"Ling'er, don't talk nonsense." It can be seen that Hu Yue still respects Xu Yaoting, the boss.Fearing that Ling'er might say something bad and make Wan Dong unhappy, she hurriedly stopped her with her eyes wide open.

"Xiaohu, why are you staring? Ling'er has something to say, so let her say, what are you doing? Is your boss so narrow-minded that he can only listen to good words, not honest ones? Let me tell you, you Then blow your beard and stare at Ling'er, and see if I don't cut you!"

"Boss..." Seeing Wan Dong defending Ling'er like this, Hu Yue was very happy in his heart.To be honest, he was worried before that Xu Yaoting would look down on Ling'er because she was from Xijue and object to their marriage.But now it seems that Huyue is unfounded.

"Hehe... Thank you, Boss!" Ling'er was also very happy, she saluted Wan Dong Yingying, and let go more and more without restraint.

Looking at Ling'er, Wan Dong felt emotional, no wonder Hu Yue was immediately fascinated by Ling'er. Although Ling'er is not the kind of beautiful woman with beautiful appearance, her inner beauty and personality are beautiful. However, it is difficult for countless beauties to hold a candle to her.Just like Tang Xinyi, if she had Linger's personality, Wan Dong wouldn't have such a headache.

"Don't thank me first, you haven't said it yet, why did I let you think otherwise?"

Ling'er was very straightforward, without twitching, she opened her mouth and replied, "Originally, as the boss, he was born to protect the younger ones, but it's better for you to hide yourself, but let Huyue stand up for you. But now I Got it, I misunderstood the boss."

"Ling'er, don't talk nonsense, I should do what I do, apologize to the boss!"

"What are you apologizing for? I think what Ling'er said is right. As the boss, I'm indeed a little unreasonable. It's because I didn't think carefully and didn't kill them all that I let you and your siblings suffer such humiliation for nothing!" With that, Wan Dong turned his attention to Jin Sen.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Seeing Wan Dong's unkind expression, Hu Yue was taken aback.Xu Yaoting has a few brushes, no one knows better than him.Deceiving people, deceiving fathers and ancestors, Xu Yaoting is number one in the world.But if he fights with real swords and guns, he won't be a good dish, especially at this time when he is facing Jin Sen, who even he can't handle.

Wan Dong chuckled, turned to Wu Yang and said to Wu Yang, "Wu Yang, help Xiaohu and his younger siblings to take care of them, and anyone who dares to mess around will chop off his paws!"

"Okay!" Just from Wan Dong's voice, Wu Yang could tell that Wan Dong was angry.At this time, it is useless to say anything, the only way is to follow him and let him make trouble.What's more, Jin Senzhong is so hateful, he is definitely the kind of bastard who would stretch out his hand whenever a Buddha sees him, so there is no need to have any scruples.With a quick answer, Wu Yang leaped up, smiled at Huyue and Ling'er, and said, "Xiaohu, younger siblings, come with me."

"Wu Yang, why are you booing too, Jin Sen... Is Jin Sen the boss who can deal with it?" Hu Yue coughed, moved to Wu Yang's side, and whispered, so as not to be overheard by Wan Dong , stimulated him.

"Hehe... You have been following the boss for a day or two. Is there anyone in this world who the boss can't deal with?" Wuyang Niu coaxed.

Hu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and after a long pause, he blushed and said, "Should... there should be... there are, right?"

Wu Yang couldn't help being embarrassed for a while, what he said was a bit big.In the past, they were chased by Leng Yuecui and ran all over the mountain, and the scene of crying and screaming when they were beaten, floated before his eyes.

"Ahem...why is there so much nonsense! Even if there is, that person will definitely not be Jin Sen. Hurry up and follow me, don't hinder the boss's praise and delay our watching the play!"

"You..." Hu Yue stared at Wu Yang, and couldn't help but ask, your head was squeezed by the door, right?Just our boss, when we meet Jin Sen, what will we do?Does acting take a beating?Do you still watch plays?Look at your sister!

Seeing Hu Yue not moving any further, Wu Yang raised his eyebrows, taking advantage of Hu Yue's injury, he directly carried him on his shoulders, shook his head at Ling'er very domineeringly, and said, "Sister and sister, come with me!"

"Giggle... good!" Ling'er was full of confidence in Wan Dong, ignoring Huyue's barking, gave Wan Dong a thumbs up, and jumped off the stage with Wu Yang.

Jin Sen didn't stop him, he only had Wan Dong in his eyes now, how could he accommodate others?

"Xu Yaoting, I didn't expect you to dare to come here! I think you should know who I am?" Jin Sen took a lot of effort to restrain the urge to rush up and strangle Wan Dong to death. If Wan Dong died too quickly, in Jin Sen's opinion, it was definitely cheaper for Wan Dong.He wants to play slowly, so that there is not even bone dregs left in Wandong.

Wan Dong's expression was calm, facing a clown who was much weaker than himself, anyone would be calm.It's like why people always say that the more expert you are, the more calm you will be, and the higher your self-cultivation is. In fact, it's all about self-cultivation?If it were you, you could kill people with just a wave of your hand. I believe that if a clown shouted in front of you, you would be very calm.

"I know, my brother said it just now, Potato Egg! It's a very unique name!"

"Pfft!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Hu Yue spat out, but what was sprayed was not blood, but saliva.

Huyue was still reserved, but Ling'er laughed straight away, this boss is getting more and more interesting.

"Your chick! I'm Jin Sen, Jin Sen!" Jin Sen knew that Wan Dong was deliberately disgusting him, but he couldn't help getting angry.This stuff is too nasty!

"Okay, okay, the name is just a code name, why bother about it? Are you a man with a very broad mind?"

"Show me off!" Jin Sen let out a low growl in his heart, resisting the conflict of vomiting blood, and said through gritted teeth, "You hurt my brother, how should we settle the debt?"

"Your brother? . . . potatoes?"

"Pfft!" This time, Huyue really spurted blood.Clutching his chest, with a pained expression on his face, "Fuck! I don't think I was played to death by Jin Sen, but I was going to be played to death by the boss. The boss is really... really good at it!"...

"Get lost! My younger brother is Jin Mu!" Jin Sen's roar immediately changed its tone, and even a deaf person could hear the anger hidden in his roar.

"Oh... you're talking about Jin Mu!" Wan Dong showed a look of sudden realization.

Jin Sen heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he finally got rid of yam eggs and potatoes, which were obviously ten times more hateful than the ones in the legend!

"That's right, the potato I'm talking about is Jin Mu!"



"Xiaohu! What's wrong with you, Xiaohu, wake up..."

On stage!

Jin Sen's body swayed suddenly, and he almost fell to the ground.After standing still, he pulled out the short sword hidden in his sleeve and shouted like crazy, "Draw out the sword, you and I will fight to the death!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Can't we talk for a while?"

"Talking about your sister! Draw your sword!"

[Author's digression]: Today's five chapters are so dripping!Let's continue tomorrow!

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