Until this moment, Sun Xiaoya's inherent impression of Xu Yaoting was finally completely overturned.

Looking at Wan Dong who was fighting endlessly with the woman in black who didn't know where he came from, Sun Xiaoya's heart was a little confused...

"Phoenix sword soaring to the sky!"

When Sun Xiaoya was in a state of turmoil, the fierce battle between Wan Dong and the woman in black seemed to have reached a fever pitch.The woman in black scolded, the edge of the sword in her hand sometimes spits out a letter like a silver snake, showing its sharpness, and sometimes disappears like the wind passing through the smoke, hiding the murderous intent, and the sword energy spreads vertically and horizontally, intertwining into a piece of flying phoenix sword in the air Shadow, a huge and terrifying aura, just like the torrent that broke the embankment, wantonly showing off, it made Sun Xiaoya's pretty face change color in an instant.

"My God! What kind of sword technique is this?" Sun Xiaoya couldn't help exclaiming.

Wan Dong's expression was also unprecedentedly dignified. It seemed that such a swordsmanship should not have come from the ordinary world.The phoenix sword energy soaring through the sky faintly reveals a kind of Taoism, and this sword move seems to come from the great world of Taoism.

Not daring to neglect the slightest bit, all the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body was mobilized by him, one touch after another of golden light burst out from his body, and then slowly gathered on his fists, Sun Xiaoya was shocked to find that, Wan Dong's fists had become golden, as if they were made of gold.

"There is still such a boxing technique in the world?" Sun Xiaoya was shocked again from ear to ear.

The sword energy of spiritual power, the domineering fist strength, like the old enemies that have not met for a long time, launched a fierce collision in the air.

The sound of thunderstorms shaking people's eardrums, whistling in the sky, dense like rain, and inexplicable gusts of wind swept around, an unprecedented threat, instantly captured Sun Xiaoya's mind, out of instinct, Sun Xiaoya's body Xingyi retreated more than ten steps, unable to stop, until a palm touched her back, a heart-warming force poured into her body, Sun Xiaoya's mind seemed to be about to collapse. Calm down again.

"Grandpa?" As soon as Sun Xiaoya turned her head, Sun Daobai stood behind her and couldn't help calling out.

At this time, Sun Daobai's expression was extremely solemn, and he seemed to have not heard Sun Xiaoya's call at all, and did not respond.A pair of old and bright eyes stared straight at Wan Dong and the woman in black in the air.

The fist that shone with golden light was holy and majestic, and the terrifying power and energy contained in it made even the woman in black feel a little flustered, and the panic in her heart was clearly revealed in her eyes.

Even so, the woman in black obviously didn't intend to admit defeat. The sword edge in her hand danced more and more urgently, and the phoenix, which was intertwined with sword energy in the air, kept making sharp calls.This is not an ordinary chirping sound, it is clearly a mysterious sound killing technique.Being able to make such a sound killing wave in the sword energy, even Sun Daobai was shocked.

However, although the sound Shabo is powerful, it seems to have no effect on Wan Dong, because Wan Dong's face has not changed even the slightest because of the scream, it is like a rock, the same through the ages!


There was a loud bang, dare not say that it opened up the world, but it also resounded through the sky.The dazzling golden light, like a missile fired, hit the phoenix made of sword energy head-on.

Just like a grand firework show, the beauty is moving, but also the beauty is shocking!

The sword energy disappears, the golden glow disappears, and the world returns to peace!

The white clouds in the sky were faint, and the wind was blowing from the ground, as if the fierce fight that shook the sky and the earth had never happened before.

Wan Dong's figure stood upright like a mountain, standing still, quietly looking at the woman in black opposite him, his inner thoughts could not be seen at all from his expression.

The same was true for the woman in black, she stood still, her cold eyes were no longer as sharp and piercing as before.

"Grandpa? They...Which one of them won?" Sun Xiaoya couldn't help asking.

Sun Daobai shook his head, his expression was full of emotion, and he said with a wry smile, "It should be equal. The young people nowadays are really getting worse."

"You are..." After a while, Wan Dong finally opened his mouth.

But before Wan Dong finished speaking, the woman in black got up and floated away.

What comes is like the wind, and what goes is like the wind, people can't catch the slightest trace.

"Yao Ting, you don't know this person?" Sun Daobai stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know!" Wan Dong shook his head.

"I don't know, why did she attack you?" Sun Daobai was stunned for a while.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, touched his nose, and said, "Maybe she thinks I'm too handsome..."

"Bah! I think you're too smart!" Sun Xiaoya spat habitually.

As soon as he saw Sun Xiaoya, Wan Dong came back to his senses immediately, and if he didn't leave, when the little girl also came back to his senses, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to!After hastily bid farewell to Sun Daobai, Wan Dongteng left without leaving Sun Xiaoya the slightest chance to get mad.

"Huh? Xiaoya, why did Yao Ting leave in such a hurry? I still have something to ask him." Sun Daobai didn't react.

Sun Xiaoya gritted her teeth, snorted coquettishly, and said, "Let him run! He can run away as a monk, but not a temple!"

The black-clothed woman was amazing, and the fight was a bit incomprehensible. Wan Dong's brain hurt, but he couldn't figure it out. ,

However, the swordsmanship of the woman in black aroused Wan Dong's vigilance.It seems that this small mundane world is not as far away from the big Daoist world as the legend says.

"Could it be that people from Daomen Great World have discovered me?" Wan Dong was startled suddenly.

"No! You must improve your cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise everything will be over!"


Lengfu in Cloud City!

Since Leng Yuecui was brought back by Leng Shuangrong from Dingshan Palace that day, she has been under house arrest.No matter what Leng Yuecui asked, Leng Shuangrong just killed her, and she was not allowed to take another step out of Lengfu.

At this time, Leng Yuecui was in the room, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth, unable to stop for a moment, muttering like chanting a mantra, "Xu Yaoting, Xu Yaoting, can you There must be nothing wrong... Leng Yongsi, if you dare to hurt him, I will fight you!..."

"Second Miss, the Eldest Miss is back!" Leng Yuecui was muttering when someone outside the door said.

"Ah!" Leng Yuecui yelled, and she rushed out like a storm.

In another room not far from Leng Yuecui's boudoir, Leng Yongsi slowly took off the black scarf covering her cheeks, revealing a nearly perfect face.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it. A person can be so beautiful, he is simply God's darling, and just taking a look at it is enough to bring people good dreams all night long.

The eldest lady of the Leng family, Leng Yongsi!People in Yunzhong City only know her name, but almost no one has seen her real face...

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