Wan Dong's complexion slowly turned cold, "I wanted to play with you for a while, but I didn't expect you to be eager to die. If that's the case, I will help you!"

"It's up to you? I think you're out of your mind, right? Lie down!" Jin Sen couldn't bear it any longer, shouted loudly, and slapped Wan Dong's chest with his right palm like a fan.

This Jin Sen is definitely not a reckless person, and he did not despise Wan Dong in any way because of the rumors. On the contrary, the power of Wan Dong's previous move made him even more vigilant, so his palm was full of strength. , without neglect.

"Oops!" Seeing Jin Sen's palm gesture, Hu Yue couldn't help but shudder.

Wu Yang pressed his shoulders hard to prevent him from acting rashly, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, our boss is no longer comparable to what he used to be!"


"Go back!" Hu Yue just asked in a daze, and Wan Dong on the stage suddenly let out a sharp shout.Hu Yue turned his head to look full of surprise, this look, Hu Yue was stunned, he almost forgot where he was.

Facing Jin Sen's palm gesture, Wan Dong is like a towering giant tree with a thousand-meter-long root, no matter how violent the wind blows, I will stand still.It was only when Jin Sen's palm came in front of him that he roared and punched out.The punch was not fancy, but it was powerful and impartial, and it was hitting Jin Sen's palm.

The next moment, Jin Sen's complexion changed suddenly, and he let out a muffled groan, as if his feet were on a pulley, he backed up uncontrollably.The eyebrows that were almost wrinkled together made him look like he was not in ordinary pain.

"What... what's the situation?" Hu Yue was so startled that he couldn't even speak clearly, and stared blankly at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang didn't answer, just smiled without saying a word.Such a huge change in Xu Yaoting's body, it is really difficult to explain clearly in a short while.

"Huyue, didn't you say that your boss has always paid attention to intelligence rather than brute force, and his cultivation level is average? This... can this be considered average?" Ling'er's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.She had fought Jin Sen before, and knew how powerful Jin Sen was, so she couldn't believe that such a powerful guy would be kicked back by Wan Dong's punch.

"Really... What a hell!" Hu Yue shook his head again and again and muttered, completely unsure how to respond to Ling'er's words.

Not only Hu Yue and Ling'er were surprised, but Jin Sen on the stage was so surprised that he almost swallowed his tongue.The palm that was in contact with Wan Dong's fist felt as if it had been scorched by a hot iron, and the pain was unbearable. A strong sense of numbness, like a poisonous snake climbing up a vine, was quickly running along his arm. , spread.

Rumors are really unbelievable. Once you believe them, you won’t even be able to figure out how you died.According to the rumors, Xu Yaoting was only at the level of the first level of true qi, but could Nima's first level of true qi make him so embarrassed, Jin Sen and Young Master Jin?

"It was just an appetizer just now. How about it? Is it to your taste?" Wan Dong rubbed the front of his fist, his eyes flashed fiercely, and locked on to Jin Sen.

Jin Sen couldn't help shivering, an extremely ominous premonition quickly rose in his heart, and he might fall down today.

"Come on, you can't avenge your brother Potato just by standing around like this!"

"Go to hell!" Jin Sen felt ruthless, flipped his wrist lightly, a cold light jumped out of his sleeve immediately, and a dagger less than one foot danced in his hand like a spirit snake, enveloping him one after another. The icy sword light wove into a blinding mass, and covered its head towards Wan Dongdou.

"Hey! It's really fun, I like it!" Wan Dong screamed strangely, facing Jin Sen's sword light, he didn't retreat but advanced.The slender and well-proportioned figure seemed to have lost its weight all of a sudden, and was lighter than a feather. It moved and moved, the rabbit rose and fell, and every movement revealed a pleasing lightness and agility.

Although Jin Sen's Huo Huo Jian Guang was extremely fierce, from the beginning to the end, it didn't even touch Wan Dong's clothes. It looked full of helplessness and powerlessness.

"This kid, where did he learn such an exquisite movement?" Looking at Wan Dong's erratic figure, Wu Daozi couldn't help narrowing his eyes, his face full of admiration.

Even if Wu Daozi was like this, Ling'er and Hu Yue were even more fascinated by it.

"Wu Yang, I... I'm not dreaming, am I? Since when did Boss become... so awesome!"

Wu Yang rubbed his forehead, and said, "If it wasn't for the boss's recent adventures, he must have lied to us in the past! Hehe... But no matter what the reason is, brother, one thing is certain, the days when we were young arrive."

"You mean..." Hu Yue shuddered violently like an electric shock, and then an unusually strong excitement quickly spread across his face.

"Your short sword seems good, give it to me!" Jin Sen tried his best, but he couldn't even hurt a single hair of Wan Dong. When he was terrified in his heart, Wan Dong's faint voice suddenly rang in his ears. edge rang.

"What?" Jin Sen let out a low voice, and immediately felt something was wrong, but Wan Dong didn't even give him a chance to react, his right hand clenched his claws like lightning, Jin Sen only felt a sudden sharp pain in the wrist holding the sword, Immediately, the dagger in his hand was released, and in a second, it was in Wan Dong's hand.

"You..." Jin Sen took more than ten steps back in one breath, his face was full of shock, until now, he was sure that in front of Wan Dong, he might not even be as good as a baby.

The deep shock and strong depression, like a scourge, made Jin Sen fall to the bottom in an instant.

Playing with Jin Sen's dagger in his hand, Wan Dong's eyes were full of endless sarcasm, he squinted at Jin Sen, and said coldly, "It seems that you want to avenge your brother, but there is no hope!"

"Damn it! It turns out that you have been hiding everything! But our Tie Zhan dynasty will definitely lose to your Qingyun Empire! What are you still doing there? Get all the people on the Qingyun list to the stage!" Jin Sen said. With a stern look on his face, he turned his head and yelled at the students of the Iron War Dynasty.

Before the roar fell, there was a whizzing sound of clothes ripping through the wind, and more than a dozen figures rushed up together, surrounding Wan Dong in the center.Except for those who have already fallen into Wan Dong's hands, none of the masters of the Iron War Dynasty on the Qingyun Ranking have arrived, and all of them have arrived.

"No way! Jin Sen, you are too shameless, want to bully the few with more?" Hu Yue roared angrily.

Jin Sen grinned, and said quietly, "Are you only allowed to fight husband and wife soldiers, and we are not allowed to fight tiger brothers? You broke this rule first, so what right do you have to criticize us?"

"You..." Hu Yue was at a loss for words for a while, his face was so ugly.

"Jin Sen, no matter what, this is still the Qingyun Empire. If we talk about gang fights, your Tie Zhan Dynasty is probably the unlucky one!" Liu Ke'er walked out of the crowd with a cold expression.

[Author's digression]: Today's fifth watch begins!The first one is offered first!

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