Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 184: Born Master and Apprentice!

Tang Xinyi was too nervous, but Princess Baidie was trembling with laughter. Looking at Tang Xinyi's eyes, she was a bit "ambiguous". Faint.

Princess Baidie had a knowing expression, and said with a smile, "I still don't admit it, I think you probably have fallen in love with that kid."

"No... not at all! Your Royal Highness is just talking nonsense, I'm ignoring you..." Tang Xinyi turned around abruptly like a little girl whose thoughts had been exposed, and left in a hurry.

Princess Baidie suppressed her laughter, and shouted at Tang Xinyi's back, "Don't forget, let Xu Yaoting come to see me!"

I don't know if Tang Xinyi heard or not, but in a short time, she disappeared.


"Yao Ting, where are you taking me?" After walking out of the noodle shop, Wan Dong was a little absent-minded, walking slowly by himself, Ye Ling followed closely behind, watching Wan Dong's complex and changeable With a slightly worried look on his face, he asked with concern.

"Ah? Oh!" Ye Ling asked, Wan Dong suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head to look around, and his eyes were fixed on a large and elegant courtyard hundreds of steps away in front of them. With a slight smile, he said, "Here we are!"

"Here?" Following Wan Dong's gaze, Ye Ling also saw the courtyard, slightly surprised.A fool can also see that those who live in such a courtyard are either rich or noble.

When Ye Ling was surprised, Wan Dong had already walked towards the courtyard.Ye Ling didn't think any more, and hurriedly followed.

"It seems that Grandpa Sun has other visitors besides us." Looking at the two figures standing in front of the door, Wan Dong chuckled.

Ye Ling was wondering who the owner of the courtyard would be, when he heard Wan Dong's words, he subconsciously looked up, and immediately couldn't help shouting, "Why are they here?"

"Who?" Wan Dong was taken aback.

"Zhuge Hong and his new apprentice, Sui Fan!" After being humiliated by Zhuge Hong, Ye Ling obviously had some resistance to the two of them, so he couldn't help but stop his steps.

"Then the old man is Zhuge Hong?" Wan Dong's eyes narrowed immediately, and a sharp light flashed in them.

Zhuge Hong can be regarded as a master in the medical field, but his appearance is really unflattering.Short and fat, it looks like a potato from a distance, but looks like a ball up close. It can roll ten miles in the wind with one kick.The eyes are small, the nose is big, the lips are thick and fat, the teeth are messy and yellow, and the hair is disheveled and rebellious, it is simply the best in the world,

Wan Dong was a little thankful that Ye Ling did not worship him as his teacher, otherwise, Ye Ling would be anorexic if he followed such a person all day long.

This Zhuge Hong is not good in appearance, and his vision of knowing people is even worse.

As soon as Wan Dong's eyes fell on Sui Fan, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Ye Ling.Although this year's Sui Fan's appearance is past, his eyes are cloudy and evil, and there is a hint of hostility, and he looks like the kind of person who indulges in excesses and has a vicious mind.Can such a person become a doctor?Compared to Ye Ling, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes.Zhuge Hong didn't choose Ye Ling, but chose this Sui Fan as his apprentice, it is definitely not negotiable!

"What are they doing here?" Ye Ling was full of doubts.

Wan Dong could vaguely guess it.Don't look at Zhuge Hong as the chief instructor of Xinglin Branch, but Sun Daobai is the medical leader of the entire Qingyun Empire.Zhuge Hong is planning to let Suifan show his face in front of Sun Daobai, so that he looks familiar. If he can win some of Sun Daobai's appreciation, Suifan will be able to gain a firm foothold in the Qingyun Empire's medical circle in the future.

"Yao Ting, let's forget about it today, let's come another day." Ye Ling retreated.

"Sister Ye Ling, don't be afraid. If old man Zhuge dares to spray dung again today, I'll knock out all his teeth!" After speaking, Wan Dong took Ye Ling's hand and strode towards Zhuge Hong.

"It's you girl, what are you doing here?" Zhuge Hong was obviously taken aback when he saw Ye Ling, and asked involuntarily.

"I..." Facing Zhuge Hong, Ye Ling was always timid.

Sui Fan on the side, probably relapsed into an old problem, with a pair of eyeballs rolling around Ye Ling's body, making people really annoying.

"Ha! You don't intend to worship the medical saint as your teacher, do you?" Zhuge Hong was slightly taken aback, and opened his mouth to ask.

"Medical Saint?" Ye Ling couldn't help shivering, and turned to look at Wan Dong in surprise.

After staying in Yunzhong City for more than a year, he has a strong interest in medical skills. Not only does Ye Ling know the name of the medical saint Sun Daobai, but he is also fascinated by it.She never expected that the person Wan Dong brought her to see would be the famous medical saint.

Seeing that Ye Ling was silent, Zhuge Hong immediately showed a mocking and contemptuous smile on his face, and said in a strange way, "Hahaha...Mao girl, are you people in Tiandu Kingdom like you? What sounds good is whimsical, and what sounds bad is downright stupid! If so, it would be better if Du Kingdom was wiped out by the Tie Zhan Dynasty that day, so as not to lower the IQ of our entire Dongxuan Continent."

I only heard Ye Mei and the others talk about it before, but now Wan Dong really realized that Zhuge Hong's mouth is really not ordinary.

"Hey... I said Miss Ye, it's daytime now, and night is the time to dream. You should wake up quickly and accept the reality. If it really doesn't work, then I will show mercy and treat you as an apprentice, how about it? ?”

Wan Dong seemed to know why Zhuge Hong fell in love with Suifan, this guy's mouth was worse than Zhuge Hong's.

"Hmm! You are not qualified to be my apprentice. To be my grandson is barely enough." This master and apprentice are definitely a natural pair, singing and singing together can make a dead person... die again.

When Sui Fan heard this, his arrogance became even more arrogant. Looking into Ye Ling's eyes, he wished that he could stretch out countless hands and strip Ye Ling naked on the spot.

"You guys..." Ye Lingxin was thin-skinned, her pretty face turned pale in an instant, her eye circles were red, and mist filled the air.

"Look, you don't need to be so moved. I'm very happy to accept such a beautiful apprentice like you. Come, come, let me wipe your tears..."

With an evil smile on Sui Fan's face, he stretched out his hand to Ye Ling's cheek.

Ye Ling was taken aback, and was about to dodge, when a hand reached out and grabbed Sui Fan's entire palm, turning it over lightly, only to hear a crackling sound, Sui Fan The palm of Fan's hand, except for the thumb, the other four fingers were all broken off at the same time. The white broken bones directly pierced through the flesh and were exposed. It looked very frightening.

How could Suifan bear such pain, and he let out a series of shrill and creepy screams in the middle of his mouth.

"Where did you come from, you wild boy, you're looking for death!" In the blink of an eye, Suifan was murdered, so that Zhuge Hong didn't even have a chance to react, so naturally he was furious, staring at his eyes, and kept breathing .

[Author's Digression]: Today's Fifth Watch is a bit late, sorry for that!Put the third watch first!

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