my compensation to them."

It turned out that during the three days of retreat in Wandong, Xue Wen was not completely idle.

"Then how many people are left?" Wan Dong asked, satisfied with Xue Wen's handling.

"Not many, only thirty or so! Every one of them has lived and died with me, and they are true brothers!"

Thirty or so were not many, but it was enough for Wan Dong to take care of them all. After all, his energy was limited.If the cultivation base of these thirty or so individuals can be improved, they will still be quite a force in the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret realm!

"Okay! You gather them all, and from today on, everyone will retreat with me!"

"Brother, do you mean to teach them the celestial formula as well?" Xue Wen was startled and asked with surprise on his face.

Wan Dong laughed haha, "Why, no?"

Xue Wen quickly shook his head and said, "Of course not! It's just that in this fairy court, everyone regards the fairy formula as a treasure and keeps it secret. How can there be someone like you who declares it to the public?"

A look of worry appeared on Wan Dong's face, and he murmured, "Under the crisis, if you cherish your own broom, how is it different from digging your own grave?"

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