Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 185 Fighting together, old and young!

Looking at the furious Zhuge Hong, Wan Dong sneered, and said quietly, "I think you should feel lucky. Because, if I had a knife in my hand at this time, I would have already chopped off the head of your precious apprentice." gone."

"Stinky boy, what a big breath! I want to see what you are capable of!" Zhuge Hong was furious, roared fiercely, his breath surged, and a lot of pressure suddenly rushed to Wan Dong's shoulders, as if It was because he wanted to force Wan Dong to his knees on the ground.

This Zhuge Hong has excellent medical skills, and his cultivation is also very impressive.Wan Dong glanced at him, and found that he was at the sixth level of true qi, which can be regarded as a master in the medical field.It's just that Zhuge Honggou crushed Wan Dong when he saw that people were inferior, and couldn't think of a move, which was ridiculous.

Smiling coldly, Wan Dong's slightly squinted eyes opened suddenly, and a divine light like cold electricity rushed out of his eyes, hitting Zhuge Hong's heart fiercely like a substance.Zhuge Hong's heart jumped wildly, his complexion changed suddenly, as if a pulley was installed under his feet, he retreated three steps uncontrollably.

At the same time, with six levels of true qi, Zhuge Hong wanted to oppress Wan Dong with coercion, which was simply ridiculous.Wan Dong, who possesses Dao Qi, is absolutely invincible in the same realm.What Zhuge Hong kicked this time was not an iron board, but a steel board!

"" Zhuge Hong pointed at Wan Dong, trembling all over, unable to say a word, his old face turned purple from holding back.

"If you point at me like that again, believe it or not, I will cripple that finger of yours?"

"Ah!?" Zhuge Hong exclaimed, subconsciously glanced at Suifan's miserable situation, and retracted his fingers almost instinctively.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and said, "You just said what happened to the people of Tiandu Kingdom? I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

"I...I..." Zhuge Hong never expected that the young man in front of him would be so powerful!At this time, I saw Wan Dong's expression was stern, his eyes were full of evil spirits, and his heart was pounding.

"You? You deserve to die!" Before Zhuge Hong came back to his senses, Wan Dong suddenly yelled, his figure was as straight as a ghost, Zhuge Hong just saw a blur in front of him, and got a hard slap on the cheek , a burst of burning and piercing pain made him groan.

"I am... the chief instructor of the Xinglin Branch of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, you dare to hit me!?" Zhuge Hong couldn't believe his eyes.With his status, no matter where he goes, he is not respectfully regarded as a guest of honor, and others dare not even say a word, so how dare he move a finger?To be slapped by Wan Dong at this moment, to him, it was not a novelty!

"I don't care who you are! In my eyes, you're nothing but a stupid old man who is full of dung, is stupid, and waits to die!"

"You... how dare you insult me ​​like this?" Zhuge Hong was so angry that he fainted, and shouted loudly.

"Huh?" Wan Dong's eyes widened, and he raised his palm again.

Zhuge Hong's heart trembled instinctively, and he hurriedly stepped back a few steps, distanced himself from Wan Dong, the fear on his face could not be concealed no matter what.Obviously he was scared to death, but he still pretended to be stubborn. This kind of person shouldn't be smoked, and who should?

Suifan never dreamed that even Zhuge Hong would be hit with his hands raised, and he was counting on Zhuge Hong to back him up, but now he dared not even think about it, and even Shenyin's voice became much quieter.

Seeing Zhuge Hong's terrified appearance, Wan Dong shook his head. It seems that even the teachings of Qingyun Martial Academy are uneven.Just like this Zhuge Hong, I really don't know how he became a teacher in Xinglin Branch.

"Listen to me! From now on, if you dare to spray dung all over your mouth again, and say some stupid words that despise Tiandu Kingdom and insult the people of Tiandu Kingdom, I will pull out all your teeth one by one!"

Zhuge Hong had never been insulted so much before, and at this moment, he was so angry that he wished he could chop Wan Dong with a knife. The bulging and bulging appearance was like an enraged frog.

Ye Ling was still in awe of Zhuge Hong at first, but now seeing his distressed appearance, he felt a lot more relaxed, and he was not as sad as before. Worshiping such a master will only bring disaster.

"Wow! You are so brave, you dare to make trouble in front of our Sun's house!" A crisp voice with a bit of annoyance suddenly sounded, and Sun Xiaoya snatched it out of the courtyard, looking unkind, and went straight to him. Wan Dong.

Sun Xiaoya's dislike for Xu Yaoting could not be eradicated in a day or two, it is estimated that this has become her habit, Wan Dong was dragged down by Xu Yaoting, he was really wronged.Just like now, there are obviously two groups of people, and Sun Xiaoya doesn't know anything, but she doesn't even ask, and directly comes to Wan Dong.

Ye Ling's heart skipped a beat. The person living here is a medical sage, a remarkable person. The little girl who came out of it was carved in pink and jade, exuding nobility, so she must also be a remarkable person.Once people pursue it, what should they do?

There is no way, Ye Ling has been bullied quite a lot in Yunzhong City for more than a year, so he naturally developed this timid and cautious character, who is afraid of getting into trouble.It is also because the Tiandu Kingdom is too weak, without a strong motherland as a support, wandering in a foreign country will be extremely difficult.

Zhuge Hong was worried that there was nothing he could do about Wan Dong, but Sun Xiaoya's appearance brightened his eyes.

"Miss Xiaoya, you came at the right time. These two thugs have gone too far. They simply treat the senior medical sage as nothing and act recklessly. If you don't teach me a lesson, what is the prestige of the senior medical sage?"

Depend on!Distorting the facts and making small reports?Is this kind of thing the chief instructor of Qingyun Martial Academy should do?

This time, even Ye Ling couldn't help showing contempt for him.It's ridiculous to think that before I was so eager to worship him as my teacher.

"Hmph... boy, what do you say now?" Sun Xiaoya finally grabbed Wan Dong's sore foot, and she looked like a proud little fox.

It's no wonder that Xu Yaoting in the past was a complete jerk. She was always a role model in Xu Wenchuan's mouth, and she was used to teach Xu Yaoting a lesson.But recently, things seem to have changed completely. Xu Yaoting has become a role model, and she, Sun Xiaoya, has become the object of a lesson. This makes Sun Xiaoya, who has been three points more proud than men since she was a child, how can she accept it?It's not a day or two since the little girl has been holding back her thoughts to make Wan Dong look bad.

"This girl, Yao Ting actually...he didn't mean it, we also..."

Thinking that Wan Dong came to the Sun Mansion because of her, otherwise he would not have met Zhuge Hong's master and apprentice, and this incident would not have happened, Ye Ling felt guilty, even though he was worried, he still stood up.

At this moment, Sun Xiaoya's attention was all on Wan Dong, she simply dismissed others, she didn't even look at Ye Ling, she waved her hand like a fly, and said impatiently, "It's none of your business here Son, stay aside!"

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