"Critical situation? What kind of dangerous situation?" Wan Dong sighed from the bottom of his heart, and it fell into the ears of Xue Wen and the others, but what they got in exchange was confusion on their faces.

Only then did Wan Dong realize that people like Xue Wen have been trapped in the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret realm for more than ten years, so how do they know about the outside world?But having said that, sometimes not knowing anything can be regarded as a kind of happiness, at least you can be carefree and don't have to live in fear every day.

Since Xue Wen and the others didn't know anything about the Great Tribulation, Wan Dong didn't want to tell them prematurely, causing them sudden worries and affecting their cultivation.So he said, "In the secret place of this ancient mountain, the weak are preying on the strong everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out. How cruel the competition is, isn't this a dangerous situation?"

Hearing what Wan Dong said, the faces of the three of them really showed a lot of worry. This point, their experience is undoubtedly more profound than Wan Dong's.

"Sir, I'm going to call the brothers here!"

Wang Qing walked out with great strides, and within a short while, he brought over the thirty Dumeng members who were still willing to stay.Wan Dong glanced over, and found that more than half of the faces were familiar to him.They were all the closest to Xue Wen that day, and the most resolute in protecting Xue Wen.People who talk about loyalty are not bad even if they are bad, so it saves Wan Dong to examine their character one by one.

However, the talents of these people made Wan Dong frown a little.People like Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde who are astonishingly talented and brilliant are naturally none. Wan Dong never had such an extravagant hope, but even those who are slightly outstanding and can be called excellent are nonexistent. Most of the talents They are all very common, and some even have to wait.In Wan Dong's view, it is a miracle that such talents can reach their current level, but it also shows that this fairy court is indeed extraordinary and comparable to ordinary Taoism, and this landscape is really "supporting people"!

As soon as they heard that Wan Dong was going to teach them high-level immortal formulas, the thirty or so faces all became 'beautiful' at the same time, and those eyes instantly turned into spotlights, which really made Wan Dong feel Somewhat hot.

"Mister is willing to teach us, it is a great opportunity for us! Don't worry, sir, we will definitely not disappoint you even if we wait!" Under the leadership of one person, more than [-] people bowed down in front of Wan Dong at the same time. , with a clear complexion, and his voice shook the wilderness!

Although the talents of these people are not as good as Dingshanwei, Wan Dong can vaguely see the shadow of Dingshanwei Qunying in them.Dingshanwei Qunying's talent is certainly good, but how can their success be separated from their hard work and perseverance?Perhaps, this inner quality can determine the height that a person can achieve more than talent!

What's more, this is the largest secret place in Xianting. There are nine sacred mountains hidden in it. The treasures in the sacred mountains are endless.Worst of all, he can also refine the Reborn Pill, which can take off the physique of these people again!In short, Wan Dong is determined to grab a place for these thirty or so people on the list of masters in Xianting!

Don't wait for time, just do it!Wan Dong didn't procrastinate at all, and even divided the thirty or so people into categories according to the similarities and differences of their physiques, and then threw out five or six sets of immortal formulas, which were taught according to the classification of physiques.

Among other things, this move alone stunned Xue Wen and others!According to one's own unique physique, matching the corresponding immortal formula, this is the treatment that only those core disciples carefully cultivated by the famous masters can receive, and they never dared to think about it in the past.It is already a great fortune to be able to practice with an immortal technique, who would dare to be picky and picky?In case God is angered and good fortune is taken back, I'm afraid there will be nowhere to cry.

What's more, all the fairy formulas thrown out by Wan Dong are all first-level, at least in the eyes of Xue Wen and the others.Although their eye sockets are shallow and they haven't seen much of the world, the difference between shotguns and cannons can still be seen.

When Wan Dong took out these immortal formulas stored in the memory of Xuantian Damingshen, Xue Wen and the others trembled in fright.It's not that they are too timid, it's that Wan Dong is too scary!Even if only a single word of these immortal formulas is spread, it can immediately set off a bloody storm in the entire ancient mountain secret realm, no, even in the entire fairy courtyard.

Xue Wen unceremoniously issued a taboo order to everyone immediately!If anyone dares to spread half a word, he will be an enemy of all of them, and everyone can be punished!Of course, Xue Wen did this just in case.After obtaining such a treasure, it's too late for me to be secretly happy, so who would foolishly spread the word?

Finding an immortal formula that matches their physique for everyone is just the first step for Wan Dong.In order to improve the combat effectiveness of these people as soon as possible, Wan Dong also worked hard.Then he used the spirit-gathering cauldron as the eye of the formation, and the top-grade fairy stone as the foundation of the formation, and set up a super-large spirit-gathering formation!

Once the formation was completed, the place where Xue Wen and the others stood seemed to have turned into an invisible giant whale. With every breath, it gathered a huge amount of aura that made Xue Wen and the others speechless.For a moment, the aura of heaven and earth around Xue Wen and the others seemed to be liquefied, making them feel a little short of breath.

Wan Dong was also surprised by this effect!Even if the Spirit Gathering Formation had the Spirit Gathering Cauldron to cooperate with it, it would be difficult to have such a powerful effect. After all, the Spirit Pond helped a lot.But in this way, this spirit pool is likely to be sucked dry.Although it is important to pay attention to sustainable development in cultivation, under the crisis, Wan Dong can only follow through with everything!

But in this way, Wan Dong really created a top-quality cultivation treasure land for Xue Wen and the others.To what extent is it the best? For comparison, I am afraid that even the cultivation treasure land owned by the largest sect in the Immortal Court is at best at this level.Except for a few secret palaces, there is almost no one who can beat it.

It was as if I was used to leftovers, and suddenly I sat on a high-quality table, and the cabbage buns were replaced with abalone ginseng. Happiness came so quickly, even for the most nervous people, it was hard for me Not excited.Many people like Xue Wen had tears in their eyes.Maybe even they themselves don't believe it, they will have such a day, the road of the strong will come suddenly, and they will be so close to them.

However, compared with the Immortal Jue and Juling Formation, it was Wan Dong's preaching that most 'opened' Xue Wen's eyes!

If you come from a famous family, you will definitely not be unfamiliar with "preaching"!In fact, the celestial formula is only granted, and "preaching" is the real teaching and inheritance.It is impossible for the elders to convey the true meaning of morality that they have learned throughout their life to the next generation, answering their questions and avoiding detours for them.

For casual cultivators like Xue Wen, naturally no one would 'preach' for them, but this does not mean that Xue Wen and the others are ignorant, and the tears that had just stopped before could not help gushing out now.

Although it's a man who doesn't cry easily, Xue Wen and the others do have a reason to cry a lot.Not only because of the fate and the reversal of their lives, but also because of the quality of Wan Dong's "preaching", they should also cry a lot!

Not to mention them, even the disciples of those famous sects had to silently recite three times to thank the heavens!

The "Tao" taught by Wan Dong is from a high-level, informal, and often every single word can clear away the fog that has lingered in people's minds for years. It is so profound, so accessible, and it has no secrets!

Xue Wen and the others sat there, as if there was a thunderstorm raining on the top of their heads, the one on the left drank a blow, the one on the right was enlightened, and from time to time there was the sound of the Tao, even if it was an elm head, after this Tossing the amount, I am afraid that the seven orifices will be fully opened!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Before Xue Wen and others have even had time to cultivate the heart formula of the eight scriptures, many people's cultivation has already increased by one level!Such quickness and simplicity gave Xue Wen and the others a feeling that they had entered the fast lane of upgrading.

In order for Xue Wen and the others to have a deeper understanding of Tao, Wan Dong even drew golden runes in public.Once the golden rune came out, it would be even more extraordinary.Although Xue Wen and the others couldn't comprehend the profound morality contained in that stroke, it was like invisible drizzle, soaking their foundation of Dao automatically.Not to mention other things, just like this, Xue Wen and the others don't have to worry about going crazy because their cultivation base has improved too fast!

And these are not all the methods Wan Dong used to improve Xue Wen's cultivation.Subjective improvement is of course beneficial to the gain of cultivation, but objective assistance can be more immediate.Wan Dong took out all the Peiyuan Pills refined by Dinglong before, anyway, he won't go back to the Taoist sect for the time being, Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others, he will refine them later.

The so-called Dinglong product must be a high-quality product!These Peiyuan Pills are top-quality in every grain!Xue Wen knew this. When Wan Dong distributed the Peiyuan Pill to their hands, Xue Wen's hands were clearly trembling.

If Xue Wen and the others had entered the fast lane of cultivation and improvement before, then now, they are considered to be on the rocket!It is no exaggeration to say that their one day of cultivation at this time is fully worth their one year of hard work!

Gradually, everyone including Xue Wen discovered that cultivation is such a simple matter!

What?Let me be promoted to the ninth rank of Immortal within half a year?Do you think I'm a pig?Xue Wen glanced at Wan Dong, his small eyes were full of arrogance!

Just when Xue Wen and the others were practicing hard in closed doors, and they didn't hear anything outside the window, a huge storm was rushing toward the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm at an astonishing speed.

"Evil animal, why don't you accept death obediently!?" Lun Wan'er held the sword in her hand and struck repeatedly out of thin air. Six sword beams, like flying phoenixes, exploded with a bang, and a rib with wings in front of her, the size of a bull, The giant tiger, which was shining with blue light all over its body, was hit hard immediately, and its body flew back, and blood burst from its body, no more, no less, exactly six.

Tang Jingruo stood quietly at the side, her face was covered with a black veil, her exposed eyes showed a somewhat satisfied expression, she nodded and said, "That's right, Wan'er, your 'Phoenix Killing' move is getting smoother and smoother."

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