Liu Ke'er was stunned on the spot that a sword that was originally plain and ordinary could suddenly burst into such power.What came oncoming was not only the blinding sword light, but also a piercing majesty that pierced the sky, which made people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

"Damn! Am I hallucinating?" Hu Yue growled, his eyes widening in disbelief.The brother who usually relied on him to protect him suddenly became so mighty, with a long sword in his hand, it seemed as if he wanted to swing the whole world!This strong contrast did not cause Hu Yue to suffer a heart attack on the spot. It can only be said that he was lucky, his heart is strong enough!

"Huyue, you must have lied to me before, otherwise, how could this Wu Yang be so powerful?" Ling'er pouted her mouth with displeasure.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Huyue was aggrieved, and almost burst into tears.

Tong Ping's expression was definitely more exciting than anyone else's. His eyes protruded from his sockets, and the shock in him reached an indescribable level in an instant.The zhenqi secretly accumulated before was wiped out by Wu Yang's sword force in just one breath.

The light of the sword was like a tidal wave, and the power of the sword was like a tsunami, ready to submerge him at any moment.Tong Ping couldn't believe his eyes for a while, until the gust of wind rolled up by the sword light cut his face like a knife, Tong Ping finally woke up, screaming strangely in his mouth, and condensed his palms together Infuriating, while crazily retreating, he slashed out, trying to block that terrifying sword glow.

"Huh! Look down on the young master? This is the end!" Wu Yang snorted coldly, completely refusing to give Tong Ping any chance, the fierce sword's momentum changed rapidly, and the sword light that had just dimmed rose again in an instant.

Tong Ping's cultivation was comparable to Hu Yue's, so it shouldn't have been so bad, if he had to blame, he could only be blamed for being careless.

In the face of the incomparably exquisite Melee Swordsmanship 2.0, once you lose the opportunity, if you want to get it back, unless your cultivation base is n heavier than the opponent's, don't even think about it.Wu Yang's sword power was like a huge quagmire, and Tong Ping would only sink deeper and deeper.

Today is destined to be a big day for Wu Yang.Starting today, Wu Yang's name will surely resound in every corner of Qingyun Martial Academy!

"There's no reason for that! Do it!" Seeing that Tong Ping was forced to go to heaven and earth by a little-known Wu Yang, Jin Sen was so angry that his steel teeth were about to be crushed. With a wave of his hand, he took the lead in launching the offensive. , but it is not attacking Wandong, but Wuyang.

Jin Sen has now realized that he is definitely not Wan Dong's opponent, and rushing forward at this time is no different from delivering food.It's better to let other people start a war of attrition with Wan Dong, and finally he will make a move to win with one move, which is both beautiful and safe.Jin Sen's calculation is good, but maybe it won't work out, so I don't know.

Jin Sen moved, and Liu Ke'er was unambiguous, and shouted at the three sisters, "Sisters, let's teach these guys from the Iron War Dynasty a lesson and let them know that they want to walk sideways in our Qingyun Empire. No way!"

"Ahhh!" Before Liu Ke'er could finish speaking, a series of painful cries suddenly rang out.

"What's going on?" Liu Ke'er trembled in her heart, subconsciously followed the prestige, and immediately saw five or six masters of the Iron War Dynasty 'flying' in the sky. Phantom, wandering back and forth among the crowd, erratic.More than a dozen experts from the Iron War Dynasty, except for Jin Sen, all tried their best to intercept them, but they couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

"This... is this still a human?" Liu Ke'er stared blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

"Damn it!" Jin Sen was making wishful thinking when he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Looking back, he found that at least half of the masters of the Iron War Dynasty had fallen to the ground and could no longer get up. But before and after, but Only dozens of breaths passed.

Is there any reason for this?The ones who fell down were all the top players on the Qingyun Ranking, first-class geniuses, even if they were catching pigs, they couldn't be so fast, right?

"Uh!" When Jin Sen was in a trance, Tong Ping's miserable cry suddenly rang out.

Jin Sen shuddered, and hurriedly glanced over. In just a short while, Tong Ping was submerged in Wu Yang's sword light.When Wu Yang withdrew his sword momentum, Jin Sen's heart became cold.Not only were Tong Ping's clothes turned into rags, but his body was also covered with bloody wounds of varying shades. One could tell at a glance that the injuries were not serious, and most likely they would be ruined again.

"This is the master on the Qingyun Ranking, isn't it great!" Wu Yang has already practiced Chaos Sword Art 2.0 quite proficiently at this time, coupled with his true energy, he has also been rapidly improving, and his combat effectiveness , It can be described as a thousand miles a day.

"Looking for death!" Jin Sen was furious, his face was as fierce as a wolf, even if he couldn't do anything to Wan Dong, he had to kill Wu Yang, otherwise today's embarrassment would be too great.

Amidst the roar of anger, Jin Sen's palm was as strong as a wave, and he went straight to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's morale was high right now, even if he faced Jin Sen, he had no fear at all, on the contrary, he was a little eager to try.

In the past, like Xu Yaoting, Wu Yang was not very interested in martial arts. It was not until now that he possessed excellent skills, his martial strength was increasing day by day, and he easily defeated the masters on the list. Only then did he completely change his mentality. Incomparably strong interest.

Seeing Jin Sen rushing towards him, Wu Yang was fearless, raised the edge of the sword in his hand, and jumped up to meet him.After a while, the two were fighting in one place.

Looking at Wu Yang, who was fighting Jin Sen vigorously and refusing to give an inch, Hu Yue was in a daze, and Wu Yang's words "Our brothers are about to come out" echoed in his ears, and Hu Yue couldn't help feeling agitated , his fists clenched slowly.

"Sister Ke'er, look, do we still need to do this?" One of Liu Ke'er's little sisters asked blankly.

"It seems that I still underestimated this deadly mutant!" Liu Ke'er muttered, and slowly put away the long sword.

Almost all the iron fighters on the Qingyun Ranking were picked by Wan Dong alone. I am afraid that no one will believe it if it is said.It seems that the days when the students of the Iron War Dynasty were showing off their might in the Qingyun Martial Academy are gone forever.

Looking at the audience, the expressions of the Tie Zhan students who are not qualified to come to this stage have already changed.The previous eagerness to try and the same hatred disappeared without a trace, replaced by deep panic and fear, and the look in Wan Dong's eyes was like seeing a ghost in daylight.I'm afraid that the name Xu Yaoting, from today on, will not only shock the Qingyun Empire, but even the Tie Zhan Dynasty thousands of miles away will shake up three times!

[Author's digression]: The third update!

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