"Girl, I..."

"Oh! Are you annoying? It's her I'm looking for, not you! If you don't leave, I'm going to beat someone!" Before Ye Ling could finish the second sentence, Sun Xiaoya yelled.

Ye Ling's personality was a bit weak, and when Sun Xiaoya yelled at her like this, his face became even paler, and even tears flowed down his face.

"Sun Xiaoya!" Zhuge Hong's master and apprentice were enjoying themselves watching from the sidelines. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong yelled suddenly, which made the two of them go limp in shock and almost fell to the ground.

Zhuge Hong looked at Wan Dong in disbelief, never expecting that Wan Dong would have the courage to go mad at Sun Xiaoya.Who doesn't know that Sun Xiaoya is Sun Daobai's apple of the eye, in his opinion, this is clearly the rhythm of death!

"Miss Xiaoya, it's okay, this kid is probably crazy... ouch!"

Zhuge Hong leaned in front of Sun Xiaoya, and before he could finish his sentence, Wan Dong's big cattail fan slammed towards him, and there was a crisp sound, two or three of Zhuge Hong's teeth were broken, and his whole body was shaken. He stumbled and fell to the side.

"Xu Yaoting, you...do you dare to hit someone in front of this girl?"

Sun Xiaoya's eyes widened, obviously she didn't expect Wan Dong to be so fierce.

"Sun Xiaoya, you'd better be more polite to me. If you dare to disrespect me, Sister Ye Ling, I'll beat you too!"

When Wan Dong said these words, Zhuge Hong, who was about to recover from the slap, was immediately stunned again.

Sun Xiaoya also had a look of disbelief, she stared straight at Wan Dong, and said nah, "You...you dare to hit me?"

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and said, "Did you hit me less often before? Why, you are only allowed to hit others, and others are not allowed to hit you?"

"I... I hit you because you're an idiot, you should hit me!" Sun Xiaoya woke up and shouted angrily.

Wan Dong smiled coldly, and raised his voice, "I'm going to beat you today, and it's the same!"

"You..." Looking at Wan Dong with a stern face and his body standing upright into the gun, Sun Xiaoya seemed to have no recognition at all, her heart was pounding, and she felt a little fear.

She is actually afraid of Xu Yaoting?Sun Xiaoya herself couldn't believe it, but it was a fact that couldn't be concealed.

"Could it be wrong? You came out of the inside, and without asking a word, you showed your power indiscriminately, which is totally unreasonable! I, Sister Ye Ling, explained it to you kindly, but you ignored it, and swearing at each other, it is even more outrageous and unreasonable! Think about it for yourself, are you an asshole, should you fight?"

"But... But Zhuge Hong is a guest of our Sun House, you beat him up, can I just ignore him as the master?" Sun Xiaoya asked angrily, unconvinced.

"That's right! Don't run away, boy, wait for the senior medical sage to come out later, and see how he will deal with you!" Zhuge Hong shouted at Wandong boldly.

There was a sneer on Wan Dong's face, he squinted at him, and said, "I don't know how to run, but I think you should run quickly, because you are already irritated, if you don't run, I will interrupt the dogs of your master and apprentice!" leg!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Dong bared his teeth violently, Zhuge Hong, Sui Fan's master and apprentice immediately let out a cry of surprise, turned around and ran away involuntarily.After running a full dozen steps, the two came back to their senses.Although they stopped in their tracks, the faces of the two of them looked as if they had just been soaked in a dyeing vat, they were blue, purple, black and red, and there was nothing missing, so they looked pretty.

They are simply two jumping clowns, they can be said to have lost all face of the Xinglin Branch of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy.

Seeing this scene, Sun Xiaoya also had a look of disdain, and gave the master and apprentice a fierce look.

"Just such a person, can he be regarded as a guest of your Sun residence?" Wan Dong sneered and asked, and Sun Xiaoya's pretty face turned red.

Zhuge Hong is not a guest of the Sun House!In fact, Sun Daobai disliked him very much.This person's medical skills are considered excellent, but his conduct is really mediocre.The medical skills in his hands are not used to save lives and heal the wounded at all, but just a tool for him to make money. This is also the reason why Zhuge Hong has been here for a while, but he has not seen Sun Daobai yet.

"Xiaoya, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you apologize to this girl?" Sun Daobai stepped out with a serious expression, and it could be seen that he was really angry.

"Apologize?" Sun Xiaoya was obviously dissatisfied, her pretty face was full of anger.

"No, no, it's actually our fault..." Ye Ling said hurriedly, not daring to ask Sun Xiaoya to apologize.

"Sister Ye Ling, you..." Wan Dong frowned.

Wan Dong originally wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Ling's expression, which even showed a bit of pleading, Wan Dong shook his head helplessly.Forget it, if Ye Ling worships Sun Daobai as his teacher in the future, he will have to get in touch with Sun Xiaoya. It's really not good to get too stiff.

"Miss Xiaoya, it's my fault today, I should apologize to you." Ye Ling walked up to Sun Xiaoya and said.

Sun Xiaoya was originally a kind-hearted girl, but [-]% of the reason why she committed a mess today was due to Wan Dong.At this time, seeing Ye Ling being hurt, but apologizing to her in turn, Sun Xiaoya felt a little embarrassed.

Sun Xiaoya raised her head and gave Wan Dong a supercilious look, then smiled and said to Ye Ling, "No, it's actually me who is wrong... No, it's not that I'm wrong, it's all because of that guy!"

Seeing Sun Xiaoya glaring at Wan Dong angrily again, Ye Ling couldn't help feeling amused.

In order to prevent Ye Ling from being wronged in the future, Wan Dong could only endure this huge injustice.

Sun Daobai also didn't want to criticize Sun Xiaoya too much, when it came, he was the one who felt distressed.Seeing that the matter was resolved so satisfactorily, I was very satisfied, and couldn't help but look at Ye Ling twice more, with appreciation clearly showing in his eyes.

"Senior medical sage, this kid dares to hurt others, you have to make the decision for me, master and apprentice!" Zhuge Hong walked forward with a sad face, and said in a sad voice.

As soon as he saw the two of them, Sun Daobai's complexion changed obviously, and the expression of disgust appeared by himself.

"Why don't you master and apprentice leave?"

"Let's go?" Zhuge Hong was taken aback for a moment, what did he say, they were going to drive them away before they entered the door?

"Zhuge Hong, you are quite old, and you are still so out of tune. I think it's time to change the chief instructor of the Xinglin branch."

"Ah!? Senior medical sage, this... this..." Sun Daobai's words almost scared Zhuge Hong's soul away.For him, the head teacher of Xinglin Branch brought both fame and benefits, and he was reluctant to lose it.

"Let's go! If you have nothing to do in the future, don't hang around my house!" Sun Daobai's face became more and more cold, and the words he said also added a bit of sternness.

"Master, we..." Sui Fan never dreamed that such a result would happen, his face was full of fear.

Although Zhuge Hong was annoyed, he was helplessly nervous.He glared at Wan Dong and Ye Ling bitterly, and took Sui Fan away in embarrassment...

[Author's digression]: The last two changes, try to get it out before six o'clock, if it doesn't go well, seven o'clock at the latest!

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