"Hey, hey, can I apologize?" Seeing that Sun Xiaoya was coming like a wave, and it was clear that he was about to make a serious move, Wan Dong hurriedly backed away and shouted loudly.

"Okay! Then use your dog's life to apologize!" Sun Xiaoya scolded, her figure didn't stop at all, and a pair of phoenix eyes flashed with sharp light, staring at Wan Dong dead.

Wan Dong groaned in his heart, but this can only be blamed on his pistol, not others.The tiger's butt is still untouchable, let alone Sun Xiaoya's.Wan Dong was also wondering at this moment, why did he accidentally spank his ass just now?Wan Dong's eyes subconsciously slipped to Sun Xiaoya's breasts, the perfect semi-circular arc, gaining a point makes him fat, losing a point makes him thin, the absolute golden ratio, no wonder Wan Dong can't help himself.

"You...you still watch!?" Sun Xiaoya was already mad with anger, but Wan Dong didn't know how to restrain himself. He has the heart to kill Wan Dong.

How could Wandong fight back when he was at a loss?While unfolding her movements and dodging calmly, she kept apologizing repeatedly, but Sun Xiaoya didn't listen at all, her pair of jade palms fluttered like butterflies, and she had the tendency to never give up until she knocked Wan Dong down.

The woman who initiated the Blast is terrifying, and Sun Xiaoya who initiated the Blast is even more terrifying.Wan Dong sighed, knowing that no matter what he said to Sun Xiaoya at this time, it would be useless, and he could only apologize after her anger calmed down.

Just when Wan Dong was about to withdraw and leave, a mysterious aura as cold as snow swept over him suddenly, Wan Dong's heart trembled, while Sun Xiaoya shivered, and his anger suddenly subsided a lot.

"It's a master!" Wan Dong's heart sank, and he turned his head to look over Sun Xiaoya aside.

Sun Xiaoya also realized something, stopped the offensive, and looked in the same direction.

Dressed in black clothes and a black scarf, it will be so tightly wrapped up in the future that people will not be able to see their true face clearly.However, the faint fragrance sent to Wan Dong's nose with the breeze is enough to show that this is a woman, a woman with a good cultivation.

Seven levels of true energy!It is one weight higher than the current Wandong.

"Who are you?" Sun Xiaoya stared straight at the man in black and asked softly.

The man in black pointed at Wan Dong, and said faintly, "I'm looking for him, let's go!"

The voice of the man in black was very pleasant, like a singing emerald oriole. After listening to it, people could forget all the troubles in their hearts.Moreover, such a voice would never belong to an old woman.

"Let's go? It's unreasonable, why should I listen to you?" Sun Xiaoya's mood that had just calmed down suddenly became angry again.The man in black in front of him didn't seem to take her seriously at all, he spoke like Sun Xiaoya was her servant, how could Sun Xiaoya not be angry?

"It's for your own good to let you go, don't be ignorant of flattery!" The eyes of the woman in black were suddenly extremely cold, and a terrifying pressure was like a collapse of Mount Tai, which made Sun Xiaoya breathless.

"You..." Sun Xiaoya was proud and arrogant, she had never been afraid of anyone before, how could she let the man in black be so aggressive, she let out a coquettish snort, and was about to slap her with a wave of her hand.

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and with a wrong figure, he firmly clasped Sun Xiaoya's wrist, making Sun Xiaoya unable to move at once.

Sun Xiaoya struggled several times, but couldn't break free from Wan Dong's grasp, her expression became even more annoyed, "Xu Yaoting, you are looking for death, let me go!"

"Stop making trouble, you are not her opponent!" Wan Dong's expression was obviously much more serious than before, and what he said was also decisive and full of weight.

Sun Xiaoya didn't comply, and wanted to make trouble again, Wan Dong's sharp eyes, like a knife, suddenly swept across, making Sun Xiaoya's heart thumping uncontrollably, as if it was about to jump out.An almost instinctive fear forced her to calm down.

Convinced of Sun Xiaoya, Wan Dong walked up to the woman in black.

"This girl, do we know each other?"

"Look at the sword!"

The woman in black didn't answer at all, she gave a cold reprimand, and an extremely cold light in her hand suddenly rose, like a beautiful arc, straight to Wan Dong's chest, fast, hard and fast, making Sun Xiaoya who was obediently standing aside , involuntarily opened his mouth wide.

"What a fast sword!"

Wan Dong's heart trembled, but he didn't give in. He opened his five fingers, and his fingertips were slightly curved, like an eagle's beak, and he pointed straight at the sweeping sword.

"court death!"

Seeing this, the woman in black scolded again, and Jian Guang was three points faster in an instant.


There was a crisp sound like the clanging of golden swords, and Wan Dong slapped the blade of the sword with his fleshy claws.Wan Dong's figure shook slightly, and he took a step back. The woman in black relied on the sharpness of her sword, and although she didn't retreat, her delicate body couldn't help shaking.

Although Wan Dong is only at the peak of the sixth level of true qi, he is full of dao qi, and he really doesn't pay attention to the general seventh level of true qi.But the black-clothed woman in front of her was obviously not an ordinary seven-fold true qi, and the purity of the real qi she released, although not as good as Dao qi, was almost the same, so Wan Dong took a step back.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had already passed a move. On the surface, Wan Dong was slightly inferior.

Even so, it was enough to make Sun Xiaoya dumbfounded.She knew exactly how fierce the sword of the woman in black was.And Wan Dong actually took it with a fleshy claw, in her opinion, it was really unbelievable.

Thinking of the fight between the two before, Sun Xiaoya couldn't help but blush.If Wan Dong had used all his strength just now, let alone spanking, stripping her naked would be no problem at all.

"Huh?" The woman in black was covering her face, so she couldn't see her expression at this time, but it was not hard to hear from her surprise that Wan Dong's cultivation was obviously beyond her expectations.

"This girl, we don't know each other before, why bother..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The woman in black was really decisive, she didn't even give Wan Dong a chance to speak, a pool of autumn water in her hand swayed out again, and in an instant, hundreds of sword lights flew out at the same time, Shooting towards Wandong from all directions.With such a sword force, even if you are a little careless, you may be stabbed into a sieve.

Wan Dong wondered, when did he offend such a powerful woman?

Dao Qi converged between his feet, and Wan Dong's figure suddenly flickered and danced like a convulsion. The speed, the subtlety of the placement, and the mystery of the changes all made people jump in fear!Sun Xiaoya can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, and seeing Wan Dong's performance at this moment, she is still shocked.

Now Sun Xiaoya really knows how powerful Wan Dong is, which is completely beyond her reach.Not only her, among all the young talents Sun Xiaoya knows, almost none of them can reach this level...

[Author's digression]: The weather is so hot, but the air conditioner is broken!Really sick!

Today's fifth watch is a bit late, please forgive me.

Five more together!

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