"Yao Ting, why are you so elegant today and came to my residence?" Sun Daobai asked Wan Dong as he introduced Wan Dong into the Sun Residence with a smile.

When Xu Yaoting was young, he used to come here often, but ever since Sun Xiaoya got good at martial arts and got into the 'bad habit' of beating others, Xu Yaoting never came again.

"Hey... the distinguished guests at Grandpa Sun's house are all extremely high-level. People who are not of high level like me come here too often, which will affect Grandpa Sun's reputation." While talking, Wan Dong glanced at Sun Xiaoya, It was obvious that he was taunting her.

"You..." Sun Xiaoya got annoyed, and habitually wanted to strike.But thinking that Xu Yaoting is no longer what it used to be, and even Wu Qiujun couldn't do anything about it, so he had to sit down obediently again.In case you fail to hit someone, and get beaten instead, you will be ashamed and lose your position!

Sun Daobai laughed and said, "Xiaoya is a good girl, but sometimes she tends to get messy, Yao Ting, when you have time in the future, teach her a lesson for me."

"This... this must be free! Haha..." Wan Dong was so unhappy that he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Grandpa, you... I won't talk to you anymore!" Sun Xiaoya was angry and annoyed, but she just refused to leave.

This girl's curiosity is not small!Said that Wan Dong came here specially to say hello today, even if she was beaten to death, she wouldn't believe it.And Ye Ling, how could this girl be with Wan Dong?What is her relationship with Wan Dong?This has to be figured out.

"Hehe..." Sun Daobai couldn't help laughing again because of Sun Xiaoya's annoyed appearance.Over the years, thanks to this girl, Sun Daobai has brought many happy times.

"Tell me, Yao Ting, what do you want to come to me today? I know you, the typical one who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing!"

In front of Sun Daobai, Wan Dong really didn't need to play around. With a smile, he directed Sun Daobai's gaze to Ye Ling and said, "Grandpa Sun, look, I have recruited a good apprentice for you, and I will keep you satisfied. "

Seeing that Wan Dong was really going to introduce himself to Sun Daobai as a disciple, Ye Ling immediately became nervous, holding on to the hem of his clothes tightly with both hands, as if he was about to tear the clothes to pieces.

"Apprentice?" Sun Daobai was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect Wan Dong to come to him for such a thing.

Sun Xiaoya also opened her almond eyes, with a look of surprise on her face.I thought to myself, "I don't know what kind of relationship this kid has with Sister Ye Ling..."

"That's right! Grandpa Sun, Sister Ye Ling is actually very talented. If she can pay homage to your famous teacher again, she will definitely shine brightly!"

Wan Dong didn't deliberately brag about Ye Ling.Ye Ling only studied medicine for a year, and he was able to easily heal the injuries Yue Zhong and the others suffered. It can be seen that Ye Ling is indeed very smart and talented.The key is that Ye Ling has a very firm heart and a will from the heart, plus she has ideals in her heart. These qualities are gathered in one person. There is no reason not to be successful.

Sun Daobai has the ability to know people, and Wan Dong didn't need to say more, but Wan Dong still said it, which shows that he really cares about Ye Ling.

"Senior Sun, if you are willing to accept me as an apprentice, I will do my best and never let you down!" Even though he was timid, Ye Ling couldn't care less, and knelt down in front of Sun Daobai.

Looking into Ye Ling's eyes, Sun Daobai couldn't help being slightly taken aback.In Ye Ling's eyes, he could faintly see a feeling of compassion.At first, Sun Daobai thought that he had misread it, but after staring at it for a long while, he was finally sure!

Of course, Sun Daobai also noticed Ye Ling's talent, but compared to Ye Ling's compassionate feelings, no matter how good the talent is, it can only come second.

If a doctor has no medical ethics, even if he has superb medical skills, he cannot become a real doctor.And what is medical ethics?Medical ethics is such a feeling of compassion, saving lives and helping the wounded!This is a doctor, the foundation of a doctor!

"Grandpa Sun, do you agree or not? Why don't you just say something?" Seeing that Sun Daobai just looked at Ye Ling in silence and did not express his opinion for a long time, Wan Dong couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Hahaha...hahaha..." As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Sun Daobai suddenly burst out laughing, which made Wan Dong even more confused.

"Yao Ting, I want to thank you!" Sun Daobai laughed, then suddenly looked at Wan Dong, and said solemnly.

"Thank me?" Wan Dong was completely confused by Sun Daobai.

"Yes! If it wasn't for you, where would I find such a good apprentice?" Sun Daobai turned his head to look at Ye Ling, the love in his eyes couldn't be concealed, as if he had found a treasure.

"So, Grandpa Sun, you agreed to accept Ye Ling as a disciple?" Wan Dong asked in surprise.

Sun Xiaoya was also surprised, Sun Daobai was very strict in accepting disciples.In the past, many people wanted to worship Sun Daobai as their teacher, but they couldn't pass the various tests of Sun Daobai, and they returned disappointed.But Ye Ling was fine, Sun Daobai didn't even take the test, so he agreed without hesitation, which is very strange.

It's not that Sun Xiaoya never thought that the reason why Sun Daobai was so happy was all because of Xu Yaoting's face, but it didn't seem to be in line with Sun Daobai's principles of dealing with people.Moreover, if that was the case, Sun Daobai shouldn't be smiling so happily like he is now.

From his smile, Sun Xiaoya could feel that Sun Daobai accepted Ye Ling as his disciple absolutely sincerely and voluntarily.

"Sister Ye Ling, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and salute?" Seeing that Ye Ling was still in a daze, Wan Dong hurriedly urged.

Under Wan Dong's urging, Ye Ling came back to his senses, and hurriedly bowed down three times, fulfilling the etiquette of worshiping a teacher.

Sun Daobai sat firmly on the grand teacher's chair, accepting it calmly, with a smile on his face all the time, showing an indescribable satisfaction.

"Okay, good boy, get up quickly!" After the etiquette was over, Sun Daobai helped Ye Ling up himself.

It wasn't until this time that Ye Ling was sure that she had really become an apprentice of the medical sage Sun Daobai.Things that I didn't dare to think about before suddenly became reality, which really made Ye Ling a little confused.

But soon, Ye Ling calmed down, looked at Sun Daobai and asked, "Master, you...why did you accept me as an apprentice so readily? Is it because of Yao Ting? Because the apprentice is self-taught, and his foundation is very poor. I wanted to worship Zhuge Hong as my teacher before, but he said that I was useless."

What Ye Ling asked was precisely what Wan Dong and Sun Xiaoya were confused about, so they couldn't help turning their eyes to Sun Daobai together.

Sun Daobai slammed the table, and said with a bit of anger, "What is Zhuge Hong? I'm afraid he can't hold anything in his eyes except money. Naturally, he can't see your strengths. Fortunately, you didn't follow me." Him, otherwise you, a great seedling, will be destroyed in his hands."

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