Seeing that Sun Daobai was full of praise for Ye Ling, Wan Dong was also very happy in his heart, and said with a smile, "So, Grandpa Sun accepted Sister Ye Ling as his apprentice because of my face?"

Sun Daobai glanced at him with a smile, and said, "Your face is really good for me. But if Ye Ling wasn't good enough, I would at most teach him medical skills, but I would definitely not accept her as an apprentice. "

Wan Dong quickly patted his chest and said, "That's really great! Otherwise, I would have to owe you a huge favor, and I can't finish it. Hehe..."

"Stinky boy! Don't get cheap here and act obedient, it's disgusting!" Sun Daobai stared.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about, why did you take Sister Ye Ling as your apprentice?" Sun Xiaoya's curiosity swelled to the limit, and she asked impatiently.

Sun Daobai looked serious, looked at Ye Ling and said, "Because in Ye Ling, I saw...the heart of a doctor!"

Wan Dong didn't figure it out until the end, what is the "heart of a doctor", but seeing Sun Daobai's full of praise, this thing should be very good.No matter what, Ye Ling succeeded in apprenticeship, and Wan Dong's mind was relieved.

Sun Daobai attached great importance to Ye Ling as an apprentice, and he made up his mind to pass on what he had learned all his life. In this way, it would be very inconvenient for Ye Ling to live in the front shop again, so Ye Ling lived in Sun Daobai. government.

Since they have all become Sun Daobai's apprentices, the noodle shop can no longer be opened.At that time, Ye Ling will not be ashamed, but Sun Daobai will be ashamed!

Ye Mei, Yue Zhong and the others are all disciples of Qingyun Martial Academy, they have no noodle shop, they can just live back in Qingyun Martial Academy, there is no hindrance at all.As for the loss of the noodle shop, the Ye family sisters cut off their source of income, so it doesn't matter. With the young master Xu Yaoting standing behind them, why don't they worry about having no money to spend?Besides, when Ye Ling completes his studies, if he makes money, it may not be more difficult than drinking water and eating.

"Stop!" Satisfied that he had achieved his goal, Wan Dong hummed a song and just stepped out of Sun's mansion when Sun Xiaoya chased him out from behind.

"What are you doing?" Unlike Xu Yaoting, Wan Dong was not afraid of Sun Xiaoya.

"Hmph, you're quite majestic today!"

"So-so!" Wan Dong waved his hand and said casually.

" bullied me, do you want to just leave like this?"

"I said little girl, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! When did I 'bully' you?" Wan Dong intentionally added the accent on the word bullying, his face and eyes were full of jokes.

Sun Xiaoya didn't think too much about it, let alone that Wan Dong was so "dirty" that he insisted on making the originally pure word "bullying" so complicated, embarrassed and annoyed, he pulled out his long sword with a choking sound , shouted softly, "I want to challenge you!"

"Challenge? Little girl, are you okay? Could it be that your skin is itchy and you want to be beaten?"

"Bah! Your cultivation base is high now, but no matter how high you are, in front of this girl, you can only be beaten! Look at the sword!" Sun Xiaoya spat, and suddenly held out the long sword in her hand. Mang, went straight into Wan Dong's arms.

Sun Xiaoya followed Sun Daobai, a dignified doctor of medicine, but did not study medicine, but was very obsessed with martial arts. Is this also a kind of rabbit not eating grass by the side of the nest?

Sun Xiaoya's cultivation is not bad, almost on par with Tang Xinyi, especially her swordsmanship, which is very sophisticated, still above Tang Xinyi.

This sword stabbed out with both power and aura, without being muddled, which is quite extraordinary.If she faced an opponent of her level, she would have at least a [-]% chance of winning, but in front of Wan Dong, it was obviously not enough.

With a slight sway of her shoulders, before Sun Xiaoya could even see how Wan Dong's feet were moving, Wan Dong's figure had already disappeared from her eyes.The sword edge pierced the empty space and trembled slightly, just like Sun Xiaoya's mood at this time.

"Little girl, as a girl, it's not a good habit to fight and kill frequently."

"What?" Sun Xiaoya exclaimed, the long sword in her hand swept through the air, and a sword energy swept straight behind her.I really wondered in my heart, "Is this guy a human or a ghost, why did he suddenly go to the back?"

Sun Xiaoya swept over with a wave of sword energy, and before she could get close to Wan Dong, the guy disappeared again.

Can a person's body skills really reach this level?Sun Xiaoya felt shuddering.

Although Sun Xiaoya knew that Wan Dong had become stronger, she didn't know how strong Wan Dong was. She tried it today, and she was shocked, as if Wan Dong had already stood in the sky.

"Little girl, your swordsmanship is good, but there is still room for improvement." Wan Dong smiled and appeared beside Sun Xiaoya.

"You are the little girl, and your whole family is a little girl! Accept me!"

How could Sun Xiaoya tolerate Wan Dong's arrogance when she was used to Xu Yaoting?As soon as he gritted his teeth, the sword came out like the wind. In an instant, fifty or sixty sword qi gushed out, layer upon layer, like blooming flowers, sweeping straight towards Wan Dong.

"Sun Xiaoya, it's enough to make a fuss, don't bother me anymore, or else, be careful I'll spank your ass!" In the criss-crossing sword energy, Wan Dong's whole person seemed to be walking in a garden, relaxed and free, without any trace. Awareness of being in danger.

Sun Xiaoya kept sending out sword moves, but she couldn't catch up with Wan Dong. The sword energy spread all over the sky, and even the corner of Wan Dong's clothes couldn't touch it. This made Sun Xiaoya feel so aggrieved that she was going crazy!


Just as Sun Xiaoya was trying her best to stab Wan Dong with a sword, a clear and crisp sound suddenly rang out.

At first Sun Xiaoya didn't react, until a strange feeling of numbness and slight pain spread from her upturned buttocks to her whole body, then Sun Xiaoya woke up, her * *... lost.

"You..." The sword in Sun Xiaoya's hand fell to the ground immediately, she covered her buttocks with both hands, and looked at Wan Dong in disbelief.This guy really dared to spank her ass!

The look in Sun Xiaoya's eyes made Wan Dong very embarrassed. I didn't know what happened just now. Maybe Sun Xiaoya's buttocks were too attractive, or maybe Wan Dong was in such a good mood right now that he wanted to hit him, but he didn't. Think more.

It wasn't until after the fight that Wan Dong felt something was wrong.Sun Xiaoya is not really a little girl, on the contrary, she is a slim, extremely beautiful, bulging back, a real big girl.

"Ahem... I told you not to let you make trouble, but you still make trouble. I can't blame me..." Wan Dong's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was as thin as a mosquito. Looking at Sun Xiaoya's face?

"Xu Yaoting, I...I'll kill you!" Sun Xiaoya roared hysterically, as if she was going crazy, she rushed towards Wan Dong.He didn't use a sword, he just used his fist. It seemed that he wanted to beat Wan Dong to death.

[Author's digression]: It's been five changes a day for a week, not ordinary tired...

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