Tang Xinyi's smile became more and more joyful, "If I had stopped it then, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see today's good show!"

"Good show? What good show?" Princess Baidie was taken aback.

Tang Xinyi's face was full of uncontrollable joy, and she replied, "Just before the princess left the customs, I just got the news that Qiu Yunchong led people to make a big disturbance in Tianbao Pavilion, and the two sides almost started fighting. He also shot and wounded Duan Lengyan, if it wasn't for all the experts from Tianbao Pavilion, Duan Lengyan might not even be able to save his life."

"What? Is this true!?" Before Tang Xinyi's words fell, Princess Baidie stood up abruptly. Her exquisite face was full of unbelievable and extremely strong surprises.

Tang Xinyi had been by Princess Baidie's side for some years, but it was the first time that she was so excited to see Princess Baidie.

"Of course it's true! When have I ever lied to you, princess?" Tang Xinyi's mood was indescribably comfortable.

Ever since Bai Zhenshan fell ill, she and Princess Baidie had not had an easy life, they were really so oppressed by Qiu Wanli that they couldn't even breathe, and they had swallowed a lot of grievances and annoyances.But recently, it seems the tide has changed.Tang Xinyi had to admit that nine out of ten of it was because of Xu Yaoting.

"But...but why is this? Didn't there be intelligence that the Chou family is getting closer and closer to the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and there is a faint sign of joining forces? Why did they suddenly... start fighting?" Bai Die The princess was both excited and puzzled.

"Heck... I think, if Xu Yaoting hadn't sold those thousands of blood steel rough stones to Qiu Yunchong, what happened today would never have happened?"

"What do you mean, explain it to me quickly!" Princess Baidie was anxious, she grabbed Tang Xinyi's arm and shook it repeatedly.

Tang Xinyi smiled and said: "Your Highness, think about it, if you spent a full 600 million taels of gold to buy back [-] quick blood steel raw stones, but in the end you didn't even unlock a piece of blood steel, you would be a kind of How do you feel?"

"Then I will definitely be mad!" Princess Baidie blurted out without thinking.

"That's right! Qiu Yunchong was also mad because he was mad, so he went to Tianbao Pavilion to make a big fuss regardless of the consequences! This is also human nature!" From the moment she learned the truth from Wan Dong, Tang Xinyi was in Waiting for this wonderful scene to be staged, Qiu Yunchong did not disappoint him!

Thousands of rotten stones not only brought in 1000 million taels of gold for Wandong, but also directly ended the alliance between the enemies and the Tie Zhan Dynasty. Such a double-edged sword, Tang Xinyi couldn't help but let out a burst of understanding every time she thought about it. laugh.This Xu Yaoting is really capable!

"Ah? You mean that the thousands of raw blood steel stones that Xu Yaoting gave to Qiu Yunchong didn't even have a piece of blood steel?" Princess Baidie finally came to her senses, but the expression of disbelief on her face became more and more serious. strong.

No wonder Princess Baidie behaved like this, it's really unscientific!


"But how could this happen? Didn't Tianbao Pavilion promise that the minimum ratio of blood steel contained in raw blood steel stones would not be less than one-tenth? No matter how hard Qiu Yunchong memorized it, thousands of blood steel rough stones would not be possible There is not even a piece of blood steel. Could it be... Could it be that there is something wrong with those blood steel rough stones, are they fake?"

Tang Xinyi patted Princess Baidie on the shoulder, signaling her not to get too excited, and then said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with the blood steel rough stones, but before Qiu Yunchong took the batch of blood steel rough stones into his pocket, Xu Yaoting That guy picks up hundreds of dollars, and that's the problem...."

"Wait, Xu Yaoting gave us 200 yuan of blood steel as soon as he raised his hand...Could it be that the hundreds of blood steel rough stones he picked up were all..." Princess Baidie couldn't help but gasped, and arrived The words on the lips were speechless, but the almond eyes opened more and more round.

Tang Xinyi nodded heavily, and said in a loud voice: "Princess's guess is absolutely right. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it. The hundreds of blood steel rough stones that Xu Yaoting took away were all sold out. Blood steel, not a single rotten material!"

"My God! What kind of luck is this... No, this... This is definitely not luck! That Xu Yaoting can see through the blood steel rough stone!?" The shocked expression on Bai Die's face spread like an explosion again Going around, even the voice of speaking could not help trembling slightly.

"Actually, that's what I thought too, but I also feel... this is really unimaginable. According to the legend, isn't it only true immortals from the upper realm who have such abilities? That kid Xu Yaoting, how could he do it?"

"If it's not possible to see through the blood-steel rough stone, it means that Xu Yaoting has other methods. Otherwise, such a thing would never happen. Xinyi, didn't you ask him?"

Tang Xinyi smiled bitterly, and said, "Why didn't I ask, and I asked more than once. But Xu Yaoting's mouth is like a seal, and he can't pry it open!"

Princess Baidie couldn't help being a little disappointed, but her expression soon turned normal again, and she said, "I can't blame him, if it were you and I who have such abilities, we would definitely not let others know easily."

After a pause, Baidie suddenly raised her head to look at Tang Xinyi with a very serious expression, "Xinyi, I'm really curious about this guy now, I want to meet him!"

"Seeing him? What are you doing seeing him?" Tang Xinyi was stunned.

Bai Die laughed and said, "Such a capable person, shouldn't we try to win him over?"

"This... Even if it's to win over, I'll just show up. That person is too thick-skinned, and he will shine with a little sunshine. Your Highness, the Princess, can't treat him too much!"

For some reason, looking at Princess Baidie's charming face, Tang Xinyi felt a little nervous for no reason, as well as a faint sense of crisis.

Princess Baidie smiled and said, "Xinyi, just do as I say, find a chance and bring him into the palace."

"Oh, yes!" Although Tang Xinyi was reluctant, she could not disobey the princess' orders.

Not noticing Tang Xinyi's slightly ugly face, Princess Baidie asked, "Listen, Xu Yaoting has supported Wu Qiujun for dozens of rounds, so his cultivation should not be as bad as in the legends." !"

Tang Xinyi nodded and said, "Probably not."

"It seems that this kid is really deep enough to hide! Well, let this princess try to see how much he has hidden."

"Your Highness, what do you want to do? Don't act recklessly. You are now at the fifth level of true energy. Waiting for idlers is no match for you. What if..." Tang Xinyi was very nervous when she heard this. He knew Princess Baidie, and he knew what she was planning at a glance.

[Author's digression]: Five updates for six consecutive days, continue tomorrow!

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