my beauty fairy

Chapter 523 I Loved You Too

"Boss, he has no conspiracy!" the man shouted, and immediately everyone raised their guns.

Suddenly Qiuyue smiled speechlessly: "You seem to have not listened to a word of our conversation just now. If I killed you, it would be easy. If I didn't come in just now, I would just detonate all the bombs. There are still people upstairs and downstairs. There are bombs at every exit, and the buildings are all high-explosive, if you detonate the building, the building will be gone, do you understand? I really admire your understanding!"

Ouyang Peide waved his hands: "Go down, I will ask Qiuyue to treat my illness, tell me that you are too rude to the guests!"

Qiuyue almost couldn't help laughing, damn it, she was domineering to herself just now, and now your sister's cloudy and sunny, if it weren't for seeing that I suppressed you and healed your illness, you fucking Maybe they will send someone to assassinate Lao Tzu!

"Yes! Boss!" Those people walked out wisely.

Then Ouyang Peide said to Qiuyue with a smile: "Nephew Qiuyue, let's not pursue the previous misunderstandings. Everyone has made mistakes, so why bother to think about him. We will be a good alliance from now on. As long as the Ouyang family and The Dong family joined hands, who would dare to refuse to accept it, right, nephew Qiu Yue?"

"Yeah, that's why we say that peace is the most important thing. It's not good for everyone. If we work together to win, why not do it? Let's take a step back, and the sea and the sky will be brighter, isn't it good?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Immediately Ouyang Peide laughed: "Well, Qiuyue's nephew, Xuanyuan has no children, it seems that Qiuyue's nephew will inherit such a large family business in the future, not to mention the courage and deeds of Qiuyue's nephew to support the family business." This kind of family business belongs to you!"

"Uncle Ouyang, let's stop praising each other. Let's treat your illness quickly. We'll go back after the treatment and report the situation to my godfather. It's been a long time since I've been out. Go back and arrange some things." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ouyang Peide nodded. When he was about to stand up, he felt a little dizzy. He covered his head and said, "Nephew, come here. When I stand suddenly, my head will become dizzy."

"It seems that Uncle Ouyang has more than one disease. Let me show you!" Qiu Yue walked over.

Qiuyue sat beside Ouyang Peide, gently pressed his hand against the pulse in Ouyang Peide's hand, and said with a smile: "Your illness is all about blood pressure, let me treat you, close your eyes Just lean on the sofa."

There was a group of people outside the door, all watching inside, if Qiuyue did anything illegal, they would rush in and kill Qiuyue to death.

Qiuyue silently recited the magic manual of the reduction technique, Univalsti, suddenly Ouyang Peide opened his eyes and said: "Nephew Qiuyue, I don't know what happened just now, I felt a warm current enter my body, and immediately My body has strength now, tell me what's going on, can you make it work for me?"

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Well, yes, Uncle Ouyang, stand up and try to see if you still feel dizzy, do you feel better?"

"Ah, I feel much better. Suddenly I am full of energy, I am no longer dizzy, and I feel refreshed all over my body. It is so comfortable! Nephew Qiuyue, you are too powerful. I have been sick for so many years, and you have recovered in such an instant. Treat me well, how do you want me to thank you?" Ouyang Peide couldn't even articulate his excited words.

"Don't be like that uncle, it's okay, it's all right, I should have done it, I originally wanted to make amends to you, I was really wrong at the swimming pool that day, and I made you lose a general, I should compensate you." Qiu Yue said embarrassingly .

Ouyang Peide immediately felt that Qiuyue was really modest and motivated, and said with a smile: "Okay, nephew Qiuyue, uncle read you right, I will definitely go to the party at the beginning of next month, just for you, I I must also reconcile with the Dong family, and we will live in harmony with each other!"

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, then on behalf of my godfather and all the brothers, I look forward to Uncle Ouyang's arrival. I'll go back first, and if there is anything to do, just send someone over. We still have a lot of things to deal with, Ouyang Uncle, I will go back first."

"Well, I guess you have suffered a lot, go back and have a look, we will catch up when we have time!" Ouyang Peide said with a smile.

Qiu Yue said: "The little nephew will leave now, uncle stay away! I will dismantle the bomb when I leave."

Ouyang Peide said with a smile: "Well, nephew, go slowly!"

After they came out, those men hated Qiuyue to death, but they couldn't go up and kill Qiuyue. If you haven't experienced that feeling, let me give you an example so you can experience it.

The feeling of being anxious but unable is like: when a slender beauty wears lace clothes, her slender legs are wrapped in a black stockings, and her two white round buns are loomingly wrapped around her body that is about to be stretched. Lying on your bed in a torn lace dress, you want to go over and get him killed, only to find that your dick has ejaculated, are you eager and unable.

Hehehe, I hope that after reading my book, my brothers will become long-lasting, and there will be no three-second quick shooters!

Qiuyue smiled at them friendly and said: "I'm leaving first, good friends, you should exercise well, and when you are capable, come to look for brother, brother also loved and hated, now brother is still the same low key."

All of a sudden, those people hated Qiu Yue so much that they wished they could rush up and kill Qiu Yue with a few quick claws.

"Well done, you have guts!" the men shouted.

After Qiuyue smiled and showed a beautiful smile, he walked out of the building directly.

After coming out, the two brothers quickly ran over: "Head, we thought you had already been sacrificed inside, but we didn't expect you to be alive!"

"Eh! How can I hang up, let's go, let's retreat!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Those two people were very arrogant, regardless of whether they were from special forces, regardless of whether they were both tall and tall, and they were the most manly, but they were still very convinced by Qiu Yue, and asked excitedly: "Boss! What's going on?" Damn, at first those people tied us up and prepared to beat us to death, but then they ran over and said they let us go, as if they saw grandpa, what's going on?"

Qiuyue walked to a bomb and took it down, and then Qiuyue said to the guard: "You and Ouyang Peide said that all the bombs have been taken down, and there are two more on the back of your building. Let him rest assured, the remote control I'm ruined."

"Oh, oh, I, I know. Got it!" The guard stammered and ran out.

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