Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 157 I Can't Take It Anymore!

"What do you want?" Hu Yue's eyes shot fire, never expecting that Jin Sen would not even let a woman go.

"Hahaha... Huyue, you don't have to worry, Xijue people are too humble, I'm not interested. But... the old slave in my family hasn't touched a woman for a long time, I think he won't dislike it "Looking at the smile on Jin Sen's face, Wan Dong was really convinced, I dare say that there is really someone in this world who can laugh rich and unbeatable.

"I c..."

"Oh oh~~~ Don't swear at me. My old slave is the most loyal to my young master. If he thinks that I have been insulted by you, he will definitely take revenge on your woman. I also don't want your woman to be in a life-and-death dilemma tortured by him, right?"

Just as Hu Yue was about to curse, Jin Sen waved a finger and said to him with evil smiles.

"You..." The words that came to Huyue's lips were choked back by him just like that, which almost didn't make him suffer internal injuries.

In terms of cultivation, Hu Yue was no match for Jin Sen, and in terms of shamelessness, Hu Yue was even worse.

Seeing Huyue's suffocated face that was almost blue and purple, Jin Sen smiled happily, "You're so good! Hahaha..." While talking, Jin Sen kept slapping Huyue cheeks crackled.

"Bastard, kill me if you have the guts!" Hu Yue has never been humiliated before, his mouth full of steel teeth gnawed loudly, if Jin Sen's bones were in his mouth at this time, then only I'm afraid it's already shattered.

"Kill you? Don't worry, how can I be willing to kill you? You have such a good boss, I don't serve you well, I am sorry for you. And, after your woman is played by my old slave, I think She must need your comfort especially, how can you die?"

"I ri you..."

Hu Yue opened his mouth to scold, but he saw Jin Sen glanced at Ling'er with unfathomable eyes, and had to swallow back the words that came to his lips.This suffocation made Hu Yue want to die.

"Hahaha... Interesting, really interesting!" Hu Yue's eyes were tearing apart, which made Jin Sen very happy, and the appearance of a Ling'er made him feel a lot of anger.

"It's really interesting to watch the dogs of the Iron War Dynasty play swords!" If Wan Dong can endure the situation to this point, then for him, Wusha Void is just a matter of minutes.With a deep drink, Wan Dong stood up with a livid face.

"Yao Ting, the rules..." Wu Daozi frowned, with a worried expression on his face.

"Fuck the rules! The entire Qingyun Martial Academy is not as precious as my brother's life, so what kind of shit rules do I care about?"

Seeing Wan Dong's determined appearance, Wu Daozi knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he nodded and said in a low voice, "In that case, you might as well use a heavy hand and directly beat that bastard to death. You paid such a high price in vain!"

Wan Dong was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he looked at Wu Daozi again, the worry on Wu Daozi's face had disappeared, and all that remained was a murderous look.Everyone said that Wu Daozi was an old pedant, who would have thought that such a ferociousness was hidden in the bones of this old pedant.

"Xu Yaoting!?" When Jin Sen turned around and saw Xu Yaoting, his facial features were distorted, his eyes were red, his fists were clenched, like a mad dog locked on the target.

Wan Dong sneered, and was about to step forward when a man jumped out of the slanting stab, pointing at Wan Dong with jealousy on his face, and shouted, "Boy, who did you say was the Iron War Dog just now? If you don't kowtow to apologize today, Believe it or not, if you don't bother Young Master Jin to make a move, I will abolish you first!"

"Damn your grandma!" Wan Dong didn't allow his words to fall to the ground, and kicked him in the air.

That Tie Zhan student also has some skills, otherwise he wouldn't have such great courage to jump out to stand in the way.But no matter how capable he is, he can only be a floating cloud in front of Wan Dong, who is at the peak of the sixth level of true energy.Without even giving him a chance to dodge, Wan Dong's right leg swept across his body like a steel whip.

Like a shooting star passing by, that Tie Zhan student, in the blink of an eye, was more than ten feet away.

A group of Tie Zhan students who were about to make a fuss were immediately dumbfounded when they saw this situation, and everyone was stunned, and the scene was silent.

"He also said that he is not a dog, so he has nothing to do with it, so he rushes up to get beaten, he is even worse than a dog! You, who else, come up if you have the guts, my young master is very hardworking, and I am not afraid of trouble!"

Wan Dong looked at the group of Tie Zhan students in front of him, and shouted sharply.

The Zhu'er who was kicked away by Wan Dong was also a member of the Qing Yun gang, and he was just behind Hu Yue.He challenged Huyue several times, but was easily defeated by Huyue, and he had long held a strong hatred for Huyue in his heart.Hu Yue was defeated by Jin Sen, and he was the happiest.This kind of joy made it easier for the sperm to come to their minds, thinking about reciprocating, and repaying Jin Sen for venting his anger for him, so he wanted to give Xu Yaoting a big blow first, humiliate him well, and make Jin Sen happy too.But he never expected that the Xu Yaoting in front of him was not the Xu Yaoting he had heard about on weekdays. If he was not careful, he returned to his hometown happily.

Wan Dong's kick definitely had the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.The members of Qing Yun's gang were actually kicked by him for a second. This group of Tie Zhan students were all busy picking up the eyeballs that fell on the ground. Who would dare to answer Wan Dong's words?They don't think that their skin is thicker than that man just now.

Even Jin Sen on the stage couldn't help but stare blankly at Wan Dong's leg.

"Damn it, boss, why are you here?" Seeing Wan Dong, Huyue's thick eyebrows instantly merged into one.

"I can't help it, you have no conscience, you have a daughter-in-law and forget about your boss, if you don't come to see me, then I can only condescend to come and see you." Wan Dong cast his eyes coldly and stood in front of him. The Tie Zhan students immediately gave way silently.

Wan Dong let out a cold snort from his nose, the bastards of the Iron War Dynasty are born to be beaten!

"Fuck! Even if you're here to see me, please choose the right time, okay?"

Wan Dong nodded, and said, "You're right, I came at the wrong time. I came late, and made my brothers and younger siblings suffer!" Wan Dong looked at Ling'er with piercing eyes. Son, Wan Dong has infinite affection.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense, what brothers and sisters, the horoscope has not been written yet!" Hu Yue was a little embarrassed, and quickly whispered.

"Your brother and sister risked their lives for you, and you are still talking nonsense. Could it be that you are looking for you?"

"Hehe... The boss is right, I love to hear it!" Ling'er laughed a few times, stepped forward, looked at Wan Dong and said, "Huyue always tells me that his boss is so good, but in my heart It's a bit disapproving!"

"Oh?" I didn't expect Ling'er to be so generous, and she became more and more likable.

[Author's digression]: Chapter 5, before five o'clock, be sure to rush out!

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