"Liu Ke'er?" Jin Sen's face changed slightly when he saw Liu Ke'er. The second place in the Qingyun ranking is not easy to deal with, not to mention, standing behind her is a champion who can't tell her clearly Wang Yangde.

Wan Dong didn't expect that Liu Ke'er would stand up at this time. It seemed that he was still helping him, which was somewhat unexpected.

"Jin Sen, defeat is defeat. Why don't you be more graceful? At least you can make a good name for yourself." Liu Ke'er jumped onto the stage and stood three steps away from Wan Dong, refusing to come any closer. , the little girl is probably still angry with Wan Dong.

"Liu Ke'er, today's matter has nothing to do with you, I hope you'd better not intervene!" Jin Sen frowned, his expression serious.

"It's really nothing to do with me, and I'm too lazy to intervene..." Speaking of this, Liu Ke'er couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Wan Dong fiercely, the anger in her eyes was not small.

Wan Dong touched his nose, slightly embarrassed, remembering that before, there was indeed something wrong with him.

"However, if you want to bully the few with more and show off your power on the territory of my Qingyun Empire, that's not acceptable!"

"Is there any reason for this? Are you only allowed to bully the few with the more? Liu Ke'er, you understand that they are the first to break the rules!" Jin Sen roared angrily.

Liu Ke'er sneered, and curled her lips, "During your duel with Hu Yue, Hu Yue did break the rules, but that has passed. Now you are confronting Xu Yaoting, how can the two be confused?"

"You...you're making too much sense!" Jin Sen gritted his teeth angrily, his face livid.

What Liu Keer said is indeed a bit far-fetched, but so what?Strong words are a woman's privilege!Liu Ke'er ignored Jin Sen's accusation and pretended not to hear it.

Seeing Liu Ke'er's attitude, Jin Sen knew that it would be useless to say anything else.Gritting his teeth, he said in a deep voice, "Since you are purely making trouble, then I will only be offended!"

Liu Ke'er snorted coldly, turned to look at the crowd, and shouted, "Those who are on the Qingyun list, show up for me!"

Liu Ke'er's self-confidence still has a bit of appeal, isn't it that you, Jin Sen, want to bully the few with the more, then I will show you how to treat the other with the same way, and see what else you have to say.Liu Ke'er's calculation was very good, but the reality gave her a blow in the head.

The scene where she expected a crowd of voices and crowds of voices did not appear. There were only three figures pulled up from the crowd and swept onto the stage.The ones who paid back were all girls, all the sisters who paid well with Liu Keer on weekdays, other than that, no one came on stage.

Liu Ke'er couldn't believe this was the truth, she just thought that the masters on the Qingyun Ranking were not here by chance.His eyes hurriedly searched the crowd, and after this search, Liu Ke'er's pretty face immediately darkened.Among the crowd in the audience, although not all the masters of the Qingyun Ranking were present, at least two-thirds of them were there.But no one dared to meet her gaze. They either turned their heads to the side as if they didn't see it, or looked left and right, with a guilty conscience, and some even chose to leave quietly.

"You bastards!" Such a situation made Liu Ke'er's teeth itch with hatred.

Wan Dong stood aside and shook his head lightly. He was not surprised by this situation.

He had experienced the indifference and disunity of Qingyun students before, and this situation was just another confirmation.

"Hahaha... Liu Ke'er, I advise you not to waste your efforts. It's still too late for you to quit!" Jin Sen said with a sneer while looking at Liu Ke'er without hiding his complacency.

"You..." Liu Ke'er never expected that things would turn out like this.He was still thinking about using his own way to treat his own body, but in the end, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.Just relying on the four girls, they couldn't help Wan Dong at all.What's more, there are many Tie Zhan students in the audience who have not made it to the Qingyun Ranking, and they all look eager to try, and they will rush to the stage at any time.Comparing the two, Liu Ke'er couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in his heart.Students of Qingyun Empire, what happened?

"Wu Yang, let's go, let's go up and help the boss!" Hu Yue cheered up and said.

Wu Yang glanced at him, and said, "You should save yourselves. If something happens to you, the boss will have to strangle me. I'll go alone."

"You?" Hu Yue squinted at Wu Yang, although he didn't say anything, but his face and eyes reflected the disdain in his heart vividly.

"Damn it! Huyue, what kind of eyes are you looking at, looking down on the young master? Good! Today the young master will let you open your eyes!" After finishing speaking, he took out a portable sword from nowhere, and stretched his body. Float onto the stage.

"Huyue, didn't you say that your two brothers are very good? You don't want to talk about your boss. Why does Wu Yang seem to be very simple?"

Linger's eyes full of suspicion made Huyue just want to kill Kuai Tofu, and said bitterly, "How would I know? It's only been a few days, even if it's a juggling...it's not so fast, is it?"

"Liu Ke'er, you'd better go down, these minions, the boss and I are enough!" Wu Yang landed on the stage and said to Liu Ke'er.

"What are you doing here, are you dying?" Liu Ke'er gave Wu Yang a hard look, and scolded.Everyone on this stage is a master on the Qingyun Ranking. In her opinion, when Wu Yang came up, he was going to die.

"Bah! Don't look down on people!" Liu Ke'er's eyes made Wu Yang very unhappy.Too lazy to say any more, he turned the sword in his hand and stabbed at an iron warrior beside him.

That master of iron warfare didn't pay attention to Wu Yang at all, with a sneer on his face, he stood calmly, and when Wu Yang came close, he punched him flying.

"You're crazy, that's Tong Ping, No. 70 on the Qing Yun Ranking, come back!" Liu Ke'er on the stage and Hu Yue off the stage shouted almost at the same time.

But no matter how hoarse they shouted, Wu Yang didn't care about it at all, and the sword didn't even stop for a moment.

This is simply suicide. Liu Ke'er looked at Wan Dong anxiously with eyes full of anxiety, and shouted anxiously, "What are you doing standing there, stop him!" In the current situation, Liu Ke'er knew that there was nothing he could do. Only with Wan Dong making a move, there is still some confidence in rescuing Wu Yang.

But what Liu Ke'er didn't expect was that Wan Dong just glanced at her and then turned his eyes elsewhere, showing no sign of stopping Wu Yang.


Liu Ke'er was annoyed for a while, and was about to explode, when there was a sudden exclamation from the audience.Liu Ke'er was shocked, and turned her head to look hastily. In an instant, an unusually dazzling silver light, like the shock wave of a nuclear bomb explosion, swirled swiftly, piercing her eyes with pain!

[Author's digression]: Today's second update!

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